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A thread for all of your politically incorrect whining and complaining that wouldn't be allowed in leftypol-ORG or left-wing/progressive organizations irl.


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me first. org deleted this so I'm reposting it.

I am from the group of people that are NOT White but NOT Black either. Knowing that, you guys needed to understand that women, men, good-looking people, celebrities, and rich and influential people from my group of people here are objectively evil and are fucking insufferable. I have zero respect for them. I respect Blacks and Whites, but not the rest. I want as many of my own skin and any "in-between" people to die and be sterilized as much as possible when an (actual) communist revolution started. And I am willing to shoot up a mall for this. YOU DO NOT KNOW how right the Bleaching-program are. If any of you are Chinese, Arabs, SEA, and any other group that are not "White" or "Black" and you aren't afraid to say what you want to say and aren't bending knees to political correctness (that said mentioned objectively evil people socially control anyway), then you will understand me. As a matter of fact, FUCK both of you radlibs and tankies. FUCK both of you rightist and leftist. I am willing to defend stuff like Stalin-era USSR and Russia and the likes. But you guys are SO dogshit, like little children that you need to babysit, or some sort of smug retard suburbanites and woman. Except you guys are grown up and are healthy (I assume). FUCK YOU ALL!!!! you guys made me think that maybe those leftcoms were right. I WANT TO FUCKING MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think that the creation of adolescence is a key ingredient to the dumbing down of society.

Making young adults think of themselves as defective fragile humans that need further protection to the point were "teenage rebellion" is considered par for the course.
Making them spend longer time in school to help "develop their brains" instead of having them do trades is why people struggle in their twenties and thirties for stability.
I think that college is being overpromoted to young people to upkeep the cultural institution of adolescence, now that most kids dont have the wacky misdaventures they used to have before the Internet.


I mostly agree with you.

I don't think children should be treated too differently than adults. There's no need to talk to them any different or use excessive baby talk on toddlers. Obviously you have to appreciate the fact that they are going to be extremely ignorant until they're fully developed (probably for boys until about 25) but having a whole designation of "teenager" for the most formative part of their lives probably stunts development. Plus it creates annoying shitheads because nobody wants to be labeled a "teenager" or "tween".

I think spending some time learning the basics in an industrial setting for a coop program or a summer camp is a good idea, because it's educational and kids love building shit and learning, but I don't think they need to be tasked with creating material value for society until they're ready to take on that role.

We definitely can and should trust kids who are interested with way more responsibilities than we currently do. I bet they would love to follow someone around and learn to refuel a jumbo jet or something.


brain development is a myth.
what happens at 25 is that your brain starts to die.
Also, if brain development for boys is 25, it would be the same for girls


Leftism and rightism are gradually being diluted by liberalism.

Any true rightism was back in the eighteenth century or esrlier.

Leftism died around the 1970s in the west.


Retarded buzzwords


When people speak about "women", they usually refer to cishet females under thirty-five.
Feminism/chivalry doesn't treat all women equally sympathetically

It only protects the young, slim, light-skinned, docile, exuberant girly women.

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