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Post 'em


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They couldn't do this for the Navy

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why is she so perfect?
39 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I doubt you all do not have a GF. Consider,
1. There is always a difference of opinions among philosophers in general.
2. You can not really ever prove you do not have a GF. Photographic evidence is hardly sufficient o prove absence of a GF.
3. From a different point of view maybe you do have a GF.
4. Perhaps the situation only looks the way you argue it but due to a difference in temporary conditions or perceivers there is a different matter of judgement.


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Why is she so perfect?


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>tfw no rat-like gf


Why was she so perfect? Well, Lucille Ball (later of I Love Lucy) was a communist. One of the pics shows her CPUSA voter's registration from the 1930s.


>why is she so perfect?
She has food, the thing communists need more than anything.

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 No.677[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post anything regarding sex robots or dolls here.
149 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1718511856287.jpg ( Spoiler Image, 90.56 KB , 717x925 , Image_20240611_000349.jpg )

What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]
What's Inside This China Factory? Eerie Humanoid Robots! [Video]



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AI and Robots Are Automating the IVF Process: Here's How It's Already Helped 11 Women Get Pregnant



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China's AI-Powered Sexbots Are Redefining Intimacy, But There Will Be Limitations - Are We Ready?



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This smiling robot face made of living skin is absolute nightmare fuel



Okay, that sounds and looks spooky, but - I want to put my penis in something comfy, so yeah..

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 No.468[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Share you feels here.
No bully
also feel free to share your feels in the /leftcel/ thread at https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/2696
307 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>when you realize they replaced fag with cel
Will there ever come a time when being celibate won't be grounds for ridicule and insults?

(also: goosebumps, even chan culture became PC..)


it's too hot
>tfw you live somewhere where the sun shines directly on + live on the upper floor (hot air rises)


>tfw drinking luke-warm water
>tfw possible microplastics


i wish i was a dinosaur


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>search up "advice for incels"
>thumbnail says "stop being ugly…"

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how do stop losing wizards to the right?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>incels and neets are just like troons for the right. They demand that the entire organization be about them and in return you get a fat ugly autist to support you in words alone
No I think you're actually thinking of leftist w*men. Most incels are workers.


Because the left constantly shits on them for even daring to complain that they have a problem. When men say they have problems, the left points to feminism. I don't know about you, but shouldn't a men's movement be headed by men?


This is dumb and plays into divide and conquer shit. Capitalism preys on men and women in different ways, but, ultimately we should focus on abolishing capitalism. I mean you can do things to mediate in the meanwhile but this seems to be losing sight of that.


It's not about being against feminism. It's about men advocating for men, because as much as you might hate to admit it, feminism is a movement of women by women, and you wouldn't claim that was "divide and conquer tactics," would you?


its common for people to still be invested in pop culture over thirty.

That anon is just going thru the typical prenature midlife crisis one goes thru at thirty


This video makes me wanna give up on relationships


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why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?
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It's over you if you get mogged by pajeets.


reminder that this guy pussied out after a little bit of gangstalking by glowies (apparently because of his COVID stance, and not the incel stuff).
he didn't even get assassinated lol #Loser #L_Incel #Ineffective #Unsuccesful #Boring


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lookism's connection to skull measuring

is it real?


Skull measuring? Sure, but not racism.


I pass all the ratios that's meant to make you objectively good-looking but I still look average and ugly in pictures because of lens distortion, I guess it's because I don't have much dimorphism, people always say I look like a teenager even though I'm mid twenties


Teens and twenties aren't that different in terms of physiognomy.

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>Is consuming bourgeois poison with others communist


Jim Jones would agree


Who are you quoting?



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Circumcision is a Fraud is Hosting a Web Page with FOIA Documents on Circumcision
Also, circumcision general thread. I think it's male genital mutilation.
19 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You know that circumcision in America was the result of Stephen Kellogg, the founder of Kellogg's Cereal promoting it to stop childhood masturbation.

Well, it was a flop.
So many millions of male children for a century and counting still date their hands.
And it will become more frequemt due to neo-puritanism.


Actually Kellogg's cereal was a venture started by his brother.


He also promoted eating plant-based(got slop) over meat because eating meat would give people sexual desires.


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