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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?



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>meme "party" started by unprincipled e-celebs
This is roughly on par with that "people's party" grift pushed by the Bernie Sanders campaigner a few years ago.


I love that other terminally online leftists are calling them Nazis without any substantial reasoning. It's a knee-jerk reaction to them actually trying to appeal to conservatives, which I think is an interesting angle (at least that's what I think Haz is trying to do with this).

In the end I think leftists biggest obstacle to organizing will be getting over themselves and uniting as one front.


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In what way?


Haz has said before that he is an anti-left communist. his critics are "leftist" liberals who cannot escape the culture-war dialectic.


what party was heidegger in?


his interest in heidegger comes from his autistic fixation on crafting a materialist ontology - same with his veneration of deleuze. materialism fails to ground itself however, which is hegel's Reason of Contradiction being the presence of the Real itself. Haz misinterprets contradiction positivistically though, as Difference, which bends to dugin's Ethnic Concept.


>an anti-left communist
I don't waste any of my time listening to stream whores, but he sounds like a vacuous idiot.


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why? everyone says he's stupid but never critique his ideas directly
people just hate him cos he gives off chud vibes but dont admit to this superficial distaste
i personally criticise his ideas theoretically, but that also means i have to understand where he's coming from, which is simply a type of speculative-materialism like i posit here: >>483907
haz is a metaphysical thinker who aligns his position to fit what he might call an orthodox-marxism, which is incorrect on account of its orthodoxy. revision is necessary where History has superseded marx.
only marxoid dogmatists disagree, and this only reproduces the same problems.


Why do you have this reaction?


Sorry anon, plead though you may you're not going to get me to respect a stream whore. I already observed that intellectual black hole on the right of your screencap in a debate with Norman Finkelstein earlier this year.


i never said you should respect anyone; you should just not talk about things you dont know about


>unrelated factoid about the other person than we're talking about
what's your criticism of the acp or haz, I need to know


>this isn't careerism


>the video
They are supposed to be a american patriotic socialist party? So why do they have the melody of "Ami Go Home" song playing in their trailer?
(plus, the melody of Ami Go Home isn't even original, it was originally a melody of a song called "Jesus Loves The Little Children", which is even worse, lmao)


they're either feds or retards. they're trying to reconcile two impossible things: American hypernationalist conservatism, and Anti-Imperialism/Communism.


I don't see how this is different then any other party, you need money to do things in America. And yes I realize that might mean all the parties are a grift but still.


<UAW Staff United added: “The unjust termination of Alex Chan highlights a deeper problem: UAW leadership is employing the same bad-faith tactics used by the big three automakers and bosses around the region, offering their own staff working conditions they would never accept for their members.”
The democrat union is utterly bourgeois. Suprise!


other parties collect modest monthly dues from proletarian membership.
the American Communist Anarcho-Capitalist Party explicitly encourages its members to become small business owners who then voluntarily get their profits taxed. Since they are doing this instead of a traditional dues-payment model, this will inevitably lead to the party having a petty bourgeois class basis rather than a proletarian class basis


american unions have always been bourgeois collaborationist. eugene debs had several famous speeches criticizing this, and advocating for class conscious revolutionary proletarian unionism over narrow craft-interest unionism and bourgeois collaborationist unionism. for a while american unions began to radicalize but taft-hartley killed off radical unions by making their tactics heavily illegal and punishable and making it illegal to have openly communist union leaders. They did this of course through the mccarthyist scare tactic of treating communism as a 5th column for the USSR nationalist interests rather than as an international proletarian ideology with a home in all nations


why does haz fw NSDAP members?


haz has a schizo theory that you need heidegger and dugin to understand marx because they synthesized conservatoid bourgeois ultranationalist superstructure with marxian understanding of the base. he has a 100 tweet long schizo thread about it called "why marxism is not woke".


why would anyone do that? this just sounds like the farcical sequel to the nationalist-syndicalist thesis


Truly a visionary of the 21st century.


Is Haz still obsessed with LaRouche? I remember he and Hinkle were posting hashtags like #ExonerateLaRouche or something


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>why would anyone try to make "socialism" conservative
pre-emptive counter revolution by means of deliberate miseducation of the proletariat at a critical conjunction during a time of crisis. pioneered by Bismarck in the 19th century with "Staatsocializmus." Not even a novel innovation by the nazis. Much older. Still German tho.


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meant to say critical juncture but I'm retarded.


There is an underlying party governance problem that comes along with the funding issue. When you fund your party through dues it makes the membership have skin in the game: If they see something from the leadership they don't like they feel more compelled to hold them accountable. The US Green Party is suffering from a problem that stems directly from this right now: Ralph Nader brought his non-profit professionals into the party in the 2000 election and they got rid of the dues system and replaced it with a voluntary funding structure. The result is that Green leadership is full of ladder-climbing opportunists jockeying for power, and because there's no dues system there's no pressure from below to hold them accountable.

Relying on donations or money-making schemes to fund your party is a direct line to either a) being controlled by porky donations or b) getting taken over by non-profit careerists who are more concerned reproducing themselves than the goals of your party.


First material criticism I've seen of them, thank you, this makes sense. Let's see how this plays out.


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>why? everyone says he's stupid but never critique his ideas directly
because his ideas are word salad and impossible to explain in any way that makes sense if you're not a liberal arts major with comprehensive understanding of his influences, their concepts and predecessors where marxism-leninism alone is far simpler and less mystical to understand
in short if you say a whole lot of nothing with a whole lot of talking there comes a limit where it is worth nobody's time or effort since believe it or not most working class is not glued to the screen consooming niche streamers with obscurantist views like reading a book by dugin
as for revisionism in marxism it doesn't add to marx like say lenin did but entirely changes up his theories with whatever preferred agenda for whatever reason depending on the revisionist themselves


TMK, Haz sticks to the meat and potatoes and deliberately talks slow when talking or debating politically with the common folks. He can even get the most reactionary and petite-bourgeois boomerfuck on to his side, by expounding marxist theory, against the american bourgeoisie and their dominant institutions. See the overall interview, but this link is a succinct example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du-fm8ISd8I Quoting Communists and proposing clear solutions to problems of capitalist society off the cuff, Haz lives and breathes theory to the People.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mC9WKJ-sS0&thttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mC9WKJ-sS0&t (FULL)


I don't believe he ever was obsessed with larouche. Unironic larouche brainrot was rooted out of infrared community a long time ago. They are not marxist-leninists, they are entirely irrelevant to ACP. Haz just liked their world land bridge idea and a couple of other things, this doesn't make him a "larouchite"
Marx critiqued adam smith's political economy, does this make Marx a clone of adam smith? No. I don't know why people keep saying this.


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>Haz sticks to the meat and potatoes
"The meat and potatoes" like culture war bullshit (picrel)
>He can get reactionaries on his side
because he's reactionary
>Haz lives and breathes theory to the People
Blech… I actually hope you're Haz or not Doing It For Free


He seems to be shitting on libs in your post, where's the reactionary part?


Serious question, what American Communist is better tham Haz


>Communism is when you performatively shit on burger libs with culture war nonsense
That's the most lib shit I ever heard.


>what American Communist is better than Haz
malfored question, Haz isn't a communist. He's a LaRouchite schizo. But if you're gonna simp for someone in his milieu, at least Midwestern Marx seems to have his head screwed on somewhat correctly by comparison.


Unironically accusing someone who I see at least trying to do something politically of being a reactionary, providing no proof, and then posting some smug shit misrepresenting my question is peak liberalism.

What did Haz DO to make you think he's reactionary?

There is no left leaning party in America but Democrats are certainly to the right of the Republican party. That much is clear to me. So trying to engage with conservatives doesn't seem to be that stupid of an idea. A lot of American workers lean conservative if I'm not mistaken, no? So my guess is that you're afraid he'll actually get somewhere with this so you feel the need to reeee about him being a reactionary all the time.

Otherwise explain it.


Midwestern marx isnt a person. They support Haz and the ACP. WHAT American is a more potent Communist than Haz? What American better represents the american proletariat than Haz al-din


>There is no left leaning party in America but Democrats are certainly to the right of the Republican party. That much is clear to me.

Not that anon, but… You're not gonna like it, but I take issue with this - I don't think the Dems are meaningfully to the right of the GOP, they're basically the same party at this point, with the Dems vaguely pretending to be somewhat more liberal but ultimately engaging in the same culture war bullshit and failing to stop any stupid suppressive policies based on said culture war bullshit.

>So trying to engage with conservatives doesn't seem to be that stupid of an idea. A lot of American workers lean conservative if I'm not mistaken, no?

Conservatism in the US is mostly an astroturfed ideology at this point. I basically agree with the premise that there's nothing wrong with working with them, there are plenty of genuine conservative workers, but they aren't the majority, and conservatism among the working class is ultimately pushed cynically in order to keep people focused on dumb non-class bullshit the same way idpol liberalism is. There's this feedback loop where rural & urban folks are both purposefully convinced that they have diametrically opposed interests and hate eachother, and they're pushed into increasingly ridiculous positions out of reactive opposition to the worst strawman (or fringe) idea of a "liberal" or "conservative." All this stuff is used as tools to keep people away from class consciousness, and so the question emerges… if, you know, evil billionaires are sincerely pushing gayness to corrupt society, if that's a serious & real problem, how would conservative communists fare when they have to compete with billionaires who use the exact same scapegoat without the class politics? Just bashing random homos is a lot easier than actual workers' revolution. "These evil billionaires are funding sexual degeneracy" is pretty easy to turn into "we need to get rid of these sexual degenerates and only some billionaires who support degenerates are bad," and both of these are positions unnecessarily obsessed with sex and underestimate how cynical the billionaires themselves are, and it leaves an opportunity wide open for the Hobby Lobby guy to swoop in and redirect the masses to just unleash their aggression on a scapegoat.

He could be onto something though, idk.


>All this stuff is used as tools to keep people away from class consciousness, and so the question emerges… if, you know, evil billionaires are sincerely pushing gayness to corrupt society, if that's a serious & real problem, how would conservative communists fare when they have to compete with billionaires who use the exact same scapegoat without the class politics? Just bashing random homos is a lot easier than actual workers' revolution.
Okay I get this, this makes sense IF that is your rhetorric. But in the case of Haz in the earlier twitter thread, I don't read that as gay bashing. I mean Pink washing is a real thing, you can criticise things related to the lgbtq movement without shitting on gay people. I think it's the same way we can criticise zionists who hide behind judaism. Idk I think personally Haz is almost intentionally misinterpreted in the worst possible way, but at least I get where people are coming from.


>There is no left leaning party
Look just because a stream whore is incredibly ignorant about third party politics doesn't mean you have to be. There's well over a dozen left-leaning parties in the US. Only a few have managed to grow beyond their regional relevance to have anything close to to a national presence. I consider the work Kshama Sawant (Socialist Alternative) is doing with Jill Stein (Green Party) to have a lot more relevance than some retarded streamer.


The absolute base level of political piss takes in America is starting from the assumption that Republican/conservative and Democrat/liberal span the bulk of personal politics. The American political system is actually alienating to such an extent that since 2008 a plurality/majority of the electorate has identified as independents and a strong majority want another party option. You should be going after these people, first and foremost, because they are the most receptive to alternatives to the two duopoly parties. If your starting point is to pander to traditional Republicans or traditional Democrats then you're very foolishly ignoring a much larger demographic that's easier to convince.


Every single party is logically run like a business
You stupid fucking anarchist faggot dumb fuck


Why are you an uncritical brainrotted idiot?


Imagine thinking Heidegger's thinking was relevant to the NSDAP whatsoever
Imagine thinking the NSDAP had any intellectual basis to begin with
Engles was a factory owner, why do you fw marxism if it's bourgeois then? Same logic fucking idiot


there's a difference between a party collecting revenue and a party actively encouraging its base membership to aspire to become petit bourgeois and voluntarily build businesses that get "taxed" by a communist party. It's actually even more retarded than a traditional dues-collection system because the petit bourgeoisie are a downwardly mobile and disappearing class who are mostly used as compost by private equity. They take out loans from the largest capitalist banks to start businesses that on average fail in less than 5 years, then go back to being proles.
>doing pol tier globohomo shit isn't reactionary
there's a clear difference between simply not caring about liberal identity politics (i.e. never bringing it up or using it as part of your public facing rhetoric) and doing what haz does (scapegoating i.e. reactionary idpol)
>trying to engage with conservatives
Conservatism is the political tendency to preserve the current system at all costs. The current system is capitalist. Also there's a difference between engaging with the "conservative" proletariat (i.e. the proletariat who have been brainwashed by the conservative bourgeoisie instead of the liberal/reformist bourgeoisie) in explicitly Marxist terms and pandering to their conservative bourgeois scapegoat idpol. Especially while simultaneously encouraging them to become petit bourgoisie and the get voluntarily taxed (something which, by the way, they historically aren't very keen on in the USA)
>Midwestern marx isnt a person.
i meant eddie liger smith
>They support Haz and the ACP.
I said if you're going to simp for someone in his milieu, pick someone less schizo and less obviously a grifter, because Haz is the biggest clown in the clown car.


We all think haz is the best communist in america. You have yet to name a better communist


ok. Haz


>pick your favorite celebrity NOW
no, i don't think i will


Haz is the best American Communist. Admit it


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bleak if true


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Isn't this talking about the same shit Yanis Varoufakis calls techno feudalism? Because we don't have markets anymore because amazon already knows what you're going to buy so it recommends it to you and you buy it and you like it.

Also if you consider Amazon an economy it's already centrally planned, using maths developed in the USSR.

Maybe Haz is talking about some other shit but many people have argued that we've moved on from capitalism into something new.


it only feels that way in the imperial core because the actual physical process of commodity production has been outsourced to the rising powers and the periphery, so that the commodity fetish is stronger than ever and TRPF has to be staved off with more and more speculation, fictitious capital, forever wars, deliberate destruction of capital, rent-seeking behavior, planned obsolescence, artificial scarcity, and manipulation of the loopholes of imperial core currency sovereignty. The "middle class" petty-bourgeois-adjacent, PMC-adjacent, labor-aristocrat American outputs less than they are able, and receives more than they need, both in terms of essential commodities (like food which they waste by the ton), as well as luxury commodities (like digital devices and video games). So we have an illusory society on the brink of collapse whose tricks are well known. Dollar hegemony is declining, and the codependency of America and China is falling apart due to the geopolitical enmity and the new cold war. Either America will reindustrialize and thus reintroduce labor struggle, or they will succumb to hegemonic collapse rapidly. Given how badly they want WW3 I think the former will happen. You will see "AOC" or some other left democrat shithead jockey to be the FDR of the 21st century.


the best way i can validate him is in how fiat currency "signals" for market activity by a de facto central planning, like how corporations get bailed out, or how "fake money" props up the stock market.
the dumb version of what he's saying is arab spring bullshit about the internet being a revolutionary force
the internet was created by US intelligence and has its ends in this


just kys hazzie you bring nothing to the left


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>Imagine thinking the NSDAP had any intellectual basis to begin with

historically speaking the german right is probably the most intellectual right wing movement in europe


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For all the dumb shit it did, Italian Fascism has some sentiment of intellectual basis. NSDAP was just trash. Neo-Nazis have little more than Mein Kampf to work with, and it shows. It's basically an esoteric movement nowadays once you move beyond 'big racism'

>the german right
not the NSDAP btw


Sad that you have to shift the goalposts when your pearl clutching over heidegger got debunked
Now the matter's settled


i'm not even here to debate uygha, you guys are bad at engagement.


based thread, glad to see it lives

You don't know what those terms mean. Please rephrase your post.


in germany there was Thought preceding nazism which was part of "the conservative revolution" which included Spengler and ernst junger. of course heidegger culminated his work toward an identity in the NSDAP since he imagined this expressed an Authentic Being of Germany, but later became disillusioned. it should also be noted however that heidegger never comitted to anything for long.
with italian fascism there is ofc giovanni gentile, who gives Notion to fascism from his hegelian theory of "actualism". mussolini also as a former marxist gives intellectual foundations to fascism as an historically-located subjectivity which concerns itself with the Nation. mussolini also said that stalin and roosevelt were fascists; so he imagined this being the expression of his own age (where the zeitgeist is given Concept).


multiple people are talking to you


>but later became disillusioned
he only became disillusioned when the "master race" got BTFO by the "untermensch." He never became regretful or apologetic though. He was an inconsequential little court philosopher of the third reich. Highly overrated


Is the civil war song called Tramp, tramp, tramp based on that jesus song?


>bloc of all classes (fascism)
>gooning to AI generated pics of the "traditional" family (didn't read the manifesto)
>sucking off Larouchites (fascism again plus working with glowies)
>your only options are CPUSA-FBI or our Strasserist e-celeb "party", pick now


>Is the civil war song called Tramp, tramp, tramp based on that jesus song?
No, it isn't. It's the other way around. I've just assumed the jesus song is older (for some reason).


But the Tramp, Tramp, Tramp song also has funny lyrics
>And the tears they fill my eyes
>Spite of all that I can do,
>Tho' I try to cheer my comrades and BE GAY.

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