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Do they ever work out or do they always devolve into cuckolding?

Post your experiences.


Never works in practice. People break up after a year tops. Just end it if she's moving away. (I know thats not how it might go down but accept it)


Pointless if neither party has intentions on moving.


Probably not. Mine didn't, but then that was a long time ago and we were still teenagers so that sure as shit didn't help. Something eventually has to give, the situation is not maintainable


Yes but only with women overseas that actually appreciate men. Western women are too whorish to make a long distance relationship work.


Or maybe its because western women are expected to work like dogs just like men but theyre still assumed to be dainty and docile to male whims?

was it the age that was the problem or the cultural disability that being a teenager brings?
Adolescence was a mistake.


Relationships always devolve into cuckolding


>Or maybe its because western women are expected to work like dogs just like men but theyre still assumed to be dainty and docile to male whims?
The audacity to think western women work the hardest in the world. Burger chauvinism never ceases to amaze me


It was mostly age, though being a teenager also means you dont have as much freedom


If it was purely age, how do ypu explain that teenagers had lifelong relationships back in the old days whereas since the twentieth century, those relationships are fleeting?

How do you also explain that postpubescent folks have a hard time holding down relationships


western women may be entitled but its not like theyre all idle dolls.


I hadnt thought of that. Without looking into it I would guess that around that time teenagers became more "kiddified" as life became a little easier and so the process of maturing slowed down.

As for the second point, to me thats just the instant gratification syndrome. People dont wanna work on anything for more than 2 seconds, that includes themselves and relationships. It's not going well? Immediately discard it and replace it with another. Hook up culture likely doesnt help.


Life didnt become "easier" just because cholera and tuberculosis slowed down.

What happened was that society decuded that young people were better suited to concentration camps, I mean, schools.
Why do people comfuse quality of life as metric of maturation?

Most ghettos have people living in etneral adolescence.

Also, "instant gratification" is an overused moralistic meme used for why good things dont last anymore.
The real problem is idealism.

Most people think of themselves as entitles to romance, sex, big money, big houses etc due to pop culture overpromoting dating, marriage, college, entrepreneirship.

Adulthood became reduced to a consumership program.

People throw away their lives for the pursuit of white suburban semi-royalty utopia.

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