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What is even happening to America?
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Damn you uyghas are dumb




Shut the fuck up before I kill you, motherfucker I'm Albanian


> All the things you list are examples of companies leveraging the state to exploit the people.
What illiteracy does to a mf


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Look at those trips of truth!

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schizo or real?


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Leftypol and MKUltra are probably the two most lied about things on imageboards
Leftypol being so often psyop'd and false flagged by rightoid schizos. The majority of them still think Bunkerchan exists, and plenty of them are willing to false flag and lie about anything they see as leftist. But hell, maybe ogre actually is compromised, I don't fucking know, it just is in the favor of 4channoids.
MKUltra having so much made-up schizo shit added onto it to make it sound way more ridiculous for normies. Reminder that Operation Blue Bird used a lot of former Nazis, the CIA respected Nazis because they didn't care about killing people in their human experimentations, OSS founding members were all elitists from elite families(like the Rockefellers) who felt they knew what's best for America, the CIA experimented and killed Soviet and East German defectors(Hope they enjoyed that western freedom before being forced LSD in locked rooms), ALL of this shit, MOCKINGBIRD, NORTHWOODS, COINTELPRO, PAPERCLIP ETC ETC ETC was done in the name of defeating of the absolute evil of communism and upholding the glorious western and capitalist presence. All rightoids align with that. That's why they have to make up so much shit to delegitimize MKUltra's existence while also painting the big strong white right american as the victim.
Anyways I barely read any of that shit OP, I just wanted to say this


>>147979 (OP)

Those posts being by the same guy is probably true. A lot of the other stuff seems disconnected, though. A lot of this is desperate attempts to drag leftypol into it, when a neutral observer would immediately notice that /pol/tards are way more obsessed with "blacked" porn and have been for significantly longer. There's obvious cherrypicking being used to try to make disparate things look like some kind of singular machination of the "left" (by way of a couple posts on a couped leftist chan board several generations on), which renders it kind of disjointed.


Yes, this is pretty much all stuff the US government specifically was caught doing. I'm unsure of the contents of the Joost Meerloo or David McGowan books, but most of the stuff here is relevant and directly tied to the gov't. This one is a lot less convoluted, and it even misses a few notable confirmed ones like the time the FBI distributed child porn as a "sting."


it may be real because org is a bad place. who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men

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were late 80s good in your country


Pretty comfy actually

But you know what they say good times


idk, culturally anytime before the increased atomisation brought about by the digital age would be relatively comfy. I wasnt alive though so I wouldn't know.


Good times create hard men.


I'm hard rn


Thats a meme made by coping failsons

Hardship often resorts people to savagery. No morals or camraderie.

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I got this very rare alunya card today anyone willing to trade it
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uh ok dude HAHA


Alyuna makes me want to coom


I wish Alunya was my gf


keek theres porn of here


It's all her with a bush though. Which, I guess makes sense, but, I still like a clean shaven vagoo.

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freaks and weirdos there’s girls that go to them too.
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Good taste OP, this might be in the same spirit as this thread >>148427


Best example of daddy issues.


Fathers are too lenient with daughters.

moms are more egalitarian in disciplining children.

Moms dont care if youre Elephant Man or Aphrodite.
If yoy came out of her womb and you misbehave, your ass is grass.

Fathers have shallow cartoonish sense of parental moraity.

They treat their kids based on gender and looks.
Boys whom arent athletic or aggressive or prominent are treated as defective males.

Boys in general are seen as dumbass goofball buddies to be poked and prodded for amusement.
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I wish your dad beat your faggot ass more. maybe then we wouldn't have to suffer your autism


>ew cope

Maybe you should talk like that in real life more often. Stop hiding in imageboards spouting this nonsense.

Soumds like youre compensating for something.

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>Ummm high yeah sweaty sorry
>We know you are struggling to acquire a living wage for your very necessary societal labor that our whole society actually needs to function properly, but, how about you actually just get back to work you fucking uyghur slave



British academics are in large reactionary fifth columnists whose only purpose is to indoctrinate the masses into being compliant wageslaves. I have no sympathy for them and taking an inflationary pay cut is the least they deserve.
The students are right too, they are paying insane tution fees and their assignments aren't even getting marked because the work-shy bastards are always on strike.


Art history professors and Netflix writers are working parasites no different than junk food marketers and insurance adjusters.

>I studied a field in which the only job I can get is teaching the field. I'm totally not perpetuating a ponzi scheme bro. Please pay me more bro.

Ya, fuck off


holy based grad student fags tongue my anus. Like shut the fuck up and grade my paper on Pol Pot bitch. I'm undergrad btw


ITT: Reactionaries.

Not every teacher is your stereotypical art history teacher, also, kek. Like what a pathetic bunch of sniveling worms. If education is so ineffectual why are you two so stupid?


this is why college should be limited only to a select few.

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>Question for the Christcuck spammer

Why is that Christian countries are filled with homos and have mentally deranged roasties trooning out kids in preschools, whilst Muslim countries won't even tolerate gay pride demonstrations. Wouldn't this seem to suggest that Islam is superior and Christianity is for spineless wimps?


I also have a question for True Christian:

Luke 23:34 - Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

What do you think of this quote and should it apply to people who are sinners?


>Wouldn't this seem to suggest that Islam is superior and Christianity is for spineless wimps?
No, it would suggest that religion is fundamentally conformist to the socio-economic order.

Russkie Orthodoxy has the same position as the branches of Islam. The common element? Periphery of capitalism.


Actually Muslim countries have alot of child molestation and boy-fucking due to strict laws on sex.

Go on WhatsApp, TeleGram, or any chatspace with Muslim patrons.

Its a shitfest with nothing but horndogs.

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Bets for WW3?
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hmm a muslim santa claus it adds up


russia could win ww3 instantly just by giving dprk everything but they are such cucks


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russians are cucks by their very nature
>cucked by vikings
>cucked by mongols
>cucked by Poles
>cucked by Swedes
>cucked by turks
>cucked by nips
>cucked by Jerms
>cucked themselves
at this point the habit of getting their male population gimped leaves their future nigh impossible without a good cucking


Arent Russians descendants of Vikings?


>jew jealous of slavs
as is written

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is his life over?


its just a phase that will forever haunt him


Thats delicious phat ass.
He just needs baby oil and a bbc


We should pay EDP445 to post here

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i did an interesting experiment yesterday

it is based on this article :

or rather the data from the article

i did just calcualtions on how many passive labor / investment / land you need to sustain yourself with absolute minimum

if you have other provided to you (that is here : land (with no taxes), some tools, and maybe other things)

and if you already have some capital maybe

and the result was rather interesting, you need about 33 buckets / or about 5.5x5.5 m land to sustain yourself in absolute minimum

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>You're assuming land is free.
No I'm not. ;P

>When I talked about getting a minimum wage job that's called the opportunity cost in economics. Every hour you spend farming carrots in a commune is an hour you didn't spend working this other hypothetical job.

And every hour you spend beating the pavement in the hopes of getting a minimum wage job during a period of economic stagnation is time you didn't spend harvesting carrots, isn't it?

>Opportunity cost applies to all capital including land.

Land isn't really capital, though. Land is land. Nobody creates it, everyone relies upon it. I'm aware that there are some schools of thought which include every asset as "capital," but in my view that's very misleading.

>So if you want to be rigorous about it then you also have to factor in the price of the land your commune is using and see how many carrots that would get you at costco.

The carrots you buy at Costco are harvested with massive farm subsidies.
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Communist try not envision the most wrenched possible way to live challenge
>Difficulty level: impossible


bruh. this is one of the many things lefties discuss.

Also with landlords is that they want to give you so little for such a large price.

Also fores amd floods can affect rented places amd peoppe end up with no insurance coverage and/or they end up having to pay for repairs.


Dont forget about Billy Mays at a concession stand selling OxyClean.

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