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Communism=NWO NWO=Communism.


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>goon battles
Can we leverage this for leftism somehow? Also isn't this a positive development since it's people sharing porn amongst each other instead of it being fed and dictated by the exploitive industry?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>🔥🔥🔥 commie girls get me so hard
<Do you submit to superior communism?


Porn addiction isn't going to help our cause


fagcel jewish niggerino thread




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This game unironically used the most fitting ending trope for the soviets, unlike the 2nd one: no capitali$t s*x in ussr (they don't have it), only the love of, & for the people.

ending in the 1st game is still more accurate
& that gal is СРПКИЊА anyway, tito gang will hang

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Ara Ara Useful Idiots

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This channel does not exist.


Nice ambient pad music.


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I like this lofi stuff. So you gonna explain what this channel used to be or what? What's EK?


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downloaded channel halfway through watching it. went back "This Channel Does Not Exist"

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He was a rich kid who used to fuck prostitutes and fell in love with an Irish whore. Said whores are better partners then traditional women. He pushed the line about destroying the family while most working class men wanted to feed theirs.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>He pushed the line about destroying the family
Did he even say this?


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Lmao cry more tradcuck. His treatment of family and w*men was the most based thing about him. Family unit is a matriarchal institution by design.

He didn't even say anything new, even the Greeks knew that wife is only for business, while prostitutes are for genuine companionship.


>even the Greeks knew that wife is only for business, while prostitutes are for genuine companionship.
Haven't you got that the wrong way around?


lmao, no

google Aspasia

free men never rated family life, not in Ancient Greece, not in Victorian England


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>used to fuck prostitutes
>fell in love with an Irish whore
>Said whores are better partners then traditional women
>He pushed the line about destroying the family

Kollontai told retarded cunts that one of the first things they should do is to accept dicks gettin depussy on another side from them. & fucking cunts, being fucking retarded traitorous spooked cunts, were the most afraid & the most militant faggots who tried to stop the liberalisation of marriage & sex in the *mperial society. Zhenotdel actually endured hundreds of casualties in its existence by trying to do allat.

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you're too cute to die


Y-you think I'm cute? 🥺🥺🥺


stage one: cute twink

stage two: goblin transhumanist

World is a fuck

die when you still in condition so that young girls would be touching themselves while looking @ your pics. Dhat's how you make propaganda boys.


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Technology destroys traditions and cultures. There's no way to time travel back to the 1600s. There is never going to be a group of unplugged smartphoneless bored normies who get together and have a folk festival where you can dance
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


lol now post physique


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Great essay, comrade!


>AI is gonna make humans obsolete post number 1234567890

Peoole think AI is technomagic.
Whose gonna make the parts and software for them?


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>Peoole think


So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!

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Simpsons haven't had a cultural impact since 20 years ago.


South Park and Family Guy overtook The Simpsons around 2006


Simpsons wasn't that great after season 7.
Those shows fell off a while ago too but I guess it's all "meta humor".


Most shows on mainstream cable networks are in their zombie era at this point. Nothing new or original it's all been done before. I mean in fairness to the writers if you know anything about scripting everything is basically a rehashing of the same 4 or 5 narratives, but, at this point capitalism has just produced so much entertainment there's nothing really left to dig for.


Gen X/Millennial screenwriters are stuck in the edgelord meta humor stage.

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Why are Motorcyclists such pussys?


Batman has a motorcycle


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H-how did find this picture of me??

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It's a question of when it's financial strength and military prestige are turned over by the rest of the world.

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