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/b/ - Siberia

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wow now i can post on this garbage consoomerhole from i2p


You're whalecum


Eye to penis


That is not what it stands for


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Check em'

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Does Trump have Syphilis?


must've been one hell of a fap




No, that's aids. He got it by having gay anal sex with putin

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Just got unbanned from ogre. Can't wait to not learn my lesson, get jannied again, and come back to this shithole.
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>>147986 (me)
Actually, that said, you can actually have staff accountability work on a small enough site with a benevolent and aware admin, the only catch being that they themselves aren't accountable.


The site owner is really the only one who insn't completely accountable. Whoever owns the servers && domains.


>I disagree with the assumption that doing the most mod actions is providing the most value.
>The modlog itself, along with the rate of invasions and commercial CP spam (a few posts a day), show that most of the moderation activity by the big names is unnecessary at best.
That's a fair point. They definitely make much more work for themselves enforcing things like the pro-russia line in their ukraine thread, which does inflate their numbers.

Now while I obviously haven't seen the internal .org mod logs, I am almost certain that the non-schizo mods aren't logging in and clearing the report queue anywhere near as much as wvobbly and co. I think the point I was trying to make is that you do need a few mods who are NEET basement dwellers to have the site covered 24/7, but these types also tend to be the insane ones.


I genuinely believe that leaving it up to the users via a vote is the best way. Users tend to be appreciative of mods who keep the site clear of CP and respond to their reports, a janny who does this will never get voted off. It's only jannies who become known to users for their shitty conduct and overstep the line who will end up losing their accounts.
>you can actually have staff accountability work on a small enough site with a benevolent and aware admin
This is a good point, however we're lucky to have such an admin.


same here. People post threads about incest fantasies and gore and they dont ger banned. But I talk aboutinfantilization and I get banned.


>People post threads about incest fantasies and gore
How lebtist of them.

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Wasn't my thread, but a thread on .ogres siberia was just locked because it pointed out that a lot of nazis are coming out as transgenders. Why?


Isn't it common place for Nazis to be troons? They're just fags oo. The only thing is leftists can be fags and not be at odds ideologically.


It isn't that surprising considering you also have "satanist nazi femboy siegefags". Those types tend to be into other fucked shit like sadism, cp, beastiality, etc. They don't tend to actually believe what they're saying most of the time, they'll label themselves whatever gets a rise out of people.


wrong troon ideology is a form of idealism and at odds with scientific socialism


Not wrong at all and you are a dumb emotional mouth breathing uyghur lover. Anyone in the working class is working class. It's tautological and you lack the autism score to understand this. You are blinded by your incel rage.


Because even ograrians know that 1) reactoids are always s/m homofaggots with parent-authority issues and 2) you're fucking retarded if you think that being a transhumanist means that you're a nutsoy.

Go back.

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Reminder that if you are dating/fucking someone significantly younger than you, you are a pedophile. You should be following the notion of half your age + 7. Meaning that if you are 34, If you date anyone under the age of 24 you are a pedophile, yes even if the person is 18 or older.
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Well, mammals are complicated beings in general.

.The reason why we have to factor in psychological maturity is becauseour society decided that "adulting is too hard" so they wanna extend childhood indefinitely to avoid as much hard work amd responsibility as possible.


From your own article retard:

>The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate themselves, and there is currently no law regarding key disclosure in the United States.[44] However, the federal case In re Boucher may be influential as case law. In this case, a man's laptop was inspected by customs agents and child pornography was discovered. The device was seized and powered-down, at which point disk encryption technology made the evidence unavailable. The judge held that it was a foregone conclusion that the content exists since it had already been seen by the customs agents, Boucher's encryption password "adds little or nothing to the sum total of the Government's information about the existence and location of files that may contain incriminating information."[45][46]

The case in question was A a real actual pedophile and B a complete fucking retard running around with his laptop publicly in encrypted. You cannot be coerced, legally, in the United States to incriminate yourself and that includes cryptographic keys. One of the few things that actually makes the United States a good country.

At least read your own bullshit.


I hope this is bait.


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On 4chan posters called each other faggots, which was often derogatory, but then at some point there were porn threads about 'sissy', "gifs that make you wanna suck dick", how did this happen? Anyone remember?
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Lesbians hate troons not because they are troons but because they are men who try to leave their label, and they have a man hate problem, just like the gay community with misogyny.


4chan is a giant food fight. Stormfront once began to raid the place to push their ideology and you can still see the result today. Furies have made their raids, years ago and then MLP until they got a containment board.

Raids from an external community are supposed to happen on 4chan. The sissy one is just the last one and then something else will come.


>dumb generationwank

Didn't read.

Furries and MLP didn't "raid" 4chan, or at the very least MLP didn't. Bronies were a 4chan thing, like that call was coming from inside the house. Furries got shit from most of 4chan early on, but also a ton of 4channers were furries anyway back in the day - like, just by the nature of 4chan being a big tent for nerds and weirdos.

Don't get this stuff twisted. Before the Stormfront shit, most of the raiding was being done by /b/ (and EDiots) against other sites - like, constantly. There's zero equivalence with what you're calling "the sissy one" - you're talking about something which doesn't exist. The only really notable 'raids' against 4chan by anyone other than the FBI (don't mess with football) were the Swarmfront stuff and the Kimmo Alm stuff. Swarmfront was really more of a protracted op (launched on 4chan as well as Reddit, and I forget where else), and it totally changed the site. There wasn't really any time when 4chan didn't have gays or furries or sickos, but in the '00s the likelihood of bumping into unironic boomer Nazis there was extremely low. There's no comparison to be made with furries or Bronies (the latter is a phenomenon which largely originated on 4chan to begin with), the Stormfront invasion permanently changed the site's demographics.


>dumb generationwank
>Didn't read.

But you blame zoomers and boomers. Typical millennial projection.

>Furries and MLP didn't "raid" 4chan, or at the very least MLP didn't. Bronies were a 4chan thing, like that call was coming from inside the house. Furries got shit from most of 4chan early on, but also a ton of 4channers were furries anyway back in the day - like, just by the nature of 4chan being a big tent for nerds and weirdos.

>Don't get this stuff twisted. Before the Stormfront shit, most of the raiding was being done by /b/ (and EDiots) against other sites - like, constantly. There's zero equivalence with what you're calling "the sissy one" - you're talking about something which doesn't exist. The only really notable 'raids' against 4chan by anyone other than the FBI (don't mess with football) were the Swarmfront stuff and the Kimmo Alm stuff. Swarmfront was really more of a protracted op (launched on 4chan as well as Reddit, and I forget where else), and it totally changed the site. There wasn't really any time when 4chan didn't have gays or furries or sickos, but in the '00s the likelihood of bumping into unironic boomer Nazis there was extremely low. There's no comparison to be made with furries or Bronies (the latter is a phenomenon which largely originated on 4chan to begin with), the Stormfront invasion permanently changed the site's demographics.

Stormfront probaly invaded because 4chan was already a shithole to begin with. The people on there were probably already ripe fpr the picking. It was only a mstter of time.


/b/ just turned slowly into a porn board full of all kinds of deviants. I personally blame 2016 influx of drumpf supporters.

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They they added buff Peter griffin into fortnite into the game.



Who the hell plays this crap?


I would assume all kids play this shit.

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95% of Venezuelans or at least the 80% which haven't fled the country in the past 10 years voted wink wink to invade Guyana.

As much as I think Madura is a fag and the 'Venezuelan Revolution' was a cash grab by corrupt yes men bureaucrats, I support telling the UN and Amerikwa to fuck off.
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Funnily enough, a large part of the reason why the Guyanan government allowed comrade jones and crew to settle in Guyana was to act as human shields against the Venezuelans. Having a bunch of US citizens on the border was as an excellent deterrent against Venezuelan military operations in the area.


In South America we don't even talk about these countries when talking of South America in general. Even Uruguay is more recognizable than fucking Suriname. The only thing we know about these countries is what comrade Jim Jones did and that's all.


>Suriname is 30% Indian
Don't forget the sizable Javanese population there


I don't think forcefully annexing a neighboring country is "telling Amerikkka to fuck off", It's still forcefully annexing a neighboring country.


>I support telling the UN and Amerikwa to fuck off.
Desert Storm II electric boogaloo coming soon.

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It's official

Being anti-woke is economic terrorism against porkie


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Our DPRK comrades are on board


"eroded portfolios of color" is the most 2023 phrase imaginable.




>transphobia is like revolutionary or something because it vaguely attacks porky even though it targeted like 1% of their total income
>DPRK also

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You are not able to use any energy from people at all because they will not speak with you in your current language, especially in future lives.


You don't even want to believe you are able to speak any language other than ours. You are not willing to integrate with the workforce.


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