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File: 1723829933429.png ( 209.29 KB , 840x487 , googleanti.png )


So it seems a US court has just ruled that Google monopolized the online search market. Now the Department of Justice is "considering" breaking up Google as a potential option in response.

At long last is there finally some hope for the future of the web?


File: 1723830412153.png ( 54.15 KB , 641x563 , Mozilla.png )

I doubt the whores in the DOJ will ever break up any sort of monopoly in this day and age, but a possible outcome that intrigues me is that Google could be forced to stop funding Mozilla through search engine deals. Either Mozilla would no longer be controlled opposition and be forced to pursue their original mission again, or they'll die immediately without being propped up by Google money. Either would be good, because if the latter happened Google would become such an undeniable monopoly in the browser market that regulators would be forced to intervene.


Even if they did break up google the damage is done at this point. Those spinless vaginas let google run around for decades pulling their bullshit letting them force everyone to use their shitty browser on their shitty smart phones.


If you want to fix the web, you need to add automatic back-links to the html protocol. Meaning that if somebody links to a website, that website will add a back-link to a list at the bottom of the site. That way the web becomes "traversable by foot" or explorable. This would make it possible to stumble across content that you can't find with web-search anymore. Web-search got ruined by Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) gaming the system. I don't know if breaking google's strangle-hold on search would fix this. It might be harder to do SEO if there's multiple big search providers, but i'm not sure.

What google did wrong, was the way they did advertisements. They profile people and than try to shove ads in their faces that are relevant to that person. But that is completely backwards, because it usually means displaying information that is not related to the content in the web-page.

If somebody tries to read a webpage about dinosaurs, everything not related to dinosaurs means interrupting the mental flow. It feels like a asinine rude person yelling at you to break your concentration while you are trying to read something. That's the reason why add-blocking has turned into a holy mission. https://farside.link/invidious/watch?v=N-MMYihUwyI

Advertisement systems should analyze the content of a web-page and then display adds relevant to the content. That way adds would not be rude mental intrusions, and more people would accept it. It also means that there is no reason to run client-side scripts to profile people, which means that the privacy and security problems in online-advertisement go away too.

Google is also fucking with browser standards, those should be neutral, but big G is putting the thumb on the scale. For example, they try to bully everybody to use the webp picture format, instead of the much better jpegxl, or recently they have begun screwing with browser extension support.

I don't know the politics behind this development, will we get neutral browser standards, content-aware adds instead of user-profile adds, and perhaps back-links to bypass SEO-shitfuckery ?

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