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Well anon. You see, the 1800s were socialist paradise. Then we got capitalism, and this happened


They wern't "socialist,
but imagine being able to go to your local crafstmens guild and become a pupil for black smithing, or, tayloring, or, whatever you wanted to learn how to do and after you did it you basically were self employeed. You and everyone in your community all knew eachother on deep and personal levels and all shared in the bounty of the wealth you all created…..except when the tax man/lord/whatever cock sucker came around every so often.
It's no wonder people saw industrial capitalism as an overt threat to their way of life.

They were 100% correct.

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Thermodynamics bros… I don't feel so good


From a utilitarian perspective I'm actually helping the universe.

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The Matrix as an analogy for capitalism

>When I talk about the matrix, I'm talking about the systems that have been created by society which are deliberately designed to enslave.

>In the movie the matrix, we're used for our body heat. But here in this Matrix we're used for our efforts and our energies.

>And you're living inside of a system which is deliberately rigged to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

That was Tate btw


I think if The Matrix was actually intended to be an analogy about capitalism its directors would have certainly bloviated about it in their heavy-handed philosophy regurgitation in the sequels.


I think it has more in common with gnosticism and eastern mysticism but rendered as sci fi than fantasy as such. For example:
In gnosticism:
>through god consciousness you are liberated

And likewise through class consciousness you are liberated


are you liberated anon

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Why are women like this?


my boyfriend won't let me fuck chad


They aren't really. Women on the internet are not women in real life.


I sometimes let my gf hang out at the bull's house alone. I don't see the problem.


>Why are not women more like this?

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Feel the Bern yet?
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this is one of the most retarded uighur transhumanist opinions on the board. poster above me would drone strike 100 third world weddings to get muh single payer alternative medicine acupuncture coverage while he works part time serving ass and drinks at the gay night club


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Fattermans's office staff are Zionists


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I'm more concerned with that fucking rat sending trillions to finance during the pandemic and sending billions to Nazis in Ukraine. He's turned out to be even more of a scumbag politician than Chris Hedges asserted back when he called him a sheepdog in 2016.


Bernie is such a cuck. The DNC clearly rigged the primary against him, and he still supports them. Talk about a spineless faggot with a loud mouth


>The DNC clearly rigged the primary against him
Twice, even! Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Lol, the madman actually posted this


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The orangeman is right.

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Leftists aren't even a blimp on the FBl's radar

Why is this? Are rightoids more convincing, better organized, etc, when it comes to posing a potential threat to 'law and order?' Is the left simply incompetent, or has it been thoroughly coopted into becoming a bulwark of the ruling class state?

Explain yourselves
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>Antifa member

Go back to pol retard.


Come'on Comrade Dunning Krueger. Can you come up with a different insult for once?


>>Antifa member
>Go back to pol retard.
You forgot to make an argument.


The argument is apriori. You already know it you are just being obtuse.


>plz chase the moving goalposts of my vague implications
You're too scared to make a definitive statement because you know you can't defend it.

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Would you have a favorable view of the original cheetoh Ceasar if he sided with the USSR during WW2?
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no thats illogical
he even called them arias

only ppl he hated are poles

(also sided with based arian romainians and bulgarians)




and that when poles weren't technically communist


Are you literally disabled, I can't understand what you're trying to say.


What if Hitler was a saint instead of an evil bastard?

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>And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
<'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find


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Controversial take: Pornhub and Xhamster removing unverified videos is WORSE than 9/11


Most of them are on spankbang.com now.

It also has the user-created playlists so is better than pornhub in that regard.

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The mods must be joyless faggots who get off on believing they have the right views. And their 'right view' is typically 'defending troons will somehow smash capitalism.' it's all so tiresome and lame.

How can we improve this place while insuring that people in positions of power (jannies) don't take the milquetoast route?
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>And their 'right view' is typically 'defending troons will somehow smash capitalism.'
tbf you can practically avoid 99% of the trans stuff by avoiding trans threads. i've just learned to do that because it genuinely isn't worth responding to. if it wasn't contained i would have stopped going on the site altogether.


It's simple, fam. We can always make another one. That was probably ogre parent's approach to child rearing, and it can work for us.




>tbf you can practically avoid 99% of the trans stuff by avoiding trans threads.
I think the point is that every corporate HQ has a rainbow flag flying outside so maybe you should ask yourself how much of your "trans activism" is just carrying water for the regime.

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