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Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows


This is really bad and should not be celebrated in any capacity.


Nah, it’ll make roasties revolutionary.


Haha now roasties know what it feels like to be forced into parenthood just like men.


Why? This effects mostly class collaborators like middle class white women.
These same white women that VOTED for Biden and screamed at everyone else that didn't calling them a fascist sympathizer even though Biden had a loooooonnng history of supporting racist policies.
This is just one of many hypocritical sins feminists have done. The other is acting as though there is not ethical quandary to abortion and instead framing it as an entirely bodily autonomy issue for women. Embodied in the infamous "My body, my choice" mantra.
I say this as someone who isn't pro-life in the least but damn, to act like an unborn child is just like an appendix is just psycho.
I think this will go through and abortion will be banned soon. To fight this would require a lot of solidarity between men and women and feminists have done nothing but salt the earth between the genders for many years.
I also find all the caterwauling about women being forced to give birth all while still having the right to force men to pay for children they don't want.
If feminists were really serious about preserving abortion they'd make serious concession to men regarding child support. But that ain't happening.
I listen to anarchist podcasts and they're all talking like this will trigger a grand uprising but my view is that abortions rights support is lukewarm at best. Not to say people are against them by any means, but will they go to the barricades for them? I say no.


*I also find all the caterwauling about women being forced to give birth all while still having the right to force men to pay for children they don't want, funny.


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The woman, like the jew, is a byproduct of human evolution. Like the gypsy, loves music, but only in the extent that that music allows her to dance. The woman's brain, like the blacks', is at least one third smaller than a man's. The woman is not as tall, powerfull, able as the man. Women will never be able to practice certain jobs, they will never be miners, plane pilots, racing drivers, not even professional cooks. No matter how well a woman would cook, men are the greatest cooks, this is known. Women don't have anything to do with arts. Women do not know either to write or paint, nor make music, than at the comfortable level of maintaining a pleasant environment in their homes. Women should be kept in the house. They have to take care of their children's education, although the greatest educators they were men, this is also known. Women are incapable of abstraction.

The woman is only for procreation, this is clear from certain organs in her body. Women love sex, so this is why they shouldn't be allowed to exaggerate. Women, like dogs, must be kept with respect with caution (this was a bit hard to translate). Like they, they must be trained. Little girls, especially, are very dangerous animals. Do not let them be charmed by their cuteness. They will turn into some mutants, bitches (in the way they act),(some more synonims that act as the term "bitch" or "slut") , their breasts will fall and they'll have varicose vains. You have to see in any little girl, the woman who will become not a long time.

Unfortunately, statistically speaking, women live more than men. This is especially because women do not suicide almost never. They are not able to assimilate the value, I do not know what modesty, discretion, honor, work, suffering. They do not suffer, they mimic the suffering. That is why, unlike men, know very well to cry.

Women should be closed in reservations. they should be helped to develop, fed, brought in good conditions until a certain age, ideal procreation. Then, at 40-45 years, once they have finished their purpose, they should be euthanized with gentleness. Every man would deserve to have in his bed all the time women between 15 and 30 years old. The over 30 would be given to men who can no longer procreate, so they have fun with something. No woman over 40 years is worth living. They do not bring happines for their men and prevent them from living with the youngest version of the species.

Women do not differ in each other. It does not matter what you choose, so far you get there. That is why it is no point in commiting adultery (something like that).

Dedication for 8th of March

some old vid+translations I have saved in me Tails(go back.)


icel fags should rope.

Women in general are effected by this not just your sterotypes retard. This is a step back. if you support this you are literally a reactionary and deserve to get your dick crushed.


Wow you're retarded.


cope, seethe and dilate


>hurrr durrr I don't understand evolution.

"Jew" is not a phenotype you faggot nazi.


NTA, but I will not support this once I do not have to pay child support for the kid I did not want to have.


>icel fags should rope.
Someone's being a grumpy bear.
>Women in general are effected by this not just your sterotypes retard. This is a step back. if you support this you are literally a reactionary and deserve to get your dick crushed.
I don't support it, but I think it's going to destroy the feminist movement.
They can prevent it by just seriously conceding to men's needs and building real solidarity.
You ain't going to do that though because like all libs you're more interested in collecting and wielding power than actually delivering to anyone as evidenced by your attack on incels, who have done nothing to cause this lol.


It's like you didn't even read the post. Break out those wire hangers, you're going to need them roastie.


Top kek, you libs are quick to attack incels for laughing about this all while 60% of pro-lifers are women.


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This ruling will end the age of the incel. Without the capability to give Chad no-strings-attached sex for a few decades roasties will be forced to court men based primarily on their willingness and ability to raise a child, just like their boomer moms had to.

This along with compounding factors like the aforementioned AI girlfriends, the end of the COVID pandemic unfreezing travel allowing men to go overseas to seek brides, the brutal destruction of gender relations feminism has wrought for the last 60 years, the obesity epidemic that disproportionately effected women, and the aging population of millennials will see a complete reversal of fortune for low status men and we will see a femcel boom that will match and then exceed that of the current incel plague.

Future generations will look at media from the 2000's to now and marvel at how antagonistic women were to the men that they covet so much. Not only biting the hand that feeds them but chewing it up, spiting it out, then declaring they've just been raped.

Interesting times indeed.


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It’s getting wild out here.


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Kek, men are waking up to the duplicitous nature of women.


Middle age American blond women are disgusting and vile creatures 95 percent of the time.


Young people do not care about this, seems like boomers are desperately going out with a bang of new laws and reversals.


>Young people don't care about sex.


Weird cope projection. Young people do not care about politics.


These politics effect sex so they're going to care.


Women on TikTok say hookup culture will 'be absolutely decimated' if Roe V. Wade is overturned
Oh no, women that would never sleep with me can't be whores anymore! Whatever will we do?


Removing abortions is to create more meat to feed the capitalist machine. It has nothing to do with solving any social problem, the material reason dating and relationships are shit should be clear to any marxist, meaning that thinking an abortion ban will help solve anything is peak liberalism.


I get why people moved to leftypol now


Yeah, this place isn't a tankie hugbox. The jannies won't ban dissenting opionions here!


>Come onto an incel board.
>Get mad that they're criticizing women.


This is /r9k/ newfaggot.


Unless women are unable to make money on their own no law is going to change anything or make them reliant on a "muh trad" relationship. I cannot think of a realistic relationship condition that would be favorable to both sexs. I am much more of a volcel (coping incel?) waiting for an ai girlfriend…


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>Removing abortions is to create more meat to feed the capitalist machine.
You might be right about that, but abortion induction meds are mass-produced in India's giant pharmacological sector and just cost a few cents per pill. And a full abortion regiment takes at most a little over a dozen pills. That genie is out of the box.


I think the issue with analysis like this is it treats the capitalist economy like it's its own independent agent. Like it has conscious thought itself. Capitalism is always playing both sides; Everyone with capital comes out on top this way. Not because they chooose to, but, just through simple market forces. Likewise, abortion can help or hurt a capitalistic system.


>I think the issue with analysis like this is it treats the capitalist economy like it's its own independent agent. Like it has conscious thought itself.
Your critique is valid in a general sense. But in this specific instance, banning abortion pills will not affect availability, it's just too easy to make and smuggle these pills. I don't know how illegality will affect prices, smuggling is more expensive, but the absence of patent-enforcement also makes it less expensive. You can ban drugs that cause addiction, because they have the effect of creating junkies with a recurring transaction pattern, which can be the point of entry for police investigation and enforcement. Abortions are infrequent events without creating junkies.

Women and some men as well will also be highly motivated to get these pills, and many people will be politically motivated to interfere with enforcement of abortion bans so the agency isn't entirely on the side of capital and markets.

>Capitalism is always playing both sides; Everyone with capital comes out on top this way

Maybe, this could also be an opportunity to build alternative economic structures that provide the commodities and services that capitalism and markets won't. You could even try to build alternative legal structures. This is an exploitable conflict but there is no rule that says capitalism has to benefit from it.

>Not because they chooose to, but, just through simple market forces.

That's not really true, this abortion ban was a deliberate decision, capital is worried that a shrinking population means labor power will become scarce. They are right the demographic changes are going to favor the political power of workers over that of capital. Banning abortions, won't fix it though. The rate of surplus extraction is the pivotal factor. In a very brutal way profits and children compete for the same source.


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I overall agree with everything you said accept the last bit; I don't think that is really true because on the same coin the system of capitalism is also creating a generation of alienated and depressed teenagers and young adults who basically only have social interaction over the internet at this point which is also effecting birth rates. Though, I do find this analysis to hold some validity and is quite interesting to think about.


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Roasties BTFO’d.


Fuck rosties.


teenagers are young adults.
Also, most people even before Internet didnt get much social interaction.

The problem is not the Internet. Its stranger danger.


>Future generations will look at media from the 2000's to now and marvel at how antagonistic women were to the men that they covet so much. Not only biting the hand that feeds them but chewing it up, spiting it out, then declaring they've just been raped.

Interesting times indeed.

You mean from the 1980s to now.

Also, Im sure those future generations will look at women of the early quarter of the twenty first century as docile and lovely compared to what they might get.

And the women they will get may not be as different as what we have now.


Whoa, I wrote this and it's weirding me out on how prescient it is.


This cannot be good.

I wouldnt say young people dont care about politics. Theyre just not as emotionally invested because they have lives to live.Politics is usually an elderly pasttime because theyre old and out of service and desperate for relevance.


middle aged people are kinda douchey un general. White suburban ones are the worst though.
Elderly and young ones are completely fine.Its the middle aged that are a main problem


wrong. your "prescient" scribblings are umpteenth conjectures based on personal cultural bias.


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Leftypol have their own r9k. In the form of Sex & Relationship Threads.

Pic related.
These guys say ahit like tgis amd stay. Mean while, I get banned for criticising the entitlement for sez/romance.

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