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i would have expected a lainfag to be a little less retarded

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>be pizza delivery driver

>7pm ish
>deliver pizza to this pretty nice house
>knock on door, hear dog barking
>man, mid 30s, opens door dog behind him barking at me
>that will be $16.37 sir
>gives me money
>getting change out
>dog bites me, makes me drop change
>give dog a little kick so it leaves me alone
>man lunges at me and grabs arm
>pull out P-3AT
>doesnt let go of arm
>shoot him 3 times in chest
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Nice OP, feels like the next sigma edit film/series


>take pizza and throw it in a dumpster a couple of blocks from the store
don't waste food you faggot


What are the class positions of the owners of this nice house and the pizza delivery guy?


based 380 enjoyer

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Leftychad dance party.
Post gifs to celebrate.


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Hello anon.

I've recently discovered a little known thing called the 'Sinaiticus Codex' which is written in an ancient cyrillic text called Septiugant Greek, this is the original Bible that I believe should be followed.

As we all know, it says do not add or remove from any parts of the Bible despite it changing over the course of thousands of years.

Following on from the change in course it appears there is always a Great War or Tragedy which happens around the time it is re-written and from that point on the newer version is upheld.

This ponders the question as to what exactly are they distracting from?

Here's one possibility I discovered.
If you go onto certain Jewish and Turkish online retailers they do not appear to stock seed oils, mushrooms or coffee, in fact not even their snacks contain anything like additives.

Sadly, the original part of the Genesis has appeared to have been burnt or destroyed so we do not know if there is anything like this that is forbidden to eat or bad for us to eat, how do they know not to eat it?

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Women don’t give a fuck about the good of society


That's why they don't deserve rights

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Recently I began to hate old people. On social media I scroll past anyone that is over the age of 50. They talk so slow to say nothing at all. All of the old people in this country have hoarded wealth and stopped younger people from having access to money, and many have supported genocide abroad. I now ignore them completely.

Having picrel faces in gubberment simply enforces my opinion, they are old and they want us to die working for them.

I have a deep aversion to old faces when I look at them, it's like what they say even with a good message is wanting to harm me and other young people. Has anyone else had this experience lately?
20 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Hating old people is hypocritical.
>You all will be old one day.

Probably not anon, at this rate I'm going to end up on the news


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Why even bother with slaving for that system when you could, instead, neet yourself until your parents die and you receive their inheritances.
There is no such thing as "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps". Surviving in this system will always be a struggle. Upward mobility is dead, a gift for the rare few.
If you know you're destined for poverty for your entire life, why bother trying?


The real crux of capitalism is the belief of "rags to riches."

It isnt the low wages, long work-hoirs, or even high prices.

It's the false salvation of "if you work hard, you can have it made."

This is why hustler culture is so huge.
The left fails to understand the real reason of proletariat oppression.
They think that merely preaching about the promises of socialism will get people to follow them.

Humans created capitalism amd sustain with copium.


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From the top of my head I've seen my grandparents walking around naked when we go swimming, when we go to a sauna and, when I was too young to do it on my own, when I was getting bathed/washed. Sadly none have had funny tattoos, but I have asked them about moles on their skin and such so I don't think asking about tattoos is an unrealistic scenario.


uhh some of them, Im sure, are good people.

the phrase you're looking for is 'to each according to his abilities, and he shall have abundance'.

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Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go.
You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.


Life does matter but not the way we have been taught.

Idealism makes things much harder than it should be.

This is why I say we need to promote realism amd cynicism to children.

Sheltering them with innocence is why they grow up into passive drones.



Objectively, life doesn't matter. Having the belief that there is some meaning to this world is just cope people use to get through the day. There's nothing wrong with finding "personal meaning" But, you have to accept that it is very, obviously, clear that life doesn't matter and the universe, actually, appears to be hostile to our existence.


This post inspiring me to rape some hookers.

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A lot of therapists are unbearable interpersonally. They learn how to manipulate people by choosing their words carefully when they're in school and completely lose the ability to communicate genuinely with other people.

For most people this isn't a problem, but as someone who knows a lot of therapists, it makes it harder to make friends with them. Out of roughly 20 therapists I regularly communicate with, only 2-3 are capable of communicating without using therapeutic techniques. If I say "I'm going on a date and I'm worried it'll go well and I'll have to make lifestyle changes" these people say "sounds like you're worried about what comes next". No fucking shit, dude. You're supposed to laugh with me about it and say "it'll probably be fine" or something

Most therapists are awful at their job. In this training I was in yesterday, the trainer told the group that asking questions in therapy *does not help the client*. You're just supposed to manipulate, sorry, motivate them into completing their goals by reflecting stuff they say back to them (but only the stuff you like). Mental health trainings are so funny. Everyone just talks about the most effective ways to manipulate people but if you use the word manipulation everyone will scold you.

Most therapists come from wealthy backgrounds, don't have addiction or trauma experiences, and had the resources growing up to learn coping mechanisms to help them live with their extreme neuroticism. I worked with a lady once, we were doing adolescent substance abuse group treatment, and she would get mad and basically ground the clients for misbehaving. Like she was their mother. She believed her role was to "get them in line". She was afraid of drugs after doing pot once.

Another dude i worked with told me this client was "externalizing" and upset because of his divorce. But the client was actually schizophrenic and actively psychotic, but the clinician believed he was "faking" his delusions "to mess with" him. One clinician stopped seeing a client because the client didn't bathe, even though the client was seeing them for depression for which one of the symptoms was not being able to take care of themselves.

Therapists are deeply self righteous individuals and most of them are crap. People usually see 3-4 therapists before they find one they connect with well and feel cared for by. Therapy can be very helpful to you if you are lucky or if you have the time to shop around Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


tbh, therapists are for people whom are rich and dont need/wamt much help.

In a way I sont blame them.

This is why I think mentally ill people should be sterilized and vetted from romantic relationahips for mutual safety.



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Which one of you did this?


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GOD gave us TRUMP to be a shepherd to mankind.

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Why is it that "huge" games in the 90s and 00s managed to build communities that stuck with the game for ages? Hell, there are so many games of that time that still get played and discussed to this day. These days games blow up out of nowhere, get incredibly huge and then vanish a month later with very few exceptions. It feels like nothing has staying power anymore.


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The Marxist analysis of this phenomena would lead you to the fact that capitalism has shifted away from production of commodities, really, to the generation of financial capital over all else. That's why video games today genuinely do suck because they all want to be ark, or, fortnight clones rather than be impactful and deep and have staying power like something like Nier.

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