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File: 1710603807032-0.jpg ( 229.8 KB , 1459x785 , imaginary gf waifu It work….jpg )

File: 1710603807032-1.jpg ( 107.72 KB , 716x472 , live meticulously crafted ….jpg )

File: 1710603807032-2.png ( 130.92 KB , 2034x310 , lit gf imaginary delusion ….png )

File: 1710603807032-3.jpg ( 119.02 KB , 690x727 , lonely just talk to myself.jpg )

File: 1710603807032-4.jpg ( 93.33 KB , 909x481 , Me on the left.jpg )


Post and discuss using your imagination/delusion/fantasy.


File: 1710603849252-0.png ( 724.36 KB , 3349x1253 , imaginary c-18 dbz gf be7i….png )

File: 1710603849252-2.jpg ( 89.55 KB , 1796x359 , empowering to realize you ….jpg )

File: 1710603849252-3.png ( 378.86 KB , 1717x1984 , r9k Thread #68854780.png )

File: 1710603849252-4.jpg ( 123.24 KB , 1841x179 , relationship drama 9941990….jpg )



File: 1710603880267.png ( 680.11 KB , 640x689 , girlfriend nation imaginat….png )



File: 1710613593857-0.jpg ( 46.34 KB , 750x510 , 1be613004d.jpg )

File: 1710613593857-1.jpg ( 64.88 KB , 1071x776 , 515771768c.jpg )

File: 1710613593857-2.jpg ( 81.76 KB , 945x1436 , d4d62f6e80.jpg )



Johnny hobo and the freight trains are fucking based tho


schizos need to be locked up.


File: 1710638440035.jpg ( 206.13 KB , 1620x1080 , (you).jpg )

You will never have sex, troons. Accept materialism or die


I've already accepted it.


Nah, there's still the Dominican Republic.


>get negative responses
>just imagine myself getting positive responses

>never listened to that band
>just imagine myself listening to that band


Meds. Meds right fucking now.


I'm closing my eyes and imagining positive responses right now and you can't do anything about it


Stop that. Stop that now. You can't do that!


They LOVE my threads! (*in my head)

"Based", "Kek", "Well done lad"


>"Based", "Kek", "Well done lad"
This is what I fucking hate about schizos. They are constantly having right-wing thoughts and there is no way we can prove it. Where is the accountability???


>when u realize ur imagination might be rightwing
no… this can't be happening.. NOOOO!!!!

wait… i can just imagine that I did self-crit… wow, this is amazing. i'm amazing!



"Sometimes, the best travels are the ones we can only dream of."

- Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends, Season 3, episode 18


I am a sexy ethnic shota with a tall strong handsome bishonen boyfriend.


He has a nice forehead


File: 1710796257548.jpg ( 36.16 KB , 798x644 , EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg )

This is why we need thought police


File: 1710797005272.jpg ( 34.3 KB , 680x238 , use my alt to.jpg )

f*ck i forgot this one. anyone relate?


>ewww shota bad
>you need thought police
>but we should have the right to fuck roasties without fear of rape accusation

Imageboards proving once again that theyre not as different from the mainstream platforms




File: 1712921608693.png ( 11.29 KB , 1081x123 , make up random personaliti….png )



Schizo propaganda do not do this


File: 1713005801516.jpg ( 172.46 KB , 1736x764 , daydreamerCHADS.jpg )

Why not?


>have no gf
>search up 'aesthetic gf' pictures
>put them as my lockscreens and pretend i took the pictures


>didn't find new imagination posts
>just imagine that I did
>imagine posting them


>don't have anything going in life
>watch isekai manga/anime and live vicariously through it


kys faggot


Of all the things that have happened in my life 99% of them I just imagined.


File: 1724154919352.png ( 137.34 KB , 1683x306 , drift to sleep imagining m….png )

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