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In most countries it's 16 which I think is good. I'd say there needs to be some "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions added. No reason to have a 17 year old go to jail for dating a 15 year old.
15 is a just a little too young for the age of consent. What is hilarious is that burgers think just big age gaps are pedophilia while the average roastie in America becomes sexually active at 13, and often even younger.


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old enough to bleed (or cum) old enough to breed.


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hello ogre transhumanist


I don't understand these soyjak memes anymore


Greetings fellow leftists
Lowering the age of consent is an important cause for global communist revolution. This is definitely an issue we should focus more on!!


The creation of adolescence was one of the biggest mistakes made in modern society.

Adolescence is a marketing scheme built to sell infinite toys and security devices.
People whine about the dumbing down of society from TV or Internet or even zero tolerance laws. But adolescence was the key ingredient in the postmodern phase of social engineering.



I know people will disagree with me, but I'm tired of society treating under-25 as helpless puppies that shouldn't be allowed ANY form of independence.

I hate how whenever a young person makes a mistake or has a flaw, they attribute to youth, yet older people can be flawed and accident-prone and still have their personhood respected.

I especially hate how when it comes to young criminals, they assume that because they're young that they were "indoctrinated/misguided". No they're not. They knew what they were doing.
Especially when it comes to statutory rape. Alot of cases of man-on-girl "rape" are initiated by the minor. These young girls are worldly-ambitious and will do anything to have a taste of riches and adoration. It's only when the money and gifts stop coming that they yell "RAPE!"

Our society punishes young people whom show worldly-awareness and cynicism. Children are being forced into positivity. Any child who likes dark/edgy humor or isn't into the whole happy-go-lucky overtness that children are assumed to have are seen as defective.

God forbid kids should like horror, cuss words, porn, or different ethnicities. God forbid kids should point out the absurdities of the adult world.


why are you spamming every thread uygho to getchan.net I'm sure they'd love to hear about it


15 isnt too young for age of consent.

Id say 10 is too young.


Romeo and Juliet makes the most sense. 18 is legally an adult. but 17 can date 19 - 20 max. Three years out. 15 the youngest a 17 year old can date. And everything 18 and up is fair game. I don't think anyone necessarily under the age of 25 should be put in prison for being unable to funny control their libido, though.


everything ypu said is bullshit. Especially the last sentence.

14 - 17 is as fair game as 18-21.

Also yes you should go to jail for lack of libidinal control even if youre under 25.
"Brain development" is infantilism.


25 should go to jail for trying shit under 18. I think that while children in a three year age gap shouldn't be criminalized, an investigation should take place as to what instigated: adults who coerce kids should obviously go to jail and there should be mandatory sex ed and counseling for the kids involved. I think it is likely that children engaging in early sex (before maybe 12) likely have a history of abuse which warrants investigation.
kids are tards bro and easy to manipulate I don't know what to tell you. They shouldn't get to decide what they do. The based socialist republic should decide what they do and that starts with early military training and agricultural work under based pioneer programs.


>OP wants to talk about love and sex in the Love and Sex channel.
Well blow me down.


Nice digits faggot

The kind of guys who bang younger chicks are smart enough not to talk about it on social media, with dorky leftists, with or betamales (big overlap there tbh)

>Uh muh, I want to state to tell me it's ok

Least over socialized leftist


>kids are tards bro and easy to manipulate I don't know what to tell you. They shouldn't get to decide what they do. The based socialist republic should decide what they do and that starts with early military training and agricultural work under based pioneer programs.

This kimd of thinking is unironically why kids are vulnerable.
If you dont allow kids to do things for themseves they end up as postpubescent invalids.

Although yes, kids should go to trades.

But if kids shouldnt decide ther own fates, neither should the average adult, especially the elderly or disbaled.


Long-ish post. I have to make this disclaimer out of habit even though the (possibly unwarranted) assumption on leftist sites is that people here can actually read.

>omg gaiz we have to appeal to normie retards even if their social views are completely and objectively fucking wrong

No, faggot, it literally makes the least sense of any social policy ever implemented, and only fucking boomer-tier millennials who've never known anything except Chris Hansen retardation actually think this shit makes sense - even the actual boomers and Gen Xers who started this agecuck shitshow know it's all a fucking scam. You are either fucking capable of consent or you are not, simple as. There is no room for "nuance" here because "nuance" when used by feminists is just code for "blatant hypocrisy that serves to artificially inflate my roastie sexual market value". Incels are unironically entirely correct about the age of consent and this blind spot (more like an unshakable feminist death grip) on the left has created an absolutely fucking colossal amount of completely justified homicidal rage among men who were denied teen sex as a teen and are now expected and in fact demanded at gunpoint to settle for roasties - and many of these men are science and tech nerds whose skills society can't exist without.

In answer to the question of this thread, it should be no higher than 15, with no fucking faggot-ass close-in-age restrictions. If you just HAVE to have something like that because you're fucking gay, the age where people are restricted to others close in age should be more like 13, and the maximum age for this tier should be 20-ish. The reasoning behind this is simple: 15 is an age when almost every country sees you as adult enough to be tried as an adult for committing a crime. If you're adult enough to be held to the behavioral standards of an adult, you're an adult with respect to your sexual rights. The alleged "science" that claims the brain isn't developed until 25 and "mUh pOwEr dyNaMicS" and all this other shit is fraudulent garbage created by roasties to push their agenda, but most of the left is made up of those same roasties and terminal midwits who screech about how the capitalists are conspiring against the common folk but will never be able to admit the existence of organized scientific conspiracies because they want to seem "smart" to their midwit dipshit friends. Ironically, this makes them extremely dumb, perhaps moreso than the dumbass Nazis on /pol/ who at least understand that the corporate-sponsored university system is not their friend and does not have academic honesty ranked highly on its priority list.

inb4 utter faggots come in saying "cringe" and other cancerous normie shit because leftists reveal their true sexual capitalist colors when the sexual marketplace or incels are mentioned. At least the rightists are relatively honest about being shitbags. Double-tier age of consent laws favor the Chads, the sexual bourgeoisie who are likely to get laid as teenagers. Chris Hansen shit is literally sexual classism and most "anti-capitalist" leftists are completely onboard with catering to the sexually rich and privileged, to the point of demanding that any skepticism of it be censored and openly supporting the US military-industrial complex if it brings agecuckery to nations that previously lacked it. Then again, leftists support lots of widely accepted things that they think make them the Resistance (TM) and shit while actually being complete cucks to the establishment, but that's millennials for you.

Patronizing cunt. This is why zoomers call millennials 30-year-old boomers. This mentality's similarity to boomer helicopter parenting is ridiculously on-the-nose and most millennials lack the self-awareness to realize this.

>inb4 hey, it's hebe-kun from 8ch/leftypol/, I know it's you because only you could write this much about AOC, where the fuck have you been

Yes, it is. I left leftism because of leftists' intransigence on the age of consent. I came back after years of absence to see how leftists have fared since then, especially since Biden forgave student loan debt and a bunch of leftylennials went back to being liberals. My initial investigation has revealed that most of you are still massive fucking assholes and liars. Incels are right to reject leftism because leftists openly seek to enslave and kill them. Inceldom has the based anti-capitalist parts of leftism without the cancer, which is almost the entirety of leftism at this point. That's why inceldom has grown massively while leftism declines, probably irreversibly.
<orangetext is a fun new feature that wasn't here when I last posted on leftist imageboards. Also, I'd bet a lot of breadline vouchers that literally a single post from me will be enough to make the mods here go full Stalin, whatever free speech pretext they maintain.


>No, faggot, it literally makes the least sense of any social policy ever implemented, and only fucking boomer-tier millennials who've never known anything except Chris Hansen retardation actually think this shit makes sense - even the actual boomers and Gen Xers who started this agecuck shitshow know it's all a fucking scam. You are either fucking capable of consent or you are not, simple as. There is no room for "nuance" here because "nuance" when used by feminists is just code for "blatant hypocrisy that serves to artificially inflate my roastie sexual market value".

>Patronizing cunt. This is why zoomers call millennials 30-year-old boomers. This mentality's similarity to boomer helicopter parenting is ridiculously on-the-nose and most millennials lack the self-awareness to realize this.

Millennials have become even worse than the Baby Boomers with their moral hysteria.

Millennials have been castrated by helicooter parenting and the consequential arrested development which encourages Disney Adult culture.

Millennials think 18 - 24 dating someone three to five yars or more their senior is pedophilia.

I think its because Millennials are insecure about their own sluggish maturation.

Theyre even saying that cringe/awkwardness is essential to teenage years.


I don't even blame my generation for the Disney Adult culture. The world is an awful place filled with injustice and evil and God has failed all of us. But I think the situation with the moronic moral panicking is the result of the boomers' deliberate sabotage of all succeeding generations. /leftypol/ has spent the past decade extensively cataloguing the economic portion of this sabotage, but /pol/ (at least when you can get a thread without tradcucks) has done a better job at the social portion. Only taking the best parts of both analyses can get us to the truth.

Boomer parents almost unanimously demanded that millennial men forgo sex and relationships and focus entirely on school. They did this not out of concern for our future but so we would be more effective corporate slaves for them. There were two kinds of boomer parenting with respect to their daughters, the kind that wanted to lock their daughter in a cage until she's 35, and the kind that let their teen daughters slut around with Chad and threatened non-Chads with lynchings or uyghur rape in prison if we even looked at their little darlings because said little darling was the daughter of a wretched harpy and a weak simp who intended to make us into her betabuxxers later on and would never have stood for her getting married to a man even slightly older because that would have ruined their plan to treat their daughter as a method of getting hold of non-Chad men's money by proxy. They were going to plot our entire lives for us and we had no say in it and were to be treated as incompetent dullards incapable of making our own decisions. This from the generation that can't even send an e-mail without asking a millennial or a zoomer for help.

As a result, many of us never learned how to make decisions because our parents never gave us the opportunity to learn this. And since this style of parenting is the only kind that millennials have ever known, it's what a lot of us will end up carrying over to the way we treat younger people. Millennials believe the bullshit about the brain not being done developing until well after it actually is (which occurs at about 16 MAXIMUM according to any non-pozzed study) because the "parenting" that we were given reflects this, and we're almost guaranteed to do this when you combine that with roasties' incentive to bar men from going after younger, hotter girls.

Also Princess Jasmine is a sexy 16-year-old sand princess and a respectable choice of waifu along with Mulan and Ariel, also 16. It's funny to see cuckservatives attacking Disney for promoting "child marriage" and echoing the soyest of soy feminists on this, and for the most part not even realizing that they're using feminist talking points. I like Jasmine the best of them because she actually rejected Aladdin when he pretended to be Prince Ali, proving that she cares about more than just looks, which is about as much as you can ever expect from a woman.


again, millennials have internalised this chauvinism and are treating their juniors even worse than how boomers treated them.

Millennials (and Gen X) are advocating to raise the age of majority to twenty five despite being immature past thirty.

Theyreeven saying teens having afterschool jobs is child abuse.

Also female youths are overrated. Theyre nice to look at and all but the adoration they get goes to their head and the men that cater them assume female youths are perfect in every way
Male youths are pathologised and even mocked.


>having afterschool jobs is child abuse
Having jobs at all is abuse, brah. Fully automated luxury gay space communism now.

>female youths are overrated

I see you are a connoisseur of robot girls.

Other issues related to this: In principle, the porn age and prostitution age should be whatever the general age of consent is. In practice, traditional porn and prostitution will experience a large decline in participation in a socialist society because financially secure women will not feel the need to sell themselves for money. Only the biggest nymphos will still perform in porn. Animated porn, especially porn generated by AI, and robot girlfriends will also take a big chunk out of these industries. So teen girls performing in porn should be like abortion: safe, legal and rare. Unfortunately Americans across the political board are enormous faggots and are already moving to ban petite robot girls (and probably all robot girls if the feminists have their way) and AI-created porn that appears to be of an under-18 girl. Land of the free strikes again.

And speaking of the intersection between sexual customs and technology, I'm amazed by the amount of faggotry that it takes for people to pretend that teen girls "cannot give informed consent" in the post-IT revolution era when the largest current producer of "muh ebil CP" is teenagers themselves with their fucking phones. Of course this lack of ability to give consent only applies if her partner is a productive man with a programming job, but if it's a useless teen Chad faggot whose only "contribution" to society for his entire life will be a shitty rap album on SoundCloud then it's just fine. This is just the most preposterous fucking bullshit that everybody's expected to play along with. This point should have been publicly raised in like fucking 2008, but that would require America to not be a feminist police state.


>Having jobs at all is abuse, brah. Fully automated luxury gay space communism now.

Wrong. Compulsory schooling is abuse.
Also how do you think fully automatic spaceship luxiry communism will come about?

>Of course this lack of ability to give consent only applies if her partner is a productive man with a programming job, but if it's a useless teen Chad faggot whose only "contribution" to society for his entire life will be a shitty rap album on SoundCloud then it's just fine.

Thats kinda hebeandrophobic.
Also alot of those adult males perving on teen girls arent that much better in prospects.
Again, why should men be required to prive the.selves as proper mtes but women dont have to?

Also, the rest of your post shows hebegynophilia.
I dont have any moral peeves about i but it pisses me off tgat female youths are showered in attention and synpathy while male youths are pathologised.

Also, statutory rape also applies to male youths as well.
Men go to jail for sleeping with teenage boys but its not talked about as much because society doesnt appreciate male youths as much.

This hebegynophilia is why teen girls can grt away with murder.

>This point should have been publicly raised in like fucking 2008, but that would require America to not be a feminist police state.

Its not feminism. Its Puritanism. America has been poisoned by Puritan ohilosopy since the seventeenth century.

As for robotoc sex dolls, theyre pathologised because "muh incels" and plain old "loserdom".

I would prefer sex dolls over actual women, especially teenage girls.

You dont have to pay for them constantly theyre quiet and can be stashed away.


Hebe-kun? I wonder what kind of boards you visited, hyuck hyuck hyuck


>posting about ayylmao of consent on Tor website
>"session terminated due to prohibited content"

lmao what the fuck is the point of your site then, gaywads.

>Of course this lack of ability to give consent only applies if her partner is a productive man with a programming job, but if it's a useless teen Chad faggot whose only "contribution" to society for his entire life will be a shitty rap album on SoundCloud then it's just fine.
Whenever I make my next post like this I'm going to say doctors or engineers instead of programmers. Programmers are a bunch of cucked faggots and almost all of them do NOT deserve PTP. AI can't replace these nignogs fast enough.

>inb4 doctors fucked us all during COVID

Doctors killed millions of cancerous normalfags with the vaccines, so they must have done something right.

Boards that aren't cucked, thanks for asking. Faggot.


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I'm not in favor of adults having sex with teenagers, but it should be pretty obvious to everyone by now that the "age of consent" laws only really exist as a way to discipline the plebs/proles and reserve teenagers for the predilections and rituals of the extremely wealthy and powerful. I think in the upper tiers, even men and women who have no particular interest in teen sex probably still engage in it from time to time, as a way to show off to their friends.


Teenagers are adults biologically.
In fact, the idea of teens as children is a recent socio-legal addition in the seventeenth/eighteenth century and even then it was reserved only for upper class maidens.

The antics associated with the trenage years have nothing to due with hir.ones or brain development.

It all has to due to with wrongfully oppressing young adults of rihhtful autonomy.
Theres a reason why societyhad rites of passage.

When we took young people out of the workforce and trapping them in a purgatory of extended childhood, thats when the problems started.

Nowadays, 18 -24 is seen as too young for marriage or loans or car rentals.

Studies show that teenage rebellion is now delayed to the early twenties.
And adolescent behaviirs are becoming increasingly common in the thirties.

If our ancestors up until the nineteenth century looked at what we have done, they would cringe so hard.


Anti-agecucks have focused on old hags and their jealousy as being responsible for this witch hunt (not without reason), but they're not the only contributors. Other than the roasties and their desire to ban out their younger and more attractive competition from the dating market under flimsy bullshit pretexts that they in their Yoda-tier wisdom have the right to invalidate somebody else's consent because their feels said so, there are a lot of people who have a lot of shitty reasons for supporting agecuckery:

>Normalfags/Chads who got laid in high school and derive their entire self-esteem from the fact that they got laid in high school and the nerds (whose skills are essential for maintaining society) didn't, and will never contribute a single fucking thing of value

>Corrupt elites who want to maintain a bludgeon that they can use to suppress dissent by accusing dissidents of being le ebil pedo, whether they're actually guilty of breaking the cucked laws that deserve to be broken or not
>Faggot divorce lawyers who lose money if shitty overreaching laws are done away with because young marriages are more stable
>Faggot private prison owners who lose money if shitty overreaching laws are done away with because fewer people will be in jail
>Faggot journalists who lose money if pseudo-moral hysteria is done away with because nobody will read their clickbait anymore
>Boomer bitches who let their daughters whore themselves out to Chad in high school due to the roastie mother wanting to pass on her mistakes to the next generation and the father being a simping, cucked faggot and realizing that they won't be able to find a betabux nerd to get her hitched to at 35 if he has younger and better options
>Racists from non-white races who understand that whites are the only race cucked enough to actually follow these laws and want whites gone through birth rate decline (not that I actually care about this because whites are the faggots who made these laws a thing to begin with)
>Military-industrial complex uyghurkikes who have been using agecuck hysteria to sell us on wars with nations that aren't as cucked as Ameriturdland


Bumping this thread for maximum roastie seethe in case crystal cafe really did find us. GTFO whores.


In case it's real, don't GTFO pls, instead come post at the SFPZ (Special Female Poster Zone) https://leftychan.net/R9K/res/5175.html


hot take: Jeffrey Epstein was a utopian socialist like Robert Owen, because he was bourgeois (like Own) and envisioned a world where things worked differently. For Epstein it was one where you could have access to younger girls


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You assume that all women over thirty five age terribly like whites.

You should go to Hispanic or Negroid countries.


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Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee


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kill urself


i'm not supportive of the whole "teens are mindless children who have no sex drive and can't make informed sexual decisions"

Girls' reproductive age starts at 12, so gatekeeping it by six years is just conservatism.

At the same time, I don't find children or early teens attractive, and people who advocate sex with people under 12-13 have some sort of issue the need to work on and not spread it as if anyone is going to be convinced by it. People who actively go for children are basically abusers whether they intend to be or not.


i don't really have an opinion on AOC except that it shouldn't be lower than an age at which most women can reproduce and have sex without pain or psychological distress.

Also, the whole idea of "grooming teenagers" is dumb. When I was a teen I met a male "groomer" trying to woo me. I caught on in 3 minutes and stopped it. If you are a teen and not mentally retarded and give into that, you aren't being groomed, you are making a conscious decision.

Actual children on the other hand, people who are not teens, can absolutely be groomed as they aren't sexual and often do not have the confidence to say no to an adult, something teenagers are quite adept at, even skilled at


going to hedge my statement though that the AOC shouldn't be lower than 17-18 unless society gives teens more autonomy, property, land rights, which it has no interest in doing, so the whole AOC debate is pointless and not interesting


a good argument for keeping the AOC where it is is that people are too impressionable when they are unemployed and living with parents

but this also makes sex with adult NEETs effectively rape so

tell a government worker that a 35 year old neet woman is being beaten repeatedly by their father, but is also not legally disabled. they'll just be like 'ah well that sucks for her', and not do anything.

We need to give more property and land rights to all people who are without land and property rights and who are above reproductive age


t. bitter old foid


Then you wolould have to extend it to the twenties as well


Most teens whom are groomed sre often loner kids who are desperate for attention but then felt regret and anger when they see their peers having "better" relationships than them.

And notice alot of steoires of underage grooming always come out ten years after the incident?

And most grooming incidents involving teens dont even involve physical sex?


i wanted to post something but i forgot


For vagene, puberty. Before that, only oral and manual should be allowed


between who?


what about peen?


What's manual?


old hags get so mad when they find out dudes in their 30s and 40s and up are dating teenagers 😂 😂 😂 stay stressed, it'll age u faster hoe


Pedomaxxing is legit, getting with non teen girls is some sucker shit.


pedophilia is going after toddlers.
you mean hebephilia




grown men obsessing over the age of consent are weirdos…one of the main reasons the age of consent exists is so that teenagers who are the same age that engage in sexual activities don't get punish by the law…whats not clicking?? the minute I hear any of them start talking about 18 yr olds I side-eye them immediately because that's the age that's "ok" to discuss publicly but imo those are dogwhistles


whats more weird is the moral obsession with youth.

Society is far too obsessed with what teens and vicenaraians do with their genitals in private.

Adults criminalise young adults for expreasing deaire for sex and romance deapite paying for PEDs to revigorate their sex life.


Thoughts on frontal lobe maturation?


Brain developmdnt is a misunderstood phenomenom.
What happens is that ypur brain doesnt finish development at 25.
It starts dying.

The brain development theory ignores the social conditioning of youth before the twentieth century.


Brain development is a fucking meme. It's finished by 16 at the absolute maximum. The study that the feminist media claimed shows brain development continuing until 25 doesn't even say that, but liberal midwits have never actually read a single scientific paper. They're just trying to look smart and virtuous in the eyes of their fellow cucks, so they'll go along with whatever stupid bullshit authority tells them.

I mean seriously, look at the Trump crowd and tell me there's any significant brain development happening there at any point.


abolitionists when you want to abolish age of consent laws:


And again, its being promoted by liberals to justify adolescence as a sociopsychological institution.

It reinforces the capitalists to sell security devices to parents and teachers to keep young adults in an infantilised state.


why do we focus on female biology for the indication of biological maturation while ignoring male development?


because people care less about males and the age of consent. The general consensus is that if an older woman were to fuck a younger male, the male would probably have enjoyed it, whereas if it was flipped, an older male and a younger female, the female would be left traumatised. So the age of consent only really exists for females. The


Most cases of female youth x male elder are often initiated or greenlit by the female party.

And alot of female minors enjoy sex with their male elders.

Its only if the male elder is unworldly, broke, ugly, or plain that she screams "RAPE".


Also for got: most cases of pedophilia, boys are the bigger victims than girls.

Male youth are disregarded as comic relief, meant only for laughs and patronisation, kept as pets for moral experimentation.


What do you think if someone were to invoke the patriarchy as a counter-argument?




I'd have to see some proof first, because I'm not really sure about the numbers when it comes to those sorts of things, but I don't doubt that it could be like that once people reach their teens. I'd argue that the numbers would probably be equal, that an equal amount of males and females make approaches towards older adults when they're younger.
As a counter argument against what?


women are extremely age sensitive when shooping around for sex ad romance.
Young women will get the ick if the male courting her is found out to be younger than her by six moons.

They think age numbers are virtue points for males.

Of course young women will self-exempt from using their age as a moral compass of virtue.
Also, male elders are hebegynophilic and dont show as much revernce and appreciation towards male youth.

They talk down to them or joke around with them but never really respect them as human beings.

But they will worship fenale youths just based on looks amd cutesy gestures alone.


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Only men can be pedophiles


>17 is too young for 22

>but 22 is too young for thirty

>but 17 is old enough to go to prison for crime

The creation of adolescence has caused a behavioral sink

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