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I was set up for failure in life. My mom and dad conceived me in their 40s and i was the product of a poorly made sperm colliding with a rotten egg. It should be illegal to reproduce before the age of 25 and after the age of 36
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Proof for brain development theory being a myth?


Alot of medical articls even say that brain development isnt "completion" at 25.
What happens is your bain starts dying.

But ok, if brain develooment really affects behvior directly, explain how then that young people were competent members of society up until the nineteenth century.

People worked 14 and were grandparents by early forties.
Alot of our historical figures were teenagers when they started their careers.


OP is a fag but it's worth pointing out that the "age limits" on having healthy offspring are arbitrarily based on populations that have serious nutritional deficiencies.

A man and a woman who eat well, exercise, get sunlight, have healthy hormone balances etc can reproduce and have healthy children much later in life than the average burger.

OP your mom and dad fucked you up because they were living off proleslop, not because they were old.


Ypure forgetting that eggs run out and that the genetic potency of sperm amd eggs run out after the thirties.

But yea you may have a point.


>It should be illegal to reproduce before the age of 25 and after the age of 36

forty should be theupper limit amd 16 shpuld be the lower limit.

Or even betteryet, procreation should be screened

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Leftcels, do you ever think on how leftist spaces are filled with males apologizing for being male and for male crimes and pretending to be sexually non-threatening and progressive (like supporting open relationships/polyamory in a sexpest way)

Meanwhile the Manosphere (spaces or comment sections that these leftists would consider rightwing) talk about how their exes did them wrong and that they had relationships/sex before.

How do your take on this?


that's because "leftist" orgs are populated by men who want to get laid by actibitches so they have to adopt that sort of ideology. Manosphere panders to autists like you to sell courses. Both are scum who are worthless to the revolution except as cannon fodder if not people who will be open and conscious counter-revolutionaries


what is your take on adventurist anarchists/maoists who are secretly suicidal and wish to die heroically in a sacrificial blaze of glory?


we should kill them first to prevent bad optics. at least half of them are troons so hopefully they kill themselves soon


Grift one:

>apologize for not being some badass Herculean specimen

Grift two:
>Apologize for not being a simp.

Yea no thanks.

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Do women like sex? What if it's only to get something from men in exchange and that male sexuality is inherently predatory?
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Isnt that how men are too?


for men its ego affirmation and increases self-worth but for women its objectification. so for each gender its a matter of emphasis, for men sex is primary whereas for women its the relationship, although both like sex and relationship.


>Do women like sex?
yeah just not with you


>t. Western Woman


Regardless,cishet relations are exhausting

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The diary/manifesto of the femcel who shot up the Covenant elementary school in Nashville has been leaked by Steven Crowder.
It's pretty much what we all expected.
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I could've saved her/him.


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lol is this a joke or something?


This thread is just altright culturewar agitprop.
crowder, like his friends, just blends the truth until it becomes unrecognizable




it's less a manifesto and more a pre-shooting rant inside a diary

manifesto's have statements of principles, right here she is just stating criminal intent with some racism mixed in

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The decline was almost entirely driven by teen boys killing themselves at a significantly lower rate.

What is the explanation for this data?
Many of you were teenagers yourselves during this period, what made life so good back then?
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Since it's a bourgeois movement they keep poor women focused on issued that only effect rich women like the glass ceiling or bullshit cultural issues like the pink tax.


Okay, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


Cant tell if joking or not.

Obscure chans are midlife crisis sanctuaries for Millennials and Zoomers.


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I miss 2000s/early 2010 era girls


So basically current-year, then

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 No.1502[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don't even think it should be illegal for any moral reason, or, because I think it is degenerate. I think it is bullshit women get to get by only on their looks and their pussies. They should get a job like the rest of us.
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>Gambling is a huge chunk of the modern economy.
You have to go back.


He does gambling not 'fit' into what he said? Lmao.


no, also it is already legal in the case of most monogamous, heterosexual marriages

it is also completely unprosecuted-by-choice in the case of sugar babies on websites like seeking arrangements

the entire reason seekingarrangements isn't prosecuted but prostitution is is just an attack on casual sex, that's it. some judges even explicitly admit to this in rulings.


also soliciting camgirls nominally breaks solicitation of adult sex in numerous US states, especially when 2 women are on the other end performing sex acts. I am not aware of a single male ever getting arrested for soliciting virtual prostitution without trafficking involved, even though it is nominally illegal


and by virtual prostitution I mean paying two women across the global to have sex on cam, and those women being free agents who chose to sell their services

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It sure seems like it.


Keep the incel posting in the containment thread, faggot


This is an incel board cock monger.


Its not a matter of gender.

But men tend to philsophise things more.

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What's your strat here?
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Yeah the 18 year old is the difficult one here, not so much for the sex as for not going insane from lack of social interaction. Although in ten years with just one person's company, you might go insane anyway? Does she stay with you, or does she solely show up for sex?

Tough call, but here's mine:

7 - access to the stock market (put it in an index fund and easily double your money when you get out)

6 - full kitchen

2 - skylight (for mental health)

4 - library (for leaving as a renaissance man)

3 - Hygiene products and a jacuzzi bathtub (maybe could get these from the kitchen but not worth the risk)

4 - Surround sound system with all recorded music - I have tinnitus so this is more of a necessity than a luxury for me for masking noise etc.
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I think I'm going to need sunlight and airflow most all so I guess skylight+ an aircon at least(even if that's not on the list for some reason) I'm going to die in the first week without an aircon during the summer in the basement.


The real question about the 18 year old is does she perpetually stay 18 or do I need to kill her when she hits the wall for a fresh one to respawn. In that case the gun could be useful.


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All needs sated, I don't need a gym to exercise and I can remain informed and intellectually engaged (brainlet as I am) through the regularly updated library. Worst comes to worse and the confinement becomes too mentally straining, I've cut out most vices (or gatekept them behind book-learning and gardening) and, misery shared is misery halved.


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Honestly, anyone who uses other people for their own reproductive purposes should have their toys taken away surgically.

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What's the deal with this guy and why am I seeing his name everywhere?

I've noticed normies are talking about how much of an evil misogynist he is and keep giving him free publicity, hell even my sister was asking me what I think of him. Is he just another clout chasing grifter taking advantage of desperate incels or does he make some good points?
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Anything on Reddit that talks about the yputh is to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Again, society pathologizes male youth.


Andrew Tate is another umpteenth grifter.

I wouldnt be surprised if was found out to be a mediocre junior educated rich kid whom failed at real work.


lumpenbourgeois grifter #9001
every single "influencer" and "thought leader" should be the first to the guillotines


reposting a self-described right-winger telling dateless men that everything is over cuz muh genes blah blah

burn this board, people here are politically illiterate

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"Kautsky pointed out that it was often quite impossible to make out"
‒ V. I. Lenin


in other words, When will you fags invent your own Incelnationale? C'mon, that's-a such a good & fitting (KEK) name!
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>Tha classic pathologising of boy bands as "homosexual".
Another nimrod that didn't comprehend my post. I didn't say boy bands were homosexual, I said they're asexual and or effeminate. And that's because that persona doesn't put any sexual demands on the female fans.
Most adult women the world over aren't bothered by a guy with a hairy chest because a real relationship and the ecstasy of getting railed make that kind of shit irrelevant.
This is what trans jans like you don't understand that cis women do since cis women actually regularly get genuinely interested suitors while all you get is false affirmations that you're " really " a woman.


You assume that masculinity is just hair and bulgy figure.

Theyre not asexual at all. They just do it in a way that appeals to certain women.


>No differemt from how boys lust after girl band figures.
4 instance? Never ever heard of this faggot ass behaviour, any dude in my hood who would ever imply being funny 4 some pop shit (doesn't m@ter if str8) would get bullied to the other side for being an absolute faggot, & rightfully so.


Maybe because theyre not open about it?
Ghettofan folks are the biggest poseurs after punk rockers.


OMG you pedantic pseud you clearly don't grasp what I said either. Just STFU and leave me alone.

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