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Never going to accept free blowjobs in Thailand from people I can't see.


Cheat with a chick I know behind her boyfriends back.


Humblebrag thread

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How does this make you feel?

Knowing that women will subjugate themselves to men they deem worthy, happily raisimg his children and bragging about it. Meanwhile, other guys why loudly profess their support for feminism are left with dusty dicks and crusty tissues sitting next to their laptops.

Personally, I love to see it.
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we incels reproduce asexually

that's what the "next step" means, normoid

your children will be incels

you'll provide the hardware that our software will run on. FOR FREE.


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>we incels reproduce asexually
ie the ugly swans was actually about incels all along lol

the ubermensch are fucking ugly lepers that can't reproduce but town's children adore them while parents are despised


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this. troons and incels have the same mo. That's why they both need to attend reform courses in an isolated community at best tried and executed at worst.


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try me bitch boy



Nothing. I know far left men who spout feminism and still get women who get to do this for them.

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Feminism has failed to defend one of it's core tenants, the right to abortions. This shows what leftcels and some non-spooked Marxists have always said about feminism, that it is the ideology of the bourgeois. Feminists had 50 years since the Roe vs Wade ruling to codify the right to abortions into law but were unwilling to pay the political price for such self-assertion and passed on the burden to future feminists year after year until we come to now, where Republicans are now on the cusp of passing an official federal abortion ban with the "heartbeat bill".
During these 50 years feminists were far more interested in chasing idealists ghosts like male gaze which lead to cultural wars over pornography, prostitution, and even silly things like bikini clad female characters in videogames.
More destructive was their successful passage of female supremacist laws that made men guilty until proven innocent of any sexual assault allegations with cancel culture or of domestic violence accusations because of the Duluth model. Made men personal debt serfs to their children's mother via brutal child support laws. They also tirelessly attacked their masculinity and very being with the weaponization of the LGBT rights movement which frames all men and masculinity as wrong and harmful to women and society and upholds androgyny and male homosexuality as the only "safe" way a male can be a sexual being. And finally made males forfeit half their property and future with no-fault-divorce even, as the name implies, when they've done nothing wrong.
This has gone on to completely destroy gender relations as evidenced by the consistently declining marriage rate, the growing number of sexless men and the explosion of incels in the west.
Which has alienated men from women and their struggles, which is why the groundswell against the end of Roe v Wade has been about as impactful as a wet fart. Men do not care about women, and in fact cannot care about women because feminism has made doing so be to their own determent.
With abortion being banned, there is literally no point in feminism. It is an ideology with nothing to offer materially, and is little different than a religion or Marvel Movie fandom, and this all due to feminists hatred of men.
Feminism now shuffles off into the dustbin of history, whatever ideology replaces it will have to offer liberation for BOTH genders because it will generations before people forget about the damage a female only gendePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ypure wromg abput homosexuality amd androgyny being fully accepted. Women look down on gas and androgynous guys as defective males.

Also, masculinity isnt hated. Its cishet mn that are.


Its very common in the right


>The bourgeois feminists got exactly what they wanted,
Nah the booj feminists definitely wanted abortion access. You can make up conspiracy theories about how they'll be able to get secret abortions regardless but this has becomes a fault time between booj men and women and booj men would love to see women ejected from the ruling class because they can't plan their parenthood.


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Looks like they are going hardcore on toasties that won't make babies. Will women have to actually have kids with men that will raise them now?



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This is why women and male feminists hate passport bros so much. They know it's only in the US that they can get away with how they treat men.


fuckin whores


Literally female Hasbara


Western Europe has the same problem.

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how do we stop losing incels to the right?
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just had valentine's day sex ama


left or right?


depends don't it


the incel to femboy pipeline seems promising

Can't get a girlfriend? Become the girlfriend!


Lamarcus Small's forum is only like 400 active people. That's only losing only like 0.0000001% of "incels" to the right.

If people are upset the largest incel twitter account (incelsco) is right-wing, then start a competitor. But there isn't much to whine about really.

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This is a good demonstration of women

>He's fun yet 'problematic,' so I'll fuck him whenever he wants

>But his opinions clash with my own retarded worldview, so I won't settle down with him
>(he dodges the bullet)
>Whoever gets sloppy seconds and an LTR with me must share my faggy effeminate worldview
>But those guys don't make my loins tingle, so they'll get once a week duty sex (maybe)
>Many such cases

Leftybros ngmi
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Hello, I fucking hate w*men.


tbh the tristian guy sounds like a douche.

So what if your gf has male neighbors?

You cannot control who your neighbors are. And its hard to move places conveniently.


>now I exclusively have sex with emotionally unavailable older men
and you guys said the red pill was wrong about men's worth increasing as they get older


Actually the red pill is wrong about male sexual value increasing with age.

Those older men have more capital is all.


Heh, you must secretly want to fuck woman

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Aw yes
>'having 1 girl is too close to having 0 girls'
Sure sounds like something a guy who doesn't fuck would say


your pic has ten commandments tho


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>Omg if you dont treat women like princesses, you must be an incel
Sure thing, faggot


>being this autistic
oy vey


Its half cringe.

Some of the commandmemts were good but theyre ruined by the others.

"Be irrationally self confodent", "flort with other women in front of her", this is all machismo antics.

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Whatcha doing this val's?
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This isn't r9k the website.






I'm re-gifting because I'm not that invested in this one desu

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Were hormone injections and bottom surgery a scam all along?

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>tfw the government put me on a list so i only match with BPD chicks on dating apps


Are you ok


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That's happens because you were raised by your single mother to not have boundaries with women which made raising you a lot easier for her.


>male incompetence is all caused by single motherhood

I swear this meme is an overused defense mechanism against feminazi school of thought.


>omg sweetie if you don't play by my wantz & rulez then ya got some "male incompetence" issues
A cunt will always defend gender system relations shit even if it has no dick to exploit. What a fucking joke of a being.

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