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note when it states rape in documents it never says women rape

so i don't believe that

its terribly biased


Throw burrito, get hit.

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What have YOU been doing for the last 8 months, anon
>Nm just chillin with the boys


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Fuck this place

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When does reproductive-capitalism end?


Report all fertility cultists as reactionaries


May the lumpen strangle your issue and pollute your blood lines


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falling birthrates are going to cause famines and raping and looting in the streets

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Swallowing the Black Pill
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Israel was behind 9/11
Its not even le based grassroots terrorism.


>It's an interesting detail because, and of course the neocons who signed onto the Project for a New American Century had, a few years prior, stated that they wanted a "new Pearl Harbor" to justify toppling Saddam.

God, I really should proofread my posts sometimes.


Who's the guy at 3:22?


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How do you feel about the Canestraro Declaration?

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Are they though?
Half these guys look like they rode the shortbus and the other half look like they rode the cornbus.


this was years ago. I went to highschool with one guy who talks like a fag. he'd be more comfortable in fag oregon

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Why don't communists spread their genes by finding a loving communist wife, and impregnating her dozens of times and raising the kids to become communists over the course of their development so that the Marxist movement can grow exponentially? Just look at the Mormons! So much power comes from population numbers, so why not create and raise a swath of the masses to themselves create and raise a massive revolutionary body? That would be far easier than convincing your local petty-bourgeois imperialist.
Go on! Find a cutie communist girl and raise a batch of future revolutionaries!
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I'm an incel


The reason why kids rebel is because parents dont allow kids to individualise.

Especially these days with helicooter parenting.


Glowo thread.
The institute of "marriage" is pure class cuckery, any fuckup with 1.5 braincells knows this. Polyam all the way or fuck off back into the cunt of a whore who dropped you off earlier that morning.

>fae/faer transmasc butch lesbian
idpol, none of this is communist.

This guy
gets it.
>t. an actual spawn of generations of rabid fascistry


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>Polyam all the way or fuck off back into the cunt of a whore who dropped you off earlier that morning.
Sloppy Secondz psychos


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how do we know this entire website isn't a fed honeypot?


I have a theory that the site goes dead because fed posters have to go to sleep outside working hours. Posters claim to be NEET, yet there's dead hours.


Also all the edgelord shock value psychological warfare operation posting


because fagcels do eugenic fedshit for free gs0


driver is clearly having a meltdown and they are banging on the car and making it worse
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


That video was recorded in the United Kingdom though.


This is why I have a 9mm load3d eith hollow points. Wtf is the story behind this anyway?


Fucking based, carcunts should all fucking die of multiple strokeosis simply for xisting. Too bad this lost fag didn't run over any of these zombies tho.


OK retard


I hate the driver but im so glad she got away too lol
Fuck those control freaks trying to pretend that theyre in charge of whats going on

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People have nothing left to believe in but the American dream . If they were to accept the reality of the fact that they will most likely never amount to anything significant or have enough money to have a decent life then a lot more people would self delete. The dream is dead and gone. I don't have any hope for this country anymore.


I believe there is some hope for the working class but these nonstop crises make it feel so hopeless. I hate these scripted street interviews.


The Amerian Dream was only meant for white GI soldiers coming home from World War 2


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I don't really think they even have that left to believe in. I think a great deal of Americans, probably most, possess no illusion about this. And a lot of people do off themselves.

You should come to terms with this lack of hope, this listlessness. Are you afraid of the release of death?

Collectively, there is something else, and it's not a dream, but rather a reality waiting to be built.


>If they were to accept the reality of the fact that they will most likely never amount to anything significant […] then a lot more people would self delete.
Th@'s wh@ u get 4 trying 2 cheap your way out on your existential questions. Th@'s why shitler & all his suppooooorters unalived in mass when their german dream shattered right b4 their milky eyes. Th@'s why many faggots in responsible positions choose to rather end their line whenever some heavy shit happens & they feel it's bigger than they can handle.
Ragequitting because of your internalized spooky ideology failing you is 4 weakminded shallow losers, no commie should ever behave like th@. margz or lemmin were the absolute opposites to this.

btw real ppl would bash this faggot 4 intermingling in their situation if th@ was any real, just a note 4 actual autists here.


Did you fucking have a stroke or something?

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>literally called an afroid friend "uygha"


>being this new


>being so autistic

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