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File: 1715516591612.mp4 ( 6.55 MB , 576x1024 , dasha_7336306383119191339.mp4 )


What is the material explanation for a Czech American named Dasha to do American country pop music?


Is there porn of her?


As far as I know, no… But she dresses skimpily though: shorts, skirts, legs, cleavage, belly, shoulder


Shame about the tattoos though.


you don't like the tattoos?


No. Tattoos are always trashy and ruin an otherwise perfect body. I wish zoomer girls would stop ruining themselves with them.


what about dying your hair?


That's also bad, but at least it's not permanent unlike tattoos.

I'll be honest though, neither would be a deal-breaker for me. Beggers can't be choosers after all.


Yeah, I feel you



Ya know this has been going on long before them. Stop blaming zoomers for everything wrong in society


Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
For fuck's sake get over yourself.


>an american doing american country music is le bad because uhmmmm…. it just is okay
It's not like she cant do it cause she isn't a WASP.


What about a commentary on culture and immigrant integration?


File: 1715801211650.png ( 460.15 KB , 640x782 , ClipboardImage.png )

>Why do you even care you stupid fuck Jesus Christ
>"Oh no, I am so alone, I might have to settle for a girl with a tattoo"
>For fuck's sake get over yourself.


what's there to say? When someone is a child of immigrants or moves to another country as a kid, there's 3 things that can happen by the time the kid is an adult.
1. They completely disregard their "host" culture and identify completely with their "home" culture.
2. They completely disregard their "home" culture and identify completely identify with the "host" culture.
3. They integrate both cultures into their identity.

Most children of immigrants, and even some adult immigrants, end up going down the path of 2 or 3.
That's just what happens, I don't have an explanation for why, because in my opinion it rests a lot on the individual identity of a person. those 3 paths are just an observation.


Or they may invent something of their own you stupid retard. kys

stfu cuntsplainer

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