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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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generative ML software
-generative machine learning software will kill off the copyright-restriction lobby
Media creation will become cheap and abundant, restricting access to content will become self defeating. SO called IP will seize to be capital, the new capital will be the chip-plants and power-plants. Small artists will benefit the most, these new tools will allow individuals and small teams to create very sophisticated content that previously was only doable for large companies.
-Copy restrictions are the most destructive in the pharmaceutical field because they prevent people from getting medicine, and globally this leads to the involuntary slaughter of tens of millions of people every year. I would expect a similar dynamic from computationally brute-forcing candidates for molecules with medical properties and a explosion of cheap generica.
-it will become so easy to make fake surveillance-recordings and digital-records that all kinds of video, audio and digital records will be downgraded from forensic evidence to testimonial evidence.

-The so called "client-side csam-scanning" scheme will backfire spectacularly, because AI image-recognition and image-generation are very similar, and one can be turned into the other. AI-stalking is deployed like regular malware, the attacker injects a payload into the victims computer to exfiltrate data. Big tech like Apple or the EU Thorn-surveillance group (responsible for chat-control), are pushing to infect a gazillion smartphones with this crud. They will end up spreading a pedo-porn-generator far and wide. The think of the children political deception will die with this one.
-meat-space surveillance with cameras that recognize peoples faces will turn into a gang-violence bonanza. While the meat-space mafia is generally stupid with mediocre tech skills, they will eventually figure out how to wear "other people's faces". Public safety will nose-dive and the fashion trends will get surreal with women wearing face-curtain-hair and men growing up-beards that go from the chin to the forehead.
Everything eventually turns into it's opposite. Something something dialectical.

surveillance capitalism
-People'll use AI to generated loads of data, personal profiling will eventually die because the data becomes diluted with ai-slop. Data-brokers will also use Ai to pad User-data, and contribute to that. Many people will try to use Ai to generate a favorable-digital foot-print to avoid digital discrimination/persecution, contributing yet more erosion of big data.
The only current big tech company that went for a relatively open and modular strategy is Meta. Surprisingly enough it was the Zuck that was clear headed about this. The others are seeking to build their monolithic mainframe Ai and they'll end up like those big mainframe companies from the 80s nobody remembers anymore.

SnAIke oil
Too much to list it all, here are 2 egregious ones:
-AI lie detectors, AI pre-crime crystal balls.

>humanoid robots

Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem. It won't replace industrial workers because industrial automation doesn't need humanoid shapes. It won't replace hospitality workers because we already invented much more cost effective vending machines that produce everything from fancy coffee to sophisticated gourmet meals. The military might go for these for political reasons (fewer people returning in body bags). Strategic downsides are that robot-husks can be harvested by an opponent and turned in a new military force. It might make for a decent butler, as long as you don't connect it to the internet because it might get a software-update that instructs it to strangle you until you buy the not-get-strangled subscription. Same deal with security droids.

Ai politics
expect pic related


OP if I may be frank with you a bit about image board etiquette. When you create threads with gigantic OPs like this on a slow board, although you probably think you're doing a good thing by creating a bunch of thoughtful content to help the board along… The reality is in fact the opposite. It's actually intimidating to other posters, who feel like they need to measure up to the amount of writing or the quantity of topics covered in the OP in order to contribute, and the real tendency is that big essays don't actually generate discussions at all. I have seen this play out many, many times in the years of image boards under my belt.

My suggestion is to keep OPs simple and open, and if you feel like you really have something to say do it in a subsequent post.


>Machines that have the same shape as a human worker, are still a solution in search for a problem
Everyone wants a robot waifu gf, there's definitely a market for a decent one.


>Everyone wants a robot waifu gf
Sure, but you won't get a wholesome "robot waifu gf", they'll produce "robot whores" that make you buy into an expensive subscription model. Even if you pay all that, it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program.


>it'll still interrupt the sex to tell you about products and services from companies that participate in the third-party sex-vertisement program
Dang, these sex robots are already more human than humen!


So it would have been better to split this into half a dozen separate threads instead ?

Even if that's like having a bunch of threads with kinda similar topics ?

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