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File: 1649374305021.jpg ( 204.03 KB , 1024x682 , 1648062742-0.jpg )


How South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Capitalized on Anti-Feminist Backlash to Win the Presidency
The fire rises.


It's just a shame he's a neolib and hates best Korea. We are yet to see a true /leftcel/ candidate as prophesied.


I thought NK ans K were on pretty good terms considering their history


He wants to ask the US to put a load of their missiles in south korea. He kinda glows tbh.



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After the failure of the first vote for the creation of an /r9k/ board back in January, the second vote (after the 2 month cool down period) has passed.
Leftychan /r9k/ should now be here to stay permanently, and hopefully we can get it back to how it was on the /777/ board. I've missed you guys.
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What up uyghas.


File: 1649374225259.jpg ( 204.03 KB , 1024x682 , 1648062742-0.jpg )

How South Korea’s Yoon Suk-yeol Capitalized on Anti-Feminist Backlash to Win the Presidency
The fire rises.


Why did you post this twice fag?


I-i-i-i-it was a mistake sempi.


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Well now I have to keep bumping this thread to get the eye sore out of the way.

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