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mix the blood of the superior Spanish conquerors with the superior indigenous peoples in order to create the perfect master race.


How about, instead of that, we have a 20 hour work week? How about that?


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The best I can do are brown manlets.

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>IOF soldiers when they see a Hamas tunnel rigged with explosives
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thats not some savepalestine thing, chinks and japs and SK just like to step on each other flags. it's just that the chinese now have a morally acceptable excuse to do so now


stupid racist weeb. The japanese flag belongs under people's feet right next to the sionist flag




I really find it remarkable that Yemenis can produce stuff like this after all the disaster and grief that has been visited on their country.


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they are literally built different

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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Darn I wonder what they thought of/ what happened


colord tv… colored people.. its all connected


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>skibidi toilet character


Based αs.


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What would you do if you called an Uber and these two pulled up?

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Ho-ree phuc.

Female use of sex toys (overcoming the natural limitations of one's quality of life by bettering the means of orgasm-induction)
Sex positions besides missionary (revolutionary rejection of religious dogmas on social relations)
Petplay (reproducing the inter-class social relations of class society)
Males dominating/females submitting (taking into account the actual material conditions of one's historical physiological existence & coming to terms with them)
Piercing/cutting (reproducing existential torture of the meaninglessness of life in class society)
Sadism (upholding revolutionary discipline) (the preference for it is practically unisex common commun W keep @ it)
Latex (upholding og revolutionary aesthetics) (only fems prefer it, fsr)
Asphyxiation/choking (reproducing the totality of hollowness of culture in class society)
Vore (socialism = no food (actually reproducing the class society power dynamics in alienation of power of an individual & the want to exchange one's ego to gain it back))
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Females dominating, petting, futa (smashing the class-based society's most profitable gender relations by deliberately reversing them, one thrust @ a time) (females go really hard for it)
wtf is this true, anarchists???

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the cunt-capitalist class is the actual owner of the means of reproduction and the ultimate beneficiary of this power in sexual-capitalism. males are chosen by cunt-capitalists to breed, and males are duped into supporting the entire social structure by hook and crook, leaving omega males bereft of sex and breeding. The only solution is to make economic and sexual capitalism illegal, and inaugurate a system of centrally planned reproduction.
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Pair bonding is real? I thought it was something the manosphere made up. Also I'm afraid of getting canceled so I never looked into it.


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genocide love


You're retarded.


Brutal teen love pill

Some studies that suggest less partners=better. Marriages tend to be more successful. Anecdotal but , men/women feel insecure if their partner has been with more people.


Now yplou understand why peoppe married young back then.
Unfortunately, marrying or dating in your mid-teens thru esrly twenties is seen as premature.

They want people to be scarred and defective for sexual and social reproduction.

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 No.146463[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post monsters.
Das it.
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From the book which popularized the concept of Haitian zombies in the US.


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A friend recommended I read about stoicism. Granted he's a lot more stable and happy than me. But I can't help shake the feeling that it's a giant cope/psyop

What do you guys think?


I read a book which has been described, by some, as stoic philosophy once…

My impression is that, uh… there are some correct observations.
It's not wrong, I don't really consider being stoic a bad thing, but as a philosophy it does seem to end up kind of just leading towards attitudes of complacency a lot of the time.


>when yuoer such an immense homofaggottard you have 2 invent another school of philosophy to justify your xistence
This shit is just cope of middlecucks who want 2 find @ least something to make their downfall moral. & so this counterrev cope gets the rope 2.

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 No.128448[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

non coal edition

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/pDgN6

Soycraft 1.16.5
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I think I have a crush on soytan


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This trans wolf one is cute




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What is something you've noticed recently which you either weren't supposed to notice or acknowledge if you did?


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anyone else dislike milfs? Christina Hendricks literally looks like my grandma
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holy kek good copypasta. missing the beginning though. could use more /x/ in the intro with area 51 stuff. abrupt beginning too seems like this isn't the full thing


tfw no motherly gf who'll let me suck on her titties


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I don't care

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