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>What is going on with Argentinoids?
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>The Argentinian state should definitely continue to run a substandard airline at a loss.
A state has to run these things at a loss because if made public the company would go bust and be liquidated overnight. Then Argentina - a country highly reliant on domestic flights because of its large size - is left without a state airline due to the whims of the free market.
Are you retards incapable of comprehending anything other than "line go up=good".
>On top of that, you're retards who simply defend the status quo, more of the same milquetoast hermaphrodite cultural leftism
The status quo is preferable to "anarcho-capitalism" and selling off your country to foreigners. Give me a single example of where anarchism or neoliberal shock therapy has resulted in better conditions for workers. I'm waiting.


The airline was only nationalized in 2008/9.

Now people can't afford to buy clothes.

Your ghey tepid scheme was tried. Didn't work - made people's lives worse

>Status quo better than new president

Spoken like a true NEET with a performative leftism complex


>The airline was only nationalized in 2008/9
Thanks for proving my point by forcing me to read their wiki page.
Aerolíneas Argentinas was nationalised because the foreign capitalists who were running it beforehand (American Airlines in this case) had driven the airline into bankruptcy - with only 10% of international flights operating in the period before nationalisation. The capitalists had managed to rack up a $15m debt witn their fuel supplier, grounding most of the fleet.
The Argentine government was really left with no choice other than immediate nationalisation by the sound of it.
>Your ghey tepid scheme was tried. Didn't work - made people's lives worse
The airline had actually always been state owned since it's creation in 1950, with privatisation only lasting about 15 years from 1990. If anything privatisation was the experiment which failed, with the nationalisation being forced on the government in order to save the jobs of the airline's workers.


Fair enough. Peronism is based


Worker owned co-ops = ancap privatization

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Is Britain ok?

Imagine living in a society where a TV license is a) a thing b) something you have to play for, and c) something which the govt prioritizes breaking into your home over if you don't..

What the actual fuck?


shits fucked
Oi moite gut ah loicense fo dat?

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>he's a maoist turd worldist
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and they base their world view on cartoons or reddit, or what they saw on faux


or they think the humanity reached its max potential in 1980, by releasing VHS


>Third worldists believe that only people in third world nation can be proles.
Doesn't sound too insane, if I was a prolet in the third world I wouldn't give a shit about some Americans


Technically theyre not wrong.

Most honesless in America are better off than those in the second/third world.


t. Passportless burger

Literally no one in the 'Third World' gives a fuck about Maoism Third Worldism, and if they do, they're affuent university students in a city. Normal people have actual concerns, not reehing out on behalf of some exoticized others.

>But homeless in the US have it great!

That's because America is a country of faggots, homeless people aren't rounded up and sent to rehab centers or mental hospitals.

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>Pfizer sues Poland because the latter doesn't want fake vaccines for the fake pandemic


>1.1 billion-dose contract the European Commission signed with Pfizer in 2021, which has become controversial for the reported exchange of text messages between Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the run-up to negotiations.

I wonder what was in these texts. I couldn't find them though.


>making shit up
From your own article, retard. It's literally the first lines:
>U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech.
They already got the vaccine. Deadbeats just didn't pay for them.

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You may not like it, but this is what peak leftism looked like.


Nostalgia dorks with a femdom fetish
>Peak leftism
Checks out

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I have been doing meatless mondays and, as a meat eater, I am sorry, but, this shit actually tastes way better and is way more healthy for you than real meat and you can't convince me otherwise.
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>t. burger with a warped understanding of what a normal body looks like
Sorry lardass. 20% bodyfat is not normal or healthy


>20% bodyfat is not normal
That's literally at the low end of healthy body fat for women and just slightly out of the top end for men.


What nutrients do you need animal fat for?

>I didn't say you are evil I said you've been tricked into spending more money on a worse product because you are so desperate to be perceived as a "virtuous" person who is helping to save the planet.

What is "worse" is completely subjective. I think it tastes better. It has lower calories and gives you everything normal meat products give you so to me that is a lot better that having to abuse animals to get your dopamine fix. I never said I was saving the planet. Of course capitalism is the root cause for global warming, which is very real, but, individual a ts can have an effect and even in a Marxist utopia meat consumption will not be feasible to maintain society. Wether you want to deny reality or not is on you


>It is fact if you understand dietary health.
<just talks about energy and macros, and b12 supplement
You clearly don't know the fundamentals.
I'm not even disputing the claim of 'healthiness' (protip: literally subjective, whether something is healthy depends on the subject). What you said is so ignorant of a basic approach to dietary health that all we can do is ask you to read or laugh if you don't.


As has been previously stated ITT: Good for you. Your subjective opinion is that it's a superior product. The fact is that this product costs twice as much as lean beef/pound, and thus it needs twice as good as regular beef. Is it? That's up to you to decide. I have decided that it is not, as have other anons here.

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Teen suicides were at their lowest when you could call people uyghurs and faggots online, before there were trigger warning and dorks/women started using an asterisk in words they disliked.

'Compassionate' PC language policing has made us fragile, weak, and depressed
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obama got elected?


>started rising when smartphones and internet culture became mainstream


4chan started in 2003, teen suicides fall off a cliff in 1998 with the decline starting a the way back in 1994 dumbass.


>never used a message board or had an xbox


All you guys are so stupid.

No, language policing and Internet cukture didnt make us weak.

The real reason is that society is abolishing yoing people from havijg autonomous lives.

Society is too morally obsessed with youth.
Anytime a child makes a mistake or has a vice, adults pathologize them.

Kids are banned from an activity for the slightest mishap.

Adults think kids having ay worldly exposure is bad because "muh innocence."

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Does the left need more schizo energy like pic related?
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sounds like someone whose butthurt about not having an exciting romantic/social life in their teens amd twenties.

Again, all this obsession over yoith sexuality is a sign of arrested development.

Their idea of proper heterosexual romance is in "classic" entertainment.


>Pointing out the arrested development of millennial is a sign of arrested development

Makes sense


>that webm
u can just tell their egos are dying inside


>classic strawmanning.

Millennials are arrested development due to over parenting.

OP is making a comical theory that lack of "sex appeal" is making mill web nials retarded.

Again, its focused too much on sexual/romantic prowess.

And in fact, its become common for adults to whine about lack of convenient sex/romance. Like seriously. If we get offended by teens doing that, why is it ok for prime age adults to do the same thing?

Leftypol is infected with "TFW NO GF" threads.
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Is r/antiwork liberal or leftist? I see a lot of genuine leftist posts about how people are being mistreated at their jobs and how capitalism is exploited, but I also see a lot of threads on there about how some workplaces are good and about how capitalism can be fixed. I also see a lot of threads made by teenagers/early 20s about how they sleep at their fast food jobs and they think thats praxis.
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Don't you have drugs to smoke?
Instead of getting mad because a stereotype exists, maybe try not living up to it
Challenge level: impossible
>Inb4 libshit talking points
Oops. Too late. I swear is place is just a bunch of loser fags who like Soviet Aesthetics. I can promise though, you would have been (rightly) gulaged there.


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fuck off back to reddit,retard


I think that subreddit reeks of people whom just lowkey hate working.

I dont ubderstand why hatred of work is justifoed but yet criticising school or suggestion for forgoing schooling is criminalized.

If anything, work is more essemtial for socoety than school.


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Woke idpol is still the number one threat to leftism as it distracts from class issues. This site is against woke idpol while .ogre is pro woke idpol therefore this site is more leftist than .ogre. Woke idpol is also more dangerous to the left than right wing idpol as it is capitalist thought disguised as leftism.
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Jews will get upset over being callrd greedy merchants.

White conservatives will shoot up the school or mall over being rejected by Stacy in high school.

Also, by "black", do you mean American blacks?

Black Anglo-Americans are the worst. The fact that theyre used as the global archetype for Negroid/Afro-descendant folks is sad.

They never used to be like that.


Irony is, calling someone a cunt is considered more offensive than calling them a fag.

Most insults are assumed to be male-based.

Any insult that implies aiming at certain female demographics is considered misogynist.

Also, again, using ethnic slurs for humor gets tiring very quickly.

Its ok once a while, but not as standard dialogue.


The goal of leftism is to be able to use the n word as many times as you want in a string of n words though


mId tier
can Ever
make Revolution


I'm not sure how you can have class struggle if you're focusing on one group or another's grievances specifically even if the are real. The point of class struggle is to think and organize along class lines. Everything else divides the working class.

So there is a distinction between a movement being open and accepting of any worker, trans or gay or whatever, lgbtq activists detracting from economic issues to push their shit first, which today in north america at least is irrelevant - everyone already has the same rights.

I definitely don't hate trans workers.

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