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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.483853[View All][Watch Thread]

Party declaration:

The American Communist Party (ACP) is an organization which aims to reconstitute the historic Communist Party USA, which has become corrupted by federal agents and liberal forces. Look no further than Joe Sims, who supports the genocidal Democratic Party. It was launched in July of 2024, in response to the events of the 32nd Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, party leadership subverted and betrayed democratic centralism and the freedom of critique which is supposed to follow from it. They claimed to be a genuine Marxist-Leninist party, but the leadership doesn't even follow their own rules. The CPUSA delayed all elections and without a vote made a resolution that they’d basically just campaign for Democrats. Just a bunch of boomers sitting around and writing articles about identity politics rather than organizing.

Already the ACP is far more successful than anyone would have expected from a brand new baby party. They are building reputation locally, taking care of their own communities and making areas safe for children and families to enjoy. Diplomatic ties on the international level have already been established. ACP has garnered more attention in the past couple months than the corrupt, decadent CPUSA leadership has in decades. A huge number of the CPUSA clubs across the entire country had a huge part in making this happen. Will you join up?

78 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


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This guy has the right take.


New statement from Haz Al-Din:

Why Communism? It's very simple.

When things start to get BRUTAL, and we witness a breakdown of society, humanity must be reduced to the discipline of bare, collective existence.

Is this pleasant? No. The brutal circumstances that Communism emerges in response to are never pleasant and luxurious affairs.

But what it is - is survival. The alternative is the law of the jungle and the destruction of humanity itself.

One of the things we're taught is that in a state of survival, it's every individual man for himself. Funny. In a real state of survival, lone individuals get picked off like flies.

The only winners are the most disciplined and united collectives. And Communism is the only thing that can unite people at a national scale in a state of total collapse.

I'm sure they taught you in the CIA curated history books how brutal Communism was.

But they didn't teach you how brutal China's warlord era and Japanese invasion were.

They didn't teach you how brutal life was in Russia in the aftermath of WW1, where princes and bankers were sending peasants to the slaughter like fodder - or how after the Bolsheviks decided to cancel all the foreign debt, they were blockaded, and invaded by all major foreign powers who propped up vicious thugs to get their loans back, thanks to which the country had to endure famine and brutal Civil War.

They didn't teach you about the brutality of the US bombing of Korea or even Cambodia.

Communism is often brutal because it is meeting brutal and extreme challenges. Which we in America have only ever gotten a small taste of during the Great Depression.

Know what else is brutal?

Society devolving into madness, racial warfare, barbarism, warlords, slavery, tribalism, and the reign of killer clown gangs.

That's what we're headed toward in America. Easy times, maintained for so long by keeping the rest of the world under heel, are coming to an end.

Americans are only going to survive as one people if they band together through Communism.

Would we all prefer to live in heavenly bliss? Of course we would. But this is about REALITY.

The choice is going to be Communism or a permanent dark ages.

Communism isn't some bullshit cooked up by purple hair idiot college kids. Those insane freaks have never read a word of Marx or Lenin in their lives.

Communism is born of a survival reflex amidst extremely brutal circumstances.

These circumstances are coming to America and LA is only the beginning.

China went through the brutal stages we all know about. Yet now it has immune resistance from the madness we are headed toward as a country.

That's why it's now prospering and we're headed into collapse.

If you're against Communism, you must have so much faith that our elites aren't going to drive the country into a ditch.

We'll be waiting for you when you wake up to the real world.



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That's nice and all, but is a guy who had a meltdown because his fastfood wasn't delivered properly prepared for such a situation?


Not going to lie, as someone who deals with fucking entitled as fuck, retarded, aggressive uber eats drivers alot. He's just spitting facts lol.
t. worked as a driver.


Service was rude in the Soviet Union:

Haz is just acting authentically, the same way he would react if he lived in AES. He is acting authentically, as opposed to the forced happiness/fake smile that is enforced on employees in capitalism/neo-feudalism.

Also it's agitprop.


Wow you're right, fuck his writing, let's focus on this one meaningless clip that definitely exposes him as being a piece of shit. I'm quitting communism right now.


cry harder, butthurt snowflake, lol


The ACP is fucking dead lol




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Some of the notable ACP members are leaving. Comments?


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This guy compares ACP to fucking Black Hammer, lmao


Damn, Danny is one of the good ones. I was hoping the MWM boys will straighten up Haz, but this isn't a good look.


Ginjeet would've prevented this


Bahaha it feels great to see a leftypol-inspired shitparty go down, but it feels sad that anyone was sucked into this and there remains nothing of substance. If there is an opposition party, it is conducted in secret, and must be. The public domain is dead.


is he still around?


Is there any more info?

From >>486980 it just looks like one literally who quit.


And yet for some reason we're supposed to care about the hot takes of some nobody stream whore.


Yeah tbh this seems pretty insignificant.


I'm talking about the nobody stream whore who's head of this "party".


Haz seems like a cool guy, surely you're not talking about him.


Unsurprisingly it's looking like one of the wreckers mayyyyyyy be a pretty untrustworthy character


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For what it's worth, every time I'm given membership numbers by an ACP member/supporter, the number seems to be lower and lower every time.

>Haz seems like a cool guy, surely you're not talking about him.


Isn't that that fringe alt. right site which that black white supremacist school shooter incel was obsessed with?


Yes, sort of. It's the image repository for soyjak.party (now hosted at soyjak.st).
(btw this site's equivalent is https://lefty.pictures)


Haz isn't a leader, in any meaningful sense. He's very quick and intelligent but doesn't conduct himself as a leader should. Would you imagine Stalin or Lenin or Mao or Xi blowing off Executive meetings with "nah I'm going to take a fat shit" or calling female comrades Hoes?
Haz really is someone you want in your PR/media department as a media shock jock Pitbull, for a leader, he comes off extremely unprofessional.
My issue is dealing with Infrareds is that they are all too terminally online and absolutely refuse any guidance or to engage with seriousness, actually building a serious political movement. If Haz was serious, he would drop all the Russia bootlicking shit and at least try get some relevance beyond Kick, but nope, seems content to keep the movement on Kick and fbi.gov.
I mean FFS it's the AMERICAN COMMUNIST party, why in fuck does his online handle have a fucking white Russian flag in it instead of an American flag?


>Would you imagine Stalin or Lenin or Mao or Xi blowing off Executive meetings with "nah I'm going to take a fat shit" or calling female comrades Hoes?
I could picture Xi doing that now that you mention, actually.
You should picture Xi doing that. It's a pretty cool image.


>News source turns out to to be unreliable

Watch Al Jazanduyghurkun deny this!


>He's very quick and intelligent
Is he though? Everything I've heard from the man has been fucking retarded.

My impression of Haz is that he's good at reaching a certain kind of audience, but that audience isn't one that's particularly serious about politics, nor is it one that can be made to take politics seriously without losing interest in him and his antics. To put it into reference, Haz has ~100k Twitter follows, but his actual party has <350 members, most of which joined early on.


How is this party any different from any other communist splinter faction that has ever existed on the face of the earth? Seriously they are all like: "you are not a real communist, we are the real communists!" then the new either movement dies some months later or becomes completely irrelevant, rince and repeat.


I joined the CPUSA tho




You joined the do-nothing fed-infested party that prefers to endorse Democrats every election rather than run any actual anti-capitalist candidates? Interesting choice, anon.


Oh wait I misread that I thought he said ACP (I am a senile old man). I said it was "Nice!" I retract that statement. CPUSA seems not very good, but I do find Chairman Bob to be an incredibly funny concept. I literally laughed just typing his name. Haz Al-Din is also funny, but at least he doesn't endorse the DNC.


Honestly, when I joined they actually personally called me and had a conversation with me about why I joined and what motivated my decision to be a part of the cpusa, but, after that they didn't do much follow up. I am not in a major city or anything and so I guess I am not prioritized.


So these parties you guys join don't actually do anything right? Like you just join them? Have they done anything radical since you've been there? To be quite honest it sounds boring as hell.


ACP does public service, which is pretty cool.


ACP actually had some momentum to begin with. Slick as hell marketing, Hinkle being involved made it reach a far larger audience, membership actually made up of people that look like they could lift more than 15kg, actually won a small political office, rejects all the Lumpen worship and Idpol shit the US Left absolutely can't help but deepthroat.
My issue is Haz and Hinkle aren't trustworthy at all. Both have bizarre ties to Russian oligarchs, Haz is completely unstable. Every time I've intereacted with ACP peeps in a seemingly constructive way they've been insuferable, caring more about Twitter/streamer beefs than actual serious campaigning, policy etc.
Also not a fan of the Dugin shit at all.
I'm still confused why Hinkle is involved at all. Why has he embedded himself with such a fringe group?


I find the impression you have of Hinkle clout fascinating.
He always seemed like a nothing-and-nobody who gets invited to major shit where nobody is actually there to see him. Like, he seems astroturfed as fuck to me even if he's not. He's obviously more famous than Haz (after years of Hinkle getting invited to appear places alongside people more famous than he is), but Haz seems like a more compelling character to me. Like, I was always (ALWAYS!) skeptical of Haz and ACP and Maga Communism, it seemed like a completely fake bullshit thing for edgy internet guys to me, but then I saw some of Haz's posts and he's actually a good writer. Posts, let alone tweets, don't normally make me take anybody more seriously but guy is more intelligent and has a better grip on theory than I expected.


What I find bizarre is Hinkle COULD have been a right wing grifter and raking in the cash. He's good looking, looks professional, has seemingly lots of nepobaby connections. Perfect rightoid grifter material.
But instead he chose a fringe Communist party and stands with what at the moment is a completely fringe political represntation (Socially Conservative/Economically Far-Left).
If Hinkle was truly just a grifter, he would have instantly become right wing culture warrior, but he didn't and that means something.
>t seemed like a completely fake bullshit thing for edgy internet guys to me, but then I saw some of Haz's posts and he's actually a good writer. Posts, let alone tweets, don't normally make me take anybody more seriously but guy is more intelligent and has a better grip on theory than I expected.
Like I said, Haz is incredibly intelligent, but he's drowning in machismo meathead muslim culture and if you believe the defectors from the ACP, he's incredibly unstable and probably has some sort of mood disorder which you can see often at how quickly he explodes at people. Though probably I think he's likely just juicing and that's effecting his personality. Everyone in gym culture is these days.


>if you believe the defectors from the ACP,
I don't lol


My hot take: these guys are doing something right because they're making western "leftists" seethe.

Watching Infrared early on, I thought Haz had a certain spark to him. And I've seen people try again and again to take him down with out-of-context or unsubstantiated claims. But I think his vulgar approach in focusing on trying to reach American workers is actually what's terrifying these idpol leftists, and exactly because of this I think there's potential.

This is completely feels based btw but I've learned to trust my gut.


>Slick as hell marketing
They're cringe af like most other larp groups. And they live and die on Haz and Hinkle because it's basically their own cult.
I still don't get this group at all
The one positive thing about them is the machismo and aggression from Haz, the western left has none of that. But then he uses it to attack other leftists and attack fake thinktank shit like "woke"


Haz Al-Din:
Upon arriving home last night, I was detained and interrogated by the Department of Homeland Security for 5 hours at the Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport.

Unfortunately for the Zionist jackals calling for our persecution, our country at least retains a veneer of constitutional rights and liberties.

I broke no laws by attending Sayyed Nasrallah's funeral to see with my own eyes what the Zionist media doesn't want you to:

That the people of Lebanon aren't terrorists, and in fact, are themselves victims of U.S. funded Zionist terrorism.

All Americans must come together to oppose the Zionist agenda to overthrow our constitutionally protected rights and liberties.

Americans should not be persecuted for seeking out facts with respect to foreign conflicts that are irrelevant to our interests as a people.

The Zionists extort hard-working Americans to the tune of untold hundreds of billions. We have a right to know where our tax dollars are going and why.

We have a right to form an independent perspective and opinion about the true nature of the conflict we have been involuntarily roped into as Americans.

It should dawn on all Americans that these same Zionists extorting us simultaneously want to suppress our right to free expression and conscience!

Why are they so afraid of Americans seeing the truth with their own eyes? Because it would mean an end to their racket.

Hezbollah aren't terrorists. Jackson and I are American citizens. The only people who tried to terrorize us were Zionist thugs using U.S. manufactured and supplied weapons.

I am an American citizen who saw firsthand what it felt like to be terrorized by weapons funded by my own tax dollars.

If all Americans had this experience, they would be FAR more outraged than I about where our tax dollars are going!



The dogpile on the party is absurd, it's as if the current state of affairs is somehow preferable to them


Any-and-all dogpiles on socialist parties in the US are generally fucking stupid… although I'm mostly only paying attention to ACP and PSL when I say that, but the fact that I wouldn't even bother thinking of CPUSA or the Socialist Equality Party when I say that is just as much reason not to even bother attacking those parties either. The biggest socialist parties in the US, and ones with momentum and good local projects like ACP, are still tiny. The focus needs to be on doing everything in and out of the political sphere to build worker power, and that project should transcend parties until the actual power has been built. A socialist can't personally justify being a Republican or Democrat, but the socialist parties still aren't big enough yet for a workers' movement to be relegated entirely to existing socialist parties. Until the outreach is done, the only reason for putting actual time into infighting is boojee sabotage.


What "party"?

Kshama Sawant is doing the right thing with Workers Strike Back. Party building for its own sake is a dead end.


Haz Al-Din:
To understand religious stories of the prophets and other righteous figures of mankind, look no further than modern revolutionary history.

You do not need to believe in the supernatural. Believe in history itself.

Observe the just struggles of revolutionary mankind across history.

Observe the countless martyrs who fought for justice, dignity and truth.

Che Guevara was real. Marx was real. Lenin was real. John Brown was real. Stalin and Mao were real. Malcom X was real. Sayyed Nasrallah was real.

This is all we need to know that the stories of the prophets were real.

If the same struggles, tribulations, and stories are happening TODAY, RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES,

Why would they not have happened in the past?

The memory of the prophets, the foundational wisdom of so many communities and peoples was preserved.

What they really preserve is the revolutionary history that serves as the foundation of their existence.

They preserve the memory of the heroes that fought for ordinary people just like them, even while they're being stepped on and oppressed by elites.

The ancient, sacred religious memory of the people must be linked up with the modern revolutionary history of mankind.

Living faith comes from seeing clearly how what was written about in the holy books can be observed today and right before our eyes.

So many like to preach the word of the holy books.

But they cannot see how today, they occupy the same role as the villains, Pharoahs and Pharisees written in them.

The struggle for existence, justice and dignity TODAY contains the secret behind the message of all prophets.


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ACP statement on Mahmoud Khalil


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On March 11th, the Georgia Chapter of @ACPMain worked with a multitude of different organizations, such as Stop Cop City, Community Movement Builders, and the People's Campaign who are forming the People's Movement Assembly.

We disrupted the Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens' campaign party, exposing him for lying to his voter base after he promised to put our demands on the ballet if the petition reached 15%, which it did. A press conference was also held announcing the launch of the People's Movement Assembly, which will take place on March 22nd, at 12pm in Howell Park, on the West End of Atlanta.

We are very honored to have worked with them, and hope to continue working with them and building strong relations and solidarity!


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The American Communist Party is mobilizing for all-out war to organize drayage truckers at the Newark Port.

For decades, truckers have been misclassified as independent contractors, worked long hours for free, and taken for granted.

We will show the nation the power of labor!

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