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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Big massive thread for American politics.


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First on the agenda,
Constitutional amendment to allow Trump third term introduced in the House
A Republican House member introduced a resolution to amend the U.S. Constitution to allow President Donald Trump — and any other future president — to be elected to serve a third term.
Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee introduced the measure days after Trump was sworn in for a second non-consecutive term in the White House.
The 22nd Amendment currently bars anyone from being elected to more than two terms.

A Republican House member introduced a resolution Thursday to amend the U.S. Constitution in order to allow President Donald Trump — and any other future president — to be elected to a third term in the White House.

Trump “has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal,” said Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, who proposed extending the current maximum of two elected terms.

“It is imperative that we provide President Trump with every resource necessary to correct the disastrous course set by the Biden administration,” Ogles said in a statement.

“He is dedicated to restoring the republic and saving our country, and we, as legislators and as states, must do everything in our power to support him,” said Ogles, a hardline conservative who is serving his second term in the House.

“I am proposing an amendment to the Constitution to revise the limitations imposed by the 22nd Amendment on presidential terms,” he added.

Ogles’ move came three days after Trump was sworn in for a second, non-consecutive term — becoming only the second U.S. president to accomplish that feat.

And the resolution comes two months after Rep. Dan Goldman, a New York Democrat, introduced a House resolution that “reaffirms that the Twenty-second Amendment applies to two terms in the aggregate as President of the United States,” and that the amendment applies to the 78-year-old Trump.

A White House spokesperson did not immediately reply to a request for comment on Ogles’ resolution.

The 22nd Amendment of the Constitution states in part, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.”

Ogles’ resolution seeks to revise this to read, ”’No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than three times … ”

The original amendment also states, “No person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.”

Proposed in 1947 and ratified in 1951, the 22nd Amendment was authored to prevent a repeat of President Franklin Roosevelt’s unprecedented election to four terms in office.

To this day, Roosevelt is the only president ever to have been elected to more than two terms. He died in 1945, less than 90 days after his fourth inauguration.

read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/23/trump-third-term-amendment-constitution-ogles.html


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Trump threatens “terrorist” designation for drug cartels, paving way for US military operations against Mexico
Jan 6, 2025

Potential plans for US military operations in Mexico have surfaced in the media after incoming US President Donald Trump vowed to designate Mexican drug cartels as “foreign terrorist organizations.”

At a far-right AmericaFest rally on December 22, Trump promised to make the designation “immediately” as part of “a historic slate of executive orders” he will sign after his inauguration on January 20.

Under the Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 Act, this step would provide the legal framework, not only for financial and criminal penalties, but also for military operations in Mexico, as noted by The Independent.

Based on discussions with transition team officials, Rolling Stone followed up by reporting on military plans that have already been presented to Trump for consideration, which “included airstrikes on cartel infrastructure, assassinating cartel leaders, and training Mexican forces” as well as “covert operations and patrols just over the border to stem the flow of drugs across the frontier.”

The magazine asked active and retired military personnel what such an operation would look like. Several compared a potential offensive to dismantle the drug cartel leadership to US wars in the Middle East. One veteran said: “It’s Iraq all over again. You’re going to find and fix the HVT [high-value target] and then start gutting the networks. Take out the key leaders, and then what they’re going to do after that is they’re going to just run the middle management right off the battlefield.”

Trump has argued that a war must be waged to prevent cartels from controlling American cities and stopping overdose deaths. However, the transparent aims of designating cartels “terrorist organizations” by the government most implicated in war crimes and terrorism are well known to those familiar with the “war on terror.” Trump sees cartels as a new overarching pretext based on lies, like the “weapons of mass destruction,” Al Qaeda or the Taliban, to wage wars of aggression abroad and escalate attacks on democratic rights at home.

read more: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2025/01/07/gizh-j07.html


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Ken Klippenstein: Trump administration just ordered a blackout on public communications by agencies across government, multiple officials tell me.



>Potential plans for US military operations in Mexico have surfaced in the media
Seriously ? The US going to war against Mexico ? Fucking crazy is what that is.

>war must be waged to prevent cartels

meh, just defund the cocaine import agency and Mexican cartels will wither away


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The cartels are mostly just a pretext. The US's real drug problem is mostly homegrown, the creation of guys like picrel. Even what comes from outside mostly comes in through the ports, and a lot of that's still not even from the places the US constantly points the finger at (Mexico, China, etc.), but often from countries like Hungary.




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Latino holocaust when?


In case of war the Kingdom of Denmark will never surrender.
Every suggestion of the contrary is FALSE.



Highkey Denmark would probably win at this point.


So what's up with these ICE raids, have they started? Has anyone seen it in action, how exactly does it go down?

Do they enter people's homes or stop them on the street? Also what's the criteria for being detained, I heard that people with citizenship can be targeted.


They've started. I'm mostly hearing about workplace raids, but I haven't been following it closely. There was one reported near me, but idk what the precise details were.

Vid is related.


CIA now says COVID-19 'more likely' to have come from lab

NEW YORK, Jan 25 (Reuters) - The Central Intelligence Agency has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is "more likely" to have emerged from a lab rather than from nature, an agency spokesperson said on Saturday.

The agency had for years said it could not conclude whether COVID-19 was the result of a lab incident or it originated in nature. But in the final weeks of the Biden administration, former CIA Director William Burns asked CIA analysts and scientists to make a clear determination, stressing the pandemic's historical significance, according to a senior U.S. official.

The CIA says it has "low confidence" in its assessment that a "research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely" and notes in its statement that both scenarios - lab origin and natural origin - remain plausible.

The Chinese embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

It was unclear the extent to which the agency has collected new intelligence on COVID-19's origins and whether that new evidence was used to formulate the latest assessment.

China’s government says it supports and has taken part in research to determine COVID-19’s origin, and has accused Washington of politicizing the matter, especially because of efforts by U.S. intelligence agencies to investigate.

Beijing has said claims that a laboratory leak likely caused the pandemic have no credibility.

In an interview with Breitbart following his confirmation by the U.S. Senate on Friday, CIA Director John Ratcliffe said one of his first priorities was getting his agency to make a public assessment on the pandemic's origins.

“That’s a day-one thing for me," he said. "I’ve been on record as you know in saying I think our intelligence, our science, and our common sense all really dictate that the origins of COVID was a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology."



>whether COVID-19 was the result of a lab incident or it originated in nature.
I understand the scientific dimension of this question but not the political one. The scientific stakes are low, it might change a few theories.

What are the political stakes ?
If it came from a lab, does that mean we have to shutter all the bio-labs and build new labs with much more aggressive containment procedures ?
If it on the other hand came from nature, do we try to prevent people from having too much contact with nature ?


Is the Denmark/Greenland thing a pretext to exit Nato ?


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So apparently Musk(ler) did the Nazi salute wrong
>Historian Richard Evans told Euronews that Musk's gesture cannot be interpreted as a Nazi gesture as his gaze follows his hand rather than looking straight ahead.
It doesn't make it any less unsettling tho. There's so many other completely an-ambiguous gestures. Why not pick one of those ?

Anyway the most interesting part about this is that the ADL (antiadvanced defamation league), is defending this. https://farside.link/invidious/bqQ-_rwk7hw


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>What are the political stakes ?
It's used as a way to blame China more.

Would be nice if it is, but it might well not be.

Nothing about the Elon hand thing is interesting. It was obviously a Roman salute imitating the Nazis, the idea that it was undisciplined in some superficial way isn't compelling at all. It also doesn't matter, because we already have past statements from Musk about relevant topics, all this hair splitting is just a distraction, and a bad faith distraction at that.

I guess I agree that, by comparison, the ADL stance is more interesting. The subtext here is that the ADL ran a spying operation in the US for 30 years on behalf of Israel's historic ally apartheid South Africa, and Musk, a right-wing white heir to an apartheid-era South African mining fortune, is now the recipient of this front's dubious apologia. It's actually baffling, in retrospect, how long the ADL managed to pose as a civil rights-type group. The actual agenda on display here is incredibly sinister, and people should understand why.


Is it weird that I figured this out all by myself?


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Yes, but only because it's not a serious explanation.
Half the people in this first picture would be disqualified from doing a "Nazi salute" if that had any credibility whatsoever. It's obviously not a good faith argument. See the 2nd pic also.

This weedy bullshit is clearly designed to waste time, and it's frankly embarrassing that I even gave it this much, but a credit to you for baiting me into bothering to discredit this very obvious lie of no particular importance.

A neat way to distract from the actual substance here, which is that the ADL is an Israeli intelligence op. I'm not giving any of this disingenuous bad faith quibbling over whether Musk was "doing it right" any more attention.


The California Farm Bureau says fears in the Central Valley have led to migrant farmworkers not showing up for work, which has virtually halted the area's citrus harvest. Agriculture leaders in the Bay Area are worried about something similar happening locally and what it could mean for citrus prices.

It’s the peak of citrus harvest season in Kern County right now, but the industry is taking a hit after immigration agents conducted several operations last week, targeting undocumented immigrants with criminal records.

The state farm bureau reports that action made some agriculture workers too afraid to show up for work.



>Musk's gesture cannot be interpreted as a Nazi gesture as his gaze follows his hand rather than looking straight ahead

Okay so that guys is probably a nazi defending another nazi. To the wall they go.

You have the patience of a saint to explain all this.


>Okay so that guys is probably a nazi defending another nazi. To the wall they go.
That's certainly what it looks like.

If we're going for the most generous interpretation where doing this gesture was merely the result of buffoonery, why on earth are there people trying to defend this gesture ? Even with the technicality difference it still looks like the "Hitler-arm" and it reminds everybody of 20th century fascism. What could they possibly gain from doing that ?


I don't like this introduction of "microaggressions" into mainstream political discourse, where Elon is "allowed" to do this and gets to show impunity, but the opposition is now convinced they must police their mannerisms lest they "look like Nazis". Nazis love to call their opponents fascists based on "microaggressions" and I have already seen how this is weaponized to convince the opposition to self-terminate, lest they "act like Nazis", in other words any display of force or passion is intrinsically "fascist".

If I want evidence of Musk being a Nazi there is plenty of that. It's not a question of his mannerisms, and there is no doubt now that this is a planted narrative. There is no ambiguity.

Funny thing because in 2016 Trump was getting his rally members to "do the salute" like it was a funny game. That's way more Nazified than something "ambiguous". Now of course it has been memory holed.

Anyway I don't engage with that type of talking point, because I don't need to shriek about the superficial to prove the successors of Nazism rule. We have far better evidence, and the Nazis do not care. They won. Satan won. Everyone who says this truth is attacked not by the Nazis but by the thing calling itself "the left" in this time. I would want the left to correct this idiotic behavior, but the left can't do that. Not now. The disease went on for too long, and everyone who was correcting it has been stridently opposed from within the left.


Musk does look like a goofy idiot whenever he shows emotion. The autism is strong in him.


When is trump and musk going to sterilize all of the brown and black poppulation?


You misunderstood the question.

I don't really care about the ape-descendant provocatively flopping his appendages around. I also don't really care about the other ape-descendants doing the whoop whoop Hitler gah gah noise because it reminds them of WW2. All of that stuff is to be expected. You are definitely correct about keeping the focus on what people are doing when they're not on stage.

However i'm confused about the Well Actually -reaction of organizations like the ADL or that salute-historian. What is in it for them ?


I already explained the ADL's position.
Being generous, they're an Israeli front organization which exists to launder a Zionist agenda under the guise of a civil rights-esque group. This is why when Musk said some nasty shit about Jews as a group a while back, the ADL were on his side as soon as he shilled for Israel. Musk is "their guy," and not only does it not matter if he says or does genuinely anti-Jewish shit, they probably approve of that because, by Zionist logic, it scares more Jews into moving to Palestine by psyopping them into thinking that'll be safer than the US.

Not being generous, see >>487118
It's not hard to see how someone could see this collaboration between the world's richest man, a right-wing white South African, and the organization which ran domestic spy operations in the US for apartheid South Africa as a continuation of an old agenda. Without sugarcoating it, it's not inaccurate to say that the ADL is a fundamentally racist project.

As for the other one, that's PR.


ADL like Nazis now, as long as Jews get to be the in-group. Their origins are in the Confederacy for fuck's sake. It's staggering to me how this isn't known because it's there if you look at history. It's well known they want to discipline the American Jews so they don't question the plan.

The mask has been off for a while now. 2020 should have made it clear there is no more "normal".


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Trump shut down all government expenditures on the public (like medicare) except literal entitlements. Do we really gotta deal with this retard for another 4 years? He's about to turn this country into ancapistan.


>"their guy,"
Ok that kinda makes sense.
>it scares more Jews into moving to Palestine by psyopping them into thinking that'll be safer than the US.
That makes less sense.
Obviously Jews would realize the ADL attacking their interests, because it's happening in the open. And obviously nobody thinks Israel is a safe place. With the military draft being in place and Israel being at war, that's got to be a very potent disincentive for migration towards Israel.

They probably will inspire more Jews to become anti-Zionist, instead.


Step 1
Learn the strange military industrial complex jargon, like "advanced firepower combat battlefield platform interdiction capability"
Step 2
Rename all the public services to sound like that. It's not "medicare", it's "reserve army combat readiness maintenance"
Step 3
If anybody tries to cut public services accuse them of being a traitor that wants to make the military weak.


>Obviously Jews would realize the ADL attacking their interests, because it's happening in the open.
Some would, some wouldn't. There's a lot of propaganda, and the MSM is mostly on board with that.

>With the military draft being in place and Israel being at war, that's got to be a very potent disincentive for migration towards Israel.

It is, but that's all the more reason to amp the propaganda up.


Holy fuck this is pure genius.


Trump administration offering buyouts to nearly all federal workers

The Trump administration is offering millions of federal workers the option to accept buyouts through a government-wide “deferred resignation” program, if they quit by Feb. 6.

Those who accept the offer will receive pay and benefits through Sept. 30, according to emails sent out across the federal government Tuesday evening by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Those employees will not be expected to work after taking the offer, OPM specified. To accept the buyout, they simply have to reply to the email with the word “Resign,” the emails instruct.

The sweeping proposal is being offered to “make sure that all federal workers are on board with the new administration’s plan to have federal employees in office and adhering to higher standards,” a senior administration official told NBC News on condition of anonymity earlier Tuesday.

“We’re five years past COVID and just 6 percent of federal employees work full-time in office. That is unacceptable,” the official said, citing a report from Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who co-chairs the congressional DOGE caucus.

The White House expects up to 10% of federal employees to take the buyout, the official said.

Elon Musk, the leader of President Donald Trump’s “Department of Government Efficiency,” praised the buyout offer as “fair & generous” on X, the social media platform he owns.

Musk, after taking over the platform formerly called Twitter in 2022, had issued an ultimatum for employees to either commit to work longer hours or quit and receive three months’ severance.

It was unclear to what extent Musk, who spent more than $250 million helping elect Trump, was involved in Tuesday’s emails from OPM.

But the subject line of those emails, “Fork in the Road,” is nearly identical to the one Musk used in his 2022 messages.

Buyouts are being offered to all full-time federal employees except military personnel, U.S. Postal Service workers, roles related to immigration enforcement and national security, and “any other positions specifically excluded by your employing agency,” the emails said.

The offers come as the Trump administration pushes federal employees to return to the office five days per week, scrapping work-from-home allowances implemented during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump signed an order on his first day in office directing all executive branch agencies to end remote work rules.

The administration, which has promised massive cuts to purported government waste, is also signaling that most federal agencies will likely be downsized through restructurings and headcount reductions.

White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told NBC in a statement that if federal workers “don’t want to work in the office and contribute to making America great again, then they are free to choose a different line of work, and the Trump Administration will provide a very generous payout of 8 months.”

The federal labor union the American Federation of Government Employees quickly criticized the Trump administration’s buyout plans.

“Purging the federal government of dedicated career federal employees will have vast, unintended consequences that will cause chaos for the Americans who depend on a functioning federal government,” AFGE said in a statement.

“Between the flurry of anti-worker executive orders and policies, it is clear that the Trump administration’s goal is to turn the federal government into a toxic environment where workers cannot stay even if they want to,” the group said.



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"8 days ago Trump fired 400 FAA senior officials, the TSA head & 3,000 air traffic controllers

Now American Airlines plane collides with a Blackhawk 65 dead"


I have 3 questions.
1. Doesn't trump have technical advisors that would explain how shit doesn't work without air traffic controllers ?
2. Don't military helicopters have radars and all sorts of other sensors ? How did they not detect a huge passenger jet ?
3. Why did the helicopter fly into the commercial air-traffic corridor in the first place ?


1. He might not or the people running the country just don't care and ignore it.
2. Good question!
3. Even better question than 2! What I'm hearing now is that it was some kind of military training mission… being carried out in the middle of a busy airway. It's possible that the US is prioritizing the military way too much, they're cutting resources from necessary services and meanwhile the military activity is overflowing into places it shouldn't be!


they can fly with it turned off
or with it turned off (actually very common for military)
or not looking on it

radar only more useful/useful in military / war time
when you have targets on it
and various complex objects (that probably can be either mission plan or just something tactical)

in peace time not maybe not really needed (or at least not in the way civilians use it…)


>or the people running the country just don't care and ignore it.
Isn't airplanes how those people get around ? Wouldn't they be worried about being affected ?

>What I'm hearing now is that it was some kind of military training mission… being carried out in the middle of a busy airway.

I do wonder what kind of military mission requires training dodge the airliner

>It's possible that the US is prioritizing the military way too much, they're cutting resources from necessary services

Yeah it's a reversal of the cold war where the US tried to make the Soviets divert too much resources towards military to hurt their civilian economy.
>and meanwhile the military activity is overflowing into places it shouldn't be!
Yeah could be, although the air-space is really big, there ought to be more than enough empty space for flying

At night pilots fly by instruments, i always thought that meant having a radar switched on.


I don't trust Gabbard, or any of them, but credit where it's due, she runs circles around this bald bitch for the duration of this clip. Otherwise, she's turned around about whether the US randomly assassinating Soleimani was a good idea, she says a lot of fanatical anti-Islam and pro-Zionism shit, and generally she's much more adjacent to the neocons than she has a reputation for, but in this clip she's good.


>I don't trust Gabbard, or any of them, but credit where it's due, she runs circles around this bald bitch
Yeah her brain does work.

Also lol for that guy trying to "Russiagate" her opposition to religious fundamentalist mercenary groups. Implying "If Putin is against the terrorists, you have to side with the terrorists That really does make him a "bitch".

>Otherwise, she's turned around about whether the US randomly assassinating Soleimani was a good idea, she says a lot of fanatical anti-Islam and pro-Zionism shit, and generally she's much more adjacent to the neocons than she has a reputation for, but in this clip she's good.

I can't say that I have investigated her political positions. But she does appear to keep popping up with realistic takes. She'll probably do better simply by not being delusional.


She's also done a 180 now on her previous opposition to the NSA's domestic surveillance program. Looks like she knows whose bread she has to butter in Washington to get ahead.


>Isn't airplanes how those people get around ? Wouldn't they be worried about being affected ?

private jets private air ports private air traffic control


>At night pilots fly by instruments, i always thought that meant having a radar switched on.

you can fly with 'night vision'
modern copters have that since at least 80s
its built-in even
night vision cameras/glasses

radar has different modes
maybe it could be turned into short range for example where its next to useless
basically yeah
also flying without radar is just part of the business because ~when radar is turned on basically means the enemy rocket will hit you any second


I'm not sure but I think private jets use the same infrastructure as commercial airlines. I'm feeling rather skeptical whether the super-rich having their "own lane in the sky" would protect them from chaos in commercial aviation. After-all the military does have it's own infrastructure and that didn't help this military helicopter one bit.

You are raising a valid question none the less.
<Are the super-rich sabotaging commercial aviation because they want to have the sky for them selves ?
If so, that would be a reason to immediately ban all private jets.


>night vision
question is whether that is good enough to see other airplanes

>radar has different modes

Sure but commercial airliners have transponders, active radar pings shouldn't even be necessary.

>also flying without radar is just part of the business because ~when radar is turned on basically means the enemy rocket will hit you any second

I somehow doubt that there are enemy missile batteries within US airspace taking potshots at US military helicopters.


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Small plane crashed in Pilly reported killing 6 people




Hoo boy

Crashed US Army Black Hawk unit was responsible for doomsday readiness

WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The Black Hawk helicopter that collided with a passenger jet in Washington on Wednesday was on a training flight along a route core to a seldom-discussed military mission to evacuate senior officials to safety in the event of an attack on the U.S., officials say.

The military mission, known as "continuity of government" and "continuity of operations," is meant to preserve the ability of the U.S. government to operate.

Most days, crews like the one killed on Wednesday transport VIPs around Washington, which is buzzing with helicopter traffic.

But U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth disclosed the Black Hawk crew's ties to the mission during a White House press conference on Thursday, saying they "were on a routine, annual re-training of night flights on a standard corridor for a continuity of government mission."

Still, little of such missions is publicly discussed.

The three soldiers killed in the collision were part of the 12th Aviation Battalion at Fort Belvoir in Virginia, whose responsibilities in a national crisis include evacuating Pentagon officials. Another 64 people were killed in the passenger plane.

The Black Hawk crew, using night vision goggles, flew the training mission along the Potomac River on a path known as Route 4. As the Army comes under scrutiny for operating at night near a busy airport, officials have pointed to the battalion's sensitive operations.

"Some of their mission is to support the Department of Defense if something really bad happens in this area, and we need to move our senior leaders," said Jonathan Koziol, the chief of staff of the Army's Aviation Directorate.



>Hoo boy

Although this was rather quick for an investigation, there is a small chance the heli pilots are getting scapegoated.


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another angle from Philadelphia


Apparently an F-35 also fell out of the sky in Alaska on January 29th.


That's a lot of crashed planes in very little time.
it's beginning to look like a pattern.


It's very weird, yes. The Philadelphia and DC ones look due to massive cuts to the FAA (plus military excess in the case of DC), but it's weird that the F-35 crash (otherwise a very normal occurrence) just happened to occur so close to the other two disasters.


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Trump launches tariffs against China, Canada, and Mexico, says he'll also tariff the EU. Canadians boo US national anthem at sports event.


Trudeau retaliates with 25% tariffs on US goods


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Fire at Martinez refinery prompts public health advisory, shelter-in-place

A public health advisory and a shelter-in-place were in effect due to a fire at the Martinez Refining Company, Contra Costa Health said on Saturday.

The Martinez Refining Company said it was a fire and flaring at the refinery that prompted the level 2 hazmat notification, which was later upgraded to a level 3. The facility alerted the county about the fire at 1:47 p.m., Contra Costa Health said in a Facebook post. The county said alerts will go out to the community every 30 minutes until the event ends.

As of 5:15 p.m., the Martinez Refining Company said mutual aid responded to assist with the fire, which has been contained to the site. Additionally, at least three people had to be transported off-site. One person was treated and released.

Due to the fire, Marina Vista Avenue from Interstate 680 to Court Street, and Shell Avenue from Marina Vista to Pacheco Boulevard were closed.

"Please go inside, close all windows and doors, turn off all heaters, air conditioners and fans. If not using the fireplace, close fireplace dampers and vents, and cover cracks around doors and windows with tape or damp towels," Contra Costa Health said.

Contra Costa Health said a shelter-in-place alert was sent to neighborhoods near the Martinez Refining Company. This includes the Pacheco Boulevard corridor north toward the Benicia Bridge.

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District said it had inspectors on site and issued an air quality advisory in Contra Costa and Solano counties due to the fire.

"Smoke from the fire contains fine particulate matter and other harmful pollutants. Exposure to smoke is unhealthy, even for short periods of time. It is important that Bay Area residents protect their health by avoiding exposure," the district said in a statement.

People with respiratory sensitivities could be affected. Some residents may experience eye, skin, nose or throat irritation.

Anyone who experiences irritation should go inside and rinse the affected area. Most people will not experience any issues, Contra Costa Health said.

The appropriate agencies about a level 2 hazmat notification. The company said the incident was a fire and flaring at the refinery.



China and Mexico also announce retaliatory tariffs


Any updates on the explosions? Has any more American stuff exploded since the last post?


Well shit. Things are already expensive and I don't even buy anything. I just want cheap food!


Democrats offer tepid opposition to fascist Kash Patel, but howl over Tulsi Gabbard’s refusal to denounce Edward Snowden

While it is likely Patel will be confirmed with Republican votes alone, Gabbard’s nomination for Director of National Intelligence is in jeopardy after she refused to condemn National Security Administration (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden during Wednesday’s hearing.

Gabbard is one of handful of US politicians that has condemned the treatment of Snowden. In 2013, the former government contractor exposed the illegal surveillance operations of the NSA, CIA and other US spy agencies which target millions in the US and around the world. For over a decade, Snowden has remained exiled in Russia after the US government revoked his passport.

Ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee Mark Warner (Virginia), speaking for the intelligence apparatus, said, “I have serious doubts about your judgment… You consistently praised the actions of Edward Snowden. Someone who I believe jeopardized the security of our nation and then, to flaunt that, fled to Russia.

“You’ve called Edward Snowden, and I’ll quote here, ‘A brave whistleblower’.”

Warner claimed that Snowden “wasn’t a whistleblower and in this case, I’m a lot closer to the chairman’s words, where he said Snowden is quote, ‘an egotistical serial liar and traitor’ who quote, ‘deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life.’”

Warner asked Gabbard if she still thought Snowden was “brave.” Gabbard did not directly answer the question, stating instead that Snowden, “broke the law” and that she did not agree with how he acted, or everything he released to journalists but that, “the fact is, he also, even as he broke the law, released information that exposed egregious, illegal, and unconstitutional programs that are happening within our government that led to serious reforms that Congress undertook.”

Warner repeatedly asked Gabbard to denounce Snowden or recant her previous characterization of him as “brave.” Gabbard declined but promised to “protect our nation’s secrets” and “prevent another Snowden-like leak.”

This was not enough for Warner who replied, “I don’t think you are the answer. I agree with Tom Cotton, he’s a traitor.”



>heh bro produce here or be tarrifed
>thats trumpf national plan


Actually amazing watching American power go completely mask off and countries still cucking themselves to the US completely.
Too bad Trump won't actually pair tarrifs with any sort of sensible state-planned economy, so this whole thing will backfire eventually, but it's wild that Western politicians are so spineless that they will still bend over when it makes them lose massive face.


They're complete jokes, yeah. It's embarrassing. European countries used to be significant at one point I think.


>Actually amazing watching American power go completely mask off and countries still cucking themselves to the US completely.
While that is true, US imperial power is also receding. Countries that used to submit to US domination no longuer do, like India that did not submit to the sanctions regime, or Saudi Arabia that did not submit to oil-price controls.

This "going mask off" is a attempt to compensate for growing weakness

The neocons in the US made a strategic blunder by wrecking the EU'S economy with the nordstream2 pipeline sabotage, and demanding the economic self sacrifice for the sanction-warfare. (EU governments also share the blame because they could have refused, at least the part with the sanctions)

If you contrast the relation between China and Russia, they treat each other as equals not as superior and subordinate, and in the end they'll be stronger for it. Weakening your allies is not a good strategy.

Something that should not be underestimated is geopolitical vanity, the Chinese and the Russians have won a lot of diplomatic victories because they dialed down "dominance".


>Too bad Trump won't actually pair tarrifs with any sort of sensible state-planned economy, so this whole thing will backfire eventually
You are right about this, protectionist tariffs have to be coupled with a public sectors driven industrial expansion, in order to work as intended.

However consider that Trump probably sees the tariffs as a bargaining chip for negotiations, that can be cashed in for concessions.

Also if this causes a significant enough rise in prices, that will create a black bypass market. If you can figure out a way to get goods past the tariff barrier you can pocket the difference as profit, the margins for doing this will be huge compared to legit business. One has to ask the question, whether that might be an intended outcome.


I sometimes wonder if part of Musk's function is as a whipping boy.


TND when? is trump still only deporting ppl?


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USAID shutdown causing "entire global ecosystem" of anti-China media to collapse

I stole this from /r/sino


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This is actually really good news, and a blow to the propaganda machine.

>USAID was funding over 6,200 journalists across 707 media outlets and 279 "media" NGOs, including nine out of ten media outlets in Ukraine.



So does that mean all the yt videos that are perpetually predicting China's immanent collapse, are going away ?
Do you think that one Ukraine-anon that posted here was one of those ?


Idk about youtube specifically but I hope so!
Also that Ukrainian guy was maybe just a guy, hard to say. Do they have enough man power to really get all the corners of the internet like that?


wow this is actually good news. im glad there's some silver-lining to the shit happening.


The first flight of undocumented migrants arrives at a US maximum security prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The mainstream media has yet to press the Trump administration on the basic questions: Who are these detainees really? Do they have criminal convictions? Will they have access to asylum proceedings? The US has long used the Guantanamo base, itself a stolen zone of Cuban territory, for “lawless” and indefinite detention, but courts have said those in US jurisdiction there have Constitutional protections.


how tf is it legal to do this? so anyone who crosses illegally is a terrorist now?


The weird farce of having to purge black voters to even beat Kamala Harris


they didnt just purge black voters the fuckers purged like millions of votes from the roaster. its like 2004 but worse.


>how tf is it legal
The Guantanamo base is not legal.
You know when they wanted to do torture they went there. I guess it's "law-free" zone or something.

>so anyone who crosses illegally is a terrorist now?

No, people become terrorists when they do things that terrorize. Nobody becomes a terrorist simply by decree.


obvious shemmy tourist.

>No, people become terrorists when they do things that terrorize.

this isnt true. the government defines what terrorism is and something like terrorism is nebulous and that is what allows the government to get away with throwing innocent people who migrated over the boarder into gitmo by claiming they are "terrorists" whatever the fuck that means. its post 9/11 fearmongering that was left over from the war in iraq.


>this isnt true. the government defines what terrorism is
<the government defines what words mean
Obviously not.

There sort of is a secular natsec religion, that mimics the inquisition, where they declare people they don't like as "terrorist" and then persecute these people. But that is just secular theocracy, that operates outside of all legality.

In feudal law the king could declare certain people as "persona non grata" and the church could persecute people for imaginary crimes. That would be theocratic terror today.

But even bourgeois law says that the state cannot persecute people for a crime unless there is a demonstrable victim, damage or endangerment. And demonstrable in this context means that there is evidence for actions, statements that people make do not count.

>terrorism is nebulous and that is what allows the government to get away with throwing innocent people

>into gitmo by claiming they are "terrorists" whatever the fuck that means. its post 9/11 fearmongering that was left over from the war in iraq.
that falls under the category of state terrorism.
like most the civil liberty violating shit that came out "post 9/11 fearmongering" has to be considered legislative terrorism.

Objectively the word Terrorism means something like violence meant to terrorize people for political ends.

Like when somebody blows up a public place, and people now fear that it might happen to them too, that type of fear is terror.
Similarly when a military force targets civilians on purpose, like the Zionists purposefully bombing civilians, again it's that sort of fear that death might fall out of the sky, that is terror.
Assaulting and kidnapping reporters, like what happened in the UK, which was meant to terrorize people reporting on the Gaza genocide.
Making laws that do not comply with a strong interpretation of civil liberties also fall into the category of terrorism, because when people have to worry they might get nabbed by the state, that's also a kind of terror.

The definition of terror basically is derived from the perspective of the masses that do not possess institutional power.
The state also persecutes, for example serial killers, but from the perspective of the masses that does not cause terror.

I know i suck at this, and what i wrote here is not succinct, but i think you get my drift. Maybe you can come up with a good definition.


I forgot to ask
what is a shemmy tourist ?


if that works then why they put random japanese in prison in ww2 (in us)


I'm not sure what to say about the Japanese interment camps, because well i know that it happened but not much more.

My guess is there is a racial cast system in the US, it might have had something to do with that.


they were just put in camps for the reason "haha war lol" (basically no reason when they were actually put there)

and only released years after or something like that


"people i dont like" back then were japanese


ANOTHER plane crash, this time at Scottsdale airport in Arizona.


god bless america


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and yet all through out history and in bush jr era we tortured people and threw them in camps and all kinds of shit. this is liberal brain rott i dunno what to say. just5 because theoretically on paper the law says one thing doesn't mean the gov wont over reach. especially if they know nothing will happen

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