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nofap is controlled opposition. it conflates fapping with porn consumption, thus making it harder for horny men to quit porn.

if you're a horny man, there is nothing wrong with having a fap. it's harmless and even may have some health benefits as long as you don't do it too much. if you fap without porn it will exercise your imagination and cause you to think more about your sexual goals in life (hot women you've met).

porn is sick, brainrotting, exploitive trash that causes mental illness. it causes you to be compromised and sell your soul to porky. that includes hentai. literary porn might be OK in moderation.

noporn is the way.


Noporn and nofap are both gay as fuck and you suck uyghur dicks.

>muh exploitation

Fuck outta here liberal.


NoPorn is better, NoFap is a scam.


Tell that to Christian fundamentalists who wanted to ban masturbation


Same people that promote vegan/vegetarian shit.



porn is gay as fuck. hurr im so coomerbrained i need to jerk off to the sex trafficking videos!!! m-muh jailbait barely legal!!

nofap is cringe but noporn is essential. evil fucking industry


>waaaah muh pedo
Nobody cares about your fake morals, cuck. When capitalism falls, age of consent will vanish faster than a cheeseburger in the same room as Donald Trump. The only thing preventing non-agecucked men from literally just killing all agecucks and fucking whoever we want is the feminist cuck US government, which won't last much longer.


People like you will be killed newgene


>agecuck retard thinks his retarded ass isn't about to get lynched by righteously enraged ephebosexual men fed up with feminist prohibition bullshit
Yeah, your bravado sure worked out great for boopac shakur. Get a clue. Based men are sick to death of you and your self-righteous faggotry and there are millions of us.


>Boopac Shakur
The shooter was 16 at the time of the shooting and prosecutors noted there was no evidence that the shooting was related to any sting operation by Lee.


Every man in their late teens/early 20a needs a 13-15 year old bride.


>Every woman in their late teens/early 20a needs a 13-15 year old groom.
See how you sound?


Males want fertility and females want resources.
Males have more resources when they're older.
Females have more fertility when they're younger.
Females seek older males and males seek younger females.
It's not complicated.


Assuming that maturity is linear and that labor progression is equal for all males
Also, male fertility is also limited.
And not all men want a girl half their age.
The inverse should also be true


>Assuming that maturity is linear and that labor progression is equal for all males

>Also, male fertility is also limited.

Women have lost 90% of their eggs by 30 and are basically infertile around 40. Men get infertile when they're like 90? It's dumb to try and even make that an issue.

>And not all men want a girl half their age.

Most would if they could. Especially if it's just sex and they don't have to pretend to care about their snaptoks over dinner.


You think if the shooter was over 18 you'd suddenly become bulletproof? Delusional. Then again you're the same group of faggots who think 2 teens can have sex with no issue but the exact same fucking thing done with an older person suddenly becomes nonconsensual, so delusion isn't a surprise coming from you.

Also this article is wrong on multiple counts; it's well documented that the guy was 17, nearly 18, and he was meeting a 15-year-old. Pretending this isn't related to his stings is a bullshit cover job. It's the same as the US military saying a bunch of troops died in a "training accident" when they actually got lit up by Houthis or ISIS. The feminist empire doesn't want people to know about it when their unpaid foot soldiers for roasties get deservedly ventilated for being unpaid foot soldiers for roasties.

These two things sound nothing alike. The first is extremely based and the second is degenerate faggotry. I don't know why you think this would make non-cucks "see how they sound". This is "what if it was your daughter" energy right here. Literally nobody fucking cares except you. The retardation of the NPC brain is consistently amazing. It's like you're just totally incapable of imagining that other people actually have different opinions than you.


Millions of men also support the predator catching moral faggotry


Of course they do, because americunt men have always been simps and assholes. This agecuck cancer could only have originated in America because Americans only respect Chad and believe that only teen Chad has the right to access teen pussy. If you date a teenager when you're above the feminist-decreed age, that means you must not be Chad because you "can't get" a woman your age, according to roasties, and non-Chad men must be subjugated. They say this as if we'd even want a woman our age. Fortunately for us, most of the simps took the clot shot, so they'll soon be dead or saddled with unfixable long-term health problems that mean they'll be unable to fight back, whereas non-agecucked men didn't take the COVID vax because we've learned a healthy distrust of social consensus and government propaganda and because we're far more scientifically literate on average than agecucks.

I always kek heartily when some agecuck bitch talks about how "muh Science (TM) says you shouldn't have sex with 17.99-year-old infants because muh power dynamics muh brain development blah blah fucking blah". None of these faggots have ever read a single scientific paper. Most of them don't have STEM jobs. Many of them are such permanent newfags that you could tell them to delete system32 and they'd actually do it. But they act like they're experts on psychology and neuroscience because the "experts" said a certain thing that gels with their Chad worship and simping tendencies. Meanwhile the actual experts are dropping out of society because they're not getting teen pussy or any pussy in most cases, and so we have the competency crisis poised to literally end civilization. Good job, morons. You sure did own those nerds, huh? Please pay no attention to the wheels falling off the truck that ships food to your local grocery store because you hired some roastie to design it. In fact, pay no attention to the fact that a truck ships food to your local grocery store from a farm because you're so fucking retarded that you think food comes from the grocery store.


>Men get infertile when they're like 90? It's dumb to try and even make that an issue.

Men get lower sperm coub
nt with age. they still secrete semen.
Also, havin a biological father over forty impregnating a bitch can cause bodily dosrders such as weakened immune sytems, premature balding, autism, etc.

Men who forgo having kids thrkugh ther twe ties and early thirties should not be allowed to procreate.

>Most would if they could. Especially if it's just sex and they don't have to pretend to care about their snaptoks over dinner.

Again with the stupid ass assumptions..
.ost teen girls who get woth older guys are aware that they dont care about whateergab they have.
Teen girls are only going with older guys for attention and money not to make friends.

Also, social media is used by people over thirty-five.


Thats not me but wy are you gettin upset about someone choosing to watch porn and wy are ypu bringing pedophilia into it?
You sound like a bitchass uygha.

>Of course they do, because americunt men have always been simps and assholes. This agecuck cancer could only have originated in America because Americans only respect Chad and believe that only teen Chad has the right to access teen pussy.

Ypurr wromg on the last sentence.
But the rest o your post is right.
Angloid culture is massively anti-precocious/pro-infantilisation.

Why else do Millennials and Gen X whine aout adulting?


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Anti-porn discussion devovled into a discussion about pedophilia, classic imageboard discourse.


Porn, pedophilia, whiteness, and Jews are the only topics imageboards provide.




Are imageboards inherently reactionary?
Classic Caleb City lol


>waaahhhh muh ebil pedos muh ebil porn muh reactionaries
>t. reactionary defender of the feminist sexual bourgeoisie
It's obvious that there are many men who are economically proletarian who don't want feminist cancer. I bet half the people talking about how agecuckery is good are richer than the people saying it needs to be done away with. You faggots defend the social values of the capitalist bourgeoisie and go around calling other people reactionaries. I've even seen some leftists going as far as saying they would ally with capitalists to defeat age of consent reductionists or incels if these groups ever got serious traction. Modern leftists are fucking pathetic.


Imageboards are reactionary. Nothing but socially deprived failsons whom are butthurt about missing out in life.

You forget that its projection of ones inefficient maturation.
Most peoole whom morally obsess over age numbers are often victims of age segregation.
North America and its cultural colonies are poisoned by the Victorian philosophy that "youth is innocence."

The modern culture segregates young people in a purgatory.


I like CalebCitys skit videos where he satirises anime tropes.

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