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Hello, faggots, thanks to our unwavering dedication to the community I am proud to announce we are rolling out our own, official, leftychan.net i2p address.
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You don't even need to use the "dark net" Bans are basically impossible because of vpns and proxies and everything else.

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 No.6724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>We don't really know where it is located in the source code because lainchan is spaghetti code
The bug is caused by instantiating the index template
using the $config of the openBoard call of the buildOne call of whichever thread happens to be last in the $top_threads loop.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any clean way to access the board-independent global config once openBoard has been run at least once. So a general solution may need to save a reference to the board-independent global config into a new global variable as soon as it is available
and pass that to the instantiation of the index template.

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Fermilab is a big atom-smasher particle-accelerator physics research project, in the US.It's no longuer the biggest project of this type, the currently biggest is the LHC in Switzerland. Threat-title is a Swiss-French speaking physicist quip about that. The biggest smasher under construction is in China

The fermilab had an interesting research project for neutrinos, and sort of was the front-runner in that area. However they had funding problems and might not be able to continue and there was some drama as well. There was a death and some close calls too.

Neutrinos are very light, low energy particles that don't interact much and hence can pass through matter without getting blocked. They occur naturally in the sun's core as a byproduct of nuclear fusion, but they are also generated by technology without nuclear reactions.

These neutrinos have interesting technological applications.
high power applications: is a neutrino-ray-cannon that can disable nukes by making them cook-off with 1-5% of their specified yield. Regardless where the nuke is or how fast it's going. No matter of shielding or how deep they are buried/submerged. It also doesn't do damage to anything else, so there's no political complications.
low power application is neutrino based communications. Those could become very energy efficient and no longer suffer from signal degradation from passing through objects (including the entire earth). So you can send signals to somebody on the other side of the planet by pointing the neutrino transmitter straight down. Jamming neutrino transmission would be impractical. The military obviously wants this for their ships, subs, bunkers and bases, the first generation of such devices (derived from research instruments see picture) would be super bulky , and likely limited to such niche applications. However eventually could be shrunk down to fit very small electronic devices.

I wonder whether this project is being sabotaged because the anti-nuke-ray would finish off the nuclear weapons industry, and neutrino communications would use a different more 3 dimensional network-topology and reshuffle the deck in communications, upstarts could potentially up-root the entrenched 2 dimensional telecoms.

Fermilab isn't the only research project that's doing neutrinos, so if this was industriaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


There's implications to technology being held back


>There's implications to technology being held back
Sure, historically it tends to be the loosing strategy, but at the same time it's also really common.

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Some breakthroughs have led me to finally and definitively abandon microshit's spyware.
I had been staying on wangblows for the audio software but had no idea Linux production had come so far.

My DAW [Renoise] has a fucking excellent native linux version that exceeds WIndows performance in some cases. Grabbing audio to feed into its sampler is easier than ever with youtube-dl and ffmpeg.
yabridge lets you convert Windows VSTs to run through Wine, the ones I've tried have worked seamlessly albeit with a little overhead.
Takes a tiny bit of elbow grease to get it optimized enough for serious use, but it's pretty simple once you get past initial setup and it even supports VST3.

Feels pretty good to be making music on a system I have so much control over, it's actually given me a lot of inspiration to work on new material.
Are you a composer or producer who runs Linux? What's your workflow/software?



I use Ardour, Vital, Helm, Geomkick, Surge, Stochas, sfizz, eq10q, and some other stuff like calf plugins.

I'm a total noob though so those might be terrible tool choices.


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I can't believe I only just found this great thread.

I also use Ardour (now on version 8 it's getting pretty good) and some of the plugins you mentioned (others I need to check out).

I'm currently using my linux system for real-time jamming and recording. I use NixOS so I can have the same audio setup on my laptop and my desktop. I'll attach my config. NixOS also has I guess what you would call a plugin that sets your system up for real-time audio called musnix, I turn on some of its settings but not the rt kernel (which causes some instability), but I can get the latency down to 10.7msec in jack with a very stable sound.

I have an arturia audiofuse interface, and today I took that and my laptop to a band practice, as well as my synth, a Yamaha DX7 (which weights 30lbs lol don't use this for practice) and I was using Yoshimi, Pianoteq (only non free software on my computer I swear, but I needed piano) and the synth's own sound (plus other shit), and i just used the midi selector on the dx to change busses. So I has a left and a right going from the interface into the mixer and it worked rock solid for 12h.

Literally we had practice for 12h today idk why we elected to do that, but this isn't even something that's ever going to make us money lol. Anyway shit worked the entire time without a hitch, I'm at this point more worried about the interface's shitty power socket than the software.

I'm not comfortable with posting my band here so maybe in another 3 years I'll bump this thread with some solo OC.

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This is a piece of software that does deep-fake face-swaps but it's fast enough to do it live.

While everybody lost their minds over how to use this maliciously.

I think this is some really empowering technology for video creators. It enables super low budget movies to be shot by a very small number of actors that play multiple roles, each with a different fake-face, they can also economize on stuff like make-up and hairdressing (especially for scifi alien foreheads) .

For people that wanna be actors but didn't win the genetic lottery on looks this might be the time to shine. (at least briefly until more advanced tech comes along)

it will also level the playing field for e-thots somewhat.


Notice that with all this AI shit there are no new hobbie produced movies making heavy use of AI that you have seen.


Also if the default model was someone good looking this might gain more traction lol


>there are no new hobbie produced movies making heavy use of AI
I think that's because most of the video-Ai stuff doesn't run fast enough for real-time. Hobby movie makers won't do extensive post-production, basic video and audio editing, is already time consuming. For Ai-stuff to be adopted by hobbyists, it needs to work like a what you see is what you get video filter that can be applied while filming.

your not wrong


>what you see is what you get video filter that can be applied while filming
Lol that's what v-tubers already do I guess

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So Intel processors are crapping out and they're already on the financial downturn. Intel might go under or continue on in a diminished fashion.

Many think that the X86 platform will stagnate without the competition between AMD and Intel.

I don't know, but there's always Risk-V, with it being a very open platform, there is nothing stopping anybody from taking a RISC-V design with small low-power cpu cores and adding a few really powerful chunky desktop type cpu cores to it, to make a hybrid processor. Lowering the barrier to entry for companies to make desktop-type processors.
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>Ultimately to overthrow the dominance of x86 something that's faster and cheaper needs to come along. Currently RISC-V isn't very competitive performance-wise. It will take a while before RISC-V is mature enough for some manufacturer to bet on it and throw money at a high-end batch of chips, and those will likely be more expensive than similar x86 ones.
Why would it be more expensive ?

>I can see China making a better and cheaper x86 in a shorter time-span than it would take for RISC-V to mature enough for me to put one into my desktop. And let's face it, if hobby/enthusiasts aren't using it, then it will never be as prolific as x86 is.

Would you be able to get any of these x86 processors ? Isn't there some licensing shenanigans going on that prevents others from selling x86 processors ?

>I just think the Intel thing is part of a larger ongoing trend of everything in the west going to absolute shit

Feels true
>it doesn't help that managers want to extract money from everything
>What we're in is a negative feedback loop of everything getting progressively shittier.
The great enshitification

How universal is that tho ? i mean is there no counter tendency that goes for making good stuff ?


>Why would it be more expensive?

Historically chips that try to seriously compete with x86 have been on more expensive platforms, IBM POWER and Sun SPARC come to mind.

I guess it's because it takes significant resources in R&D to become competitive and Intel and AMD already have economies of scale to keep their prices down.


>Would you be able to get any of these x86 processors ? Isn't there some licensing shenanigans going on that prevents others from selling x86 processors ?
You know I thought it was just that China doesn't give a fuck about western licenses but it appears that Zhaoxin actually has a license to make x86 products. So I mean unless there are some crazy tarrifs and import bans in north america I don't see why you can't get them.

>is there no counter tendency that goes for making good stuff ?

Okay this is going to just be a rant about open source, because I consider open-source to be that counter-tendency, but consider this: everyone in tech is busy and burnt-out for these huge tech monopolies either directly or indirectly. And so even with open-source a lot of development time today goes into building and maintaining things that the industry needs. Remember even though it's "free and open source" that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of money that goes into it.

So you have software that is ever-increasingly more complicated: like take the stack of tech that you need to serve a modern website, you need (minimally): a linux server on one side and firefox on the other side. Both of these projects are humongous, like incomprehensibly large and border-line unmaintainable. So lots of people are trying to make these things better, but for what? So we can add yet another W3C spec into our already over-complicated browsers to render a facebook Like buttons a little faster? At the end of the day that's what it's driven by.

And I don't see people embracing simplicity. I was once really excited for truly open source linux smartphones like the Pinephone. I was expecting the whole community of Linux users to switch to something like that and rather quickly get it to be on the same feature-level as Android, but years later it's dubious that you can even use the modem for calling and LTE with a phone running Linux on the bare-metal. The interest just isn't there, and this is why I said I think most devs are just too busy with corporate jobs.


>Historically chips that try to seriously compete with x86 have been on more expensive platforms, IBM POWER and Sun SPARC come to mind.
Yeah that's true when IBM open sourced the POWER ISA, a dev-board with a processor and some ram cost 4 grand. That said it was really powerfull, so the value proposition wasn't that bad, but not many can buy in at that price point.

>I guess it's because it takes significant resources in R&D to become competitive and Intel and AMD already have economies of scale to keep their prices down.

Some of that has improved tho, chip foundries with great economies of scale will produce cost efficient chips (in terms of hardware manufacturing) for newcomers too. RISC-V already has a lot of the plumbing done, so that should chip away some of the R&D entry barriers.
Maybe i'm just being naive.


>So you have software that is ever-increasingly more complicated: like take the stack of tech that you need to serve a modern website, you need (minimally): a linux server on one side and firefox on the other side. Both of these projects are humongous, like incomprehensibly large and border-line unmaintainable. So lots of people are trying to make these things better, but for what? So we can add yet another W3C spec into our already over-complicated browsers to render a facebook Like buttons a little faster? At the end of the day that's what it's driven by.
There's still people trying to make a new browser from scratch, like the project called lady bird. And there's some hope that more automation in coding might make the complexity of these more manageable.

>And I don't see people embracing simplicity.

There is stuff like the Gemini protocol. So it's not like there is no interest in simplification.
>I was once really excited for truly open source linux smartphones like the Pinephone. I was expecting the whole community of Linux users to switch to something like that and rather quickly get it to be on the same feature-level as Android,
I think that is a problem of expectations, Linux was marginal for a very long time until it took off. This probably has to cook for a while longer.

>but years later it's dubious that you can even use the modem for calling and LTE with a phone running Linux on the bare-metal. The interest just isn't there, and this is why I said I think most devs are just too busy with corporate jobs.

I think that the problem might be the cellular modem stack. It's soo much legacy cruft. Left-overs from ancient technology limitation that are nonsensical now, some of it is because of the way cell towers networks are organized and so on. Eventually a new fresh communication stack will become necessary and then it'll be possible to go the open source route from the start.

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A video game that nintendo had a legal distribution monopoly on was leaked ahead of the official release. They got really mad about that and they are trying to take it out on the video-game emulation communities, by attacking emulation related software projects on github.

So the lesson here is if you give companies like that money they are going to use it to attack your hobbies. I think this legitimizes "pirating" games because you have no legal option to buy these games without also supporting nintendo's legalistic mafia-terror.

If copy"right" wasn't set up like a monopoly, and you could buy these specific games from any distributor not just nintendo, so that you could choose to buy from non-mafia sellers, it would at least be logically possible to make a case against "piracy". But as long as that's not possible "piracy" is basically just self defense. Keep in mind that nintendo doesn't make games, it's just a legal entity, and not the same as the people that make the games like for example programmers and artists.

Obviously there also is the hole deal with DRM which is total hypocrisy, it basically attacks the concept of personal ownership of your possessions. It's property-rights for me but not for thee.

If they were to reform copy"right" and remove the distribution monopoly aspect, so that everybody with the means to distribute copies was free to do so as long as they gave royalties (as a form of revenue sharing) to the people who actually created the stuff that is being copied. Maybe that would work.

But as long as they keep the monopoly part "piracy" is basically just competing distributors that were arbitrarily banned from participating in the market. Some times people make the strange argument that pirates gain from the work of others but that's also true for the capitalists that own nintendo, by that logic all of nintendo's profits are pirated.

I sometimes feel like the copy-monopolists take the most extreme ideological positions, while we don't and that's why this hole shit drifts ever more towards reactionary insanity where Nintendo gets to rape random software devs on github as some kind of bully-frustration release mechanism and it's a crime if you play with toys "the wrong way". Maybe we should redefine piracy as everything that keeps works-of-art outside the creative-commons/public-domain and drm as a product defect. Maybe that will create a counter-weight.
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The project was forked, the new project name is Suyu, and of course ''somebody"" is already trying to censor the source code from the internet by making " "copyright" " claims against it.



Fucking hell, Nintendo is trying to murder hobby video game projects again.
Does nobody know how to slay this beast ?


Honestly anon, I think it's a fallacy trying to post hoc rationalize piracy. It almost goes against the spirit of being a pirate. You don't need the moral high ground and you don't need any justifications. Just pirate, fuck them. We know they'd kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit if it was legal, you don't need the extra baggage of trying to be a moral pirate weighing you down on the high seas.

People who try to shame you or cry and attack you can also go fuck themselves, they can't stop you so they have to rely on socializing you into submission. Fuck them too.


>We know they'd will kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit if when it was will be legal profitable enough
bruh like cmon bruh bruh

Don't bother with legalities, it's all just a wordwrapping around the actual system of privatization. Ninshit Corp. isn't doing anything out of the ordinary 4 the capitalist system of production relations, stop bothering with it.


>We know they'd kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit if it was legal, you don't need the extra baggage of trying to be a moral pirate weighing you down on the high seas.
Apparently murder is now legal for corpos, if you buy Disney-streaming you grant them the right to kill you.
Piracy just won the moral question.

>We know they will kill your grandmother and sell her soul for profit when it was will be profitable enough
>bruh like cmon bruh bruh
I kneel, you're a prophet

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So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?


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I doubt the whores in the DOJ will ever break up any sort of monopoly in this day and age, but a possible outcome that intrigues me is that Google could be forced to stop funding Mozilla through search engine deals. Either Mozilla would no longer be controlled opposition and be forced to pursue their original mission again, or they'll die immediately without being propped up by Google money. Either would be good, because if the latter happened Google would become such an undeniable monopoly in the browser market that regulators would be forced to intervene.


Even if they did break up google the damage is done at this point. Those spinless vaginas let google run around for decades pulling their bullshit letting them force everyone to use their shitty browser on their shitty smart phones.


If you want to fix the web, you need to add automatic back-links to the html protocol. Meaning that if somebody links to a website, that website will add a back-link to a list at the bottom of the site. That way the web becomes "traversable by foot" or explorable. This would make it possible to stumble across content that you can't find with web-search anymore. Web-search got ruined by Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) gaming the system. I don't know if breaking google's strangle-hold on search would fix this. It might be harder to do SEO if there's multiple big search providers, but i'm not sure.

What google did wrong, was the way they did advertisements. They profile people and than try to shove ads in their faces that are relevant to that person. But that is completely backwards, because it usually means displaying information that is not related to the content in the web-page.

If somebody tries to read a webpage about dinosaurs, everything not related to dinosaurs means interrupting the mental flow. It feels like a asinine rude person yelling at you to break your concentration while you are trying to read something. That's the reason why add-blocking has turned into a holy mission. https://farside.link/invidious/watch?v=N-MMYihUwyI

Advertisement systems should analyze the content of a web-page and then display adds relevant to the content. That way adds would not be rude mental intrusions, and more people would accept it. It also means that there is no reason to run client-side scripts to profile people, which means that the privacy and security problems in online-advertisement go away too.

Google is also fucking with browser standards, those should be neutral, but big G is putting the thumb on the scale. For example, they try to bully everybody to use the webp picture format, instead of the much better jpegxl, or recently they have begun screwing with browser extension support.

I don't know the politics behind this development, will we get neutral browser standards, content-aware adds instead of user-profile adds, and perhaps back-links to bypass SEO-shitfuckery ?

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>300 torrents
>18 terabytes were seeded
>4 of them thanks 2 fallout new vegas
Is this truly so over for people rn?


fuck wrong board i guess kms rn

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halp. bitch neighbors
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You don't need to aim directly for the eyes with a really powerful laser. The act of simply viewing its reflection or mark on objects can be enough to cause permanent damage to vision.


Doesn't matter, nobody picks that as a weapon because other simpler weapons are more effective.


>lasers are shitty weapons
its a shame


Share your tips


Science fiction unfortunately created the expectation of high-powered lasers as some kind of weapons, when it should have depicted lasers as the equivalent of a power-drill where the drill-bit never dulls and always extends as deep into the hole as you need it too.

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