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Who was in the right? And is Britbong really like this?


They sound and act Irish.


Hitting people because they hurt your feelings is not acceptable adult behavior. On the other hand the way he dives like a bitch pretending to be knocked out makes him an equally big piece of shit.


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>Hitting people because they hurt your feelings is not acceptable adult behavior


Fashoids deserve it 100%


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>Fashoids deserve it 100%
In that case it is 500% ok to punch Marxists.


The british killed more people than that in their occupation of India alone.

But your numbers are made up so I don't know why you posted that pic.


Mao killed closer to 200 million and Stalin was at least 80 million. Also that Pol Pot number is wildly exaggerated, the vast majority of those 1.7 million were killed in American bombings and by North Vietnamese death squads. Get your facts right.


>The british killed more people than that in their occupation of India alone.
In that case british marxists deserve to be punched 2000%. This is your dumb game don't cry just because you're losing.


>Stalin was at least 80 million
Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?


Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?


He's either a nazi or a liberal.


>Like he personally went around killing 80 million? Or is this about his comically large spoon?
Did hitler personally kill 6 million jews? This is your game I'm just applying the rules consistently.

>Why are you so upset about nazis getting punched?
I believe in absolute free speech I don't want anybody to be punched unless it is self defense.

If your argument is it's ok to punch nazis because they support an insane authoritarian genocidal ideology then I've got bad news for you because marxism is responsible for at least an order of magnitude more death and suffering.

If we're punching nazis then we should be throwing communists out of a helicopter. I think a smart man did that once.



Any marxists, fag?


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Who was in the right?


then it should not be ok to hit kids for cussing out an adult.

Or to say you wanna have sex with kids.

Or to to scream racial slurs.


>Who was in the right?
According to liberal courts: the man
According to me: the woman is annoying so she deserved it


This. Free Ireland! Tiocfaidh ár lá! Up the RA!!!

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