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nofap is controlled opposition. it conflates fapping with porn consumption, thus making it harder for horny men to quit porn.

if you're a horny man, there is nothing wrong with having a fap. it's harmless and even may have some health benefits as long as you don't do it too much. if you fap without porn it will exercise your imagination and cause you to think more about your sexual goals in life (hot women you've met).

porn is sick, brainrotting, exploitive trash that causes mental illness. it causes you to be compromised and sell your soul to porky. that includes hentai. literary porn might be OK in moderation.

noporn is the way.
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Are imageboards inherently reactionary?
Classic Caleb City lol


>waaahhhh muh ebil pedos muh ebil porn muh reactionaries
>t. reactionary defender of the feminist sexual bourgeoisie
It's obvious that there are many men who are economically proletarian who don't want feminist cancer. I bet half the people talking about how agecuckery is good are richer than the people saying it needs to be done away with. You faggots defend the social values of the capitalist bourgeoisie and go around calling other people reactionaries. I've even seen some leftists going as far as saying they would ally with capitalists to defeat age of consent reductionists or incels if these groups ever got serious traction. Modern leftists are fucking pathetic.


Imageboards are reactionary. Nothing but socially deprived failsons whom are butthurt about missing out in life.

You forget that its projection of ones inefficient maturation.
Most peoole whom morally obsess over age numbers are often victims of age segregation.
North America and its cultural colonies are poisoned by the Victorian philosophy that "youth is innocence."

The modern culture segregates young people in a purgatory.


I like CalebCitys skit videos where he satirises anime tropes.

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Because they are vaginocapitalists. They use their vagina to extract resources from men. Leftism is antithetical to this. The only reason women join leftist politics are if they are true tomboy leftists or are just riding some trend just to depart at their usual station later on.

Right-wingism is also repulsive to many women but some women *do* find it sexually appealing, at least in my experience.


Thats. Because rightism appeals to chivalric impressions.
Women are told to shut up and be daddy's little princesses.

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 No.5577[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

First Incel News General archived here:
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Australia's birth rate hits rock bottom with severe consequences for economic future



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 No.604[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Whatcha' eatin'
Whatcha' watchin'
Whatcha' playin'
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(Posting here because Ogre banned me)
So you refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs? What's it like?


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>>7651 (Me) (Myself)
>0 replies on Net
>9 replies on Ogre in the FIRST TWO HOURS


Im suffering


What's going on?


>Whatcha' eatin'
>Whatcha' watchin'
Geopolitical Economy Report YouTube video on neoliberalism
>Whatcha' playin'

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Why are millennials and especially zoomers so obsessed with gender?
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because the cia is gay


Yep it explains why they decry anime porn and age gap relationships as "pedophilia".

It also explains why they want people to settle down after 25.


>Why are millennials and especially zoomers so obsessed with gender?
Because the media they consume is obsessed with gender. The real question is why do the billionaires who own the mainstream media want millennials and zoomers to sterilize themselves with surgeries and cross-sex hormones.


The amount of young people whom transition are a minority.

The whole trans thing is hype made to incentivise adults to further disenfranchise the youth

Meanwhile, bullying and depression are dismissed or blamed on social media.


who knows who cares

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I’m in the first camp.
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Second camp


I'd rather have a bunch of superficial friends that never bother me than a woman constantly begging for attention and disrupting my lifestyle
fellow autists would understand


Friends, GF will probably abandon you.


have gf and steal her friend



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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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>gets along with minorities BUT


>Bible quote



>reading Mein Kamf


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>"productivity" is a cult and a cucked one at that. You're only "productive" insofar as you're making money for someone else, you haven't actually produced anything.
As long as transactions are voluntary the only way to get something you value is to give somebody else something they value in exchange. Unless you grow your own food and gather your own water and build your own shelter you're going to have to create some kind of value to trade for those things. That's what "productivity" means.

NEETs don't produce anything because the state steals the surplus value of workers through taxation and gives a part of it to NEETs in exchange for supporting the status quo. You rationalize your crime by calling the workers "cucks" for letting themselves get robbed by the state.

>There wouldn't be a need to humiliate yourself if there was a UBI.
You only support UBI because you think somebody else will be paying for it. When it turns out you are the one who has to work for free to pay for other people's free stuff then socialism is suddenly not very fun anymore.

>gets along with minorities BUT
>Bible quote
Christians ARE a minority at this point. They're just not a minority you care about. It turns out your "empathy" and "tolerance" and "diversity" was just a way of cloaking your own bigotry all along.


>Christians ARE a minority at this point. They're just not a minority you care about. It turns out your "empathy" and "tolerance" and "diversity" was just a way of cloaking your own bigotry all along.

Christianity is over-promoted as a minority.
They're a majority with a persecution complex.

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What could have motivated a femcel to do such unspeakable acts against children?
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her entire manifesto was released

but it's not a manifesto, it's whining about being trans along with the occasional sexual fantasies of fucking a brown girl in the ass 'hard like a flintstone'


Th@'s a clear overweight dude fuck you on frfr



I thought it was commonly accepted stereotype for dykes and genderqueers to be cishetandrophobic


I hate this babble

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 No.4391[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Brvtal I feel bad for this foid.


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female celibacy thread

Dear Abby: Hubby's been saying 'not tonight' for years
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It literally says right there that she has a kid. She's not celibate.


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It would never cease 2 amaze me how normiggers are pathologically uncapable of being in relationship with someone without routinely degenerating 2 animal behaviour. Unlimited AIDS on these petbourg ape faggots marxallah.


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>Looked at my girl and cried
Moids can't help but expose their true rotten nature. Here we see a moid lamenting and revealing his want for monkey-branching to a 'higher' tier mate.


Bitch you know you can't blame him. So racist of you smh ong bruh

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