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<Managers often favor physical presence, disadvantaging remote workers.
<Remote workers are 13% more productive with lower attrition.
<Remote workers receive fewer promotions due to underestimated productivity.
<Hybrid workers are 4.4% more productive and show 33% increased retention.
<Managerial satisfaction remains lower for hybrid workers.
<Both remote and hybrid workers face undervaluation in performance reviews.
<Organizations need targeted training to address bias and set clear goals.
<Regular check-ins provide ongoing feedback and support.
<Technology aids remote work but must be used judiciously.
<Cultural shift toward valuing remote and hybrid workers fosters innovation and diversity.


wanna post the sauce?

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How well do you treat your wife, /b/?
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I would suggest straping her down in a chair and fooling her with kinky sex when in reality you are just brainwashing her like something out of a clock work orange, but, for pro-feminist talkin point. Good luck comrade.


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interesting. I'll talk to her about this as a compromise during our next struggle session. She has a self criticism coming up for yesterday so I'll bring it up after that. Maybe I should run it by my party chairman and see what he thinks first.


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This thread is not very wholesome


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wholesome really is wholesome, my dear orb…

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explain why I am so refined and handsome is it because I wear a frockcoatevery day\?

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< 23andMe deflects blame to victims for data breach
< Letter sent to victims accuses them of negligence
< Hackers stole data of 6.9 million users
< Breach started with 14,000 accounts
< Credential stuffing technique used by hackers
< DNA Relatives feature exploited to access more data
< 23andMe claims victims recycled passwords
< Blamed victims for breach
< Lawyers representing victims criticize 23andMe
< Dante Termohs finds 23andMe's response appalling
< 23andMe argues stolen data can't cause monetary harm
< 23andMe resets passwords and adds multi-factor authentication
< Changed terms of service to deter lawsuits
< Changes ineffective; facing class action lawsuits


I heard that sending your DNA is actually bad for some reason. What bad can be done with genetic and ancestry information?


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For the shits and giggles
<Identity Theft: Embrace the thrill of having your genetic blueprint stolen
<Health Insurance Premiums: Congratulations, your genes just earned you a lifetime of inflated medical bills.
<Ethical Concerns: Who needs consent when your DNA is just another commodity?
<Stigmatization: Because being judged by your looks isn't enough.
<Eugenics: Who needs natural selection when we can play genetic engineer?
<Psychological Impact: Discovering your DNA's dirty secrets: the ultimate mood killer
<Loss of Anonymity: Say goodbye to privacy as your unique genetic fingerprint is sold to the highest bidder.
<Regulatory Oversight: Because who needs rules when you're playing with people's DNA?
<Medical Bias: Influence on healthcare decisions based on genetic predispositions.
<Discrimination in Healthcare: Because healthcare should totally be biased.
<Financial Exploitation: Who knew being a genetic cash cow could be so profitable?
<Social Exclusion: Join the exclusive club of genetic elites while the rest of us genetic peasants wallow in obscurity.
<Informed Consent: Because ignorance is bliss.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Very redpilled post. Thank you anon.

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< Gov wants to increase quota of medical students from 3k annually to 5k due to ongoing shortages across the country.
< Doctors protest and threaten to strike.
< Gov threatens legal action and to arrest strike leaders.
< Doctors strike anyway.
< Critics say increasing quotas won't solve issues like medical students favoring higher paying specialties.
< Critics argue tough working conditions and lower compensation in certain specialties.
< Some claim increase in doctors dilutes social prestige.
< Documentary highlights doctor preference for Seoul, leaving smaller cities struggling to staff hospitals.
< Hospitals closing departments due to lack of doctors.
< Public overwhelmingly supportive of quota increase.
< Despite arguments, some believe increase will still benefit, even if not solving all issues.
< Similar shortages and reactions happening globally.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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god complex parasites, sucking the life out of the proletariat.they'll butcher you quicker than a pig in a slaughterhouse and act like they're doin' you a favor.
pasty-faced cunt


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>Are you a federal agent? It's like you just take the most contrarian opinions possible on anything to spread misinformation


Say something, literally anything, of value and stop same fagging. At least add something of value if you are going to pathologically graffiti the board with your contrarianism.


Oink, oink! Squeal like the pathetic pig you are!


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>Oink oink suqeal like the pathetic pig you are!

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she's a hero, she deserves a medal not a fine


She's a pathetic excuse for a human, not a hero. Deserves a barbed wire enema, not a medal


Thats a real cutie


get boosted

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Comatoast is a faggot

adding junk to fuck off you dumb bitch get raped you junkie.


Faggots are based. Imagine wasting a lain on this shitpost.


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Comatoast is a based oldfaggot sleeper agent of Che and, on the promised day, he will once again expell the autists from the boards and raise his faithful believers into communist paradise

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Ageism against the elderly/boomers is leftist. People are living too long and because of that, they're retaining power longer. People always become conservatives when they reach old age and boomers as a generation stole from millennials and zoomers. Old people are all evil.
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Nooooo they can't be against muh lgbtqeery+arino! The proletariat has fallen! They're hopelessly reactionary unlike my transfem fae/faer comrades on campus!


retard I couldn't give two fucks about your abcd shit

I'm talking about ECONOMIC conservatism - faggots rent out real estate to young proles, vote for austerity, wars, spread xenophobia, religious retardation



old people LITERALLY have fucking damaged brains for fucks sake


"conservative" is a relative term.

Older people are conservative terms of pop culture.
Whatever they grew up with is what they consider the norm.

Also, olddr people, especially male elders, are quite libertine.


All you guys whine about the Baby Boomers but then yall complain about how tech went too far and wish the world would go back to 2007.

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Drawn porn is ok.
Since this discussion is spilling into other threads I am going to creat this thread.
Lolo and other drawn pornography are ok.
Lolicon and gusto and other forms of drawn porn people find disturbing is perfectly morally acceptable as nothing being depected is actually real.
If you think that people should diemtor jerking off to loli or whatever drawn cartoon pornography you're a fascist. It's that simple. Really.
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I hope you have your fun on the boards anon. I know you're not long for this world.


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>Science is don't like is 'soy'


Just because you, personally, desire a familial existence doesn't mean everyone does, or, should.
Everyone should be free to follow their own personal ideals and motives free of the intervention of others. It's a blessing, really, that puritanical retards like you are on the way out.


You literally know nothing about the people you are speaking to. This is absolutely, 100%, pure projection from a sad, pathetic, dejected, man who probably hasn't had anyting remotely close to sex in 5 years.

I work two jobs and am a union organizer at a factory, retard. I make six figures and just bought a sports car. You know what makes me different from you? I don't feel the need to base my existence around these fickle things and shit on people who are on different paths in life because I hate my life like you.
You are a pathetic looser, my guy.


Why do people like you think family making is the ultimate goal in life?

Romanticism of family life is exactly why we have so many dysfunctional people.

So many people marry and procreate and theyre miserable.

Also jacking off amd video games are not inherently bad.

Id rather do those than waste my desires on people.

You can have friemds amd family and not feel the need to have a romantic partner and offspring to feel.complete.

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The world is getting very hot lately.

I was wondering if it is possible that one of the great nuclear powers (USA, China, Russia and perhaps India) can win a nuclear war against its rivals (without being destroyed in the attempt).


The SU didn't launch the missiles when it was dismantled hopefully the world will be as lucky when the US collapses


It would be based if china's technology outpaces the west's by so much that they could safely annihilate the united states.

However the USA is still on top of the technology game for now, and they are ahead of everyone in terms of AI tech, so I'm not going to hold my breath for that.


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>US collapses


Which would still cause a global nuclear winter, you fucking retard.

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