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Incel culture is the sibling to Tumblr's fat acceptance movement. They're functionally and relationally equivalent.

The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.


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<worrying about other people's body shape
it's a trap

You're just batting for a third faction in the cultural shit-flinging contest if you do a false equivalency fallacy of 2 other factions throwing shit at each other. You're no better than they are because you fingers still smell like shit afterwards. It's best not to participate in the game of inflating/deflating the egos of other people, because the only winning move is not to play.

If you see something you like, make a innocent compliment. People usually like getting those.


>The only real difference of note is how one takes an activist approach while the other promotes resignation.
Nah. One promotes idealism (there is no such thing as obesity, it's all in your head), and other promotes materialism (human beauty is objective, asymmetric, and plays a determining role in the mating context).


Declaring your aesthetic preferences as objective that's more or less where essentialism comes from. Don't do it.

We have to wait until Brain-science can decode human brains in more detail before we get objective materialist answers for this stuff.

Currently we only have correlations, and those might all be spurious.


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>human beauty is objective, asymmetric, and plays a determining role in the mating context
t. socially retarded virginoid wallowing in idealism & trying to present his smegma grinder theorydaddies' memey bullshit as "materialist expranation" for his social inadequacy in getting sum little innepousi (like if that ever happens it will change something in his idiocy LMAO).
Won't even cuck every written word you pasted, it will fall on deaf narc ears anyway.

>We have to wait until something something
You seggz with people whose personality/way of thinking you like. THAT'S FUCKING IT.
If people ain't fucking you, then you must be really retarded in your psyche. Even plain boring guys get some in their lifes.
But there's one thing that turns off literally every single gal from you: it's self-hatred, however it may manifest itself. The moment you whine about literally anything & whimminz not being interested in your sorry ass particularly, then you annihilate any prospect of further relationships since you force an idea that other people are indebted before your majesty of debility. Who wants a shitty queen? Nobody, that's why they get fucking shot for being emotional black holes.
Now look @ this incel imbecile! It's disgusting!

What's more interesting tho is that I've never ever seen a female type of this shit, which tells us only one thing: "incel" theory is idpol for nonfemale virgins who think that other people should treat them however these losers want.
<hurr durr its cuz im fat, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im poor, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im queer, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im short, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im asian, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im bald, right?!
<hurr durr its cuz im chinless, right?! (holy fuck, as a person who absolutely can't fucking stand gigachad-like faces & adoringly loves the immasculated ones, just fucking kill yourself you disgusting brainwashed bitch)

Which leaves us a question: why should we have to deal with this particular kind of idpol if we're opposed to it even in the rules of the site?

P.S. Can't even imagine someone unironically thinking that you can get pussy juice by whining muh whimmin hos no fug me cuz smol bone calcium i wanna believe boohoohooooooo.
Pathetic. Thanks to our girls for not pussying such retards' dicks in the entirety of our history, or else we all would be dogdamn extinct by now.


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Posting more of our stuff so this insufferable contrarian permamently unwanted faggot will seethe do death.


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1st webm
>no tits
>no ass
>no hope
>flat-faced chin
2nd webm
>hair looks like ogre jizz
>wears loose clothing to his chub hub
>dance moves got no rhythm
>probably has chlamydia
3rd webm
>nice tits moving on
4th webm
>chad dog
>skinny bitch
>expect werewolves outta that bitch
image of computer bitch
>looks like a sex doll pretending to be human
>souless eyes
>no breasts no rests
>looks anemic
>looks like a hobos ran a train on her
>rest is artsy bullshit

taste in womenz: 2.5/10

>But there's one thing that turns off literally every single gal from you

tell me how you get no bitches without telling me you get no bitches


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"No rizz, no right to speak"
- Mao (body count: 6549)


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they all have horrible skin complexion, guess meow-meow has no accounting for taste when it comes to women among other things


>You seggz with people whose personality/way of thinking you like. THAT'S FUCKING IT.
Sounds plausible enough.

But the other anon said "objective". We have no objective understanding how that stuff works on the level of detailed brain mechanisms. If the word objective gets thrown into the ring, i want functional explanations of biological systems. We won't get proper objectivity until brain scanners get good enough to allow for that kind of hard materialist measurement.


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>Declaring your aesthetic preferences as objective that's more or less where essentialism comes from.
It's not just my preferences. The Male Aesthetic Face got systematized by plastic surgeons, because they do this shit for a living.

Idealist subjectivism is to deny that there is an objective component to the subjective preferences. And sexual preferences are far less dispersed than preferences for car types lol.

>We have to wait until Brain-science can decode human brains in more detail before we get objective materialist answers for this stuff.

<You literally can't make any conclusions if you don't know how matter works at the most fundamental level
retarded reductionism

SURPRISE-SURPRISE: we STILL don't know how matter works at the fundamental level, yet that doesn't prevent us from deducing laws at the macro level.

>Currently we only have correlations, and those might all be spurious.

In modern science everything is fucking correlation after Boltzmann.

And as to classic causation, you can go do a Chadfishing Tinder experiment and see a classic causation for yourself, including changes in how w*men talk to you.


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lmao bluepilled sperg lost it

>You seggz with people whose personality/way of thinking you like. THAT'S FUCKING IT.

You got it backwards bluepilloid. You "like" what you are sexually attracted to. The so-called "Halo Effect".


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>What's more interesting tho is that I've never ever seen a female type of this shit, which tells us only one thing: "incel" theory is idpol for nonfemale virgins who think that other people should treat them however these losers want.
You never seen it because it DOSN'T EXIST lol
there is no such thing as a "female incel"

You not getting a chad is not you being an incel, hoe


>just become a dictator theory


All the aesthetic preferences are generated in the brains of people somehow. It has no objective reality beyond idk some kind of pattern-matching brain-algorithm. There is no objective aesthetic essence that exist outside of brains.

My guess would be that there is a 2way evolutionary thing going on.
On the one hand bodies evolve towards matching aesthetic preferences.
But also the aesthetic preferences patterns in the brain evolve towards matching evolutionary effective bodies.


That's the point of science, where the ultimate goal is to reduce the description of every phenomenon to an equation that makes accurate predictions. That's a good thing something to be cherished like clarity of mind. The opposite of reductionism is obscurantism. You can't accuse others of being reductionist, because that's high praise not a accusation.

>In modern science everything is fucking correlation after Boltzmann.

It's beyond retarded to treat explanations of reality that have a really high probability to be true the same as some extremely unlikely theoretical scenario.

Last-Thursday-ism was meant as a joke.


>we STILL don't know how matter works at the fundamental level, yet that doesn't prevent us from deducing laws at the macro level.
of course it does, the gaps in our scientific understanding are massive road-blocks, there is a huge stack of half finished theories that wait for break-throughs in other areas to be completed.


>All the aesthetic preferences are generated in the brains of people somehow. It has no objective reality beyond idk some kind of pattern-matching brain-algorithm. There is no objective aesthetic essence that exist outside of brains.
I never claimed there is any "objective aesthetic substance" outside of the human brain lol. Those patters that get reproduced from generation to generation with the same structural integrity ARE the "substance".

>On the one hand bodies evolve towards matching aesthetic preferences.

Obviously. Because propagation of genes is carried through fucking w*men, ie it is subject to sexual selection.

>But also the aesthetic preferences patterns in the brain evolve towards matching evolutionary effective bodies.

Not always, as proven by the Fisherian runaway effect.

I would argue that when there is less pressure from the natural selection (ie relative abundance of the means of sustenance), the sexual selection starts to play the main role, and that's when Fisherian runaway is most likely to happen.

Humans for a long time now are only subject to natural selection through the prism of the social division of labor, which brought about relative abundance as proven by the demographic trends.

SO it's to be expected that sexual selection with it's built-in positive feedback loop should take primacy in human societies where sexuality is not regulated by custom.

>That's the point of science

Except reductionist fags claim that we shouldn't even attempt to deduce regularities until we are capable of reducing observable to the basic elements.

By this logic Newton should've waited for the fucking Large Hadron Collider lol.

>It's beyond retarded to treat explanations of reality that have a really high probability to be true the same as some extremely unlikely theoretical scenario.

So "causation" is just high probability then, ie the difference is quantitative, not qualitative.

>of course it does, the gaps in our scientific understanding are massive road-blocks
I meant that it doesn't prevent us from deducing SOME laws that remain valid in their sphere of application even AFTER further reductions are carried out.


>I never claimed there is any "objective aesthetic substance" outside of the human brain lol. Those patters that get reproduced from generation to generation with the same structural integrity ARE the "substance".
Also, judging by the overwhelming female preference for the caucasian phenotype, those preferences might go back possibly millions of years back, or at the very least hundreds of thousands, possibly going all the way back to the common ancestor.

After all, human societies until very recently were fairly isolated for thousands of years, so if female sexual preferences were more responsive it should've resulted in different sexual preferences across various ethnic groups, ie the opposite of what is observed.


Women are attracted to status (along with health and fun), not a skin color.

Incels really shouldn't have the right to speak. The only thing that comes out of their mouths is faggy whiny and coping.

Literally stand up straight and act like a man. It's 2023, when every other women has a double digit body count. You really are incapable of adapting and success if you can't get laid today. Your parents failed by giving you a rotten upbringing and raising a stunted faggo. Hence, they should be stripped of human rights too


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It's not though for a simple materialist reason.
First off the fat acceptance movement is only advocating for women. Society wants fat women to be accepted because fat women can have babies. And every society needs all women to have children to perpetuate itself.
Incel culture is antithetical because it advocates for men that are not having children, and are therefore disposal to society.
Society needs all women to have children, and it only needs a small fraction of men to do so.
Incels are therefore a liability to society because as much as people gas light them about it, everyone knows sex is a need and men that aren't getting one of the most profound emotional needs met are tinderboxes for instability.
==TL;DR Fat acceptance perpetuates the status quo, incel culture doesn't.


Imagine paying attention to, let alone crying about, fat women.

Absolutely pathetic.


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<These degens still poke shit in each other's arseholes pheelowsowphising about how dem lem wimminz race of Venus calculate the next preferable Terran to get some social interaction from instead of going out & asking them directly like a dogdamned autist while correlating their answers with what other them whimmenoids talk on this matter @ their forums, groups, chats & other shit.
This narcissoid circlejerking echobucket tumour of a board should be wholly nuked the fuck out. What a faggot den rotting on a supposedly leftard site, & a "marxist" one @ that!

>sex is a need
If for your sorry whiny virgin ass seggz appears to be a need, then it is guaranteed that you will never get any of it you disgusting needy junko. Cope, seethe, castrate, dilate etc

>Incel culture


>Society wants fat women to be accepted because fat women can have babies. And every society needs all women to have children to perpetuate itself.
There might be some truth to this, but why would you care about societies attempting to reproduce their existence. Societies that do not do that will get replaced by other societies that do, and then the end result will be the same.

>First off the fat acceptance movement is only advocating for women.

Technically that's not true there is some advocacy for chunky dudes as well, but it does skew a lot more towards women. But that's probably because men generally care a lot less about whether others accept their appearance. If you go to a bar and lecture a massive dude that his size is unacceptable, you're mass disadvantage will likely cause you to end up in a hospital. So there is considerable deterrence against harassing fat dudes, and that means acceptance is a less pressing issue.

Ihmo there is some room for improvement tho, the fat acceptance movement for women should probably be advocating for women to do some hypertrophy resistance training (like weight lifting), because big people with a higher percentage of muscle-mass tend to have a lot fewer obesity related health problems.


Slightly different topic, but….

Isn't life itself something of a countervailing tendency against entropy - a sort of organized (or energy concentrating) system that arranges itself out of disorder (or dissipated energy)?

Beyond that aside, I'm not sure how a physical theory regarding the dissipation of heat is related to social questions. Seems a bit like a pet theory, but maybe I'm missing something.


>Slightly different topic
that's one hell of an understatement, how do you go from fat acceptance to energy physics ?

>Isn't life itself something of a countervailing tendency against entropy - a sort of organized (or energy concentrating) system

Implying that fat people are good at concentrating chemical energy ? kek

If you care about the physics-origin of life I will refer you to Jeremy England.
<From the standpoint of physics, there is one essential difference between living things and inanimate clumps of carbon atoms: The former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat. Jeremy England, a 31-year-old assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has derived a mathematical formula that he believes explains this capacity. The formula, based on established physics, indicates that when a group of atoms is driven by an external source of energy (like the sun or chemical fuel) and surrounded by a heat bath (like the ocean or atmosphere), it will often gradually restructure itself in order to dissipate increasingly more energy. This could mean that under certain conditions, matter inexorably acquires the key physical attribute associated with life.
<“You start with a random clump of atoms, and if you shine light on it for long enough, it should not be so surprising that you get a plant,” England said.
TLDR: life is better at maximizing entropy than dead stuff, that's why life exists.

>Beyond that aside, I'm not sure how a physical theory regarding the dissipation of heat is related to social questions.

Cockshott wrote a book called econo-physics, maybe that could interest you.
Also there is a entropy theory of war. It says if economic inequality gets to high and people loose purchasing power, the civilian industrial sector for producing consumer commodities maximizes less entropy than fighting a war would. What ever maximizes more entropy is more likely to happen.


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>sex is a need
You're exactly the type of person I'm talking about. You see millions of sexually frustrated men and lament. And honestly you should be afraid.
>If for your sorry whiny virgin ass
Oh boy this old liberal trope. That the only people unhappy with our perfect liberal meritocracy are the one's failing at it.
That the only people that are concerned with 1/3 of young men not having sex up from 0% in the late 90's are incels themselves.
Japan and to a lesser extent Europe are both having these "romance shortages" and they're taking them a lot more seriously with actual public policy changes.
This sneering "Mean Girls" style of reaction is really only something Americans do so you must be a burger.


>Isn't life itself something of a countervailing tendency against entropy - a sort of organized (or energy concentrating) system that arranges itself out of disorder (or dissipated energy)?
leftychan physicists strike again lol

life is a CONTRIBUTING factor to entropy - it keeps its own homeostasis by increasing entropy around itself


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>It's 2023, when every other women has a double digit body count.
yes, and those double digits are the same chads who get all the pussy lol

there was literally a story how some hoe in a big city (millions plus) found out that she and her friend were fucking the same dude on tinder kek


Imagining believing all that, then spending time on Leftychan crying about it instead of simply engaging in the activities and behaviors that make a man attractive. Hopeless.

Faggots will always find an excuse, some reason why it's not their fault, that they're a victim. Yet that sort of coping just makes them more unfuckable and unlovable.

No doubt, hundreds of people have tried to help you, to give you advice, but you turned up your nose, sneered, and thought to yourself how you know better. And for what? So you could stay an incel..



>No way is your failure a product of society. We gave you advice and everything!
Shut up lib


Is your reaction to losing any competition always some version of sour grapes and blaming people who beat you?


I don't think anyone actually cares about trans people. It's just annoying when it's the single defining factor of one's identity and they constantly screech about how they're not being validated (or whatever).

It's kinda like that one kid in school who just constantly acted like a prick. So naturally, everyone hated them and looked for any and all reason why they should be excluded.

It's not transphobia. It's people whose personalities are a special combination of boring and annoying, and thus invite the so-called 'hate.'

Such people are beyond help and unfortunately give a bad image to normal and chill trans people.


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I really fucking hope this is my last post to this shitty board. I refuse to give it any more statistics it doesn't deserve.

First off, that sidecrushing was triggered by the mention of some kind of incel culture whatever that is, not @ the fact that there is an ever growing number of social retards who were mindraped by the global neofascist economic system to being irrepairable inadequate wrecks who can't support themselves & have to attach their asses to some ideas, the copium of the people.

>You see millions of sexually frustrated men and lament.

I don't lament, I laugh @ them. Never in this shitty life could I imagine being a sex slave who literally thinks that getting access to somewhat differently built genitalia than his will suddenly give him any meaning in life. How fucking shredded must your thinking be to get to such lower than animalistic lows is beyond my imagination.

>sexually frustrated

They are not sexually frustrated, they are psychologically frustrated, just like fucktons of other people around them. The diff between the involuntary celibatards & other people is that incels, specifically, think that their existential idiocy is caused by not sticking their le peenie into someone else' le howlie.
Some people think they're inadequate because they don't have enough material wealth & start to grind icons of Capital in hopes that this will give them an existential release; some think it's because they don't have a perfect body & proceed getting their moosklees strownkheer by masterbating with irons; some think overtly social or welfare activities will help them to release this burden of being an insatiable hole of a personality; etc etc etc etc
& dog fucking help these retards to not actually get the desired thing they think would finally "help them". Because it won't. The usual way out of that situation would be a suicide due to the last presumed way out of that situation turning out to be wholly unfulfulling. Nobody would like to carry your stinky leaking soiled heavy shitsack into the cadaver transport, I can guarantee you that.
But you won't give a fuck anymore anyway.

Again, getting sex (the mechanical interoperation of 2 or more genitaliae) will NEVER fix your situation you nuts! NEVER!=
Owning something will never give you happiness in life you stupid fucks, only knowing yourself & productively interacting with the present world will. Read some fucking marxist psychscience fags already ffs, they dissected this specific phenomena nearly a fucking century ago already.

>And honestly you should be afraid.

No? The plain harsh truth of the matter is that you can literally murder every single one of the dick carriers currently living & keep the next ones only for bio-matter, securing total male incellification of our society & the universe won't ever notice & nothing will change due to this "unnatural" state of fuck-experience of the other half of humanity?
What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex with some laughable mobile dildos attached to disgusting puke-inducing mutated human bodies that are called "men".
Woah, what a tragedy! The damned by the natural selection to always be disposable meaningless meat mass would still be damned to be disposable meaningless meat mass! Oh, the horror! Quickly, give 'em the holy pussy to save their souls!!!

>Japan and to a lesser extent Europe are both having these "romance shortages" and they're taking them a lot more seriously with actual public policy changes.

Only because the porks who sponsor the governing organisations (states) which operate over there are fucking pissed @ the fact it's getting much harder to keep raping their new wagie meat due to the noticeable encroaching absence of it?
Imagine thinking the state, the bourgs, the orgs, the other fucking people will ever give a shit about your damn existence that, by definition, is a tiresome weight on them already, & to them it will always be preferable to get fucking rid of you instead of trying to unfuck your shit, like in some unimaginable way you could ever be needed to them LMAO?!

>you must be a burger.

Wherever you go!


>tldr: fatass rages at starving people for wanting food


>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex with some laughable mobile dildos attached to disgusting puke-inducing mutated human bodies that are called "men".
yes, hoe, I wonder why the elites are so worried that there are less betabuxes available kek

who needs them anyway, right? after all, Chad will surely settle with your Beccy ass, and not dump you when you're past your expiration date




>Not getting laid gives me meaning
>This is my last post guys, I promise


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>that sidecrushing was triggered by the mention of some kind of incel culture whatever that is, not @ the fact that there is an ever growing number of social retards who were mindraped by the global neofascist
Where do you think incel culture comes from? Incels fool! And wanting sex is not fascist. Touch grass homie.
>I don't lament, I laugh @ them.
You laugh a little too hard me thinks.
>Never in this shitty life could I imagine being a sex slave who literally thinks that getting access to somewhat differently built genitalia than his will suddenly give him any meaning in life.
<I don't think sex is important because I'm a closeted homosexual autist.
>The diff between the involuntary celibatards & other people is that incels, specifically, think that their existential idiocy is caused by not sticking their le peenie into someone else' le howlie. Blah blah blah all incels want is sex and all sex is is getting off. Blah blah blah these men are just pathetic horn dogs and other liberal feminist clichés
They want sexual intimacy, and sexual intimacy is one of the most beautiful human dynamics ever. Entire genres of literature and art are dedicated to it.
>Again, getting sex (the mechanical interoperation of 2 or more genitaliae) will NEVER fix your situation you nuts! NEVER!
You know this how exactly?
>No? The plain harsh truth of the matter is that you can literally murder every single one of the dick carriers currently living & keep the next ones only for bio-matter,
This was typed with Cheeto powder stained hands.
>What the fuck is here to be even afraid of? Implying women wouldn't live like they always did but without generally boring, plain, unfullfillable, undesirable, unneeded, unwanted, painful, dangerous & even outright deadly sex
Ummmmm I was talking about the instability millions of angry young men could inflict on society with violence or even just refusing to work. You really don't need to drag your kinks into this.
>Only because the porks who sponsor the governing organisations (states) which operate over there are fucking pissed @ the fact it's getting much harder to keep raping their new wagie meat
They still recognize it as a societal problem unlike you who screeches like a banshee at anyone that thinks it's caused by something other than personal failure
are you from crystal cafe?

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