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>bodycount of 40 at 18 yo
Do zoomer women really?
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Thats an outlier.
Most post-millennial females are selling feet pics or doing webcam sessions.

This wouldve been more common in the 1970s than the 2020s.


Nah. Girls are less exually active now.
Starting at twelve was the norm before the 2010s.

Before stranger danger, kids used to play doctor alot.
They could even solicit adults.


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>They could even solicit adults.
Bruh that's just you.


>as usual, rejection of historical realism

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Should women be drafted?
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Based Ukranian chicks.


We had preteen males as soldiers bfore World War 2.

Yet the idea of an adult female fighting is considered blasphemous?


>Imagine if just 300k w*men died - there would be fucking chaos. But when 500k men die - nobody bats an eye.

>Majority of men are just dumb as fuck (betabuxes can't be smart persons tbh), dumbfucks think of military service as if they are living in an ancient city-state or something lol.

Men are idealists. Always trying to philosophise anything into divine performance.


even if this did happen, they would have women do the light work.
Men would be pushed to the front line more.


If your definition of child marriage is getting married at fifteen then lol at yourself.

Also, instead of abortion we should sell preventive hysterectomy to teenage girls.

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Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows
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Whoa, I wrote this and it's weirding me out on how prescient it is.


This cannot be good.

I wouldnt say young people dont care about politics. Theyre just not as emotionally invested because they have lives to live.Politics is usually an elderly pasttime because theyre old and out of service and desperate for relevance.


middle aged people are kinda douchey un general. White suburban ones are the worst though.
Elderly and young ones are completely fine.Its the middle aged that are a main problem


wrong. your "prescient" scribblings are umpteenth conjectures based on personal cultural bias.


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Leftypol have their own r9k. In the form of Sex & Relationship Threads.

Pic related.
These guys say ahit like tgis amd stay. Mean while, I get banned for criticising the entitlement for sez/romance.

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What can we do to overcome male loneliness in the modern era?
Is pic related the solution?


why does society always wanna resort to martial recreation for young men?


Professional managerial class
Private military company

Is it connected?


Lonliness will always exist as long as humans are treated like commodities. It's a fundamental reality of capitalism.

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Submit your nominations.
I'll start, I present to you:
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Nice try Xiaomi


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Kek i didn't know even it was from Xiaomi.
I just image-searched for "marxist mascot" and then modified what came up.

Tho I wonder why the image search associated Xiaomi with "Marxist".


I like to dance. I'm taking break dancing classes right now.


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>Wom*n are chadsexu—ACK!


Will Smith got a hood rat.
Carlton got a "southern belle".

But for all we know, the white lady is probably running around but shes keeping it under wraps.


This, he could have literally married Margo Robbie and be as happy as Carlton is now. Out of some stupid sense of loyalty to the hood married that balding bitch instead.


this is why I tire of people sympathising the Black American "old school" ghettofab culture.

Ya know those obnoxious oldheads whom talk about "OG shit" and preaching about "keeping it real/telling it loke it is."

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Interesting video on people falling in love with Replika, an A.I. girlfriend. I think this will be the future for many incels, and many near-cels i.e. men that occasionally get sex and affirmations from the opposite sex.
It really seems like it's ready for prime time now. Where someone can and has convincingly fallen in love with a computer program.
It's going to be funny to see the simp market crash and all these thots suddenly with not betas to fall back on when Chad inevitably dumps them when they hit the wall.
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public intoxication is so based


>Men and boys want sex because of media. It's not women being predatory bastards.
You're going to have your screen name called out TWO times in tonights stream babe.


That's hype tho. What's wrong with that?


Predatory thots are part of the media that exploits male sexuality.

Again, society overseels sex and romance but then punishes cishet males for wanting it.


Based on cringe.

Protestantism is tolerant of alcoholism but shuns masturbation.

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Ive got a proposal for yall.

If had a choice between option A or B for romantic/sexual prospect which one sould you take?

Option A:
>youre stuck in this reality

>you get upgrades on wealth and physique

>you become another plastic e-celeb but now you get alot of bitches

>these bitches only care about your status tho but hey the sex is astronomical

Option B:
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Option A because I am not a closeted homosexual and schizophreniac like you OP


Is this a question for bi people specifically or what? Why is the choice between a straight fantasy and a gay one?

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How big is your penis? Sound off! Don't lie, we'll know.
Mine is 6 1/2 inches and girthy.


bot thread posted all over 4chan too


try not to get hard challenge


I'm not a bot. Now tell me about your penis.


>caveman metràge system
Ask your mom.

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This is Melanie King, a Youtuber that gives dating advice to women. While not obstinately red pilled, her critiques of modern women closely follow those of incel ideology.
That women have a SMV (Sexual Market Value) that declines as they age and or have children, that there are winners and losers in this market (Chads and Betas) and the 80/20 rule, 80% of women are going after the top 20% of men.
I've been seeing more mainstream incel sympathizing, or manosphere channels popping up on YouTube. Which is interesting because around 2014-2015 YouTube waged a fatwa on such content and killed all the traffic and success that early Manosphere content creators were enjoying at the time like Sandman who had something like 100k+ subscribers before the YouTube incel purge.
And you can't ignore that this woman is really attractive, which makes it a lot harder to dismiss her critique as sour grapes. Regardless, such an attractive women publicly espousing Red Pill/Incel ideology would have been unheard of even a few years ago, and now there's an entire echo system .
To be fair to King, she would say that her views of women are informed by her religion, and not incels.
Have you all seen more incel sympathizing median in the mainstream or near mainstream.
I think incels and men's grievance with feminism over all are becoming to big to ignore and are beginning to reach critical mass.
Here's a link to her channel, it's quite well established.
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Idealogies are always based on material conditions. You should be sad that dating got so bad for so many that it spawed these ideologies. Not that the ideolgoies themselves caught on.




Relationships are gamified in some circles of the internet. I feel that living in this hellscape of social conservatism, hegemony of capital, and violence of the state and the minority who controls it are responsible for a hardening of attitudes regarding sexual partnerships.

It becomes a problem to optimize. Solve for optimal sex. Solve for optimal psychological well-being. Solve for career advancement. Solve for properly optimized offspring. It's no different from selecting what institute you will attend after high school, which courses you will take to secure a desired position in society seeking positive outcomes in life.

The woolly free-love kind of romantic concept has been rejected by an increasing number of people who in the face of a hardscrabble world, seek out materially beneficial arrangements. It's not just "incel ideology". Female Dating Strategy (FDS) and associated communities and attitudes are spreading amongst women. It represents the embrace of traditional attitudes towards marriage. Returning to "pragmatism" is not a hard sell when the common folk need to be awful pragmatic about budgets and living arrangements and exploitative working conditions.

Women are a part of the formulation and enforcement of the memes that enslave them in the same way that men are. We are all participants and authors in this game. The thing that makes people like her and the incels so seemingly anachronistic is that the old rules of the game are changing rapidly (via industrialized society and technology), so much so that nobody knows what they are yet and we have yet to reach a stable equilibrium. Think less "evolutionary psychology" and more game theory. They are easy to mix up. Evo-psych just adds bullshit explanations on top and asserts that shit is inherent to our nature because Le Neutral Selekchion. Truthfully it is a game. But as the conditions have changed and the rules are in dispute, there's room right now for a lot of chaotic moves and unorthodox playstyles.

So the best these people have is to hold on to the tried and true rules that got us this far. Played skillfully, even the old meta can stay potent against new and uncoordinated challengers.

Schizo TLDR:
This is not going away until we figure out how to make sex sane in a poPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


To making dating sane again you have to abolish child support, circumcisions, legalize porn, sex doll brothels develop a male birth control pill and lift travel restrictions so that men can find brides overseas. Nothing short of this will end the madness.


Relationships were always gamified.

Free love was just a fad for first world boomer youth.

The reason why the game of love is messed up is because romantic love was sold to the masses around the late eighteenth century as the basis rather than a byproduct of relationships.

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