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holy f*cking based


>In July, 2018, the Philippine government passed the Bangsamoro Organic Law, giving more autonomy to Muslims. In return, MILF announced that it would disarm its 30,000 fighters,
inb4 the DILF extremist breakaway faction


So I guess the moral is if you want something you need guns and ammo.


>University of the Philippines, Egypt
rofl, wouldn't surprise me if these "rebels" had CIA funding.

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Why does leftypol deny that color is a class?
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fuck I need these baddies in my life


Your relation to the MoP.
>Slaves have the small relation to MoP as middle class settlers living comfortably in suburbs.


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Then which class is red, the color that live in tax free havens and receive public money?
Which class is yellow, the ones who make more money and end up higher of the hierarchy compared to whites?
Which class is Indians from India, the people who now control all of the GAFAMS?

This is a game of divide and conquer. There is a reason why the social medias and journos promote it instead of hiding it.


I fucking know that I'm asking OP because he thinks its colours or some shit.


Back to the camp, uyghur.
When you will finally get retarded enough from the constant working for the betterment of the whole humankind & forget how to treat persons differently by the physiological characteristics of their bodies, then & only then you will get the right to speak.

Cumskinoids tamed you well, it seems.

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Why do certain types of leftists (mainly women and low t males) constantly lie and hide the truth?

I honestly assume it's part of the anima spirit that guides much of leftism.

But, and this is an important caveat, it is the anima spirit that is the root of the problem. When women (and low t males) are given prominent positions among the right, they carry out the exact same behavior.

Thus, I assume the solution is simple. Ignore women and low t males. Don't take their opinions and professed moral superiority seriously. Keep them at arm's distance, etc

Other theories?
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That explans why they advocate to raise the starting age of adulthood to 25-30 becuz "muh brain development" which is a codeword for fear/contempt/willful clumsiness about adulthood.

Theyre telling teachers and prents to coddle young adults and punish them for expressing autonomous/worldly endeavors.


No one is in denial you fucking loser, lmao.
God you are so fucking pathetic. No one thinks kids should be able to chop their dicks off except a very marginal sub set of the left. You faggots are so fucking dishonest you should be shot out of a cannon into the sun you fucking uyghur kikes.


It's because parents incentives come from maslow's hierarchy, not some inherent, always present care for their children, as commonly supposed.

They have, sometimes, a need to feel like 'good parents,' and thus want to do cool dramatic shit, but don't actually gain happiness regularly from long term investment in their children's lives. Thus, 'protect children from evil SEX' is satisfying, but 'invest in child's future long term' is not so, even when the latter child is far less likely to end up in a bad situation sexually than one 'protected' but with no skills, or well developed personality.

The long term solution is to stop parenting as what's basically hobby, and make it into an investment by professionals. Allow corporations or government utilities to own children, and reap a share of their taxes in profit with which to raise the next generation. I hope in my lifetime I'll be part of a family using artificial wombs with a sensible governing structure and specialized roles. IDK what exactly would be the best way to structure it to ensure it's always investing for the future, and giving members pleasant lives. Ideas?

This is also why eugenics has retarded failures- individuals doing it as a hobby just go 'I am great' rather than systemically working towards improvement.


Why is paremting the one avtivity that doesnt require licensing?

We throw people in jail for not having a license to drive, practice law/medicine, trade, travel, etc.

Too many adults feel entitled to having spouses amd children by virtue of age rather than ability.


>Other theories?
Uncle Ted theorized the over socialization process. A person who give too much importance to his social capital tend to have a worldview that is based not on his understanding of the world but on his understanding of what the consensus is.

For instance, women's rights are accepted by almost everyone, so they are for women's rights. Not because they had an intellectual effort about the question and concluded that they were for them, no, simply because it would be good for their social capital. The fact that women have the rights in question or not isn't part of the equation. It's what good people do so it's what they do. Only wrong people oppose them.

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I know the NoFab meme is kinda dead, but I'm curious as to people's thoughts.

Some have suggested, based on observations of primates in the wild and in zoos, that masterbation is an existential condition of captivity. That is, it's a symptom of a lack of freedom. Obviously, Stalin was a bit of a NoFap proponent himself (pic related).

Is NoFab based and uncucked pilled?
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Incel dorks cant handle basic human relationships
Go back to your video game. We'll call you when it's time to go to the labor camp


being with people hurts but so does being without. you're really missing out bro



I dont mind having friemds or family. But romantic love is very risky.

Not an incel. I dont play video games as much either but thanks for trying to stigmatize video games. Id rather invest in Rockstar or Marvel games rather than Tinder.

Incels are just normies whom fell out of grace.
They have main character syndrome.
Theyre more obsessed with Mainstream (TM) shit than the normies they hate.


I think it kinda makes sense not to get close to people because they're sexy. Ideally your closeness would be based on what they do, not what they look like. Cuddling, sure, but I propose the ideal to be Onlyfap, but like once per month. (I'm like twice per week lol sue me)


Not even if you find them sexy. Romance isnt always about the bodily features.
Its also about body language, gestures, and vocal fluency.
And the way you stumbled upon each others paths.

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Is Elon our Stalin?
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Remember that time you did… anything noteworthy


Kek, get friends


That's your come back?


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This was supposed to be a big own against Elon and X by a supposed 'progressive'
>Hahaha the corporations I pretend to hate stopped advertising their cultural rot on your platform hahaha


Maybe Stalin was their Elon?

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Holy shit
>It's real
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what is this crystal.cafe shit? If you wanna imagine historical figures fucking eachother just look up Ao3 fics of them like a normal person.


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You always have something to complain about. So negative.

All tits are great.


imageboards are filled to the brim with spite


It wasn't always like this.


idk. it always was like that.


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Before 2006 and the influx of newfags and cancer from chanology imageboards were a lot more laid back and cohesive.

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Ummmm… based
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>smoking weed is de-generacy

Stick to your booze.


I agree actually

Relationships are about aesthetic appeal

This is a good thing and should be expanded

Uglies, invalids, and the mentally
feeble (you) should be sterilized just to be safe. Possibly sent to some sort of internment camp where you can spend the last few months of your life in grueling labor, until the day when your pathetic existence is terminated in a gas chamber.

That would make the world a better place. No more aesthetically and spiritually disfigured genetic dead end polluting up the world


Then you wouldnt be offended by the suggestion mandatory vetting of family planners.

Adolescent girls will have mandatory hysterectomy.
Their eggs will be frozen.
If they wish to have kids, they have to undergo seven years of hospitality training.

They will have frequent drug tests.

Prescription medications will cpunt as illicit drugs.

People with developmemtal disorders will have their sperm or eggs used for genetic research.

Using neurodivergent/disabled's gametes for procreation will result in death penalty.


Yes, I'm fine with requiring a medical examination before marriage.

In the past, families themselves would vet prospective mates. Daughters wouldn't be allowed to marry bums.

Your techno fuedalist power fantasy of mandatory mass hysterectomies is quite ghey and expresses the typical leftist power fantasy those.


>In the past, families themselves would vet prospective mates. Daughters wouldn't be allowed to marry bums.
Inbreeding to keep the money in the family caused alot of undoing.

Also, sons werent allowed to take on hussies either.

>Your techno fuedalist power fantasy of mandatory mass hysterectomies is quite ghey and expresses the typical leftist power fantasy those.

If I recall, the right is obsessed with racial and sexual purity.
This would appeal to them more.

Also, nobody wants a spaz kid.
My "fake amd ghey" fantasy is what prospective parents would want. We have designer babies on the horizon.

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being right is more important than being nice and facts come before your feelings.

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Based! All women are capitalist, therefore their domination is justifiable!

Long live the revolution!

Oh and don't forget that trans women are also trying to oppress us free people

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