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Does the failure of Linux desktop prove that communism will never work?

feels like a barely functioning toy compare to the commercial options. they argue over irrelevant differences, constantly reinvent the wheel, never innovate, barely handles the basics.

it has no profit motive to unite or to sort boring problems.
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also slave morality would be doing the opposite of apple because they're the leaders.


>Choices on behalf of the user
Yes some choices are very, dare I say, stupid. There's a popular meme about linux UI/freetard graphic design and etc. I would say arrogance too, detachment from what users actually desire, mixed with a degree of narcissism "I'm gonna make my own le-arch-forkerinOS" instead of contributing to something already great


They are absolutely pathetic.
Never forget that Apple was in danger of going out of business in the 90s and they were kept afloat only due to the sheer cuckedness of their fans who kept throwing money at their overpriced and outdated (especially classic MacOS) products just because of the rainbow apple logo. And apple doesn't even treat these users well, sometimes even going to the extent of suing some blogger appletard users for sharing product rumours.
I don't think it's possible for there to be a more examplary epitome of corporate bootlicking than macfags. They don't just do it for free, they literally pay premium prices from their own pockets for it.


You can with third party programs, I use AlwaysOnTop.


I tried switching to Debian a few years ago and really liked it but no matter what I tried my G13 refused to work with it, and I rely on that too much. If only there was a G13 with on-board memory for the keys.

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I've achieved Emacs enlightenment. My config is a thousand lines of perfection. Lisp machine gang rise up once and for all!
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I used to dump video frames to jpg with mplayer, do some wild editing with shell loops calling ImageMagick and dc, then reencode it with mencoder.
This required a lot of disk space though.
Is development still stalled due to a lawsuit?


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Interesting thanks

Is there a single based browser?




That's it


>Is development still stalled due to a lawsuit?
I don't think so.
>We would like to thank GitHub for standing up for youtube-dl and making it possible to continue development without dropping any features. We appreciate GitHub taking potential legal risks in this regard.
>We would also like to heartily thank our main website hoster Uberspace who is currently being sued in Germany for hosting our essentially business card website and who have already spent thousands of Euros in their legal defense

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Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
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Yeah that's pretty gay, but, arguably it's less boot licky to have a group of devs democratically voted on to pass commits for code changes to the kernel and such. Also it's not like they are forcing us to use proprietary software. But i do agree


I don't get the capability argument. The only people that really suffer are NVIDIA fags. My AMD Ryzen will be unfazed.


>democratically voting on people
Please do not use words you do not understand. Elections are not democratic.


Wtf is this autism.

What do you think communism is retard. Can you faggots go for five seconds with out dragging out your gay ass tabkie bullshit. American elections under borg democracy are not the same thing as voting on people in and running your party you fucking faggots.

Work places should be run this way our mod team runs things democratically to some degree. This is just ideology. Stop it.


Arguably democracy is a very ambiguous word, but a marxist refutation of the represenativeness of OpenBSD's voting procedures would involve first examining potential factors like vendor pressure.


Democracy is voting to make decisions, elections have always been oligarchic in nature. You're operating on a misinformed definition of democracy that stems from an Orwellian inversion of meaning peddled by aristocrats in the late 18th century. Aristotle outlines clearly in his Politics that the people who actually invented democracy considered sortition to be democratic while elections have a tendency to select for people who are already in the upper levels of society.

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I want to get an old thinkpad, like an x200 and make it into a secure, tor-only machine. What is the best way to do this? Something like Qubes OS or is that just a meme? Looking for solutions for full disc encryption, network card that connects to TOR alone, that kind of stuff.

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Just pay $2000 to have someone else install Qubes on a thinkpad.


what's the market here? tech-illiterate schizos?




Maybe journalists who don't need to know how to partition a drive


They also have some hardware tamperproof evidence thingy.

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What keyboard should I use on Android?

Also, general alternative apps thread

>picture unrelated
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>>9129 (me)
>general alternative apps


Fennec https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid/

Bromite https://www.bromite.org/

Tor Browser for Android https://guardianproject.info/apps/org.torproject.torbrowser/

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Can this quickly change layouts and does it support Esperanto?


Thank you, very based!


Is there a recommended phone hardware + OS combo to get that maximizes features/ease of use?



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Holy shit, Google and Apple may have unwittingly just destroyed the highly unethical false-sense-of-security marketing of encrypted-messaging apps to dissidents and whatnot.
For years, many of us here on /g/ who have 200+ IQs and who keep our computer gear in a basement Faraday cage alongside our anti-psychotic medication have been alerting the masses that you can't have a secure encrypted-messaging app on an endpoint device that's Swiss cheese. We've been talking about exotic baseband attacks, OTA SIM attacks, 0days against software running on the AP, etc.
But if the latest reports about auto-installed COVID apps in some states are true and not Qoomer-tier nonsense, Google and Apple are perfectly happy to give governments the keys to the kingdom for installing whatever the fuck they wish on a device. Poof go any assurances that dissidents have with regard to their encrypted-messaging apps.
Keep an eye on this. Shit is about to get lit in the neurodiverse community.


>Google and Apple are perfectly happy to give governments the keys to the kingdom for installing whatever the fuck they wish on a device.

Is this new? They always acted whatever way a local government wants them to.

That being said, source?


Those companies always could install apps whenever unless measures are taken to remove the preinstalled shit from stock devices, so it should not be a surprise that it is potentially used for the COVID tracker business. And there are a lot of allegedly secure encrypted message apps that are glow in the dark honeypots, so even besides the PUP installation shit, problems are already existent about security. Just don't use modern phones, if one has to do shady work or so.

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Getting a wireless keyboard, good or bad idea?
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>enables normies to communicate everywhere and anywhere muh degenecracy, muh nerd club

kill yourself boomer
we will come and steal the headphone jacks out of your life


Looks like you never used a mouse with a short wire. I still dread the feeling of trying to move the mouse but getting stuck.


>we will come and steal the headphone jacks out of your life
Bourgeois degeneracy. Pay more for less (quality).


USB extension cables are still a way better option.
They sometimes come with a wireless mouse :^)


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Never wireless.

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What programming languages do you guys use? I'm mostly Python, Java, C#, C++. Used to like functional programming but IMO now that regular OO languages have alot of function features like first class functions its not as big a deal to write code in a pure functional language like lisp or haskell, better to write regular python or something and occasionally write some functional-styled code
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These days I only write Python and shell scripts. Haven't found anything better than Python for personal projects.
Used to write a lot of C, C++, C# and Java. I still hate Java.


Python is the best language for personal project IMO, unless you specifically want to experiment with a language of course. Django specifically is incredible for APIs.


What language would I use to automate stock ordering and trend following?


I would just use some Python libraries for making HTTP requests and parsing responses. Requests + Beautiful Soup for example. Both things you mentioned are very trivial until some stupid bug makes you order a ton of stocks over night.


I imagined it be easy, especially since the place I order isn't very busy, I'd need to also make it so the bot wouldn't go past a certain budget

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While I really don't care about Rust it's weird to see corporations have so much power over Linux.
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Any Nordic European who willingly moves to the USA has some sort of major corporate/intelligence backing.


Why would Rust attract new developers? C is much easier than Rust.


Rust has a very politically-inclined community full of wokies who are susceptible to trendy politics and zeitgeist, which as we have seen, corps exploit regularly.

Its development and future is also heavily influenced by Mozilla, and the compiler is free of FSF ideology, unlike GCC.

I actually really like Rust, from a technical standpoint, but there is no doubt that it is far more prone to corporate and political influence compared to C.


Also, Rust already has an OS project called RedoxOS, so maybe Rustfags need to leave Linux alone and go contribute there. It is MIT licensed though, so it's basically just ripe for any corporation to swoop in and lock up behind a closed license if it ever develops significantly beyond the hobbyist stage. I don't think it will ever attract a large number of contributors due to the license.


I couldn't give a fuck about le SJWs. Linux is already full of contributions from GPL-hostile companies and that didn't change anything.
You can compile Linux with clang, but you can't compile rust with GCC and the based motherfuckers at FSF already recognized this trick and are working on their own GPL compiler. Let's hope they succeed.

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How does anyone use the APP? I have tried to use that app over and over again and i just can't get adjusted to it.
This isn't a knock on the devs or the hard work they have done or the people who use it. It has done a lot of good and with out the app we very well wpuld have probably been put on a different time line where the forces pf evil and the bunker won out.

That being said, I just don't get it. Aesthetically the app is very jagged and rough on my eyes. When in comparison to just the normal browser view I still get to pick my themes and the themes look like they do on my desktop machine. There's also just the general browsing experience. The browser allows me to judt browse the board as if i was on my desktop, but, the app just feels counter intuitive to the browsing habits of imageboards i have acquired over the years.

Can some one explain to me?


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Catalog mode feels pretty nice to browse the boards

And I think you can change themes in the settings (although they're not the same as the browser)

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