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File: 1710009191777.jpg ( 43.3 KB , 512x347 , AP5002211133.jpg )


This experimental new thread is intended to stimulate the growth of female posters posting on this site.


No bullying (unless they are right wing, then an exception may possibly be made)

This themed thread could be similar to the Grace-chan poster's Royal Colony threads.
Perhaps one could also see it as a containment thread, but only for now, with possibility of expanding with other kind of threads in the future.

<In small type at top of this dual poster is the caption: "Women have the right to vote and be elected equally with men section 137 of the Constitution of the USSR."

<Below is the slogan: "Hail the equality of Soviet women."


If you really want female posters, then we need to put some money on the table. Cash and gifts are the only language which e-girls understand.


But there's a bunch of egirls who post/shitpost online for free (Twitter/X, Tumblr, Instagram, etc). Furthermore, they don't necessarily need to fit the egirl niche, whatever it means at this point. Junko had orbiters and she only has like two pics where she showed her IRL body or face. It could stay a text-based experience if that's more comfortable for them. Gifts? Cash? We could pay them in cherished memories!


>But there's a bunch of egirls who post/shitpost online for free (Twitter/X, Tumblr, Instagram, etc)
Most of them have an onlyfans or some other side hustle in their bio, or intermittently post their cashapps for simps to send to money to.
>Furthermore, they don't necessarily need to fit the egirl niche, whatever it means at this point.
Mentally ill zoomer foids are the only women (other than troons) who post on imageboards. No normal, balanced woman would ever post here.
>Gifts? Cash? We could pay them in cherished memories!
What, like that time /b/ bullied junko into attempting suicide? Or all the other times female anons have been sexually harassed?
There is no reason for a femoid to post here instead of say, twitter, tumblr or reddit, other than for monetary gain.


I'm not clear on the rules, are only women allowed to post here? Is critique of women or feminism not allowed either?


brb gonna get my gf to post


she just left me


zoomer femoids dont be on inageboards. Thats more millennial femoids.


That's not gonna work since this place just feels like the incel alternative to Ogre, I don't think any woman would want to announce they post here


Oh yeah and there's a lot of incel tinted anti-left demoralization here too


If people hate r9k so much they should just vote it away. We have a democracy on the matrix.


This place is just like my town. Too small and too dead for me to care about getting invested in its local electoral process. Also shadowed by a bigger city that is a shell of its former self too


Yep, just like the real world too, leftist complain about everything while doing nothing.


Damn right, we already got the ultra sectarianism done


File: 1711214253632.png ( 278.56 KB , 720x945 , Screenshot_202310.png )

Pic related inspired me to bump this thread.


if we voted it away you would complain about oppression. And youd spread your complaints to other boards.


Where's that from? Cafe?


File: 1711394292302.png ( 226.03 KB , 894x363 , Screenshot _agatha2_ - _qt….png )

I got it from here: https://endchan.net/agatha2/res/17577.html#36339 /agatha2/ - /qtg/ - qt general
Screenshot appears to be from https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/75121328/


Fuuuuuuuuuuu T_T


File: 1711781232299.jpeg ( 100.34 KB , 811x534 , leave my fucking bunker r….jpeg )

>idpol waste comes in
>posts a fucking propaganda poster made up by the thermide natsoc government which banned abortions, reinforced the churchoid family unit & yeeted all pussy-carriers out of the army as soon as it could do it
Fucking cunt-centrists are really, really something else. The more you beat, repress & exploit the shit out of them the more they love you holy fucking shit. GTFO back @ your sex-racially pure echochamber you disgusting genetic reactionary.

Made-up corporate consumer identity. Fucking kys faggot.
btw all these cunts will be grinded into dust @ mine camps for ea-gerly participating in unleashing a yet another wave of suicides by propagating a new expectable standard of living, like here: >>5339

If you could do anything @ all then you wouldn't have any interest in complaining about meaningless shit would ya?


An anon theorized crystal.cafe posters discovered us, https://leftychan.net/R9K/res/4391.html#5469 so I'm bumping this thread.


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File: 1712006932033-1.png ( 118.39 KB , 1195x1655 , zwei.png )

File: 1712006932033-2.jpg ( 1.16 MB , 2744x2672 , drei.jpg )

Daily reminder that swarms of seemingly benign militant cuntdrones are the best tool of the feds in wrecking anything resembling a community since OWS.



File: 1715100151085.jpg ( 67.01 KB , 400x563 , leftychan_egirl_ad_1.jpg )



I'm going to print this off and hang them around my college campus.


incelism like transgenderism is idpol though


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File: 1715103181601-1.jpg ( 37.92 KB , 600x600 , leftychan_egirl_ad_3.jpg )



that second one is dope


File: 1715104352365.jpg ( 30 KB , 600x600 , 61mfpsmaDeL (1).jpg )

Thanks! I plagiarized it from an album cover.


File: 1715108436760.jpg ( 67.37 KB , 400x563 , leftychan_egirl_ad_1_print.jpg )

Print friendlier version


Unironically post this on 4chan /r9k/ if you don't care about risking getting banned.


File: 1715112134223.jpg ( 267.1 KB , 1280x1016 , literally_me.jpg )



>no replies
The absolute state of 4chan. You should have included interracial pornography in the image, then maybe they would have shown some interest.


yeah they do like their race war fuel there, thats true


bumping since 4chan r9k dating app apparently got their user data leaked/doxed

#Crisis #Opportunity (inb4 opportunism)


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File: 1717092214753.mp4 ( 7.02 MB , 720x1280 , 1717092203790.mp4 )



>erm …. erm … erm… [RANDOM STATEMENT IN ALL CAPS] what …. erm ….
Why do femoids type like they are mentally retarded?


at least i tried

u know what, ur a fucking asshole. i did my best. i did it for the culture.

be nice. she's just a quirked up egirl


Where did you find it?


uh… i just typed a random word into fbi.gov invite bar because i was trying to get someone to buy something for me (but no one did)


>i just typed a random word into fbi.gov invite bar because i was trying to get someone to buy something for me
That strategy only works if you're a woman.


just type the word "beg" into the fbi.gov invite bar and you'll find the server


all fagcord troons must hang
all fagcord troons will hang


File: 1717094743930.gif ( 650.57 KB , 283x315 , wumpus-wave.gif )



one of the mods said this site has a fbi.gov to stimulate growth, so..


bumping now that Leftypol is down (lol)

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