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 No.457563[View All][Watch Thread]

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In recent news: Ukies done a successful counteroffensive in Izium, Z gang now in shambles. Biden promises even more money for Ukraine. Putin meets Xi, Erdogan, Modi and others at the SCO summit.

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>I mean, personally, "seized" and "liberate" are both perfectly accurate in this case. Like, I don't see that as particularly propagandistic
Clearly these words are not synonymous, but i can't really be bothered to pick this apart.

>Ukraine objectively has a better claim to that territory than Russia does.

The Russians did a referendum, and while you can criticize that on the basis that it did not include people who fled the war, or that it was held while the Russian military was present, it's still more democratic than Ukraine's abolished elections. Technically Ukraine doesn't have a government until they hold elections.

>Russia's best claim for reason to be there is security concerns, and that still doesn't entitle them, legally, to control of the territory

The US invaded Ukraine via a covert war, you know the CIA arming and training groups like Azov. I don't know enough about international law to say for sure, but i think the Russians can claim that this was the US attempting to mass forces on Russia's boarders which technically is an act of war.

I think that it's pure ideological distortion to say this was a war between Ukraine and Russia. Nato poured so many weapons into Ukraine that it would best be described as a Russia-NATO proxy war. International law prohibits proxy wars too, so not sure where that leaves this.

Then there is the matter that some regions of formerly east Ukraine declared independence from Ukraine, that is something people can do. Democratic self determination and all that jazz. Lets not forget that the Ukrainian government was doing heavy discriminating against some parts of the population. You can only claim governance over people that are enfranchised. But wait there is more. At some point the Ukrainian military began shelling residential areas, they claimed to be part of Ukraine. I'm sorry but I don't really see how that tracks. I think that's the point when Kiefv relinquished it's claims. Governance by artillery that's not really a thing.

My preference was east Ukraine becoming a new country, instead of this war. The western governments would have needed to officially recognize it for that to happen. So i do get why this is fantasy-land.

The neocon approach to international law seems to be might makes right, in that sense Russia proved to have more might.

You have to understand where i'm coming from, I'm not willing to entertain a narrative that legitimizes neocon policy, i see that as a matter of principle equivalent to international law. The neocons are universal wreckers that seek to undermine organized human society. What they have been doing is destabilizing the US and Europe too, Russia is not their only target. When you looked at the legal dimension of the Ukraine war without any of the context, you triggered my "neocon narrative alarm neuron".


>not calling Ukraine "the democracy abandoned Bandarist neocon backed regime" or something like that ?
Maybe you don't. I refer to Zelenskyy's govt. as "the Banderite regime".


>The Russians did a referendum, and while you can criticize that on the basis that it did not include people who fled the war, or that it was held while the Russian military was present, it's still more democratic than Ukraine's abolished elections. Technically Ukraine doesn't have a government until they hold elections.
1. Invade
2. Hold referendum in the territory you occupy
3. A year or more later, the country you invaded doesn't have an election
4. ???

See, steps 2 & 3 don't actually legally justify step 1.

>The US invaded Ukraine via a covert war, you know the CIA arming and training groups like Azov. I don't know enough about international law to say for sure, but i think the Russians can claim that this was the US attempting to mass forces on Russia's boarders which technically is an act of war.

Weren't Ukrainian factions in bed with those US factions tho?
It's really difficult either way for Russia to claim any of this was an act of war against Russia. I don't discount the claims of national security concern altogether, but they're not strong enough to justify the invasion, only to make me somewhat more sympathetic towards Russia than I otherwise would be.

>I think that it's pure ideological distortion to say this was a war between Ukraine and Russia. Nato poured so many weapons into Ukraine that it would best be described as a Russia-NATO proxy war. International law prohibits proxy wars too, so not sure where that leaves this.

I view it the opposite way.
It's a war between Ukraine and Russia. It's Ukrainians and Russians who are dying. Whether or not you see the Ukrainian gov't as legitimate, and there are plenty of reasons to question its legitimacy, the US clearly had something to attach to ideologically; namely, a long history of Ukrainian nationalism and anti-Russian sentiment. Russia made a huge mistake by invading because that antagonism was there, and this protracted war has only made it worse; whether Zelenskyy survives it or not, this will be a major problem for decades to come, and NATO hasn't had to lose a single soldier while Ukraine and Russia have lost thousands, with entire blocks of cities destroyed.

Ukraine will never be accepted into NATO, as the goal of the war was not for Ukraine to win, but rather to preoccupy Russia (while they were bogged down with this, Assad fell) and damage Russia's reputation internationally, and in Ukraine especially, with a long, brutal war. Whether or not these goals have been perfectly achieved to any permanent end (this I doubt), they have been furthered in ways which they had not been prior to the initiation of this war. If the US had had nothing, no patriotic substance, to grab onto, this would have collapsed much more quickly, they would have had to fight directly. But they didn't. They never did. So the Russians call the Ukrainians Nazis (some certainly are! Many aren't!) and celebrate the decimation of Ukrainian towns, the Ukrainians call the Russians orcs, and the two brutalize eachother while the weapons flow uninterrupted. It's a proxy war for the backers, but for those fighting it it's just a war.

>The neocon approach to international law seems to be might makes right, in that sense Russia proved to have more might.

It was never actually in question who had more might.

>The neocons are universal wreckers that seek to undermine organized human society.

And if they provoked this war then that was a pretty big success.


Let me preface this with i will not agree with any argument that can be made to prolong this war. So if you are raising the question about the legitimacy of territorial claims in order to find a reason to keep this war going. Don't bother, ending this war, preferably yesterday, is what i would consider a premise of this debate. Basically peace takes priority.

>Steps 1 2 3 4

Ok lets do this again and fill in all the missing context. The current regime in Ukraine came to power via CIA regime change color revolution. That entailed gunning people down in Ukraine's capital city, that's basically sufficient reason already to no longer consider a government legitimate. A government comes from the people of a country not from the CIA. But that isn't where this story ends, it's just the beginning. They illegitimately banned religion and language. They enacted a hole slew of discriminatory legislation that disenfranchised a large part of their population. They shot with artillery and mortars at their own population, they banned most media outlets, they kidnapped masses of people from the streets, and then they also abandoned what was left of formal democracy. Let me iterate on this last point, it's never legitimate to do that. War can't be a loop-hole to abolish democracy. There are no exemptions to democracy.

You have to be drinking very potent ideological cool-aid to still consider, the regime that currently holds power in Ukraine, as legit after all that. I want to point out that Zelensky was elected on a very explicit promise to make peace with Russia and chart a course for Ukraine that was a middle way between the West and Russia. Neutral ground militarily and economic relations with both sides. Zelensky didn't have a mandate to fight a war. He had a peace-mandate which he betrayed the moment he withdrew Ukraine from the Istanbul peace talks, which was the last realistic chance for preventing a war. The Istanbul thing incidentally also preserved Ukraine's territory, meaning they would have retained the eastern part. (Crimea's succession from Ukraine happened with international observers present that witnessed no irregularities, so there is no basis for contesting that)

Basically democratic legitimacy was thrown out the window in Ukraine and it became an arena of might makes right. The neocons in the US, predominately the Kagen clan, wanted it that way because they thought a proxy war in Ukraine would enable them to bleed Russia which they consider a "great power rival" or something along those lines.

The Russians doing referenda in eastern Ukraine, is basically the only thing resembling democratic legitimization, in a otherwise democratic void.

Also the Ukrainian "government" tortured and killed Gonzalo Lira for youtube-rants. Fuck em.


<when we regime-change countries, that is OK
<when the Russian smash those, that is NOT OK
Well on paper we have international law, but you're delusional, if you think you can apply that selectively to serve a political agenda. It's basically a gentleman's agreement that only works if all the big powers play along. The neocons in the US don't even give lip-service to international law anymore. They waffle on and on about a "rules based order" and legislatively attack a number of UN institutions like the ICC for example. So… we get anarchy between states and it basically falls back to national law. And the Russians consider the NATO east-wards expansion after 1990 as a breach of the agreement they had with the US for removing their forces from eastern Europe. So they're not breaking any of their own laws. You can't evoke international law unless it means every country has to color inside the lines.

>Weren't Ukrainian factions in bed with those US factions tho?

It turned into a proxy war a decade ago, in 2014. 2022 was just a escalation. The US sided with fascistic elements , while the Russians sided with the social democrats and the communists in Ukraine.
>It's really difficult either way for Russia to claim any of this was an act of war against Russia.
The neocons have think-tanks that published strategy papers that stated they aimed to provoke a war in Ukraine in order to weaken Russia and then make the Russian state collapse via economic sanctions. In what world, is trying to make the other sides state collapse, not aggression ?

>I don't discount the claims of national security concern altogether, but they're not strong enough to justify the invasion, only to make me somewhat more sympathetic towards Russia than I otherwise would be.

Ukraine was a medium sized country between two big power blocks. As such they had 2 options:
<either remain neutral
<get destroyed as the battle ground for a proxy war between big powers.
The Russians offered Ukraine a deal where they would remain a neutral country, while the US did not, therefore the Russians were correct.
You are essentially trying to negotiate how close the US ought to be allowed to creep up on Russia. I'm growing tired of this, because it's an argument for giving the war-monger-gang a longer leash to play cold-war. I don't want cold war, i want detente. I want a peace dividend not rising military spending.

>It's a war between Ukraine and Russia.

Yeah given how much NATO weapons stockpiles were poured into Ukraine, this is a ridiculess statement even with your ideological blinders.

>Whether or not you see the Ukrainian gov't as legitimate, and there are plenty of reasons to question its legitimacy,

They tied people to posts for street-lights/signs in their underwear during winter and called them saboteurs.
>the US clearly had something to attach to ideologically; namely, a long history of Ukrainian nationalism
You mean the history of where the "hero" of Ukrainian nationalism Stephan Bandera joined forced with Hitler, to among other things, holocaust the Jews. Maybe that's not something one should attach to.
>and anti-Russian sentiment.
Basically Fascist being mad about getting crushed in ww2.
>Russia made a huge mistake by invading because that antagonism was there
How ? They won, Nato lost
>and this protracted war has only made it worse
protracted ?
2 years certainly isn't a short war, but given that they depleted vast NATO weapons stockpiles, it doesn't seem particularly slow.
>whether Zelenskyy survives it or not, this will be a major problem for decades to come
decades ? do you own stock of weapons companies ?
I think this will get wrapped up in 2025
>If the US had nothing, no patriotic substance, to grab onto
WTF ? This thing was a racket that ran on bribes, and they imposed a draft, their recruitment abducted people as if they were slave-catchers , which proves Ukrainians did not want to fight. "Patriotic substance" my ass.

> So the Russians call the Ukrainians Nazis (some certainly are! Many aren't!)

>the Ukrainians call the Russians orcs
How is that equivalent ?
Have you seen any green Russians with large canine teeth sticking out of their mouths ?
>the weapons flow uninterrupted. It's a proxy war for the backers, but for those fighting it it's just a war.
Except that the Russians had a voluntary military while Ukraine didn't.
>It was never actually in question who had more might.
So the neocons picked a loosing fight because of Geopolitical masochism ?
>And if they provoked this war then that was a pretty big success.
But they lost. The US lost a lot of imperial leverage because the sanctions war caused a dramatic surge in de-dollarrization. Europe's economy was destroyed on top of it.


Don't forget that there were a series of mass murders of anti-Maidan activists on the heels of the coup. Once in the Kiev trade union building, and against to a bus full of people on their drive back to Crimea.


Don't forget the union members the neo-nazis burned alive in Odessa while the Ukrainian police stood and watched.


I think I got Kiev and Odessa confused. The attack on the historic Odessa trade union building was the big one everyone talks about. The bus massacre in Crimea nobody remembers.


Now that Trump has cut off the USAID gravy train, is the rest of Europe about to very quickly realize that the emperor has no clothes?


Hopefully! No, it won't happen in time.


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In time for what, anon?


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For Europe to stop acting retarded.


Trump reportedly announced a negotiated settlement.


The Lensky banned diplomacy, there is no point in consulting him


Really ? that would have been quick, what does the settlement say ?


I haven't seen it. I heard it on… uh… Owen Jones, I think mentioned it. I haven't looked into it yet, let us know if you beat me to it.


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Zelensky is suddenly going after all his remaining political rivals (particularly the ones propped up by the US after the Maidan coup in that infamous Victoria Nuland phone call) the moment it looks like he might finally have to face elections again. Z-bros, is he gonna make it out of this alive?


>Z-bros, is he gonna make it out of this alive?
The US certainly isn't going to airlift him Saigon-embassy-style if he ruins their backup vassal puppets. So probably not.

Then again maybe the UK wants to save him, because they want to bring him to international diplomatic events to mildly irritate Russian diplomats with pettiness..

Maybe the Russians save him to prosecute him for war-crimes or something.


Propaganda is really the thing stopping leftism in the west, and it's terrifyingly effective. At it's best it makes people think the complete opposite of what the reality is.

If socialists ever decide to fight a western government they should seize the media as a priority.


We did it…
We won!


didnt watch it


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I watched it, but at what cost?


At some point all i could here is Hugh Crane is winning, like spectator commentary for a local Pie throwing contest.

I had to stop listening to mainstream media because, at some point my brain started to invert everything they said in to the opposite, like subconsciously. They went so hard with the reality distortion that it triggered a bio-heuristic cognitive adaptation. Like when you wear those gimmick-glasses that make you see everything upside down, if you wear those glasses for long enough your brain compensates and you see everything normal again.

give it a go, it's humorous.

kek at that head-line speak.


So Trump just called Zelensky a dictator in a Truth Social post. Naturally neocon/CIA rags are rushing to correct him.



damn.. is Trump based in an accelerationist kind of way?


Is pulling the world back from the brink of nuclear exchange and dismantling NATO actually accelerationist though? If anything it was Biden who accelerated the contradictions to a breaking point.


The European Union and NATO are the geopolitical arm of America's unconstitutional fourth branch of government.

American liberals are always looking to 'civilized Europe' for hope and guidance for a reason.

The hypocrisy of 'civilized Europe' is now being exposed to the world.

It is entirely dependent upon American military aggression and the colonial exploitation of Africa.

It's 'civilized Europe' which appears to be attempting to sabatoge peace negotiations in Ukraine and which, in the loudest and strongest terms, condemns proposals for the withdrawal of US troops from the continent.

It is also the reason Trump will fail utterly in confronting the fourth branch.

'Civilized Europe' will not allow America to cast off the parasitical fetters to world peace it calls 'human rights.'

And when the constitutional crisis inevitably leads to full-blown civil war in America - a war that has already begun at the highest levels of government,

'Civilized Europe' will be the main intervening power, to ensure the preservation of the occupation regime maintaining the global system for which global financial capitalist parasites are the main beneficiaries.

The only question is: Does America still have some barbaric pride left in it to resist this?


>So Trump just called Zelensky a dictator in a Truth Social post. Naturally neocon/CIA rags are rushing to correct him.
The Lensky clearly isn't elected anymore, so that would make him a tator indeed. How did they "correct" him ? Did they say "he isn't a dictator, he's our vassal"

Neither are accelerationist imho. President Blinken was just a wrecker, Trump pulling out was rational (you know, lost war, lost cause), but we also don't really know what Trump's motivations are.

I guess it's also correct that nuclear war risk has decreased since diplomatic relations between the US and Russia have resumed.

It's mainly Macron and Starmer doing this, the former was voted out already and probably shouldn't have any political power anymore. The latter is saying crazy shit, i wonder how long he'll remain in power.


Just a simple Google search on this dictator thing is hilarious. From CNN to WashPo to Axios, they all are running damage control for the Z man. Most of these rags don't even have the basic journalistic integrity to directly link their source on Truth Social.

I didn't realize the context of Trump's outburst until now, but it seems this was in response to Zelensky and his Ukrainian/CIA propaganda apparatus trying to frame Trump as having said that "Ukraine was to blame for the war". Trump actually didn't say this, but Zelensky then had a scolding press conference where he acted like a Western "fact checker" in response to this media straw man and said that Trump was in a "disinformation bubble" and was being misled by Russia. Trump of course was the victim of a four year long propaganda campaign claiming he was an agent of Putin. Zelensky also talked about how totally popular he was in Ukraine but still can't have elections again.

The man of Z fucked up big this time and this is quite probably a career ender for him.


They're idiots for Russia-gating Trump again, he gained political energy from that the first time around and strawmaning people is stupid too.

The "disinformation bubble" rhetoric is nothing more than a thought termination mechanism. Maybe we should co-opt the word and use it for something else, like diss-information, as in information useful for dissing somebody in combative poetry. That way it would have an actual meaning. Although it is tempting to call legacy media as the "war-monger information bubble".

>The man of Z fucked up big this time and this is quite probably a career ender for him.

True but the Lensky might be dead in a few months, because the Banderites might off him. They already made public threats.


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President Cringe is at it again.

He just held a press conference where he said he would only resign if Ukraine was made a full member of NATO and the EU. Is he gonna make it lads?


Kys loli pedo


>President Cringe
there are multiple candidates for that title
>said he would only resign if Ukraine was made a full member of NATO and the EU.
So I'm guessing Zelensky ?




Whelp, that's it then. The career of world famous actor and comedian Volodymyr Zelensky has finally reached its zenith. It's all downhill from here.




This entire thing was a lesson in political mud-wrestling.

The Russians have most of those uncooked minerals, Volo thought he could use the minerals as a Mc-guffin to get the US to fight the Russians. And Trump just said
<your minerals ?
<those are my minerals

The debate about US forces being deployed in Ukraine to "secure the minerals" was immediately derailed by bickering about who has legitimate claim on those minerals.

We have to learn how to do this.


z-gang won


>z-gang won
You mean the Russians ? True, but they also lost over 100k people. So the victory isn't without a bitter aftertaste.
The full spectrum victory is when all your people live comfortable, prosperous, peaceful lives.


Source: Kyiv Independent


huh ?
Are you insinuating that I'm a ukro-shill ?

I have to say that's a strange feeling, usually people attack me as a "rushenbot" for not saying the Russians lost 500 quadrillion people every femto second.

I want to be realistic, the Russians held off the Nato ukro-proxy onslaught, and they did it with relatively low losses, credit to their effective military apparatus. But the goal is to have nobody die in wars.

Winning the war is the silver medal, frustrating the instigation of wars and having peace is the gold medal. If you catch my drift.


100k seems high. Russia has been waging an extremely conservative positional war, always trying to entrap Ukrainian forces in artillery and drone bombardments while keeping soldiers out of intimate encounters.


>100k people
So they lost every single active member of their forces?


>100k seems high.
Really ?
The Ukrainians lost 1.1 millions that's a 11:1 advantage for the Russians. Considering that the advancing army usually gets a 1:3 penalty, it seems very low.

There's polling company that's called mediazona or something similar, and that's the estimate they got from counting stuff like funerals. Considering that war-rags are saying the Russians lost a million or more, this seemed like a reasonable estimate. You know since war-propaganda usually exaggerates by a factor of 10.

You have a better estimate ?

what are you talking about ?


>Considering that the advancing army usually gets a 1:3 penalty, it seems very low.
This is where the Russia invasion narrative breaks down. The eastern provinces were already waging a civil war for independence since 2014. In 2022 Russia basically got that territory for free and for the most part the Ukrainians have been the "advancing army".


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Ukrainian drones attacked Moscow last night


Ukraine strikes Moscow in biggest drone attack on Russia's capital

Ukraine on Tuesday launched its biggest ever drone attack on Moscow, killing three people, injuring 18 others and causing a short shutdown at the Russian capital's four airports, Russian officials said.

The dawn attack unfurled as U.S. officials were to meet a Ukrainian delegation in Saudi Arabia to seek an end of the three-year war and as Russian forces try to encircle thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in the western Russian region of Kursk.

Kyiv has suffered repeated mass strikes from Russia throughout the war and said it was targeted by a ballistic missile and 126 drones on Tuesday. It has tried to hit back against its vastly bigger neighbour with repeated drone raids on oil refineries, airfields and even early-warning radar stations.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Tuesday's was the biggest Ukrainian drone attack on the city, which including the surrounding region has a population of at least 21 million and is one of the biggest metropolitan areas in Europe.

A senior Russian lawmaker suggested Russia should retaliate for Tuesday's raid by striking Ukraine with the Oreshnik hypersonic missile, which Moscow fired on Ukraine last November after the U.S. and U.K. allowed Kyiv to strike deeper into Russia with Western missiles.

Col.-Gen. Andrei Kartapolov, head of parliament's defence committee and a former deputy defence minister, said such a decision was up to President Vladimir Putin. "But I think it would be useful — and not just one," he said.

Miratorg, one of Russia's biggest meat producers, said two employees were killed by falling debris just south of Moscow. A third fatality was later reported in the same area by Evgeniya Khrustaleva, head of the town of Domodedovo.

Another 18 people were injured, including three children, as residences were also struck, Russian officials said.

Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov posted a picture of a wrecked apartment with windows blown out. But there was no sign of panic: commuters went to work as normal.

Russia's aviation watchdog said flights were suspended at all four of Moscow's airports after the attacks, though they were later reopened. Flights were diverted to other cities.

Though U.S. President Donald Trump says he wants to deliver peace in Ukraine, the war is heating up on the battlefield with a major Russian spring offensive in Kursk and a series of Ukrainian drone attacks deep into Russia.

Russia has developed myriad electronic "umbrellas" over Moscow and key installations, with additional advanced internal layers over strategic buildings, and a complex web of air defences to shoot down drones before they reach the Kremlin in the heart of the capital.

The war, the biggest in Europe since the Second World War, has combined grinding trench and artillery warfare with the major innovation of drones.

Moscow and Kyiv have both sought to buy and develop new drones, deploy them in innovative ways, and seek new ways to destroy them - from farmers' shotguns to electronic jamming.

Both sides have turned cheap commercial drones into deadly weapons while ramping up their own production.

Soldiers have reported a visceral fear of drones and both sides have used macabre footage of fatal strikes in their propaganda, with soldiers shown being blown apart in toilets or running from burning vehicles.

Putin, who has sought to insulate Moscow from the war, has called Ukrainian attacks on civilian infrastructure such as nuclear power plants "terrorism" and has vowed a response.

Moscow, by far Russia's richest city, has boomed during the war, buoyed by the biggest defence spending splurge since the Cold War.


But I was told Ukrainians don't attack civilians :(


This story about Russian special forces marching a dozen kilometers through an oil pipeline for a devastating surprise attack in Kursk would be already greenlit for a Hollywood movie if the Ukrainians had done it.


This is not the first time the Russians have done this, there was another similar operation a while back. I think that one was some sort of tunnel maybe, not sure.

You are right about the movie production bit. Whether that can actually be turned into a movie is another question.

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