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America has zero, I repeat, ZERO revolutionary potential.
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this is why I dont like imageboard users. You all have serious problems dealing with reality.

Yankee logic: communism = oppression.

People call anything they dont like "socialist".


The user you were replying to was talking about unionization and socialist organization. Those things have recently increased in the US. Get a basic grip on what's being discussed.
American mass media is, at this point, far to the right of the general public.


Should America be saved?


Does America WANT TO BE saved?


What about Djibouti, Anguilla, or Antarctica? Do you think those countries have revolutionary potential?

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is his life over?
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


he just put a cupcake up that fine juicy ass


He's an Eagle's fan, it's been over.


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EDP445 - "Top 300 Pornstars"
2024 edition.

Previous he uploaded two different iterations:
'My Top 30 PornStars Of All Time' (idk the date)
'Top 200 Pornstars Of All Time' (maybe October 28th, 2015).


Man, I miss when this dude's entire personality was the Eagles.

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What do you think of her recent endorsement of Kamala Harris? Will it be a game changer?


Wyomingite here, I fucking hate this bitch. She didn't and doesn't even live in Wyoming yet she was able to use her pedigree, connections, and political machine to come here and win a primary and a national office all in the span of a single election.


So is that a yes?

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Swallowing the Black Pill
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Still waiting


We've literally been waiting for months for someone to tell us who the guy at 3:22 in this video is:






Fucking finally, thanks!

Fuck you, there were two of us.

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It ain't even a meme
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We're going to see a lot more of these faggots coping in the coming months as Israel is dismantled by Iran and it's allies (which is everyone in the Gulf plus Russia at this point).


I thought they were going to kiss


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No difference between them and neo-nazis honestly.
"Shoot the Jew"


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>Leftoids and Fashoids are both anti-Semitic
Semenics don't exist, faggot. & if they do, they shouldn't. Th@ includes you uyghur & all the other uyghurs who cling 2 the identity slavery made up by their masters. Fucking traitor of the history process scum.

>mloid (= populist nazi) is saying shit about da land of de ancestors who were taking shit on this clay sum 1.488k years ago or something as being the justification of the private people's national property on this particular piece of land
Why do faggots here screech about this piece of shit of an art which is so on the point?

>semenics on semenics violence
Beautiful. Can't w8 4 you 2 kill each other.

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this was banned on ogre immediately lol
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Yet thy wanna criminalise lolicon


Says the subhuman /pol/fag seething.


again, ad hominem, homo chomo


>why are so many leftist party leaders sex preds?
>no examples


Yes he's talking bout leftist parties

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"Anti-imperialism" is a reactionary ideology lolz


Do you remember Jeff MonZon?




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/Fully Automated Luxury No Faggots Space Communism/

Idpol faggots get the wall

From the term fully automated luxury communism which suggests that automation will make work and scarcity obsolete.

Under communism the potential for space exploration would be so much greater because it wouldn’t be the privatization we are seeing now and with subsidies for higher education we would be able to have way more people smart enough to plan new space travel. Materials will be more acsessible and a focus can be put torwards science and collective gain instead of the current private companies that want to destroy not only our planet but the solar system if they could in order to make more profit.

Post your theories,larp, and anything related, comrades
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Faggots are reactionary and regressive


It should be /Fully Automated Luxury Faggots Allowed Regular Communism/.

If it's fully automated to the point of luxury, there's literally no need to kill people for being gay. That's just unnecessary idpol, there's nothing wrong with taking it up the ass in a society with everything.

Also, space is fucking cold and has no air. Space sucks. I mean literally, it's a vacuum. Maybe we'll solve that, I doubt it. Earth is always the best choice.


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faggot reactionary


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New bop just dropped


wow Lowkey is back, I remember his song Obama Nation and the Chipmunk diss


"Israel Has More Enemies Than EVER Before" Lowkey vs Piers Morgan


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Israel will never lose


I like the part where he points out that Morgan's on Rupert Murdoch's payroll.

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Shittalk and post persecution fetishists art or irl image of their cuckery.

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