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 No.4391[Last 50 Posts]



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We as incels should arm ourselves against the roasties! Armed incels are harder to oppress. Stop incel genocide!


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Tradthots are worse than libthots


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Prime age women hate taking accuntabikity for their own faults.


Having seven exes at 24 isnt as slutty as you think.


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>Having seven exes at 24 isnt as slutty as you think.


Bro, modern women are deep into the double digits by that age now.


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Thats more from kinky foreplay than actual sex.

bruh, sex partners dont count as boyfriend/girlfriemds.


Actually, theyre mire likely selling webcam sessions at that.

Young women arent as sexually active nowadays. They just boot up OnlyFans.


>bruh, sex partners dont count as boyfriend/girlfriemds.
There was no Tinder when the movie released. Women couldn't get dick like a 24 buffet.


>thinks Tinder was the cause of sluttiness

>forgets about how easy it was back then for underage girls to get adult jobs without verification

>forgets about how laws back then were shamelessly hebephilic

>forgets that stranger danger wasnt a thing before the mid-1980s


you must a millennial with severe nostalgic bias.

You really do think that human history began in the 1990s.


Also forgot to mention: the amount of sex that young people have in industrialized societies noawadays is declining.

Girls still get more attention but its not like theyre having two hundred live penises a night.

They probably have two hundred penises a year for a few years.
They will just do webcam sessions.


*24 hr


did she survive?


would have if she transitioned


I like this frog


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I really can't tell whether this is a fetish thing or not


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mandatory f*male driver post


>Also forgot to mention: the amount of sex that young people have in industrialized societies noawadays is declining.
Lmao you're deluded. You bluepillers are hilarious.


>Also forgot to mention: the amount of sex that young people have in industrialized societies noawadays is declining.
The amount of sex is declining only for the sub8 men. But this is compensated fully by w*men having far more sex than ever.


yes, that's what the meme says..


Man, "no pussy - no work" should be our motto.


>We should eradicate all females
My dick was never this hard before.


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>I didn't seeeee him!!
meme gender


Literally on a flat road in the middle of a fucking desert too lmao


OK Incels, We, the roastie defense force have arived!!! (Please notice this females LOL JK I have enough problems in my life without them)
Stop depicting yourself as a nordic man attractive to women for your centre of what is good and strong. You're playing into the cave puppet of sexual posturing as something which matters. The man shouldn't even be speaking to her, just living.

Homos do this even worse. Evolution is the culprit here for making women retarded and man have sex drives which make them disregard their long term interests and dignity for a hit. FUCK the sex drive for this shit.

Truth, but there isn't something in them which causes their bad behavior, but tendencies we too posses which also ought to be eradicated. Kill the retarded bitch within, and without, and do it by improving such people and habits out of your life, not by an unsustainable lashing out.

Social science studies show those who apologize are ALWAYS viewed as worse than those who never admit guilt. Women live in an insane intense fear of ever being outside the social group. Fight this in yourself, and in your friends. It is the death of collaboration and self improvement, when we cannot be at fault. Part of doing this is avoiding situations which cause this tendency in women, like getting others to like you for your looks/demeanor alone.

Sluttyness is mostly irrelevant. If it were legal to keep an experienced whore confined in your home, with socialization you chose, and suttee would be practiced against her on your death, she'd be a fine, loving wife if you played your cards right. Conversely, the purest angel, exposed to temptation will eventually try it, find it's enjoyableness, and become whatever you tried to prevent through avoiding exposure.

She was wrong to tell him : ) But then she wanted the excitement, or for him to 'fix things.' She will learn from this, and tell you the right things when you meet her. I hope you're learning too.

Yeah sex is mostly a symptom of just lack of fundamental usefulness to each other, which probably began when we stopped surviving off our children in old age.

She legit didn't see him. Their brains are legitimately smaller in the useful regions, and she can't imagine herself as a bad person, so she has no motivation to drive carefully. Notice her immediate response to run over and say "I'M NOT A BAD PERSON." Sad and inevitable, if we continue to allow evolution to determine our traits with sexual selection.

All right, my job here is done, back to the round table with my fellow knights, where we'll laugh nervously (don't want to bother Arthur's wife who's letting us come over so she can jab at him in front of us because he was slow in taking the the trash out last week)


Motorcyclists are hard to see. How did he not see her, he didn't even tap the brakes or swerve.


Yes, that means I remember what it was like before Tinder, and it was not this dating hellscape it is now.


if you're good looking and want a hoe tinder is good but why don't you try to meet women at work, church, or hobbies like most people do?


This is why I'll never drive a motorcycle all cyclefags are culpable


>FUCK the sex drive for this shit.
We need a drug which totally inhibits the sex drive with no major side effects. If we discovered such a drug and made it mandatory, humanity would be colonising Mars within 10 years. Also, combined with artificial wombs, we would completely surpass the need for w*men.


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I don't want to date a single mom
Bro, I've been participations in partner dancing for 10 years. All the same rules apply. Girls are only interested in Chad. You're either a boomer, , troom or ogre with this crusty ass advice.


>We need a drug which totally inhibits the sex drive
No thanks, you need to go touch grass, have sex, etc.



Something like 60% of motorcycle incidents are them going into the sides of cars pulling out. Most are speeding at least somewhat, but the whole point is the joy and thrill of it, and a lower speed only buys you so much margin. They call cars "cages" as an insult, but frankly humans shouldn't be around machines and forces like that without a steel cage. I'm glad I don't own one and just use a friend's sometimes, I'd be dead already.

Yeah for real. Ideally we'd remap the sex drive to something like eating healthy or overcoming intellectual challenges. Can you imagine. Also, once sexual reproduction is more capital intensive, and less labor intensive, there may be some positive outcomes as human narcissism plays less of a role, and long term organizational planning plays more of one.

Wouldn't troons and ogres know best besides incels? I love the idea of T4T transitioning, where two lonely guys do the best job they can to be good girlfriends for eachother. Something about fixing the problem for the next person, even when you can't save yourself. I don't get the impression it's a stable solution though. If you develop a female mind you'll be chad only soon enough, and if you stay male minded, you may end up making the mistakes we see in gays. We weren't made for true love. Curing sexuality and then increasing physical intimacy with friends/family should be the end goal, but the tech isn't there so you'd just sexpestmax if you try it today. Only winning move is not to play.


>Wouldn't troons and ogres know best besides incels?
No dipshit since they don't actually fuck and have children with women. This is like taking advice from a dog on how to attract women.
>ib4 white girls fuck dogs.


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>I love the idea of T4T transitioning, where two lonely guys do the best job they can to be good girlfriends for eachother.
Well that's because you're a Malthusian fascist sweetpea.


But incels don't either, and chads may not notice best practices due to not needing them. Best bet is probably Amish/Mormons/Muslims IMO, who have ugly guys who use intellectual tools to get what they want out of women, and are regularly marrying, yeah?

In the same way marx could identify the patterns of economics and power, but it took another type of man to use these, so too for those of sexuality. Incels might see the problem, but I doubt the solution will come from them, if just for the reason of the negative effect on productivity/self esteem from the incel lifestyle.

Thank you. I hope you have fun on Easter Island with the rest of your resource depleting Anti-materialist friends… say, where are they now?


Christ you're such a disgusting faggot. I'm glad you'll rope soon and fulfill your promise to malthus.


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>I hope you have fun on Easter Island with the rest of your resource depleting Anti-materialist friends…
>There's not enough food! You HAVE to sterilize yourself.
You first


Wrong. Girls nowadays do monetized webcam sessions.

Girls dont throw around their pussy in meatspace like they used to. They sell feet pics of themselves.

I think you confuse twerking videos amd sexting for physical sex.

>Yes, that means I remember what it was like before Tinder, and it was not this dating hellscape it is now.
Ypu Millennials really do live in a bubble. You think thirty is senescence and you think dating was virtuous/honest before Tinder?

Are you aware that back in pre-Internet age, girls got around alot more?

Before the 1980s, it was legally allowed for underage females to work in strip clubs or porn magazines.

Teenage girls dated male teachers and nobody freaked out.

Married men would fuck babysitters.

There was something called bride school.

Alot of kids living with older sister and parents would find out that their parents was avtually their grandparents and the older sister was the birth mom.

Relatives' funerals would often have strnagers show up revealing themselves to be another family started by said dead relative that was kept secret for years.

Lastly, dating began as financial upgrading.
It was never about mutual fondness.


>Truth, but there isn't something in them which causes their bad behavior, but tendencies we too posses which also ought to be eradicated. Kill the retarded bitch within, and without, and do it by improving such people and habits out of your life, not by an unsustainable lashing out.

The crux of the problem is chivalry.
That is the fault of men, not women.

>Stop depicting yourself as a nordic man attractive to women for your centre of what is good and strong. You're playing into the cave puppet of sexual posturing as something which matters. The man shouldn't even be speaking to her, just living.

Incels suffer from main characyer syndrome.

"Im above it all, man."

>Social science studies show those who apologize are ALWAYS viewed as worse than those who never admit guilt. Women live in an insane intense fear of ever being outside the social group.

Mem suffer from this too.

>Fight this in yourself, and in your friends. It is the death of collaboration and self improvement, when we cannot be at fault. Part of doing this is avoiding situations which cause this tendency in women, like getting others to like you for your looks/demeanor alone.

Men should stop trying to romance every female peer they see.


>You think thirty is senescence and you think dating was virtuous/honest before Tinder?

Bro it wasn't more virtuous, it was just way less competitive. There was no way for a woman to connect with every Chad in a city easily.


>Before the 1980s, it was legally allowed for underage females to work in strip clubs or porn magazines.

>Teenage girls dated male teachers and nobody freaked out.

>Married men would fuck babysitters.

>There was something called bride school.

You watch too many Lifetime movies roastie.


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>lol you watch too many roastie network movies

You really need to study up about history.

>some awkward male sending an obnoxious machismo post on accident.

I swear people whom save motivational posters are red flags.


>It was way less competitve.


Nah man. It wasnt less competitve. Girls still hooked up with Chads easily.
Also again, girls arent as sexually active in meatspace anymore.
They just do cybersex.

Hell, in the old days, when guys couldnt easily get pussy they would diddle each other.
Boys would have sleepovers which could lead to non-penetrative orgies.


>You really need to study up about history.
Except your radical liberal feminist history is all bullshit


>You really need to study up about history.

Except nothing you said is true.


>Hell, in the old days, when guys couldnt easily get pussy they would diddle each other.
Uh no, that's just you.


>Nah man. It wasnt less competitve.
It was, don't know how you think dating apps haven't alternated the dating landscape. You're probably some coping beta.


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Not that anon but I don't think the dating landscape is significantly more competitive than it was. What dating apps have really done is commodified both sex and romance and have turned both men and women into sex objects of one another. That is the major issue.


It's simple materialism. There was just no simple way to get in touch with 1000's of men theb filter them for Chads.


I think the coping beta is you. If you complain about women only going for Chads after the invention of Tinder despite history showing that the dating market wasnt any more competitive, youre coping.

Yea sure. Alot of you incels be going for traps or twinks ot other guys.

typical millennial nostlagic revisionism.

Bruh, sex and the genders have always been been commodified. Arranged marriages, prostitution, balls, cosmetics, etc.


Yall need to talk to actual boomers.


Arranged marriage is not the same thing as commodification. You need to study some. Everything else you said in your ai generated bot post is also commodified, yes, but capitalism has only existed as the dominate mode of production for like 300 years.


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>I think the coping beta is you. If you complain about women only going for Chads after the invention of Tinder
Bruh, when you're poaching partners without an app you social norms imposed on you.
Even if as a woman you go to a bar everynight to pick a guy up the men will start talking about how much of a slut you are and it will deter most women.
As a beta women just aren't opening up to you like they are me. The number of women in relationships has demonstrably fallen but the amount of sex they're having really hasn't.


"Letters to Penhouse" are not historical documents.


>Alot of you incels be going for traps or twinks ot other guys.
No because they're not homosexual. Everyone being secretly homosexual is the most pathetic cope of gays.


>typical millennial nostlagic revisionism.
Do you have a single snack to back up what you're saying.


*social norms are imposed on you


>Bruh, when you're poaching partners without an app you social norms imposed on you.
>Even if as a woman you go to a bar everynight to pick a guy up the men will start talking about how much of a slut you are and it will deter most women.
We live in the age of doxxing and reactionaryism. Back then, people could romp around without it being known within hours or minutes.

>As a beta women just aren't opening up to you like they are me. The number of women in relationships has demonstrably fallen but the amount of sex they're having really hasn't.

If we count cybersex then yes.


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>ThE DaTiNg WaSnT LeEsS CoMpEtItIvE In ThE PaSt SwEeTeE
Ah, yes, the usual "Tinder is not real life" cope.

<Of course technology has no effect on society! Everything always stays the same! I'm a materialist, btw.

you leftoids are fkn joke lol


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bruh. technology only enhances or exposes ingrained vices.

If we were to go back to pre-Tinder days, "betas" would still lose.


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>words words words words
why can't leftcels meme? god created incels to die in wars for porky like good proles.


Suck it chud


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Bwahaha that bitch getting maced was fucking hilarious.


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Has she tried working on herself?


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holy shit what was that balding midget thinking when approaching a fucking Stacy in the middle of her social media routine lol




I don't know if you're aware but if you post Tiktok links like that, we can see your username from it (unless you dont care then nvm)




If you can't delete it make a report and a mod will do it for you.


Thanks, but it's fine. My Tik Tok channel is faceless.


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It's evolution baby.


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lol that's not you. if/when you friendzone women they will only be relieved


They're talking about when Chad lites friendzone them.


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honestly Id rather that the Independent Kweens (TM) be boss bitch junkies than end up as domesticated wallet leeches


I will take her. If shes got a mini mansion of her own, can cook good food, and has no bastard children, I'm in.
Her being over forty is icing on the cake. Shes closer to menopause, whoch means less chance of pregnancy.


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Tbh, I can ynderstand where hes coming from but also, I think hes being shallow.

This is why romantic love should be restricted..


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zenk you my little golem. You should not reproduce it is bad for ze economy.


>procreation is the virtue of being a real human

Too many ibconpetent adults be having kids and ruin them.


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tbh, the punk rock and hip-hop communities are just people drugging and robbing each other.


Motorcylces need a separate road system. Too many idiots be riding around without helmets, not that helmets can save you from hundred-mile-per-hour crashes anyways.

They be swerving in between cars and have to make sharp turns amd whatnot.

The cars in America are too big.


Churches are filled with hypocrites. Alot of women in church are single moms or just shallow semi-wallflowers or "reformed" sluts.

The men are "reformed" perverts or drunks or rabid conservative voters.

Churches are just midlife crisis social clubs.


>College professors get no coochie

Nothing could be further from the truth.
College professors are notorious sex pests. It may be harder now due to #metoo though.

Also, women tend to go for those lumpenproles because they offer some worldly impression.
Women dont go for lumpems willy nilly.

Tgat woman should be lucky not to be burdened with kids or husband. She would end up another disillusioned working mother.
She probably doesnt even have proper home training.

But then again, shes ending her thirties.
Women tend to go psycho mode when they enter their thirties and forties these days.
Teenage drama queens are more stable.


>women tend to go for those lumpenproles because..
because they offer Chad genes

nobody gives a fuck about your """impressions""", idealist retard


>Tgat woman should be lucky not to be burdened with kids or husband. She would end up another disillusioned working mother.
>She probably doesnt even have proper home training.
You must be 18 years or older to post on /R9K/


>You must be 18 years or older to post on /R9K/

Someone is triggered.
I guess whining about nubike beauties not wasting their beauty on you wasnt enough?

I guess r9k really is just postpubescent failures.


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As if age difference ever stopped w*men from raping Chad.


people complain about discrimination against the old but theres more against the young.

Irony is, banning youth from worldly exposure makes them stunted.


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Women are cunts


Getting molested by a hag is worldly.


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Um this post is wrong on the last sentence.
Femininity or lack thereof isnt the cause


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Seeing women like this getting turned into statistics is lifefuel.


women once again dodging accountability.
Women always blame men for female failures. But women were to fuck over men, they would still say the female antagonist is not at fault.


Are you all even capable of making a funny incel thread without now 8+ year old whining about sluts and whatever else tradcon nonsense.


lmao people complaining about getting injured hurling themselves 60+ mph next to total strangers on motorized bikes


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There must be some underlying problem here that she's not sharing. If migrants who can't speak a word of english and convicts straight out of prison can get jobs, it shouldn't be an issue for someone with 10+ years of previous employment. There's definitely more to it.

Also I know she's a femoid and I should laugh at her misfortune, but I found the post and in the comments she said she's even donating plasma to try and avoid doing SW. She is clearly very desperate.


Fathets are the problem. They spoil their daughters but crucify their sons.


why are you assuming theyŕe a femoid


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Its the beat route ever. Too many people especially men, are unappreciative of their singlehood.

I dont blame them though. Society oversells romantic love as the ultimate maturity license.


It has nothing to do with being homosexual. It has to do with needing to get off but its too inconveniemt to get a woman.


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His chin looks odd.

Also this looks like another joke satirizing alleged Gen Z outcomes


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>N-n-n-no I don't love Chad anymore, I've matured.


Betabuxxers deserve this tbh


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wtf is happening


She s not 29.
Shes probably 39.

Wither that or she has shitty genetics or has lived a rough and tumble life.


Also shes not ugly. Shes kind of cute.


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I guess he didn't judge her character well enough


this is why familyhood is oversold.

Singlehood for life.


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And now this thread has devolved into sharing posts from an obese, self-described "right-libertarian" (aka incelsco, Lamarcus Small)

Thread keeps getting worse and less funny.


Yeah the owner of that account is such a sperg I actually feel sorry for him.


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Fuck this retard and those 4000 retard/bot/bought likes. Fuck you. Dumb bitch. Probably dyes her hair unnatural colors. Fuck Avatar, overrated franchise. Cameron is washed up. I could expect better taste but it's this retarded type of person. They probably smell like they don't shower and say that it's because they're real workers and that hygiene is patriarchal capitalist culture propaganda. Probably smells like alcohol and cigarettes that leave black stains on furniture and the house. This fucking online clout chasing irony poisoned hipster bullshit unrealistic person who is out of touch with the common people but thinks they can represent them. Fuck her and everyone like her.


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lol seethe


I'll piss in your mouth and you'll love it


What city u live in faggot, you'll be in a R Kelly tape


Judges are cucks anyway, they uphold the bourgeois law system.


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>second pic
That is not a real human being.


Why tf she got three hands, tho.


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based wife delivering some divine punishment

fuck the judges


based proletarian milkmen and plumbers cucked the shit out of this pasty ass lieutenant of the repressive apparatus

another proof that incels.is is a cucked shithole

what's next, they're gonna cry for fucking Bezos and Gates?


that's some nice waifu ngl


you're not entitled to Chad, bitch




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why even was his father with that roastie Padme bitch? when he had such loyal twi'lek cunny?


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Should we start transmaxxing?


>we can't choose who we're attracted to
You know who else says this? Pedophiles.


The thousand cock stare.


This sounds like a defense used by "roasties".


File: 1710789694837.jpeg ( 133.51 KB , 640x1031 , wrqe6m6f33pc1.jpeg )



Reddit hm?


File: 1710797640317.jpg ( 113.72 KB , 1241x1597 , released-israeli-hostage-m….jpg )

Did you guys hear about the picrel Israeli hostage who got a nose job after Hamas refused to touch her?


Lol I saw that. Women are insane.


why is acceptable for dysfunctional semi-bourgeoise adults to whine about their minor inconvenimeces in love but teenagers having to vent about loneliness and horniness is considered cringe?


No way this is real


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I read that as:
<20 is the low number of age for women


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>no guy friends

Any man who gets upset about female partners having platonic male friends is infantile.

>big booty

I thought large posteriors are associated with ghettofab therefore too "degenerate" for tradwivery.


Unless you train the girl yourself, theres no way that a nubile female with exceptional fellatio is low body count.
Men will swarm to her like flies.


This girl's are dumb as fuck when it comes to navigating a penis and unless you warn them are liable to touch you with teeth. I think women at least have porn addiction to thank for men being more competent at knowing the biology even if porn gives them ED to balance out the situation. God works in mysterious ways.


I thibk porn in general hasbalanced out sexual energy.

Despite the drama from feminists and incels, the amount of sex has declined, which means less chances of rape or dissatisfcation.

I would rather that our libidinal vices end up as immersive VR porn and/or hypperrealistic sex dolls.

When I was young, I never understood the appeal of lusting after IRL women in non-sexual situations.
Like if you see a nice looking maiden jogging at the park, I think lusting aftwr them was unnecessary.

If said girls are in a porn video, thats different.

But I preferred fictional characters most of all.


Riding motorcycles on a raodway with larger vehicles is suicide.

Im tired of society over-sympathising with motorcyclists


File: 1711781415873.mp4 ( 24.46 MB , 1280x720 , RDT_20240329_234851.mp4 )



What are they shooting him with?


nothing it's a comically large fake gun


File: 1711900609702.mp4 ( 1.75 MB , 360x640 , RDT_20240331_085422.mp4 )



you wish you had this much fun with anyone let alone a woman. it's time to end your own life, you know it


For anyone reading that, do not listen to them. Life is worth living, you just gotta figure out what works for you.


You are very wrong but you seem like a good person.


File: 1711903636999.jpg ( 68.49 KB , 649x866 , mybf❤️.jpg )

He's right I started transitioning and then I got a great boyfriend. There's hope for everyone


File: 1711904695722.gif ( 505.86 KB , 200x200 , 200w.gif )

>those fingernails


Where'd all these seething roasties come from? We get discovered by crystal cafe?


How do you even manage to be such infinitely massive faggots goys holy shit.


File: 1712005645061.webm ( 1.45 MB , 540x1080 , 1711250321728357.webm )



Kek, what a strange situation


File: 1712028166755.png ( 170.89 KB , 638x516 , IMG.png )



being alive is soy


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File: 1713820675590.jpg ( 61.1 KB , 720x960 , 20240422_141614.jpg )



what are you even talking about nig? bitches are the easiest in the world since no one else thinks they're attractive. most real femcels are black


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down syndrome women mirror autistic women. if you're a autistic guy it's over


This isnt really true.
These women are not really attracted to only hood uyghas.

They go after uyghas with worldly assets.

If STEM guy doesnt have any financial assets to satisfy the stereotype of STEM workers, hes not on their radar.




File: 1714331766237.jpg ( 100.53 KB , 1170x1184 , 20240428_121528.jpg )



who is making these lol


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>When you finally ascend.


File: 1714423803520.jpg ( 576.48 KB , 1895x1200 , French-style-soft-boiled-e….jpg )

>I can't have children of my own
let me guess, Chad penetrated so deep that your eggs got french-styled?


also, nobody cares about w*men without eggs, so keep crying


>talking to a screencap
>being literally false


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is this a gay meme or something? are there gaycels? lol




It's a tik tok trend. Women on tik tok have been saying that of given the choice between being alone with a wild bear or s strange man they'd prefer the best because statically it's safer to be with a bear.


*It's a tik tok trend. Women on tik tok have been saying that if given the choice between being alone with a wild bear or a strange man they'd prefer the bear because statically it's safer to be with a bear.


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file name got me


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>2nd pic
They can't keep getting away with it!!
What is the point of Bumble if they remove the only thing that makes their service different??


File: 1715274788314.png ( 1.5 MB , 1080x1366 , ClipboardImage.png )



File: 1715276984504.jpeg ( 59.66 KB , 1200x630 , f.jpeg )

You wouldnt happen to have seen any negroes posting on here, would you anon?


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This article is garbage. "What about muh surrogate mothers, muh sperm donations and muh adoption?" Obscurantism and faggotry. Do I need to explain that if someone is called the father, they expect it to be their sperm that created the child? Those examples are exceptions. "Muh olden times!" Well we had child brides back in the day, so? "It was socialized and not genetic/physical." Perhaps it's because their science-mas wasn't up-to-date? This is bourgeois feminist Great Reset propaganda, trying to trick the man into 'stepping up' as to not destabilize society and continue creating a labor force/canon fodder for wars. But I may as well call myself a professional basketball player just because that's how I feel. And This person is a professor? They get paid for this dribble? Intelligentsia, more like dog shit. Garbage, garbage, garbage!


Why are incels getting mad at this stuff? You are not getting laid anyway. In fact if your mom would have a good sense to cheat with chad to acquire some good genes, you wouldnt even be an incel. There is nothing to be gained by white knighting for normie men.


shut up uygha


house slave uncle tom


This is why men should appreciate singlehood.
Both liberals and conservtiaves see men as test subjects for their dumb morality theses.


Tbh I think marriage shoukd require mandatory preliminary training in youth. If you choose to forgo it in school, you opt out of marriage training in sexondary school, you opt out of having official marriage.

that harem looks delectable.
I would breed them all.

Tbh most "strong and independent" women are looked down upon for having kids or not being feminine.


File: 1715287653324.jpg ( 251.43 KB , 700x975 , Image_20240503_071109.jpg )

Why do you think someone has be be having sex to get cuckolded into raising Chad's spawn?


File: 1715288636355.png ( 415.07 KB , 680x763 , coffidence.png )

>1st pic


Chad genes don't guarantee good looks, genetic recombination exists.


Especially when Chad fucks anything that moves and complete ghouls birth his kids.


>You are not getting laid anyway.
We don't want to be cuckolds. I'm not sure why you think not having sex keeps you from being a cuckold especially when a prerequisite is not having sex.


File: 1715297182255.jpg ( 183.86 KB , 1080x1080 , 20240509_162549.jpg )

Just be white


File: 1715357563875.jpg ( 368.33 KB , 2144x704 , photo5328011685396601894y_….jpg )

rate his spread


File: 1715358584499-0.png ( 324.38 KB , 695x582 , ClipboardImage.png )

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Don't divide incels based on race. It's counterproductive. There are plenty of white incels.


>This is bourgeois feminist Great Reset propaganda, trying to trick the man into 'stepping up' as to not destabilize society and continue creating a labor force/canon fodder for wars.
I keep telling you faggots that muh whamen are the biggest upholders of the bourgeois status quo.

Retarded leftoids projected (as always) their rebelliousness against feudalism onto capitalism. When those bitches are perfectly okay with enjoying capitalism at home while men are sent to their death. They even enjoy all the pity when their fathers/brothers die!



File: 1715515014536-0.jpg ( 75.52 KB , 1179x906 , 20240512_045624.jpg )

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why have i seen this carpet before?



why are these women so challenged by doing the fucking laundry
it literally takes no extra effort to throw clothes in a basket instead of all over the floor


File: 1715530788467.jpg ( 53.49 KB , 720x482 , 20240512_091902.jpg )



File: 1715547285543.png ( 3.04 MB , 1080x1336 , ClipboardImage.png )



mr breast


Wrong. Being handsome and famous is what bitches on your dick.

Ugly famous dudes are just novelty devices.


File: 1715621148778.jpg ( 90.16 KB , 821x1585 , Image_20240513_102507.jpg )



Artificial fertilisation


File: 1715621840366.jpg ( 90.16 KB , 821x1585 , Image_20240513_102507.jpg )



Why are there two sharks?


The attraction is not genuine but, they will still be on an average/ugly celeb's dick because of status.


File: 1715646631308.jpg ( 195.91 KB , 1080x964 , Screenshot_20240513_175358….jpg )



File: 1715653862078.mp4 ( 3.39 MB , 480x854 , overforsub5.mp4 )

They lit her up in the comment section.


File: 1715783964815.jpg ( 143.02 KB , 1241x1151 , 20240515_073843.jpg )



thanks i really appreciate it


25 dating five years younger is npw consodered predatory?

Millennials amd Zoomers have really become too age sensitive.
Millennials will become even worse age-chauvinists than boomers.


>gib more money to church for being church
>as a consequence, fight with shovels against some invaders' artillery
Good. r*ϟhitϟ had to learn this lesson in their r*ϟϟo-nipponian war too, look how that turned out.
Funniest shit is the fact that nippons were shitting their pants over war continuing its course every single day since japan had to take fucktons of loans for even waging it in the 1st place. The only fucking thing r*ϟpigϟ had to do to win is to just throw another billion of retarded pogromian serfs @ the pathetic slanty-eyed & weak barbarians but even in this grorious tradition of theirs they've managed to royally fuck up KEK. Maybe Engels was onto something with this dialectical materialism of his?

>age gap, cunt youth wasted, red flags, muhcunt muhcunt muhcunt muhcunt muh-
Yes faggot, cunts fucking hate you for not being chad, SO? Stop fucking caring about these holes you tard.


File: 1715921916479.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 393.19 KB , 756x552 , when rswines need some cor….jpg )

>gib more money to church for being church
>as a consequence, fight with shovels against some invaders' artillery
Good. r*ϟhitϟ had to learn this lesson in their r*ϟϟo-nipponian war too, look how that turned out.
Funniest shit is the fact that nippons were shitting their pants over war continuing its course every single day since japan had to take fucktons of loans for even waging it in the 1st place. The only fucking thing r*ϟpigϟ had to do to win is to just throw another billion of retarded pogromian serfs @ the pathetic slanty-eyed & weak barbarians but even in this grorious tradition of theirs they've managed to royally fuck up KEK. Maybe Engels was onto something with this dialectical materialism of his?

>age gap, cunt youth wasted, red flags, muhcunt muhcunt muhcunt muhcunt muh-
Yes faggot, cunts fucking hate you for not being chad, SO? Stop fucking caring about these holes you tard?


uyghas talking about fin. i'm finna beat yo ass. got emm


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>frist image
That comeback doesn't really work anymore now that most hardline misandrists are TERFs, who are the most vocal group about the restroom thing.


File: 1716342189395.png ( 140.11 KB , 417x766 , ClipboardImage.png )



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Fucking owned bitch.


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let it be known




It's over for currycels


males have such fragile egos like eww


File: 1716613516228.png ( 470.78 KB , 480x465 , ClipboardImage.png )

Are they most cucked minority? I feel like people are ok with openly shitting on them vs rice and blacks.


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>first image
Have you got a link to the original tiktok?


What makes this thread leftist?


File: 1716688487351.mp4 ( 657.37 KB , 720x1280 , Video-314.mp4 )



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File: 1717280557378.png ( 393.61 KB , 742x716 , Image_20240601_150822.png )

>1930's incel comic


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good post


File: 1717521602940.jpg ( 130.56 KB , 1170x1029 , 20240604_101903.jpg )

>Don't sleep with your husband for years.
>Find out he's cheating
>Shocked Pickachu face


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File: 1717586113431.mp4 ( 14.01 MB , 720x1280 , RDT_20240605_041422.mp4 )



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>1914 white knight


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the last one was posted before, tsk tsk feds


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paper NPCs be like


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Life imitates art


File: 1718472736325.jpg ( 127.09 KB , 1024x1064 , 6.jpg )

A French woman has her head shaved by civilians as a penalty for having consorted with German troops, 1944


the third pic sounds fake. Tbh though this is why men shouldnt be so quick to chase romance and family planning.


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File: 1718767314396.png ( 1.63 MB , 1080x1354 , ClipboardImage.png )



File: 1718862514943.png ( 1.12 MB , 1179x1232 , ClipboardImage.png )

Over for oldcels


File: 1718922823813.png ( 77.74 KB , 1644x1370 , 1667777449061038.png )

what can be done bros I'm going to kms soon


I don't know. I would have killed myself already if it didn't take so much effort to do so.


I think I'm going to run my car in a garage. I'm too cowardly to jump off a high place


Please don't do that


if you're going to throw your life away, it'd be justified to do so by attacking the bourgeoisie or the police in minecraft


Get off image boards asap


File: 1719434893686-0.jpg ( 90.47 KB , 987x987 , 20240626_134649.jpg )

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that wasnt funny


File: 1719985255865.jpg ( 50.46 KB , 567x756 , 20240702_224011.jpg )

Life imitates art




File: 1720123522955.png ( 260.59 KB , 995x577 , ClipboardImage.png )



America is a crazy country.


File: 1720293563921.jpg ( 94.42 KB , 864x688 , IMG_20240706_121648.jpg )

I wish the left would say things like this


why is she saying this? does she have an ulterior motive?


Aimee Terese is one of the few female online political personalities who I would describe as genuinely unfuckable. She can be based on occasion, but she is a very ugly woman - both inside and out.


File: 1720328675779.png ( 1.08 MB , 1118x836 , ClipboardImage.png )



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Go back to the café


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troons'n suicide watch


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Critical support for those men




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this asswiping bitch I hope she is raped in prison for defaming based NoWipe Hindi gods. Death to asswipers and their apologists


I hated tatted foids so much, literal trash.


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>hope she is raped


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Brvtal I feel bad for this foid.


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