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its over for autistic males




>cunt screeches some scripted-in bullshit
>the entire soycietal nodework immediately reacts in the programmed way against an outside node
Wew, lad. First time?


bump for autism




Is it really just programming? Why do normies hate pedophiles so much but are fine with gay people? They weren't fine with gays even 20 years ago, but now they're fine with them. I guess they just naturally believe in thought crimes. You could say that it's an evolutionary desire to protect children or whatever, but then why is it that someone simply coming out and saying that they have those kinds of thoughts enough to be ostracized, even if they're a person that's known to be harmless?


Thats kimda fucked up rationalosation.
But whats really fucked up is tgat ypung adults are put in the same category as children in the sex/romance department.

Interacting with younger adults is now seen as creepy.
Despite these same young adults serving in jail, constructuion, military, church, etc.


>Thats kimda fucked up rationalosation.
How? Simply thinking about something isn't criminal.
>But whats really fucked up is tgat ypung adults are put in the same category as children in the sex/romance department.
It's mostly an Anglo thing I think


Normalfags have never given a fuck about protecting children. They literally just want to lynch somebody and get away with it. They're fucking scum and this behavior demonstrates the need for autistic men to band together to defend ourselves from the normalfag menace.


Most adults view children as defective pets they have to put up with.
See the way adults dismiss bullying as "childish games" until someone ends up dead or with bleeding gaping orifices?

Or when a child gets a booboo from their typical outdoors misadventure, adults wanna put sanctions against kids playtime.


Other counries areoicking up this castrative philosophy though.
Vicenarians (twenty-somethings) are now seen as helpless infants who should be scolded for dating anyone even slightly older or younger.


Society hates aesthetically-defective men.


This so fucking much. Normalfag parents make no effort to protect kids from bullying and then act surprised when the bullied kid decides his only recourse is to bring a gun to school and terminate the bullies' existence, but all of a sudden they're going to act like they're fucking Superman when they ruin the life of some college guy for dicking a completely willing 17-year-old girl? Bullshit.

Normalfags are nothing but a bunch of fucking uyghurs, and America is a shithole country that rewards uyghur behavior. The average American white is indistinguishable from any ghetto thug uyghur you could point to, not only in terms of education (or lack thereof) but in terms of their worldview. It's all about feeling like muh alpha male pack leader. Stopping bullying doesn't make them feel like a big tough guy Navy SEAL with 300 confirmed kills, so they don't do it, but ruining innocent men's lives does, so they do it as often as possible.

The only silver lining to this shit sandwich is that societies that do this tend to get outbred by societies that don't, so in the long term (or possibly the very, very short term if Copmala gets in) Americuckland will inevitably collapse. Of course, Amerikikes will probably try to take the entire world with them in a literally nuclear autistic meltdown once it becomes apparent that the levels of faggotry America has reached are no longer able to be sustained, so I hope other nations have been investing in missile defense.


The difference between whites and blacks in America were declining since the mid-nineteenth century.

The invention of punk amd gangster rap really united them in a perverted way.

But what really universalises contemporsry ethnic groups is the universalisation of childhood as some sterile open prison.

Money, fashion, sex, tech are criminalised by adults.

Adults selfishly try to keep childhood as dull aspossible for the sake of "innocence."

Also, its not the parents who are wiklfully neglecting kids.
Its schools.

Most adults dismiss kids woes who dont share any blood ties.

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