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File: 1732734858459.jpeg ( 46.34 KB , 640x501 , GdV3FyJXkAAXaE7.jpeg )


anarkkkiddies, how do you respond??


laugh while you still can, $$$billionaire$$$


uygha what




This board is literally run democratically, lol.


no comment

File: 1733484089694.jpg ( 86.01 KB , 569x330 , squirrel girl.jpg )


saw movie didnt like it


There's a Squirrel Girl movie?


It sucks nuts

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>Russian forces in a buggy run over a sapper trying to warn them about mines on the road. Moments later, they hit the mines themselves

Is this the most Russian thing ever?

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You should twist your neck off.


>This was totally reasonable even though we see him get blown up.
Ziggers always deliver.


Uh oh, looks like world's foremost nuclear superpower which just unveiled a new ballistic missile that's going to reshape modern warfare and produces the same amount of artillery shells in a month that the entirety of NATO produces in a year is going to be defeated any day now!


The ruble is crashing, and Assad is getting deposed. But okay, you're a paragon of strength zigger-kun.


Oh yes, they were so frightened that he could be the enemy, that's why they took the time with their 30 mph go-kart to run him over. Fuck me vatniks are so stupid they can't even lie with a modicum of believability


1. CIA hits Matt Christman with an autofellatio gun, leaving him permanently crippled
2. Their 'guy' Alex steps in to take his place. Smooth talking sarcastic Bill Murray type (fed).
3. """Alex""" keeps tabs on the Chapos & their audience, examining & subtly modifying the material, always ready to sneak in coded messages to CIA sleeper agents.

Doesn't it seem odd to you?
I noticed that even when his jokes are funny, the other Chapos laugh kind of nervously. His delivery is almost too good, like he was tailor made to be appealing, unlike Matt, who was very smart, but sounded like a big fat dorky homo. What do you guys think?


who tf are these gùus?
I never heard of yhem


Chapo Trap House.
It's a cocaine podcast by me & my buddies.

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is his life over?
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Man, I miss when this dude's entire personality was the Eagles.


>EDP445 - "Top 50 Porn Sites" (WTF)
He says he's cut his dialysis treatment short so he could go home and jack off to some porn video. Damn..




What about when he showed off his stolen bra collection?


These kind of Internet stars are Millennials doing this and yet Millennials are blaming Gen Z for this

File: 1691185068722.webm ( 2.14 MB , 1280x720 , crown_cull.webm )


crown culling
kingdom kill off
tsar snuffing
tsar slaying
monarch massacre
regal redrum
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Horny bump


File: 1706389214330.mp4 ( 16.89 MB , 640x480 , saint juste on the terror ….mp4 )

Based bump.

btw wikipedos be like:
>In the years following his death, Nicholas was reviled by the common folk, the military, the revolutionaries, the state functionaries, the soldiers, the national minorities, the foreign investors, the official political parties, the intellectuals, the peasants, the workers, the fucking russian orthodox church inc. of all things, the czar guard & also Soviet historians and state propaganda as a "callous tyrant" who "persecuted his own people while sending countless soldiers to their deaths in pointless conflicts". Despite being viewed state-propagandized disgustingly more positively in recent years, the majority view among historians is that Nicholas was an well-intentioned unbelievably inhumane entitled cunt who nearly blew off every single fucking general-polizei murderer of people's protests as his own publicly available diary shows it yet poor ruler who proved incapable of handling the challenges facing his nation & instead of doing anything about the absolute state of the absolute state & also the population that has to live under it all our saint faggot nicquei the 2nd indulged in was shooting fucking stray cats & city crows while noting his score in this same fucking diary of imbeciliac degeneracy that is monarchism as a concept itself.

>the sisters were wearing over 1.3 kilograms of diamonds and precious gems sewn into their clothing, unlike the 6 year old girls who were systematically raped by the state bueraucrats, forced into alcohol dependency & then sold to local pimps who gave good time compensation to the providers of new meat that won't even survive 2 years of body & mind exploitaiton. Too bad you & the complying wives of these bastards weren't raped by the bayonets while still alive you deplorable hellspawn.

>The bodies were driven to nearby woodland, searched and burned. The remains were soaked in acid and finally thrown down a disused mineshaft. On the following day, other m
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I masturbate to Crown Cull porn. It is by far the thing that turns me on the most. I also hornytalk to men on fbi.gov, I pretend I'm either a Monarchist or a Constitutional Monarchist. I sometimes talk to Leftists/Commies specifically and call them Commies and dumb fucking Leftards as they tell me how much they want to persecute and execute me and all the Royal Families. I've also talked to other Monarchists/Constitutional Monarchists over VC and it makes me horny as fuck to jerk off as we both talk about how much we love dumb Commie Leftards and their huge Prole movements. I get off to it hard.
I masturbate at least 2-3 times a day.


Original vid sauce?


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ITT: we say some slurs in order to separate ourselves from the wokescolds

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Why don't you use that peg leg of yours as a dildo Captain?




I meant on yourself


Mentally ill faggots and transhumanists deserve death.

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Ummmm… based
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Then you wouldnt be offended by the suggestion mandatory vetting of family planners.

Adolescent girls will have mandatory hysterectomy.
Their eggs will be frozen.
If they wish to have kids, they have to undergo seven years of hospitality training.

They will have frequent drug tests.

Prescription medications will cpunt as illicit drugs.

People with developmemtal disorders will have their sperm or eggs used for genetic research.

Using neurodivergent/disabled's gametes for procreation will result in death penalty.


Yes, I'm fine with requiring a medical examination before marriage.

In the past, families themselves would vet prospective mates. Daughters wouldn't be allowed to marry bums.

Your techno fuedalist power fantasy of mandatory mass hysterectomies is quite ghey and expresses the typical leftist power fantasy those.


>In the past, families themselves would vet prospective mates. Daughters wouldn't be allowed to marry bums.
Inbreeding to keep the money in the family caused alot of undoing.

Also, sons werent allowed to take on hussies either.

>Your techno fuedalist power fantasy of mandatory mass hysterectomies is quite ghey and expresses the typical leftist power fantasy those.

If I recall, the right is obsessed with racial and sexual purity.
This would appeal to them more.

Also, nobody wants a spaz kid.
My "fake amd ghey" fantasy is what prospective parents would want. We have designer babies on the horizon.


Now a rapist sexual predator who was friends with Epstein is president. It's ogre…


Always has been. Look how the main FBI faggot was crossdressfagging his arsehole around other gubbmint fags in the 50s. It's all about social cohesion thru having blackmail on every uyghur inda buznizz yo

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Why are you so sitephobic?


why are transhumanists so annoying?


>complaining about misogyny


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Because instead of abolishing identity you fucking uyghur cocksucking bitchsluts chose 2 slam your brainless faggotry of an excuse of an existence into it with tripled force. Full fucking traitors who should be lynched everywhere @ the 1st possible moment when shtf. Go & off yourself uyghur.


Because giving 'trans' conversations and inch and they take a mile. It goes from "critical support" to "ur so transphobic for not eating up big pharma lies and porky idpol!"

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