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 No.694[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>699>>733>>1204>>1213>>2882

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?


she still won't fuck you


Don't bring anything from shitchan here.


Well considering she's dead that doesn't come as much of a shock to me.


>she's dead


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>>694 (OP)
>4chan /r9k/ is full of them
the absolute state


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mean :(


I wish I was dead too :(


We all do anon, but orbiting mid e-girls numbs the pain. That's how we cope


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>real people still use the shit chan filled with bots, kids, federal agents
Goodbye you cannot be saved.


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Orbiting 3dpd is cringe. At least Miku is really talented and can sing and dance.
You should read some theory of forms tbh. Earthly womenfolk are just a pale imitation of the Eidos of a Woman.


2D women don't exist though, which means no sex.


masturbation, man
God gave us imagination for a reason


Masturbation just doesn't compare to sex though (or so I'm told).


depends on a woman and fap material
sometimes sex is like masturbation from memory without hands


Having sex with someone you love has got to be better than jerking off


I've never been in love so I don't know :(


Who did you have sex with then?


Anyone here want to have sex?


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I thought I was… until she broke my heart.


>I've never been in love
I've been in love, I think, one time when I was a wee lad who didn't even know what sex is
I can't even remember her face, just her image, somehow I always remember her with gray hair lol, which is obviously false

>Who did you have sex with then?
prostitutes and sometimes drunk girls


>I've been in love, I think, one time when I was a wee lad who didn't even know what sex is
I knew it, everyone's felt love for a girl to some extent.
>prostitutes and sometimes drunk girls
Have you never felt any emotional attachment to them? Even if you knew it couldn't work out.


Sorry that happened to you anon :(


I've gotten over her but it still hurts…


>Have you never felt any emotional attachment to them?
I'm a robot through and through. I don't like people getting too close into my personal space, male or female.

Prostitutes are just doing their job, so sex is mechanistic, like on a conveyor.
Drunk girls repel me as I don't like alcohol because my father was an abusive drunk. But it's the only way I can get sex :(


If you can pick up drunk girls who you aren't seriously interested in that's a good sign. I'm sure if you expose yourself to enough foids you'll find someone who you feel a connection to.


>If you can pick up drunk girls who you aren't seriously interested in that's a good sign.
dude none of these girls would let me touch them when they are sober lol
When I tell you "drunk girls", I mean really really reaaaally drunk


It's really not that hard to get laid. It's basically a sport for some guys, and there are entire YouTube channels dedicated to the process of meeting and attracting women.

Unfortunately, most guys have a loser mentality and will pull down their friends to their level. They do what society tells them to, which makes them docile pussies who never get laid unless a woman does absolutely all the work for them. Ignore those people ruthlessly.

t. Millennial who loves zoomer girls


>It's not hard for me, so if it's hard for you it's because you're a failure.
Lib detected.



You assume it was always easy for me. If it's hard for you, it's probably because youre young and have a lot of misunderstandings about sexual relationships, mating, attraction, etc.

Inb4: 'no I don't'

uygha, you just admitted you don't know what you're doing with women. Quit acting like an incel and listen to people with experience.


You people are just so lame.


Nobody "cool" or young is using dead imageboards anymore.


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No u.


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Yes. Problem?


>You assume it was always easy for me. If it's hard for you, it's probably because youre young and have a lot of misunderstandings about sexual relationships, mating, attraction, etc.
No, you blame me for something that is being caused by society. In particular the matriarchy in the West.
>uygha, you just admitted you don't know what you're doing with women.
You assume that women are objective judges or character, and not choosing partners on very superficial criteria.


>Unfortunately, most guys have a loser mentality and will pull down their friends to their level. They do what society tells them to, which makes them docile pussies who never get laid unless a woman does absolutely all the work for them. Ignore those people ruthlessly.
I sense a coping RedPillcel..


>In particular the matriarchy in the West.
Now this is retarded. There is no patriarchy or matriarchy. There is just capitalism.
No institute of arranged marriage - doesn't equal matriarchy.



Ya, but failing to adapt and overcome is on you. Women get high off of emotions (all people do, really). Knowing and applying that is half of success with women. If a homeless drug addict can get laid, there's no real reason why you can't. Unlearning the nice guy socialization will get you far. The rest is body language/vocal tonality (which can be learned/mimicked) and looking good (which exercise and clothes that fit accomplishes).

Regarding the matriarchy and society/smp being stacked against men, there's a fine but crucial difference between 'fault' and 'responsibility.' External factors may not be your fault. But the responsibility of successfully responding to them rests soley with each individual.


'incel' isn't a mindset, cluster of ideas, or ideology.

It's a material/relational reality.

Calling someone who actually does get laid a 'redpillcell' is, in fact, the cope.


>>694 (OP)
>why don't we have any?
they become tripfag attention whores due to the vacuum of BPD consuming their soul so they seek out the biggest collections of lonely men on the internet. we don't have enough users for that.


>we don't have enough users for that.
Do you think if we had a resident bpd e-whore we could use it to attract users?


Why would you ever want to bring in an army of brainless simps?




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i've been talking to one on and off since she started posting a few months ago. think i'm one of a few she's still in contact with. she's kinda bpd but i like her and our chats anyway


orbiter alert


>>694 (OP)
Junko posts here every now and then. Get bee over here fuck it lmao.


Tripfag or doe she post anon?

Bee posting on /r9k/ would be fucking cursed lmao


yeah I know lmao. but whatever I don't let it get to me it's just nice having someone to chat with sometimes and I make myself not take it too seriously.
she posts anon, she told me she was gonna stop posting (at least recognisably) cuz people were being annoying to her tho lol


>>694 (OP)
>she doesn't wear earrings
okay, that's actually hella cute
tho painted nails ruin it

the last femoid being shilled on fagchan I remember was some brit physics scientist femoid or something that was making youtube videos
but that was long time ago


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Kill egirls. Behead egirls. Roundhouse kick an egirl into the concrete. Slam dunk an egirl baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy egirls. Defecate in an egirls food. Launch egirls into the sun. Stir fry egirls in a wok. Toss egirls into active volcanoes. Urinate into an egirls gas tank. Judo throw egirls into a wood chipper. Twist egirls heads off. Report egirls to the IRS. Karate chop egirls in half. Curb stomp pregnant egirls. Trap egirls in quicksand. Crush egirls in the trash compactor. Liquify egirls in a vat of acid. Eat egirls. Dissect egirls. Exterminate egirls in the gas chamber. Stomp egirls skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate egirls in the oven. Lobotomize egirls. Mandatory abortions for egirls. Grind egirl fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown egirls in fried chicken grease. Vaporize egirls with a ray gun. Kick old egirls down the stairs. Feed egirls to alligators. Slice egirls with a katana.


>she still won't fuck you
Females are drawn to leftist politics because it triggers their maternal instincts but in the end of the day they want a strong, rich right wing chad who can compete and win resources for her and her hypothetical babies.


nah, right wing fags get slaughtered in nazoid war like the cattle they are while noodle arms leftoids with liberal arts degrees fuck their wives/gfs in the rear


tfw no egirl gf


Yep. It's the same reason that armyfags and marinefags constantly get cucked by airmen and sailors when they get deployed.


i may be wrong but doesnt it feel like that egirl and her murderer ruined the egirl game

or maybe theyre all on other places like tiktok and fbi.gov


god I hate this fucking board


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They want whoever is hot and domineering. You're either gullible or a false flagger if you think that's exclusive to right wingers and that any girl wants some Ben Shapiro soundalike 4channer over someone like Hasan who's tall and commanding.


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>>694 (OP)
why didn't we save her


i would post my fav egirls but i want to respect their wishes of retiring from the game

one of my copes is that one day AI+deepfake AI will develop to the point of being able to recreate people from the past, and what I will do is recreate my fav egirl and live out Her (2013)


okay, I'm taking this OC and posting it all over /pol/ when I get unbanned


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>but i want to respect their wishes of retiring from the game
gay.. just like w*men


When AI is able to do that, why waste it by waifuing one of those e-hos? Have it be someone awesome like Tina Turner or Lyuda or Florence Nightengale or Mata Hari. You could even reach deep into history and go after Theodora, Ching Shi, or Sacagawea.


>that threesome on the 4th place and gangbang on the 7th
how many of you bluepillers had a threesome? how many of you gangbanged some chick?

Rhetorical question. They should rename it to chadbang not to confuse bluepillers lol.


1. The egirl I'm thinking of had a relatively clean run compared to some of these other egirls' dirt.

2. I'm too uncultured to even know who most of those people were in the first place.


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>tfw no gf who has a shelf filled with stuffed animals


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kek, simply brilliant


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if you look like this, please post


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We need to crowdfund her a salary to post here. Deng would be proud.


so many red flags..


it is mentally but an orgasm is still an orgasm.


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Holy shit. I've stumbled upon endchan's /agatha2/ and it's been a fucking rabbit hole. Literally sitting here smoking cig after cig as if I've just survived a car crash or something lol.

FIRST, that Ciara e-girl was a LITERAL crackwhore that overdosed on fucking benzos and heroin while she was cheating on her boyfriend or something lol. You can't make this shit up!

What really blew my away is that there are apparently HORDES of those drug addicted underage bpd riddled e-girls on halfchan. They even have their own fbi.govs for the r9k e-girls! Fucking fbi.govs, Karl!

And they all hook up and do drugs and engage in kinky dirty sex with each other! RIGHT THERE ON R9K! PURE MADNESS!

I'm really not cut out for this world, it seems. I feel OLD. Reading through that board has SHATTERED ME TO PIECES.

Also, don't they all look the same or am I just taking crazy pills?


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Speaking of which, that Bianca girl got fucking beheaded or something by one of her orbiters lol. She also was apparently drug abusing manipulative sex haver too.

Incel fucking board my ass.. with drugs induced """incel""" sex orgies..

Clown World.


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>the last femoid being shilled on fagchan I remember was some brit physics scientist femoid or something
Also I FINALLY remembered who that brit femoid actually was lol.

Her name was Rose. And also apparently my teenage brain completely blacked out that I was orbiting her. FUCKING ORBITING, KARL!

The moment I remembered her face it's like I got hit by a truck. The memories FLOODED my disoriented mind.

She's 35 now. She still makes videos occasionally. She still looks gorgeous. She is still smart. She still has a great witty personality. She is still just as I remember her.

God, I feel fucking miserable. But I'm glad she's okay and didn't end up like those crackhead bpd hoes. She always made an impression of a strong person. A cool girl if I ever saw one.


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Seriously, was she made in a fucking lab or something?


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I remember this russkie girl too. God, I'm fucking old.

To think I'm already past the statistical average life expectancy for men..
Give me my life back you fuck!


i think women are open to lesbianism because they consider sex more like romance whereas men only consider the deed.


*the half of statistical average life expectancy for men..


Nah, that's a bluepilled betabux view of w*men. Classic generalization of your own specific betabux circumstances (dead bedroom and frigid wife).

In reality w*men enjoy sex, and I would argue far more than men - w*men are built for multiple prolonged orgasms.

W*men date other w*men not because they want emotional support and shit. They date because they want their cunt and ass licked and dicked by dildos while your bestie tongues your throat. They date because they want to feel a hot rock hard nipple that you could cut glass with, they want to take it, squeeze it, and suck on it. They date because they get wet when they see a hot Stacy, just like we do.

They have adapter far better to the sexual marketplace. Biology is a bitch.


This explanation doesn't fit with lesbian bed death.


What do you mean, "bed death"?


What is Junko's current opinion on Israel, Palestine, Gaza, and Hamas??


What if Junko did move to Israel and that's why she stopped posting? What if she's now in the IDF or held hostage by Hamas??


Junko isn't hot enough to join the IDFZ


>I was orbiting her
>She's 35 now
>To think I'm already past half the statistical average life expectancy for men…

I refuse to believe you exist. No way a man can fall this low due to being a slave to the horny.


How do you know that? Weren't her breasts kinda large?


I'm afraid to ask but who's Junko


Junko is or was a name/avatar poster (she'd post pics of Junko from the Danganronpa game). She is Jewish and controversially defended Israel. And did some shitposting and schizo posting. She was active on Ogre but you can also see her posts on this very same board, in the NEET thread she started: https://leftychan.net/R9K/res/177.html


Bump for female poster to orbit. Weekend's beginning, you never know (inb4 idealist)


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Hey anon! Here is a picture of me and I REALLY want to have sex with you :)


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Would you still give her a chance?




SEX? I like a woman who knows what they want.
>who wants to go shopping with me
Oh, it's like that, huh.. *sigh*


That's a woman.


>teehee hey it's my birthday GIVE ME MONEY
yep, it's a w*man


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Friday bump for that special poster..


Wtf why did my post get deleted


Are you a girl?




Oh. Well if you know any girl, could you send them to this website? I'm sure we'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


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In the post which was deleted I pointed out that it's friday night anon, no femcel is going to be posting here. They're all too busy bouncing on chad's cock. You should know this.

vid related.


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Sunday bump for Christian girls


spare us the paternalism


Good morning bump for east coasters


I noticed that you didn't bump last night anon, I thought you had given up.


I'm not sure. Maybe I forgot, or it didn't seem like the right time to bump. Also trying out new strategies can't hurt, Saturday instead of Friday bump


>Also trying out new strategies can't hurt, Saturday instead of Friday bump
I love your optimism anon


Good morning bump for Midwest users.

Thanks. You know what they say, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Evening bump for Russian/Belarusian/Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan posters


bump for NEET posters who just woke up


Bitch it's 12 in the afternoon


Idk the hypothetical time zones man


are you russian anon?


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No lol


Good morning to EU users.

I had a dream an egirl posted a pic of herself with a Persian rug. Am I losing it?


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Good evening to Afghan posters.

"You may have the watches but we have the time."
(An old Afghan proverb)


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Do women even know what the leftychan is?


There was at least one woman, Junko, but she allegedly went back to posting anonymously or quit.


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Junko quit posting because she got an irl boyfriend and didn't need validation form her online incel orbiters anymore. You should take note.


ITTA: Junko


That's a bit rude, don't you think?

Even if that's true, there's plenty other girls in the world who could possibly come here and post. For example, compared to other imageboards, we have no annoying captchas. Furthermore, it is a unique niche to take on that is currently not done. That is possibly exciting. Also it might be good to have female posters to offer their insight, like Kollontai did for the Soviets.


>there's plenty other girls in the world who could possibly come here and post
I doubt they would. This place has no rules, and there are plenty of anons who would happily tell female posters to kill themselves until they went away.


Vocaloid 2 Miku is the original. But this time is over. The same with Kasane Teto, who is now infected with AI. Oh I wanna go back, why does everything has to change?


what kid uses those chans?

Those are mostly failed adults.

Also, for >>694: this is why people laugh at you. All of ypu incels whine about womn but will simp for any mediocre thot that falls within e-social proximity of you.


What if there's a special containment thread, like how the Feels thread says "no bullying"?
And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented.
Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Furthermore, there's the possibility that users won't be mean and instead would actually welcome them, like the OP creator of this thread who had the idea in the first place.


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RIP to OP (both the egirl and OP)


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>and there are plenty of anons who would happily tell female posters to kill themselves until they kill themselves.
Yes. Only a complete degenerate would state their shitty race of any kind to further their agenda, cuntfaggots with their cultural privilege especially.

>And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented
NAP is the ideology of an individualist who doesn't want to answer for their actions, especially if these actions do harm to the others. kys fag
>Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Ye faggot, go on with th@ lmao & try to bully a rightoid (= individualist (= narcissist)) cunt who was also enabled her whole fucking life, let's see how that would turn out.


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Would Leftism be more popular if egirls promoted it?

What if it does? Remember when Taylor Swift fans registered to vote en masse after Taylor told them to? What about viewers that give their hard-earned money to their favorite Twitch streamers? What about people earning enough from their OnlyFans to buy their first apartment?


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RIP OP (they changed their mind)


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Thoughts on the egirl question?


If you're serious about using webcam whores to get more traffic your movement isn't sincere.

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