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As leftists, how do we defeat autism?
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Thats what the alt right did.

Again, thats what the alt right did


In a way it backfired on them, though.


How tho?


Example: PJW, Soygon of Cuckadd, Milo, and the other alt right pals are portrayed as pedophile clowns nowadays.


exactly. It was a farce

Utilizing autism as political collateral is degrading.

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Are you collagen maxxxing?


what does it do?
Is that the thing Bateman puts on his face?

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Why is fascism so… homoerotic?
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I don't know but that quality is probably where there are so many femboy nazi twinks man imagine bashing their heads in and blowing their backwalls out


Noh mane, imagine breeding the fascism out of their cuckitalistic sissy ass brains. We will build Goolags for them, and they will be happy!


Tell me youre an underachieved man with no political convictions before entering into imageboards without elling me you are


Nazis are faggots, everyone knows that. It's why Russians are homophobic.


Why do Nazis seem to like that Arno Breker piece in particular?

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US Army ad getting ratio'd by the 'right'

(Meanwhile, the 'left' is busy making up conspiracy theories about the troonshooter manifesto. Very pathetic)


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ITT: we say some slurs in order to separate ourselves from the wokescolds

Jewish nigger
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The wost part is that saying you dont like slurs is always equated to beimg "snowflake."


Here's what you don't understand

A lot of people will say words like 'uyghur' of 'faggot' not because they hate blacks or gays.

Instead they do it to screen out sensitive, morally pretension faggots like you from their circles. They simply don't want to be around self-serious killjoys who live their life atop a fake and ghey moral hierarchy based on something as shallow and vapid as opinions


I understand that but thats kimda the problem.Theyre not being offensive but theyre kinda dumbing down mutual empathy by doing that.

Not everyone wants to be caled that even in camaradarie.

Not everything needs edgy humor to deal with daily affairs.

It gets annoying.

But ok of you think slurs should not be qiestioned, then kids should be allowed to talk to adults in surs in a casual friendly manner amd it shouldnt be punished.


Being offending on others behalf is a poor substitute for having a personality

Abstractly identifying with people you don't know isn't empathy. It's massaging your own prostate.


Language policing is the stupidest fucking thing ever. So is having preferred pronouns, expecting other people to change the way they speak is just pretentiousness.

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As we all know, Cancel Culture was never about making sure people are held accountable, it has always been a woke liberal idpol psyop. How do we defeat cancel culture? Cancel the cancelists?
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Lol, what a faggot


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I remember a time when people actually allowed themselves to live instead of fearing something as simple as a mask subtracting an hour from their life.
You have no culture, you have no style other than that which is sold to you to bolster a consumer identity, if you have any spirituality it's some abrahamic cuck shit. Everything needs a warning label yet you want people to clap when you disobey a non-existant mandate because government wanted to be able to tell people it's "okay to take them off" a year or so later because they fear people that obscure their faces from surveilance and decrease their chances of the occasional cold. Masks aren't even legal in most places but they eased up to prop up the lie about there being a mandate so people would forget it was their own idea to wear it.
Maybe Foamy the Squirrel guy wasn't a smooth brain after all.


What the fuck are you talking about?


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Mouthcucks are ugly and should be ashamed of their indecent exposure of their slop receptical. All excuses for being a mouthcuck are either cope, cowardice or glow. People already wear such boring clothes these days but are finally wearing an accessory, this should be encouraged.


Cope uggo


>in case you're wondering why the left is dead

Here is a literal white supremacist confronting some electedfag about the federal response to the Ohio train disaster.

Meanwhile, leftcel groups like XYZ Trot 4th International publish long-winded fart-sniffing blog posts that no one reads about about how muh capitalism is to blame.

Now, don't get me wrong, capitalism might be to blame. And the National Justice Party are knuckle dragging retards that should be gulaged.

But when right wingers are the ones actually showing up for causes people care about and do so in a very well publicized way (sorry leftypol mods – no one cares about the right of pedophiles to groom children or the travesty of not calling a mentally ill trawn by their 'prefered pronoun'), you can guess the result.

In short, the 'left' has lost its way and become a ghey cultural clique that generally focuses on the wrong things. Meanwhile the far right has picked up the slack, talks about shit has some chance of resonating with everyday, common people, and been able to present itself as the opposition to power.
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>Every person on pol is a school shooter
Mouth breathing retardation meets mainstream media narratives presented as lerebellion


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>I'm not like those school shooters who believe exactly what I do!


politics is just adolescent antics for adults to be honest.


Its more a thing on the right. But again, politics is adolescent antics for adults


this is serious main character syndrome.

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 No.147882[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why is this site so slow when this one is insanely better than .ogre?
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>prone to being angry and volatile during discussion
its over bros…

t. le ftypol face


No matter where on the net, you Millennials cannot stop blaming zoomers or comparing them to negative standards.

Your generation is not special.
Youre not the first Internet generation with the hardware/software know how.

All of the OG culture you millennials brag about having was given to you by Gen X.


Zoomer faggotry is somewhat self aware. Millennials are faggy and oblivious to it


everything millennials whine about is the same shit they do.

they whine about boomers being grumpy old men ruining kids fun.

And they turn around and accuse zoomers or Gen alpha of ruining pop culture.

Like what intrinsic diffference is there between 2007-2013 and post-2016?

Pop culture has remained similar since the mid-late 1980s.

Yet millennials will swear up and down the aisle that individual year numbers have unique flavors.


Cishet men are the biggest clientele of any alternate gender/sexuality.

All trans and gays seek the validity of cishet men in one form or another.

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Lol. This Le'Karen likely makes 2-3x more than someone who works outside or in a factory 40-60 hours a week in the same state

>Tell me again how the PMC isn't real

>Tell me again how women still aren't equal
>Tell me again how capital doesn't promote ghey cultural leftism
>Tell me again about blah blah white men blah blah
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Even if the 'DEI Professional' makes half this, it's still 2x larger than a well paid landscaper and around 70-100% more than a unionized auto worker.

This is where muhleftism has gotten the American worker. Some blaq Queen with a masters degree in finger snapping raking in he dough to run cover for porkie.

Hopefully the DEI bubble will pop soon.


Lenin used the term 'Labour Aristocrats'


Ok. It's not 1917.

<Modern leftist challenge:

Try having an ounce of critical and original thinking such that accurately reflects conditions of today's world.
<Difficulty level: impossible

In all seriousness. Lenin accurately summarized the changes which had occured in the 75 years since Marx and Engels published the Manifesto.

You're implying that nothing needs to be updated to keep pace with the 105 years since Lenin wrote Imperialism. This just demonstrates your own shallow breathing sort of thinking - the same thinking that permeates the modern western muhleft.

<Go to sleep Comrade Dunning Kruger. Every time you post in the middle of the night, you just get dunked on


Those are one of the few.

Jobs like those are like lottery selection.


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>biggest dunce on the board
>constantly calls others "Comrade Dunning Kruger"

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