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/R9K/ - Robot - 9000

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why is Chadpreet so much more buff and manly than me?


not only is this uygha gonna steal my job but also the hoes


Because he is buff and does manly things?


superstructure affect on foids minds makes them invisible in the west.


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It's over you if you get mogged by pajeets.


reminder that this guy pussied out after a little bit of gangstalking by glowies (apparently because of his COVID stance, and not the incel stuff).
he didn't even get assassinated lol #Loser #L_Incel #Ineffective #Unsuccesful #Boring


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black men > jeet men


all subcontinental women MUST be put in the bleaching program so that jeet men goes extinct in the future and we have good looking blond whites to replace them completely 100%


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Indians are technically Caucasian though.


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I am married but in love with a Greek woman - Times of India

"We started seeking solace in each other’s company, and started to care for each other. We chat almost every day and she understands me so well.

Our relationship moved forward, when she came to visit me in India in 2015, while I was holidaying in India and later that year, I went to Greece to meet her. We are really close and love each other beyond words."


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Love is love, why are you so mad about Indian men and black women finding love with each other?


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shut up gayreek your country is poor and got assaulted by natostani imf


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Keep sucking that Israeli cock


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>subcontinental men
>rough skin
>gravel looking ahh skin
>gravel texture ahh skin
>not pimple proof
>really visible dots and stain of contracting skin collor
>not smooth face and head shape
>shit body type

>black women

>smooth flat skin
>soft skin
>look good using flash
>full collor skin
>no pimple uber genetic
>smooth and more round shaped head and face
>consistent look
>not look like literal mutt



this misandro-racism


>workers of the world unite!
>eww subcontinental brown men
make it make sense

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