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File: 1654045769624.png ( 999.28 KB , 1039x704 , ClipboardImage.png )

 No.177[View All]

im a comfy NEET, do you like to be A neet anon?
100 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the beginning of this thread is like some ancient ruins


Faggotry and victimhood rewarded in the terminally ill west.


>Psyoped beyond belief by the crisis post-industrial complex


what do i when i have all the free time in the world but don't even do anything productive even if it's low-stakes because it somehow feels high-stake?


uh… stop wasting your life


its too hard


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File: 1692973650611-1.mp4 ( 802.69 KB , 202x360 , clean it up wagie - Invidi….mp4 )

File: 1692973650611-2.mp4 ( 6.57 MB , 202x360 , Clean it up wagie! .mp4 )

File: 1692973650611-3.mp4 ( 29.91 MB , 1280x720 , Wagie Compilation.mp4 )

File: 1692973650611-4.mp4 ( 3.77 MB , 640x360 , ineedawifelikethis.mp4 )







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File: 1694473444934-2.webm ( 2.83 MB , 480x852 , store.webm )

File: 1694473444934-3.webm ( 5.66 MB , 320x568 , neetsupremacy1.webm )

File: 1694473444934-4.webm ( 2.1 MB , 360x640 , neetsupremacy2.webm )



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File: 1694473942165-1.webm ( 4.85 MB , 720x706 , neetsupremacy4.webm )

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File: 1694473942165-3.webm ( 5.01 MB , 320x568 , neetsupremacy7.webm )

File: 1694473942165-4.webm ( 4.11 MB , 640x800 , neetsupremacy8.webm )



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File: 1694478850615-1.webm ( 3.77 MB , 320x566 , neetsupremacy10.webm )

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File: 1694478850615-3.webm ( 2.67 MB , 408x720 , neetsupremacy12.webm )

File: 1694478850615-4.webm ( 5.64 MB , 320x566 , neetsupremacy13.webm )



File: 1694480709645-1.webm ( 5.91 MB , 1920x1080 , neetsupremacy14.webm )

File: 1694480709645-2.webm ( 5.2 MB , 1280x720 , neetsupremacy15.webm )



File: 1694502332765-0.webm ( 2.8 MB , 1280x708 , 1234567.webm )





realizing wagies and students are sleeping, at work or at school around these times


The weekend is coming, let's be nice to the proles and students


The weekend's ending, fuck those proles and students


>second vid

if you're a wageslave and see someone stealing from the store - simulate an effort to catch them, for example by tripping yourself or something


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File: 1695470540410-1.webm ( 1.96 MB , 360x640 , retail_store_free_drinks.webm )

File: 1695470540410-2.webm ( 5.87 MB , 328x480 , NYC is smashing.webm )



Twice as much is stolen via wage theft than street theft.


File: 1695665419315.jpg ( 71.2 KB , 576x1024 , Imagepipe_11.jpg )

Here's some stupid art I saw the other day


You know if you're not a worker then you're not part of the proletariat…


You must be some sort of pseudocel who says Starbucks baristas aren't workers


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File: 1695725137835-1.jpg ( 139.25 KB , 2048x339 , 9r209rj90rij2309.jpg )



<NEET thread
<Not in Education Employment or Training
<you're not a worker if you don't work
>But I work in starbucks!


>The labor I contribute is putting coffee into a cup, encouraging people to buy more, and misspelling names as a cheap marketing ploy


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File: 1696575990546-1.mp4 ( 2.24 MB , 640x360 , neet_conversion.mp4 )

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could use some breasts on the side, wagie


File: 1699603038853.mp4 ( 13.62 MB , 720x404 , uber neet .mp4 )



>Target women in the <consent_age> to 23 range - believe it or not, older women are slightly harder to talk, with the young ones you can just spam tiktok memes and they will find it funny.

This is true of women up to age thirty-five.

If they ask you about your job, say construction or welding, women have no interest in these so they will quickly change the subject.

They only care if you have flashy job like working as a scientists or something.


This. People will promote education as being a mandate for society but when it comes to work, they do a complete 180.



>No it is your dumb ass childish goal.

You have to be over the age of 18 to posthere.
The point of revolution is for workers to take control of the means of production anything else is just revisionism go back.

Alot of these loser neets are way over 18.

I agree with you though. The anti-labor sentiment that is in the Millennial left is just coping with zero-social life in childhood.


File: 1706948296666.webm ( 3.94 MB , 852x480 , reddit.webm )



Wow, look at all those antinatalist takes. Didn't know that zoomers were this based.

This gives me hope that we are actually evolving as a species.


Theres nothing theyre doing that millennials have not done


why did i have to become a leftist? my forum of choice is dead because people are in school or training or working


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Considering both NEETing and working have its downsides, what are for you the main reasons to NEET?.

I would personally say my number one is heavily contested. I am absolutely not a morning person, even beyond working reasons. I wake up when i want to wake up. Being forced to wake up to do shit you hate is one of the worst feeling a human has to experience from day to day. On top of that you usually work with NT baboons who are working on their max capabilities intellectually to be able to repair an electricity cable for example. It sets in dread and realisation of how utter shit your life is each morning.

The last reason is on par with blue collar labour. I fucking fucking hate breaking my back for pennies while NT MD, engineer and computer uyghurs are making bank. I am too non NT to ever stay interested in a subject for more than 2 weeks so thats just not going to work. I fucking hated construction work so much. You must be a fucking pre programmed slave cuck to enjoy destroying your body 8 hours a day, unless you own the company.

The other reasons seem to be less relevant. As i don't feel the time worked wasted more or less than by doing any other activity. It doesn't matter, just suffer till you die, pick your poison.


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There are plenty more wage slaves where they come from


>>5949 (OP)
Third one is in Aus, that McDonald's looks vaguely familiar.


aussies Based?


Honestly it looks like they were having fun but some poor wagie gonna have to clean that shit up.


what do neets do all day?


>claim to be based comfy neets
>website still inactive for hours
glowing fed posters confirmed


guys im bored


NEETs live on money the government extracted from workers through taxes. How are NEETs not just another parasitic class living from the surplus value of workers?


The US is a country of overproduction and over-importing not the opposite.

It's not the early 20th century, productive people are more often than not causing actual harm in the USA.

Why all these worker obsessed ideologies miss the mark.

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