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File: 1663187296476.jpg ( 117.78 KB , 736x987 , Sorayama Female Robot art.jpg )

 No.677[View All]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
68 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I also forgot say the fleshlight would advanced so it moves on its own with different settings and stuff


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AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men
Will AI gfs end the incel epidemic. Will it usher in a new femcel epidemic as Beta males check out of the dating marker and no longer act as backup plans to roasties chasing Chad?


>the AI learns from your reactions and is capable of giving you exactly what you want to hear or see, every single time. And they have come at just the right time to assuage the silent epidemic of loneliness that is hitting this generation of young men.
Haha normies are pretending they care about incels so they can guilt trip them from using AI girlfriends.
Normies were happy mercilessly gaslighting them about how brutally unfair the dating market has been to them for about 20 years.
But now that women can't string along betas once AI gfs start really being embraced, they're super cereal concerned about how this might isolate incels. It's such a load of ballocks.


What are your plans for halloween anon?








>X ruins an entire generation of men because muh procreation.

What is up with journalists obsessin over procreation?
Why cant young men be single and childless in peace?

Why do children and spouses exist as playthings for the sake of appealing to aesthetic maturity?


So lemme get his straight.

Sex bots, an alternative to imposng fetishes on live humans is seen s bd?

Yet, awkward men whom try theor hand at dating amd sex are criminalised for being ugly and awkward?

Why is simukated violence accepted but simulated sex is not?


violence is good sex is bad.

Thats why adults normalize kids bukkying each other to death yet if kids were to kiss each other its considered bad.


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Theme song for the thread


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Roasties have been shut out of the simp market. Porky wins again.


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>Eat the Rich and Re-distribute wealth

unironically has more soul than the fake hoes she streams with, reminds me of "More Human than humans" motto from Bladerunner lol


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Is this finally it? Is this what I have been training for? Simpocalypsis?

Guide me, loli AI Angels! Guide me my Valkyries, into the final battle against the forces of Evil (succubi)! Ragnarok is upon us! Down with Gynocracy!


Ok people, i'm off to commit a murder.


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why is society so obsessed with cishet male sexuality?
If men are vebting their lust onto a inanimate metallic vessel, what is the harm?

Women dont like men approaching them for sex.


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This guy proves you can be normal and relatable while participating in having companion dolls. Respect.


imagine actually believing that any of you freaks will ever be considered normal. you're going to get trooned out like the rest of the failed men in accordance with the wef's plan for open fascist dictatorship


Imagine being this angry about what someone does in their personal lives. Who is he hurting? Just so you know, he claims he does not have sex with them, thus making them not sex dolls but instead actual companion dolls. He also gives out good advice and wisdom with his channel, which is a contribution to humanity. What have you contributed, besides hating on people who live differently than you?


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You are a sad, strange little girl, and you have my pity.


gibsmedat pusi bruv


File: 1711868288898.gif ( 1.51 MB , 200x200 , meinurmum.gif )

>coomer wisdom
thanks I've been going through a hard time picrel
it's easy you just have to believe in yourself unironically


Can you read? I specifically said that he said that he does not have sex with them, thus making them NOT sex dolls, BUT, IN FACT, companion dolls!


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>THEY'RE NOT sex dolls. he ACTUALLY doesn't use them he SWEARS! they are COMPANION dolls because they sit in his CLOSET and sometimes he talks to them. BUT HE DOESN'T FUCK THEM. and you know what? HE GIVES GOOD LIFE ADVICE!


Do you have proof to the contrary?


"your self" is a spook you crétine
never fuck 149✊


da only thing this pusibitchs got is soy why you even care


my niqqa get yourself a hood bitch. easy as fuck


>"Am I ou5 of touch with kids these days" based on an isolated incident.

These parents have a twenty year old son and they were born in the 1960s?

That would meam they had the kid in their late thirties/early forties.

Regardless, older people as usual are willfully ignorant of their juniors' predicament.


youre wrong on the last sentence.
Less women wamt chikren.
People are replacing dogs with children.


Raising chickens isn't easy but I don't know why you'd single out female farmers or whatever.
Unless you mean the eating? Do you mean the vegan trend?


I mean to say children.
Less women want children nowadays.
I actually prefer this tbh because most adults nowadays cannot even raise themselves.

I actually have a friend whose mom built a chicken coop amd is raising some chickens. I had a case of their eggs. It was really good.

I wish we could bring back local collective farma.




Is this your account or did you just take his ideas?


Nevermind, you don't have to answer that, sensitive information. Interesting developments though.


What does everyone think, is this based or cringe? Is he a hero or villain?


Why does he seem to have a girlfriend in his profile picture?


World's first beauty pageant for AI women is announced: 'Miss AI' contest will see computer-generated ladies face off in tests of beauty, technology and social-media clout - with a $20,000 prize at stake



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I totally agree with this. I missed the boat on AI erotic roleplay and I never got the chance to use it to coom properly.


This is problematic because what about us poors who can't afford great rigs and don't have social media clout?


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