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Post 'em if you got 'em
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File: 1738579169821.gif ( 574.45 KB , 200x200 , psych light.gif )


Thread for psychedelic rock









Substituted psychedelia for a doomed planet.
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Nooo my punk band is literally gonna cause the revolution bro I swear tbf on god bruhhhh


Post-Punk isn't punk.







1946 - 2025


No idea who this bitch is nor do I care




Opening the thread with the Australian classic "Fuck Your Dad" by Thug. Great band, classic sound!






File: 1727754904401.png ( 112.45 KB , 1080x1080 , anarcho-comm-dgm.png )


thought i'd finally put this image i made ages ago to use. any KC fans / progheads here?


what's prog ?


I think this is prog.


Seriously tho

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Thread for kvlt shit
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Early Rotting Christ



Thread for posting and discussing Ragtime, the enigmatic synthesis of various strains of American culture into what would become the sonic progenitor of jazz, pop, and the American music of 20th century modernity. Born out of a combination of the classical marches of Sousa and black American folk music, and coinciding with rise of early recording technology (including the player piano), Ragtime would become a major world phenomenon, as well as the beginning of the black songwriting/recording star in American popular culture.

It's generally pretty neat, basically.
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File: 1734481300350.zip ( 3.02 KB , Bunyip 1911.zip )

Alright let's see if this works


Thanks broski!


Np anything for my rag bros


Scott Joplin's Treemonisha (1911) was his relatively obscure contribution to opera, and had very little, if anything, to do with ragtime… but still had just a little hint of black folk music incorporated into a couple numbers like "A Real Slow Drag," and so, to an extent, it presages Gershwin a bit in terms of mixing black folk/blues with classical influences in a theatrical context. The story is mildly fascinating in that it treads territory which is vaguely familiar to contemporary audiences; it's the story of a young, educated black woman triumphing over superstitious "conjurers," a group analogous to grifters or drug dealers led by a raggedy bokor-like witch doctor. I tried to put it on once and I found it pretty dull, but the opening instrumental overture is pretty good.


This Scott Joplin comp is pretty good as far as stuff direct from the piano rolls goes.


29 July 1959 – 20 January 2025


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Thread for upbeat & anthemic metal for lifting, cardio, etc.
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