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 No.177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
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source? and by that logic people fund wars by paying taxes


Idk man. I think its more to do with rising costs for college and lack of available unskilled labor.

I dont trust any article talking about specific generational cohorts about fashion stuff or whatnot.


The fact th@ all wh@ I would be doing would be systematically stolen by some glorified mafia instead of being eternally public, or just working as a side-tool 4 this same mafia if you apply 4 de '"public"' gubbermint job.
Also brain damage due to neverending narzi torture.


>if you dont give more capital to your local bitch boss then its u who hurt wonkahs! think about the proles, libbies!
Stupid fucking uyghur either kys 4 being a feddo or learn about private property's property.
& stop idolizing wonkahs you christcuck essentialist idealist identarian classist fuckwit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot


Where do you think the money is comping from. Workers are forced to pay taxes and those taxes pay for your NEET lifestyle. Did you think Joe Biden was paying your unemployment checks out of his own bank account or something.


no, because businesses also pay taxes. further more, there's money from state owned enterprises and natural resource extraction

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Post the wildest shit you see feminists saying here.
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>hard timesmakes strong men

Only the most sheltered superhero fan would agree to this


then women should all start out in the kitchen and prive themselves out




>hey guys there's another mass movement built on an identity supremacy & it is even named as such, let's "'`xpose`'" their nazi behaviour!
"Crazy feminazi" implies th@ feminazis are sensible in the 1st place you degenerate libshit. kys fag
Or instead, you could make a plugin 4 translating the "%cunt-haver" pool of terms into "%Aryan" & "%dick-haver" into "%kike". Literally the most stupid heteronormativeforward way to kick these subhumans in the nuts.

P.S. All their MENstruation libel is full projection btw, just like with all their reactard brethren. Pedos always screech about pedos, nothing new here.

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I was thinking on how I have a secret degen side which reminded me of this video comment.

Do you think girls would rather date a regular looking dude who eats poop sandwiches and dead rats or an ugly dude who eats normal things?


Whyte girls fuck dogs
Dogs eat poop
Therefore women like things that eat poop


Damn are you saying I should start eating poop?




>uyghur denigrates himself 2 a dog just 2 have a bigger (= same) chance @ getting pussy

captcha: mmm3zm

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Sorry for the trans people reading this, but what if I identified as GigaChad? Can I then get model tier grills?


Nobody cared about this post. It's over..


Your post is a logical fallacy.


Confidence gets you chicks but it helps to be fit and have a good personality too.

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why is she so perfect?
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Why is she so perfect?


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>tfw no rat-like gf


Why was she so perfect? Well, Lucille Ball (later of I Love Lucy) was a communist. One of the pics shows her CPUSA voter's registration from the 1930s.


>why is she so perfect?
She has food, the thing communists need more than anything.


duno who she is but she will be a perfect secretary general if the USA goes through a communist take over, because everybody know that secretary-general are just event oraganizer and mascot !

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What do you think of pornography or sex work?
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That isn't what socialism is


Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊

>[*nlyPhags] is a very safe space for me
Oh fuck, this is gut. Bitch's selling her sissies out for a quick buck so they won't even think about it being the same fucking prostitution (since your body is still economically alienated from you) except you do it on distance. With all the same fallout attached & even multiplied due to your potential popularity on this widely known virtual red light district.

>What to think of pornography or sex work?

Considering that pornography is just a genre of media it will still persist as long as there is demand for it in the human society. This demand will end with the destruction of human division by sex as a phenomenon when people won't anymore have any connection to, & dependence on this historical artifact of their animal era.
It's non-pro-capitalist production should be tightly controlled with trivial death penalties for the usual shit of our days in the likes of coercion, human trafficking, blackmail, extortion etc.

Sex work is the same crap. Simply slap the scandinavian model of persecution of horny on it & move your focus to something else.


>A gamergirl can sell her bathwater for hundreds of dollars and it required zero labor to create
but sex work is work though


>That isn't what socialism is
Socialism is when government does stuff. I know you guys are dumb but you should know that at least.

>Granny, it's not your '60s anymore. Here, you forgot your meds 💊💊💊
When the cops arrest you for seeing a hooker, that's a government intervention. Government intervention artificially limits supply and increases costs and that's why hookers are expensive.

Thankyou for bumping an ancient thread I forgot about with nonsense.


>sex work

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There is no good reason to oppose incest.
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I would take any amount of allowed incest between siblings rather than have them hating each other. Westoid family unit was a mistake.


most moms force their kids to bond with each other and kids arent allowed any free range play.


Marx is saying using the ancient past as an authority on morality is foolish, not that fucking your sister is a spook.


tfw no one cared about the incest theory


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btw, Russia & Belarus still 2 this day are so on the forefront of this question because of the bols who back then threw away all the czaroid relationship law degeneracy which freed polyamory, nudity, homo side of sexuality, transvestism, stransserism & all such jazz in which even red army men participated, along with sailors. So their revolution wasn't just social but a sexual 1 2.

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 No.1670[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

its the fist time ive made a friend who's a girl (female) in my 19 years of age, turns out it wasnt that hard. Im still afraid of women though

am i winning?
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She probably wants something from you. That's the only time femoids talk to incels. It could be validation, it could be money, whatever it is just keep your guard up.


Why don't you ask her to hang out and go do something? Like rock climbing idk


I've seen this movie one too many times…


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Nah nevermind, conversation fizzled out my incel ass was fantasizing again. Guess shes just social media addicted and hits people up randomly.

I managed to hint to her that a like her friend and she told me something like she already knew, and that her friend doesn't want a relationship rn but that i should keep talking to her normally and shit… what did she mean bros… Either that's true and there's hope or she lying to not hurt my feelings…


>Make You Mine
>music video is about two woman being into each other
uygha shes gay

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Any oldcels here? What's dating like for you?
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Sure it's not as smooth as people romanticize it to be, but it beats adult life for the majority of people


Yet still, people hate children, pathologising them as cringe and dumb.
Any sort of positive public attention given to kids is automayically criticised.

Most of our metaphorical terms for faux pas uses children.
"childish", "infantile", "adolescent"


Also, if you adult life sucks more than your teenage life, something is wrong with you.
You either have no life skills or you got into a serious accident which left you physically, financially, and psychologically dismembered.

Gen X and Millennials have normalised nihilistic sentiment about work too much.
Knowing the average postmodern person, its more likely they have no life skills.


And they always say that high school/college are the best years…
This is a cope, modern adult life is terrible, with or without life skills.


If high school/collefe are thebes years, why the pathological hatred for teenagers then?

Also, modern adult life is much smoother than adult life even tow centiroes ago where ypu had to go work in a factory for pennies a day or be a peasant-farmer harrassed by prospectors and interlopers.

Again, Generation X and Millennials are too averse to basic responsibility.

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Who was in the right? And is Britbong really like this?
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>Stalin was at least 80 million
Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?


Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?


He's either a nazi or a liberal.


>Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?
Did hitler personally kill 6 million jews? This is your game I'm just applying the rules consistently.

>Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?
I believe in absolute free speech I don't want anybody to be punched unless it is self defense.

If your argument is it's ok to punch nazis because they support an insane authoritarian genocidal ideology then I've got bad news for you because marxism is responsible for at least an order of magnitude more death and suffering.

If we're punching nazis then we should be throwing communists out of a helicopter. I think a smart man did that once.



Any marxists, fag?

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