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what is your take on the man-bag question??
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I make do.




that seems like a lot of effort just to not bring a man-bag. how is your coat not simply like a man-bag at that point?


I cannot wear a man bag if it starts to rain.


^ this is the same person.

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fathets are the problem. They spoil there daughters but crucify their sons
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Most porn stars are middle class women who wanted easy money.


this is kinda the truth. most prostitutes dont wanna do real work.

Also alot men like in vid will complsin about women being whores but tgey will ogle after women


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Based NEETstitute.

Yes, neetdom is a way of life, and it's a damn BASED way of life. I go to work yet I'm still a neet, just like that prostitute. She's my neet sister, the only woman that ever touched me in *that* way.

I wish I've lost my virginity to one of those soviet prostitutes.


>rumors of Drake making girls spit and vomit into a dog bowl
is Drake a Left9k poster??


You're a waste of life like that "woman" in the video.

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is lip surgery worth it?
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theres more


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natty or juice?


Everything about this image disturbs me


If you can't lose and maintain your weight normally it's not worth it.


Stop oppressin viminz incel. kek

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 No.694[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

4chan /r9k/ is full of them, why don't we have any?
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What if there's a special containment thread, like how the Feels thread says "no bullying"?
And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented.
Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Furthermore, there's the possibility that users won't be mean and instead would actually welcome them, like the OP creator of this thread who had the idea in the first place.


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RIP to OP (both the egirl and OP)


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>and there are plenty of anons who would happily tell female posters to kill themselves until they kill themselves.
Yes. Only a complete degenerate would state their shitty race of any kind to further their agenda, cuntfaggots with their cultural privilege especially.

>And to borrow from ancaps, there could be a Non Aggression Principle implemented
NAP is the ideology of an individualist who doesn't want to answer for their actions, especially if these actions do harm to the others. kys fag
>Speaking of ancaps, what if the female posters were right-wing, then wouldn't it be okay to bully them?
Ye faggot, go on with th@ lmao & try to bully a rightoid (= individualist (= narcissist)) cunt who was also enabled her whole fucking life, let's see how that would turn out.


its over for autistic males




>cunt screeches some scripted-in bullshit
>the entire soycietal nodework immediately reacts in the programmed way against an outside node
Wew, lad. First time?


bump for autism

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minimum body requirement to get some in 2024


War never changes >>15



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Lets ask for and give each other advice ITT
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A guy asked me out. I said no and that he is ugly and that nobody will ever date him. He got a girlfriend and I'm jealous. What should I do?


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You should cut yourself for attention


>I said no and that he is ugly and that nobody will ever date him.

Holy shit why'd you say that? I hope it wasn't in person.

Regardless of whether or not it will happen, do you think you deserve this guy even if you could win him over somehow? I think you should just let go.


Why would I do that? I want him to cut himself because I rejected him.

Idon't know of I want him per say. Maybe it messes with my ego to know that someone I rejected found someone after all? It makes me feel like I lost power and control in the situation.


Anon we do not offer advice on theoretical situations.

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"Nizhny Novgorod incel blogger Alexei Podnebesny posted on his Telegram channel a correspondence with his wife Valeria, who accuses him of beating her. In the photo, the girl shows bruises on her arms. Alex, in a dialogue with his wife, does not deny that he raised his hand against her, but in the telegram channel he accuses her of slander and tells how Valeria stole his chocolates and psychologically put pressure on him with her behavior.
When exactly the couple got married is unknown, Valeria became the second wife of Alex. In February 2022, the girl went on a picket in support of single men. In the same year, both spouses were fined by the Russian government for discrediting the RF Armed Forces."

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He gets what little money he has from his friends in Russia. I'm not aware of him ebegging in the content of his videos


You're the same single guy throwing out 2 second negative opinions in every thread critical of people opposing the blckpill.

Yes, he is not by any means a betabux, he's borderline emaciated and doesn't have a job you retard


Alex opposes the blackpill for the same reason anyone with a brain does. It's some pseudoscientific fashy thing developed in the open by weird evopsych people and neo-nazis on blogs before r/incels even existed.




lol incel faggot worship

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can diaper fetish be leftist?


yes very leftist (social fascist)


is bdsm reactionary?


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>i need a change
damn, an entendre


Always has been. Read Fromm.

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is book any good?


From a mixed review:
>but the idea that the imagination could choose to make sex good again
Imagination posters win yet again…

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