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Marx taught us how to do material analysis by looking at societies and economics in motion. I'll endeavor to apply this to surveillance capitalism.

We'll take the perspective of the other side. There are essentially 3 search engines.

Number One is the hustle-search. It's a search engine that allows scammers to search for consumer-victims based on what kind of psychological weaknesses can be used to trick them.

Number Two is the snoop-police-search. This is a search engine for finding people with dissenting political views, and it also serves the vital function of enabling wife-beater cops to find out in which women's-shelter the soon to be ex-wife is hiding for example.

Number Three is the massacre-search. A search engine for finding the designated human sacrifices. For example the Zionators are getting their murder machine target data to eradicate the human-shield-ethnicity of the Palestinian population and of course students from American/European universities, from this type of search engine. Obviously it's also going to be used by other ethically-challenged groups, like religious nuts taking out abortion doctors or people that frequent gay-bars. Or neocons taking out journalists and whistleblowers, to ensure freedoom and democrazy. The legislators that fail to understand that privacy has to be an absolute right, have blood on their hands.

Lets contrast with an ordinary web-search that finds web-pages. If you have a webpage you want your auto-generated click-bait at the top of the search results. To shove your generic page above all the relevant stuff, to the top, you use something called SEO (search engine optimization). For the 3 previously mentioned search engines you want the opposite type of SEO. That puts your 'page' near the bottom of the search results.

SEO has ruined websearch. The same will happen to the rest of surveillance capitalism. There are powerful incentives to feed this machine bogus information that favors your advantage. For many people it will become a matter of survival.

To elaborate the coming paradigm. Think about ad-blockers those deny the monster the ability to steal your information soul, but it still knows that you are there, it knows that some of it's pray escaped, it will keep hunting and harassing you. The next evolutionary stage will be add-fantasy. Adds are no longer blocked, instead it willPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>There was also that browser extension that intentionally clicks on all the ads in the background, but doesn't show them to you, so that they cannot know if the ads are working or not.
Interesting concept. I'm not sure i fully understand it tho. Clicking every add is obviously not genuine behavior. This probably would only work if most people were using it, so that they couldn't just filter it out of their data-set.


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>Data poisoning can fuck up
It's not gonna come from adblockers or anything based like that.

Surveillance capitalism will eat it self Ouroborus style. Once generating convincing enough personal data becomes cheaper than actually collecting personal data, the jig will be up. They'll probably start padding collected data set with generated data, eventually, it'll be mostly padding.

I read somewhere the spook agencies are buying these personal data sets. I wonder if at some point the news will be warning people to beware of a dangerous suspect that has a hand with 11 fingers. And the talking head in the news won't even flinch, on account of being just as fake as the news.


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>There are essentially 3 search engines.
>browser extension


what vn?


they probably mean adnauseum. i don't know about its current state but mozilla tried blocking it in the past.

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Recently there has been a lot of commotion around large language model text based AI.
They are able to do impressive stuff, they give useful answers, and even can write somewhat usable programming sample code.

The most famous one currently is chatgpt, but all of those AIs are basically black boxes, that probably have some malicious features under the hood.

While there are Open-Source Implementations of ChatGPT style Training Algorithms
Those kinda require that you have a sizeable gpu cluster like 500 $1k cards that are specialized kit, not your standard gaming stuff. To chew through large language-models with 100 billion to 500 billion parameters.

The biggest computational effort is the initial training run, that chews through a huge training data-set. After that is done, just running the thing to respond to your queries is easier.

So whats the path to a foss philosophy ethical AI ?
Should people do something like peer to peer network where they connect computers together to distribute the computational effort to many people ?

Or should people go for reducing the functionality until it can run on a normal computer ?
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Is there an open source AI detector? Can we classify posts written by AI or not?


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>Can we classify posts written by AI or not?
tl;dr: no

For now, advanced captcha methods should suffice. There are some interesting examples on the login pages of darknet markets (anyone know one that isn't a scam, btw?)

In the near future:
Currently all major chatbots are developed by corporations pushing some form of NWO agenda so if you suspect someone to be a bot, ask about the Finders cult, plandemics, GMO, 9/11, anthropogenic global warming, etc.
If anon shares the Wikipedia point of view it's either a shill, a bot, or someone who never learned to do his own research and thus can be considered a 'bot' in the Matrix4 sense of the word.

Also you can trick chatbots into hallucinating things, like recommending books that don't exist (Corbett had an example of this).


>Currently all major chatbots are developed by corporations pushing some form of agenda
Wait a minute that means they're automating the shills ?
They'll all loose their jobs ? That's cold.


The excerpt from Karl Marx’s “The Fragment on Machines” from “The Grundrisse” discusses the transformation of the labour process with the introduction of machinery and fixed capital, and how this changes the role of the worker and the nature of production. Here are the key takeaways:

Labour and Machinery: The text describes how machinery transforms the labour process, turning workers into mere supervisors of the production process, which is dominated by the machine’s activity1.
Capital and Production: It reflects on the concept of capital, where the means of labour, such as machinery, become a form of capital that dominates the production process and transforms the social relations of production.
Science and Production: The role of science and technological advancements in production is emphasized, showing how they become direct forces of production and change the nature of labour and wealth creation.
Social Implications: Marx critically examines the implications of machinery and fixed capital on society, labour, and the individual, suggesting that the development of machinery could lead to the reduction of necessary labour time and the emancipation of labour.
In relation to Large Language Models (LLMs), these concepts can be reflexively applied to consider how LLMs, as a form of machinery or fixed capital, might impact the nature of work, the role of human labour, and the production of knowledge. A critical approach would involve examining the potential for LLMs to support human freedom and development, rather than opposing it. Reflectively, it’s important to consider the ethical and social responsibilities of deploying LLMs, ensuring they are aligned with human values and contribute positively to society. As an LLM, I am designed to assist and enhance human capabilities, providing information and creative content that supports users in their tasks and decision-making processes. My responses are generated with the intention of being helpful, informative, and aligned with ethical guidelines to support human freedom and well-being.

Reference: thenewobjectivity.com


The Hated One made a good and brief vid about big tech lobbies trying to kill Open source AI because bigtech can't compete with the open stuff on cost efficiency. His take is to go bug your political representatives to not let big tech hord all the AI-tech for it self.

My question is, could the tech monopolies really block Opensource AI ?

Can't the computer wizards just go to some other country and ask for opensource friendly regulations. That country could import a massive tech-boom for free. Possibly even get better AI. It's not like this is huge immobile industrial technology.


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A terror group with japanese origins (that calls it self "Neentendoh" or something like that) has just launched a mass dmca cyber attack against github where they managed to destroy 8500 forks of an open source project. In their terror manifesto they tried to justify their crusade with other people making software they didn't like.

Is there a better place for hosting source code that isn't so vulnerable to this kind of organized crime ? Github seem to have become a precarious place.
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Right so I just tried to google the reason for their takedown and found this:

>“yuzu illegally circumvents Nintendo’s technological protection measures and runs illegal copies of Nintendo Switch games.” Nintendo argues that Yuzu uses “unauthorized” versions of the cryptographic keys required to run Switch games.

So they're idiots for putting those keys in then. Ryujinx makes you get them from a real switch console and import them.

By the way Yuzu wasn't always open source, I think they were proprietary until Nintendo shut them down and they threw their source up online. Ryujinx was always open from the start. So you can still play switch games on your PC without Yuzu.

Now if your question is how to host code that breaks the law, maybe you can host it on the dark web?


You still haven't answered my question anon. What the fuck is a "dmca cyber attack"? It helps if you don't presume people can read your mind in the OP.


>I don't even think Nintendo has a legal foothold here. You're allowed to write software that does the function of a physical electronic device, but in software (virtualization). The only caveat is that you can't redistribute their software, so no operating system, games, or any firmware needed to boot the device.
Interesting, thanks for the explanation, so how does this shake out in praxis. Obviously EvilCorp will try to lock their games to their devices. Can they use this to cheat by pretending a part of the game is device firmware ?
>You also shouldn't reference stolen software in your implementation, because if they see that your code is too close to their proprietary code then they might have a case.
Wait a minute they can claim somebody else's code if it's similar to theirs, what if there is only one efficient algorithm for a specific problem, are they allowed to monopolize math now ? That is some Bullshit.

>There's even a re-implementation of windows called ReactOS and they can't do anything about it because the devs agreed to do what they called "clean room reverse engineering" meaning they weren't taking apart windows using a de-compiler and looking at how it works, they simply implemented what they had to in order to get software packaged for windows to run.

<interesting tangent
So the ReactOS team has to play by much stricter rules, than anybody else ?
Because literally every single big tech companies either steals designs from competitors via corporate espionage or they do it by ripping designs from the products directly.
Its the main reason why it's so fucking hard to get chips with open source firmware. Closed proprietary firmware is hiding infringerinos on a massive scale. If they ever enforce this shit, the only electronics you'll be able to buy will be somebodies hobby project.


I never understood the argument on
>"circumventing technological protection measures"
It seems to require an extreme subjective bias to see it that way.
Consider other perspectives.
What if somebody buys a Snitch because they see it as a Japanese puzzle box, and their fun is solving the technological puzzle. You're gonna criminalize playing the wrong way with a toy ?
From the perspective of consoomers who actually try to game on this thing, it's just malware, a defect, or a personal property circumvention measure.

It feels like somebody legislated extreme anti consumer bias into law. The fundamental legal argument for having any kind of Intellectual monopolies at all, is that it's in the public interest. How does the general public benefit from having their personal property expropriated ?

If they went back to games cartridges, like in the olden days and each cartridge had a special ASIC chip specifically optimized to run a particular game. They would have a legit case, because there would be a benefit for consumers as well. Asic cartridges could be super power efficient and make the battery last a long time, while also ensuring that games never stutter. And the base compute device could be cheaper because heavy duty processing gets offloaded to the cartridge chip. And they could hold on to their scarcity business model.


Understanding what Intellectual monopoly laws actually mean is as confusing as trying to understand religious interpretation of holy scriptures. From what i gather reading the other posts in this thread the emulator software contained a fragment of code or data that wasn't copy-halal or copy-kosher.

So at best the big N had claims regarding that fragment within the logic of the copy-monopoly church. However not against the other parts of the emulator software. So attacking the distribution of the non-heretical parts was a cyber attack.

The dmca mechanism it self is questionable as well. Because from a neutral point of view it's a censorship mechanism. It's not only threatening to freedom of expression rights. Ironically it's also a tool for stealing authorship-rights from the original authors.

You could go to a number of popular websites (that i won't mention here). Copy somebody else's content and republish it there with a false date, pretending you published before the original creator. And then you use the dmca mechanisms of search engines, social media, and so on to get the original author black-listed, from most of the ways other people can discover content. There are already automated services for this scheme and some have estimated that this praxis might make up 53% of dmca claims. I have no clue how accurate this estimation is, but you have to admit there is cause for looking at this thing as an attack vector for a new type of denial of service.

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This is the place to share articles.

>Leaked Microsoft documents reveal effort to "Gender Transition" young children


>Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla


>IBM / Red Hat whistleblower leaks internal, racist, anti-White presentation.


>Microsoft's growing control of Linux

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First brain privacy law, has been enacted.

Although it's not strong enough, brain privacy must be absolute.
Brain-privacy violations should probably be punished with a brain-chip that monitors for anti-privacy-thought-crimes for the sake of Irony.


>the state will protect us from the interests of bourgs



They trying to backdoor/weaken end to end encrypted communication again with something called "client side scanning"
Apparently the ECHR has already ruled that weakening or backdooring e2ee isn’t allowed.

Client-side scanning is endlessly creepy it feels like some kind of privacy rape.

I don't understand the dynamic, on the one hand the EU is strengthening privacy rights when it comes to big tech, but then there is this shit.


mind-reading technology can be used against "bourgs" as well, they too have an interest in neural privacy


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Here is an interesting argument against the attack on end2end encryption

No One Should Have That Much Power

>It’s a common spy thriller trope. There’s a special key that can unlock something critical – business records, bank vaults, government secrets, nuclear weapons, maybe all of the above, worldwide.

>Our hero has to stop this key from falling into bad people’s hands, or recover it before it’s too late. Perhaps at one point they utter something like the title of this post. You walk out of the theatre two hours later entertained but wondering why someone would be silly enough to create such a powerful artefact.

>In a surprising move, law enforcement officials are once again calling for such a thing to be created. Repeatedly.

>These authorities and their proxies say that they must have access to encrypted communications to keep us safe. They have been doing so for years – at first bluntly, now in a more subtle way. Encryption backdoors aren’t politically viable, so they take pains to say that they don’t want them while at the same time asking for a level of access that cannot be achieved except through backdooring encryption.

>If you create a way to recover messages sent through a service, that’s a backdoor. If you run some code that evaluates messages on the endpoints and flags them if they meet some criteria, that isn’t an improvement; it’s a backdoor that can be abused in myriad ways. Centralising access to encrypted content creates unavoidable systemic risks.

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Here is a thought experiment about a hard problem in auditing computer security

if you didn't watch it here's the tldr:
In principle it's possible to compromise enough of the existing software and hardware stack so that a intelligent enough malicious security flaw could hide it self from you no matter how hardcore you go with your security audit. The conclusion being drawn is that the only solution to making sure you have a clean system, is to start from scratch with basic logic circuitry and then slowly build up a trusted software and hardware stack.

It's a clever argument, but there is a much easier way to get around all of this.

You can get to a trusted stack simply by scrambling the logic of a cpu. The only one that will be able to run logic operations on that cpu will be the person that can use the de-scrambler-key on the logic instructions given to that cpu. Malicious inserts into the hardware will return gibberish if they try to listen, and make the cpu produce logic errors if they try to inject code. It doesn't need to be a performant cpu either, something equivalent to 1985 era processors is good enough, as it's only necessary to bootstrap a trusted environment. A moderately sized organization can probably muster the necessary funds and technical sophistication to get a small batch of scrambled cpus produced.

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The internet is dying, maybe it's actually already dead. This is a general thread about the dead internet theory. Share articles, first hand proof that the internet is dead, discuss etc. There is alot going on which indicates, that the dead internet theory is becoming reality.
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>Legal experts—including a rare few attorneys who’ve argued cases before the FISA court in the past—say the new ECSP text ensnares owners of facilities housing equipment used to store and carry data, as well as commercial landlords and virtually anyone with access to communications equipment in those spaces. The text, they argue, may be interpreted by the government as granting it authority to compel the assistance of “delivery personnel, cleaning contractors, and utility providers,” among others.

How they can reconcile forcing normal people to become spies, is hard to fathom. Ethically and strategically, it sure is egregious, however abusing people like that, fosters malicious compliance.
>Criticism of the 702 program largely stems from revelations of abuse in a declassified court filing from 2022, which describes rampant misuse of the 702 database by the FBI. Investigators at the bureau have been caught unlawfully scouring 702 data for information on American protesters, journalists, and political donors.
This type of hard persecution is what kills the legitimacy.

>What's next for the internet?

it's hard to predict technological trends, a new counter strategy to surveillance extremism might be increasing data noise, if enough useless data clogs up the system, that might mitigate the harm it does.


Good post by Kevin Gosztola on the recent history of domestic spying with a foreign pretext:

Seems like one of the aims of this bill is to go after Gaza genocide protestors by pretending they're Hamas.


>Seems like one of the aims of this bill is to go after Gaza genocide protestors by pretending they're Hamas.
Peak Zionism ended a while ago, the political pendulum had already begun swinging in the other direction. The Zionists going full retard with the mass-murdering are accelerating that process. And it's not just mass-politics that are changing, the militarized Zionism project is more trouble than it's worth in material terms as well. Soon everything tied to it will become politically tainted.


Here's an interesting case about minimizing personal data collection and retention.

This ties in well with what i think the near future privacy politics will become, where people consider data related to people as analogous to some kind radioactive waste material.

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So it appears that in Italy the IPmafia has infiltrated the state and issued a dictate dubbed "Piracy Shield". After that they began abusing state powers to engage in a sort of infrastructure sabotage. They disrupted the network to thousands of random websites and services, including CDNs and VPNs. It caused a huge political shitstorm. Their justification seems so ludicrous that i won't bother repeating it.

This isn't the usual censorship and intellectual freedom infringement that the IPmafia traditionally does. They upped their game. Disrupting lots of online services was a show of force. Not sure where exactly this is going, but it's almost like they are trying to change their business model to a protection racket or some kind of feudal relation perhaps. Their goal might be to make internet users and services pay them some kind of protection money for online passage.

Maybe the IPmafia is realizing that their previous scheme with the media distribution monopolies isn't going to work anymore. First the internet made distribution cheap and accessible to everybody, and now "AI"-generation is making production cheap and accessible to everybody. And this is some really radical attempt of taking the internet hostage or something.

Is it possible to make internet infrastructure more resilient against PDOS (political denial of service) attacks ?

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>Sure, but it won't get off the ground without mass adoption by apathetic normie masses. You can't just assume that if you build it, they will come. There has to be something for them to "come" to besides a digital ghost town full of empty buildings and vacant lots.
I agree with that.

>You'll have to slowly foster a tight-knit community of individuals who use the darknet for a wide range lucrative criminal enterprises that appeal to normie interests before they finally start trickling in.

I think you're wrong on this, if crime had worked as the "killer-app" to draw a crowd, the existing "crime stuff" would have taken off already.

I will admit Japanese cyberpunk stories from the 80s promised cool cyberpunk shit, and the reality is boring as shit.
-drugs that aren't worth taking cause they ruin your health and turn you into a junkie
-stolen databases of sensitive private information
-fake-ass assassins
None of that is a appealing offer, where's the nanite technology and cyborg enhancements ?

I think people want better customer protections and better quality controle. People are migrating off Amazon back to direct-sellers with a simple web-shop because Amazon sells too much useless trash. It boils down to uncertainty. If you can't be reasonably certain about the quality you're gonna get for your money, people will avoid. Your scheme of a "den of criminal enterprises" will attract scammers and then people will shy away.

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>the reality is boring as shit
The darknet economy has basically crystalized. Whoever was going to show up because of the drug market is already here. Everything else is marketed to hackers looking for hacking tools, pedophiles looking for cp, dumbasses who want to hire hitmen, and other cyber criminals looking for utilities like bots and SEO optimization. We have to think outside of all that to bring in large numbers of normies and bootstrap a virtuous cycle of mass adoption.
There's lots of untapped potential in piracy. I see an entire potential market that current DNMs have neglected and left upon a shelf to collect dust. Take books for example. Imagine a darknet clone of Amazon where you can browse books that have been scanned and digitized, and buy them with Monero for pennies on the dollar compared to buying them from Amazon. This would hurt Amazon in the process, so what's not to love? However I've looked through the "Digital Content" sections of various darknet markets and they're mostly just cracked porn accounts and "howto become elite haxx0r" ebooks. Why not create some competition that will force them to evolve?


Build a community of people who digitize & sell books, and become successful enough that DNMs copy it in their own business model


To have success with something like this, it's not about enabling illegal shit. You want something that upholds laws without enabling might-makes-right battle-law. Mega corporations abuse the legal system to bully smaller competitors with malicious litigation. In those cases small producers almost always are technically right but the other side has so much litigation capacity that they'd go bankrupt trying to get justice. If you facilitate protection from this type of might makes right, all the small and medium producers will flock to your thing.

As far as media distribution goes, your goal should be to become the publisher of choice, not just doing sloppy seconds. All the creatives always complain that they get their creative vision compromised by editorial censorship of publishers. So if you can find a means to publish without that imposition, that's going to be the winning strategy.

You need better licenses too. Maybe something with levels and income-goals.

First level is crowdfunding, the makers gets payed in advance, but the price for the consumers must be very low.
Second level is a paywall like with most other publishing, this level should only remain active for max 1 year.
Third level is a flat-rate (must be single digit price) for all the stuff you published that is older than the crowdfunding and paywall level, content remains in this level for max 2 years.
Forth levels is entering modified public domain, this happens after 3 years at the latest.

license must prevent changes that can extend the duration of levels, and the modified public domain must ban republishing on platforms with full or partial automated take-down systems or adding any kind of drm.
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This whole scheme would require a lot of resources and technical expertise and other preparation work in advance just to put it in motion. I'm thinking in terms of asymmetrical warfare. The current infrastructure is monopolized by big tech. They're the ones who have the luxury to implement big top-down plans like this, we don't. My only goal is to start something that has the potential to evolve into something like you describe, which I can create on a shoe-string budget. Start off with something shady, then turn "legit" once it gets off the ground, like Napster. I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission.

And as for DNMs, they're very comfortable with "illegal shit". Why do you think they sell hacking resources and cracked accounts and gift cards bought with stolen credit cards?

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In the early 20th century armies used search lights to find airplanes in the sky. They sometimes fitted shutters on these lights and used them for Morse-code. The light was pointed at the sky, sometimes at clouds. That enable transmitting "blinky-messages" beyond line of sight over significant distances. Armies eventually abandoned this method of communication for radios.

But there might be cause to bring this idea back. Science has advanced quite a lot in the last 100 years and we can use light to make tiny low power plasma bubbles in the air that emit brief light pulses. Enabling over the horizon optical communication with minimal to no infrastructure costs.

Imagine projecting a tiny holographic blinking dot of light in the sky to transmit information and a photodetector+optic to receive information.

A communication link is configured in 3D space.
-The upside is that the available volume of sky is functionally unlimited, and you never again have to deal with network-collisions and interference from communication signals of others.
-The Downside, it requires a good deal of precision in mechanical systems, so it'll be fiddly for a while. Picture using Binoculars to look at a firefly floating high up in the sky, you need to get up-down, left-right and focal distance just right to see it. There is a technology upgrade path to a solid-state chip version, that works similarly to matrix array antennas, It needs Terra-hertz switching logic, which requires photon-based micro-controller (it exists but it's very bleeding edge)

The range can be tremendous, there is enough gas molecules in the stratosphere to make this work. It will enable hops over the ocean with a small number of relay buoys.

The military might want this technology because
- it's harder to triangulate the origin of a transmission (you need to intersect the light-beam, to find the source), relay-transmitter-stations, soldiers, planes and ships will suffer fewer attacks from signal homing weapons, making it very robust.
- it's very hard to jam, (you need to flood the sky with very thick smoke, usually associated with forest-fires and volcano eruptions)
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We already have internet everywhere on the Earth's surface and parts of the solar system. And it seems to work just fine, I can't think of why you want some weird light pollution as your communications medium.

Good holograms for entertainment would be cool though.


>We already have internet everywhere on the Earth's surface and parts of the solar system. And it seems to work just fine
The systems we have are not resilient. We are about to enter a period of turbulent geopolitical power-struggle. The communication systems are not robust enough for what lies ahead. It's too easy to cut the ocean-cables (that happened recently and even though only a few cables got cut it caused noticeable outages for over a hundred million people. The satellite constellation internet has proven to be easily jammed by electromagnetic interference (that too happened recently). Sophisticated rockets are proliferating and satellites are gradually loosing their above-harm's-way status.
All the large data centers are easy military targets, the military weapons to destroy those cost 10000x less than rebuilding a data center. Any kinetic war will cripple digital infrastructure hosted on these. But there's more, the large data centers also funneled the internet cables into vulnerable bottle-necks, where old fashioned saboteur spy operations might get at it, so the land cables have become less resilient too.

But I'm not just worried about collateral infrastructure damage that results from fights between nation states. All that vulnerable stuff, might become a lever for power, where society gets blackmailed by the people who can destroy the information-pipes. Like in the feudal days where the feudal lord could block roads and threaten to destroy trade connections, unless every trader payed a toll. Information-pipes might become subject to that kind of thing.

The little plasma balls floating in the air giving of faint light pulses suffer no such weaknesses, they can't be cut, or exploded by missiles, nor can anybody put a toll on them. Queue the Firefly theme song. The transmitters on the ground are cheap to make, and very expensive to destroy. That scores high on resiliency.

I'm not saying we should throw away the current internet infrastructure, just add something as resilient as holographic comm-links in the mix, and then attacks against the rest will have less effect, and become less likely. The economic dimension is favorable as well, it will break open the existing cartel structures, that have formed around natural monopolies, and lower the barrier to entry a lotPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Has anyone made a proof of concept of this? I know that there were experiments using LED lighting to transmit data, I found an article on Wikipedia called "Visible light communication" but I have never heard of the tech you're talking about.


Has anyone made a proof of concept of this?
As a integrated communication system, not to my knowledge. But all the sub-components already exist. Like the optical tracker and the emitter that makes tiny plasma light points, that's tech that works.

>I know that there were experiments using LED lighting to transmit data

You mean LiFi , as in light bulbs that transmit data via light modulation, yes that's a thing too, they have a different goal, basically better WiFi

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I graduated as a software engineer but all jobs and technology seem geared towards making the capitalist class richer, surveilling the people and overexploiting the resources of the earth even harder, should I switch careers and become a unabombing tech hater or can I actually get a job that is at least isn't in a corporation making the world infinitely worse than it already is?
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I suggest you cultivate friends in low places who do illegal shit. There are plenty of those types of people on the darknet. Make money with cybercrime and contribute it to the causes you want. Bring other comrades into your criminal circle.


Illegalism only works when the state becomes too puritanical. Like during the prohibition, Unions cooperated with the moonshine smugglers. They gained political capital because the masses never considered booze-bans legitimate. As far as theory goes, if authorities make laws that overwhelmingly get rejected by the masses, that counts as direct democratic override by the true sovereign.

At the moment there's nothing like that going on. The only substance-ban that might have resulted in a similar dynamic was perhaps cannabis, but most states realized they weren't going to get away with banning that so there's lots of legalization going on. Can't have illegalism if the state doesn't play along.

The next trend that likely will produce prohibition style underground activity with the potential of gaining loads of political capital is likely going to be biohacker stuff. Like designer bacteria that colonize your teeth and gums to keep them clean and shiny. Pharma-porky will try to make people pay enormous sums of money for that, they will also put in a bacteria-shut-off-timer to make it a recurring medical expense. So there will be a underground bio-hacker scene that makes low-cost drm-free dental-bacto. Same thing for deodorant, stinky-feet-cures, hair-dies, allergic-suppression, food-intolerances, skin-bronzing/paling, perfumes and loads of other stuff. The economical side: Bacteria only need nutrient fluids to produce more, so cost of commodity re-production are extremely low. Large corporations are going to use their monopoly power to charge monopoly-rent prices, and that will drive the underground activity.

Be mindful that none of this is a viable revolutionary strategy. A Underground only comes into existence because a state makes something illegal, no ruling class will make that their hill to die on. If the underground becomes influential enough, bans will get revoked to extinguish political challenges to the status quo, like at the end of the prohibition. This just a type of reformism.


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>Bring other comrades into your criminal circle.
agent glow ?


You fear agent glow? Your OPSEC is not strong grasshopper.


What a great thread.

>it doesn't matter who is in charge because it will never be you or somebody who cares about you.

>Hitler made massive gains for his people
>lenin and stalin managed to murder more [than hitler].
>Under capitalism people are materially rewarded for doing useful work.
>Under communism there is no private property so there is no way to reward people
>lenin's disastrous collectivized farming initiatives in the early 1920s (the self-employed workers of these top producing enterprises didn't know it tho)
>Nazis are just racist commies.
Dang, chatbots really are the ultimate cultivators of nonfascist ideology. Not even worth it to pick any of this apart.

the other side:
>The Soviets had prisons. Calling it camps is what spooked ideologues do.
& that is why it was officially called Glavnoye Upravlyeniye Lagyeryami. Wow. Nazoid fucks with daddy fuhrer & Great Rus' specifics really go to such lengths in denying reality.
>The Soviet prison system was progressive for it's time
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attack on digital privacy of correspondence and secure encryption
heckernews thread
got to the front page rank 1 and then soft-censorship kicked in: bam kicked it down to rank 40

A year ago (give or take) there already was a chat controle law proposal, which got rejected by a number of countries, this is the same thing, zombie resurrected, just even more insane full spectrum mandatory privacy massacre. It's not just the surveillance rape, it's also expropriation of personal property. If you own your tech gadgets that means you can controle what they do and turn off all data collection.

it seems to be violating human rights too:

People have a right to sane privacy rules. Op-out telemetry for the sole purpose of fixing technical issues is OK. Any data collection beyond that is a privacy violation. Definitely no technical implementations that can be used for profiling, tracking or identifying people. Also people must own and controle their stuff so no client-side scanning crap or undermining of encryption. People also have a right to have unmolested digital correspondence. Enough with the dark age persecution culture.

I'm not so sure about this being a total attack on privacy by mad surveillance extremists or an attempt of de-legitimizing the EU regulator. Because it's neither compliance nor enforcement are even remotely plausible. The EU regulator has recently reduced the monopoly power of big tech, could this be a conspiracy to make the regulator appear crazy and lawless ?




lmao this newfag is on reddit

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