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/R9K/ - Robot - 9000

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what is your take on the man-bag question??


>t. aging millennial


fuck u


tf this person problem


>what is a backpack


u prefer backpacks over man-bag/man-purse/satchel? what if backpack too big?


>u prefer backpacks over man-bag/man-purse/satchel?
Yes, because I am not a homosexual.
>what if backpack too big?
Never been an issue.


what if ur pants got no pockets and u try to bring ur cellphone, what then?


I don't buy pants without pockets.


what if ur pockets are too small and ur phone falls out of them?


I will then store my phone inside my coat pocket.


what if its too warm to wear a coat?


I will then remove my coat and carry it under my arm, with my phone still stored inside the coat pocket.


damn… but what if its so warm that u dont even bring ur coat?


I make do.




that seems like a lot of effort just to not bring a man-bag. how is your coat not simply like a man-bag at that point?


I cannot wear a man bag if it starts to rain.


^ this is the same person.

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