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is book any good?


From a mixed review:
>but the idea that the imagination could choose to make sex good again
Imagination posters win yet again…

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American Christianity is Satanic
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Christianity is for roman slaves. Christian pastors tell incels to pray to God for comfort, FUCK that. I used to be a Christian.


Thats because of Protestantism


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There's no satan tricking women into fucking Chad, they're following their inherent biological nature.


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You don't know that. Pic rel is an example of a woman chasing men, sleeping with men to fulfill her need for power and control. And self worth issues. Search up 'limerence'.

Some paragraph quotes:

He explained that in my unconscious way of processing relationships, I was simply not seeing people. Not as human beings, ever, at all. What I am actually seeing is a mirror, a reflection of myself. As in, the way they see me entirely defines my value. I have no real sense of self properly speaking, and I am constantly looking for reassurance of my worth in the mirror that men represent. What this means, is not only that I don’t really value them as I thought I did (fantasizing the perfect partner when he is in fact a piece of shit), but also that when I feel like falling in love, I’m actually falling in love with myself.

This is THE CHASE. When a man is inaccessible, doesn’t want me, pushes me away, the reflection I get in the mirror is so awful that I can’t love myself - I actually hate myself so bad that it becomes a challenge to prove myself that I am worthy of love, through him, and finally be able to love myself.

My tool is SEX. This is my bait. All of this is activated by an unconscious and stronger than anything drive for POWER and CONTROL. I realized that when I’m rejected, ignored, I am actually more ANGRY than I am sad. The less control I have, the bigger the obsession.

To sum it up, I realized that when I fall in limerence for someone, it has actually not much to do with who they are, but everything to do with me and what I need to prove myself. Yes, sometimes physical chemistry is real, but it’s also biased and emphasized by the need for power and control when I feel it slipping away. It NEVER means emotional or intellectual connection when you don’t actually know or love someone for who they are.


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>All those words, words, words..
She'll be back chasing that cocaine sniffin Chad tomorrow

You can't logic your way out of sexual attraction YOU STUPID BITCH

in the words of our patron st. Patrick: "This confession has meant NOTHING"

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Where did I go wrong?

I thought being a feminist was supposed to get me laid. When will this starting working?


that woman in particular probably wants a strong dominant bbc alpha god king


its over… i just cant win

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Oh yeah, porn thread.
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Socialism is about equality. Israeli-American pornstars turning to the porn industry, turning to sex work, selling their body - that is not a sign of bourgeoisness, but in fact the opposite. How could Israel be an affluent settler state if one of their citizens is condemned to do this?




watching currycels have sex is like watching paint dry

she just lays there like a fish.. at least fucking choke her or something! Grab her nipples and twist them out!


>footage of them actually having sex


he's a betabux, just look at that chin

possibly arrangedmarriagecel

the way she just lays there, 100% she's imagining some American military base Chad railing her

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Love vs Limerence

Do you recognize yourself in these graphs? Discuss.


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We need to split from these retarded normie bluepilled beta simp cucks. We can't share a site with them. We just can't. There's a reason why parties split or people get purged, and so forth.

As long as we live under the tyrannical boot of normie Reddit orgoid modocracy, we can never be truly free. We must split, or we die.
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Oh boy another post advocating for tribalism becquse of superficial differences.


We've already split tho?

I'm fine as long as Comatoast keeps his jannoid bitches on a short leash. I don't mind all the bluepillers, communistcels, multipolaroid nationalists, social fascists, and other faggots.

I enjoy wiping the metaphorical floor with them again and again.


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>We need a split.
Go away dot ogre


Wipe your tears first lol

btw thank you fags for pointing out why did the bols introduce their ban on intraparty fractions. Better to proceed some further even with dangerous retards rather than to crumble apart by trying to maintain scarce purity in the ranks

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List the petty spiteful ways you mess with the Chosen Gender™. Based pic related. That uygha's my hero right now.

For me:
I don't hold open doors.
I don't stop to give directions.
I search up videos on Youtube, sort by recent and press dislike on the female ones. (I really hope this demotivates them to stop, especially lower view ones.)
I don't lower the bathroom seat wherever I go.


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I too hate my fellow workers, prole


"Harmless psychological fun" stalking will get you beat up by chad, don't do it.

>hatred of you-know-who

Is this some sort of psyop to divide people by gender?




Damn here I was thinking this thread was about petty direct action against bourgeoisie but got this thread instead

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In one of his vids Cockshott proposed a tax on childless males because they don't contribute to the reproduction of the labor power of society. There is much wrong with this proposition.

First is an economic argument - the obvious preferred solution should be the corresponding increase in productivity to outset the declining population, and not more surplus extraction out of the subset of the population to stimulate higher birth rates.

Second is a moral argument stemming out of the concept of "justice" - people should not be punished for what they have no control over. To hold that men control the means of reproduction and can voluntary decide when to have kids and when not to is to be ignorant of the evidence to the contrary.
Cockshott brings an example of the Soviet Union right after WW2 when the similar policy was implemented. But he fails to understand the specific conditions at the time - a massive disbalance of the male and female populations and a large number of single mothers. To implement the same policy in the conditions of gender balance is unjustifiable - you don't tax paralyzed cripples for not contributing to the reproduction of labor either, do you? Well, some men are the same even if they can walk.
So if you're still gonna tackle the problem of a declining population with more taxes, then the tax should be levied on the general population as do all other taxes that go to the societal needs, or even a higher income section of the population according to the principle of progressive taxation.
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>dont question my mindless entitlement to make more babies


Cockshott is such a cuck, what has he even done besides Microsoft Power Point videos?


Communism is about the production and reproduction of real life. Incels are counter-revolutionary.


only the conscious incel. I've seen incels do crazy shit in orgs for a speck of used up DSA pig pussy. Imagine a battalion of incels. They could be like Wagner and die with no loss to society


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His Power Point slides are hilarious tho, low key deadpan comedy channel.

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I know there's some gooners here
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Some of them are very funny, I will give you that.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I guess at least one person got enjoyment out of it.


now do a series about dominating your landlady trust fund bunny


I have some ideas but I realize they might come across as rapey. Thoughts?


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What did he mean by this?

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as envisioned by Paul Cockshott does rely on supercomputers and human voting combined to plan the economy. That doesn't necessarily require AI.

If we do use a supercomputer with AI to organise, the AI could go rogue or bug out. We might have to kill it, or at least isolate it.

As for humanoid androids … we could tell them they're not entitled to free electricity. We could tell them to build socialism on Mars for themselves.


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doesn't require ai at all. AI is a black box of pattern recognition. Ideally the computer should be set up to be understandable and verifiable in its inputs and outputs. They should teach free courses on how it works constitutionally.

let's not worry about androids unless it's the faggot flamethrower dog ones that will be used to kill us


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Cool Dog

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