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/b/ - Siberia

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File: 1738623239600.jpg ( 94.1 KB , 527x741 , wut.jpg )


why are these gay pedophiles so mad at the leftychan twitter account?


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It's kinda nuts that place has become what it has.
First as a tragedy. Then as a farce.




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i can't bear to scroll through this shit even ironically, what kind of economic conditions can create these people? Second time as farce.


>i can't bear to scroll through this shit even ironically, what kind of economic conditions can create these people? Second time as farce.
It's a perfect storm of rentier-capitalism, mainstream crypto-authoritarianism (neoliberal policy), MIC-Zionist psyops, and socially engineering young males to be weak, isolated nihilists so they won't be able to participate in an effective opposition to the capitalist/rentseeking class.

Everything is about the bread and circuses, if you're in the "reserve army of labor" then that consumption is supposed to be your whole life. It's all supposed to be about perpetually clinging to meaningless identitarian signifiers, detached from any context, and lashing out at others who superficially clash with your manufactured sense of identity.

Also a lot of these guys are probably just straight-up CIA or Israeli ops, but not all of them obviously.


>and socially engineering young males to be weak, isolated nihilists so they won't be able to participate in an effective opposition to the capitalist/rentseeking class.

Why do people always expect young men to be the suicidal expendable idealist class of warriors?
Why not women and elders?


>Why not women and elders?
2 weak
can't do cool karate moves


you cant name any empire or something significant created by women

In other words there is a reason that napoleon wasnt woman


You sure?
Regardless, any talk about wanting young men to fight in a unnecessary war especially if it's not concrete is at best vicarious.




people on shitter get mad at everything lol

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