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Does anyone actually know how to make money on the Forex market? Been trying for years, but nada.


Before we get to foreign exchanges

Finance 101: It's a zero-sum game, for some people to win others have to lose.

There are 4 rungs:

-The lowest rung in this game is guessing what's going to happen and then gambling with investment, this is not sensible, don't do it this is the looser-rung.
-The next rung is having insider information about what is going to happen so that you know what you can invest in with a guaranteed return.
-The rung above that is having the ability to affect the world in a way to make your investments give you returns.
-The top rung is having control over institutions so that you can rig the game in your favor.

Foreign exchanges are affected allot by foreign policy of countries, if you can get insider information about decisions in that field before it's made public, you can sensibly predict it and make some money off it. If you're the one making foreign policy decisions that's also a way. Controlling something like a central bank, that's probably the best position.


Why forex? Just do options. They are at least better than forex. I wouldn't do forex with out a large savings of cash.


This isn't tech.


guy on left is kinda cute and got a nice chunky ass

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Typical redditleftist/orgfag
>'why are you focused on cultural issues anon. It's a porkie psyop to distract you from the important things'
>Also has whole boards dedicated to video games and cartoons
Why is the western'left' like this?

Meanwhile in China
>Highly focused on cultural issues, in the opposite was from the orgfag left. Bans faggots on TV and forbids effeminate men in video games

Back in the west
>Mental gymnastics to explain how China is a socialist country, except that part, which is ackshually regressive
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Did I actually pull a freud? lol

Is this it then, we just need to get women to lift more so people associate those qualities with femininity again? Astroturf a buff woman to be the Andrew Tate of women?


Are you going out of your way to come across like an agnostic faggot, or does it come natural to you?


You must have a very difficult time interacting with women. Are you single or in a sexless relationship?



Virtue and strength and industriality arent exclusive to men.

Women are exempted from having to prove themselves because men are simps.

>Masculinity has almost nothing to do with women. Bands of men for centuries have treated women as a spoil of victory – as they should. Not as an object of desire itself.

That practice is what led to chivalry which vegat simping.

>The rhetoric around 'toxic masculinity' is ironic, since it obscures the fact that such 'toxic masculinity' is born from males who were raised and trained in childhood exclusively by females.

Nah. Toxic masculinity does exist. But its misused by third wave feminists.
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My mom could beat your mom in a fight >:3c

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>Sorry chudlettes, Halloween is cancelled for not being inclusive enough. Now sit down and hold this rainbow flag while a 35 year old troon with Asperger's and fishnet stockings reads you a story.
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From personal experience, the single mom stereotype seems to be kimitied only to ghettofab/white trash types

Most other single moms are usually well dresses but theyre not as feminine due to being overloaded with kids amd work.

Also lets not act like single dads are better either.


Alot of our MaGapeds are foreigners though.

Amd they have the sae dumbed down logic of poltical orientstion as the classic reacrionary burgers.

Yet the core burger crowd of MAGA doesnt even recognize them let alone respect them


multiracial, multinational, LBG-friendly, working class MAGA Communists


Trooned out white liberals, PMC + tech 'workers,' state employees (i.e., the social and bureaucratic swamp), and finance oligarchs

sounds pretty accurate tbh


bruh. MAGApedes may be multirscia andhave trans minorities but they arent as virtuous as you think.

Theyre all into the news cycle and are only united in their indignation against SJWs.

In fact, they have theor own right wing flavor of wokeism.


>News 12
>owned by Atlice USA
>Patrick Drahi

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 No.145673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/westoid cringe general/

In this thread, we laugh at (((westerners))) and their failed societies
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creative writing practice


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fatties are not human


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are there any actual euros even worth having bleached babes with? been dealing with them since 4 ever

<alabaster annies

>fucking annoying
>whiny voices
>average-asf bodies IF youre "lucky"
>most are chubby post 20
>mid 20s look more like late 30s
>oddly crude in conversation

<cracker jacks

>have seen receding hairlines at +19
>fondness for gross out humor and do more gross shit
>lean hard into their "niche" and/or clique becoming literal stereotypes
>have little to no manners
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Alot of the times the shit posted here is so skitzo I can't even tell if it needs to be deleted so I just leave it.


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I swear, schools are moe draconian than workplaces.

Schools will suspend you for any edgy harmless joke.
And I dont mean sexist or ravist jokes either.

Anyone whom thinks school is the bst time of ones life in terms of recreation is a fucking idiot whom whins about adulting


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best comments incoming
>no butt
>dressing like a whore in public
>Yeah, no thanks.
>that's a man
>unironically being sexually attracted to i am a faggot
>no ass no hope
>I'll take a thick black or latina bitch any day

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Confucius say: chin din dang DENG
Why!!!?! because those runts are cunts. Post em toast em roast em. they all deserve to get cooked


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socialism with winnie the pooh characteristics


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hey guys lets go to church!!!

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Fascism is a class orientation related to the ruling class, according to Marxism, not simply a set of ideas.

[Though, as was noted elsewhere here recently, many self declared fascists such as Benitoboi started and grew out of radical leftism].

Take the liberalism back to reddit.


>huuh! you, de lebt, are meaningless! muh daddies from l*khta told me so while mandatory assfucking me this morning!!1 huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!11111111
Are these shitposts kept solely for soft radicalisation against state propagandists?


Why do adults especially in scholastic institutions get offended at kids dislaying edgy/woeldly behaviors when said adults encounter it all the time from other adults?

Also I think alot of horror stories made by trachers concerning the state of educayion is usually exaggerated and done from selfish incentive


Idk. Alot of adults seem to like edgy humor.

Alot of our edgelord humor is made by and enjoyed by adults.


>It's the opposite of dismissively and condescendingly saying kids are retarded yet freaking out like a millennial fag about said retardation.

Its funny because if kids are retarded what does that say about he adults?

Adukts do the same things that we cringe/condemn kids for yet theyre celebrated for it.

Look at politics. Its just theatrics of edgy punchlines and sex scandals.

Yet, because the parties involved sre over 25, theyre considered "mature."

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These two have a ton in common
>Brazenly told the truth
>Had hoes
>Angered those in power
>Suppressed and hit with false charges
>Became political prisoners
>Abandoned by the muhleft
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Nice post.

Also yes i have gotten laid.

Again, Tate is just another hustler guru whom is raking in a fortune selling cliche machismo points. Its like thise popup vides about "FIVE SECRET STEPS ON HOW TO UNLOCK FEMALE SEXUAL DESIRE" and they wanna charge you two hundred USD annually to watch recycled cartoon advice on how to pickup broads.

Tate isnt even the problem. The problem are his desparate followers.
Halfass arrested developmental males whom watched too much sigma male meme videos or machismo movies.

They work at dead end jobs and have no candidacy in the dating market and probably never had any direct expereince with actual manly things. They only learned through edgy humor and action movies.
They probably peaked in high school or in kindergarten.

Andrew Tate fans have main character syndrome. Which is the crux of the problem of postmodern politics both left and right.


I actually agree with this

I like some of what Tate says

But anyone who gives the man money is kinda retarded tbh

Similar gurus come allong ever few years. Before Tate it was Tai Lopez. Rn Alex Hormozi is pretty big. Each capitalizes on a shift in the wind of culture.

Tate, to his credit, has managed to pivot into an Alex Jones tier grift. This, imo, is a bit more respectable than doubling down on selling ecom courses.


The problem isnt even Tate. Its his followers. They treat him like hes a saint.

They think anyone whom irks SJWs is a good guy. Alot of these anti-SJWs are often found oit to be losers.

They became successful from leeching off other losers.



But ..

I think you might be over estimating how much his viewers like him.

He has/had a pretty large audience. There's bound to be some diversity of support within that.

Some may think he's a saint. Some likely just think he's good at drumming up controversy and makes some good points.

Treating his audience as a monolith seems a bit like a cognitive bias on your part


fair point.

But you understand the vocal minoritoes are the engines behind any marketing scheme.

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>be faggy sjw
>have a handful of mental disorders
>believe that basic facts and constraints of nature and biology are oppressive
>demand everyone cater to your wildly naive and idiotic worldviews
>claim that parents are being selfish if they won't let you indoctrinate their kids (but don't want to have kids yourself because muhreasons)
How can we stop people like this from being associated with the left? How will socialism handle people like this?


Identity crisis is a buzzowrd.
Thats caysed by the institution of adolescence.

Also, they wanna ban trans aid for kids yet they do nothing about bullying or compulsory law for schools?

Imo, you have people in "indentity crisis" well into their thirties.

As for the SJW thing, theyre no different from the reacrionaries.

Both sides care less for the young and more for vicarious living


"trans" kids need to be sent to a rehabilitation camp. They need to be forced to socialize and have fun while learning important skills like a basic manual of arms for their nation's small arms. We need discipline and teamwork not more money for Dr. Soystein to chop your cock/tits off


Trans kids and cis kids need to be sent to vocational classes rather than IB or AP classes.

We have so many young people whom did the right thing yet they end up in dead end jobs and student loan debt.

Our elders have failed the youth by banning them from dating, working, driving, free-range play, etc because "muh education".

Theres nothing wrong with some kids wanting to be trans. Also, trans care isnt as readily available to rrans youth as much as you think.

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I work in retail and the place has a policy against gossiping negatively against coworkers and my boss is a strict follower of this policy and gets people in trouble for gossiping. Any tips? I love gossiping and talking bad about people lol. We do have a union.
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Oh, managers? Yeah, in that case it's fine.


I don't gossip because I don't want to give out shit on coworker who may be lazing around.


Gossip is inevitable.

Any rules placed on high likelihood behaviors are just PR stunts.


All in all, I will never understand why adults think school is better tha work. Work has the same bullshit as school with some differences: you get paid, you can opt out, you can use the restroom as much as you want, etc.


Gossiping is womanly behavior
Why do you think it's inevitable


Well, its not really womanly behavior as much as men assign them that and normalize it.

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