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File: 1696826744343.jpg ( 457.71 KB , 1080x1304 , Screenshot_2023-10-09-11-4….jpg )


Do you think she needs a man now?


Bruh, kek


>Bruh just kidnap-maxxx


I was actually thinking about this. Gaza strip probably has few incels. The women-to-men ratio has to be ideal for men to dip into a ton of chicks. And then, every couple decades, those guys who still can't manage to find a gf can just launch an assault on their neighbors to take warbrides


I beg you, please, read some fucking theory


>Theory without sex is shit
-Mao (paraphrased)


Wartime is literally the only time it's permitted for incels to unleash their pent up sexual frustrations


We let you have vidya top


>The women-to-men ratio has to be ideal for men to dip into a ton of chicks. And then, every couple decades, those guys who still can't manage to find a gf can just launch an assault on their neighbors to take warbrides
Holy shit..



This is a good example of how women exact violence by proxy. These "innocent" women were dancing on land stolen from starving from people starving and dying from a 13 year blockade.
They put on this happy go lucky clean imagine and then like they are the most horrifically victimized people on earth because Hamas attacked them. When in reality they are settler integral to the subjugation of Palestine.
If you say they were ignorant I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts if any of them were interviewed they'd know the by heart the lithany of crimes that Hamas has committed against Israel as they've spent untold hours dutifully consuming the mainstream national narrative of their country.
These were settlers looking to entrench the brutal and bloody gains of their colonialist state.
Women's projection of violence by proxy needs to be discussed more in the left.


Are you ok sir?


t. simp


Do you need any help. Can I call someone for you?


You can help by not defending bloodthirsty settler because they have boobs


File: 1697222001574.png ( 274.98 KB , 605x735 , ClipboardImage.png )



Jewesses can't resist the BAC (Big Arab Cock)


brownchads stay winning

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