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Why don't communists spread their genes by finding a loving communist wife, and impregnating her dozens of times and raising the kids to become communists over the course of their development so that the Marxist movement can grow exponentially? Just look at the Mormons! So much power comes from population numbers, so why not create and raise a swath of the masses to themselves create and raise a massive revolutionary body? That would be far easier than convincing your local petty-bourgeois imperialist.
Go on! Find a cutie communist girl and raise a batch of future revolutionaries!


"communist" bitches are disgusting. find an acceptable wife then convert her later then you don't have to deal with fae/faer transmasc butch lesbian


Who is to say that your kids will also be communists? If they're raised in America they're going to have to de-program themselves from the propaganda they are bombarded with since birth. Also kids rebel against their parents so they might have different politics just out of spite.


Your taste in women is as shit as your politics. Lefty chicks are the hottest and tend to be more fit. But you've never met any obviously because you think purple haired troons are "commies".


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related: average leftist chick. something you'll forever miss out on.


that's a "leftie" chick, yes those are fair game. DSA and PSL "communist" women are repulsive though. Even the 6/10 are green haired whores with an OF and/or BPD


additionally she's wearing quite a bit of makeup so it's hard to say what she'd look like without snap filters and eyeshadow. I'd still say good chance she's 7/10 or higher


>Even the 6/10 are green haired whores with an OF and/or BPD

Either post pics or stop complaining, 6/10 just means your odds are way better.


Idealism, communism must come from the proletariat as a whole.


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I'm an incel


The reason why kids rebel is because parents dont allow kids to individualise.

Especially these days with helicooter parenting.


Glowo thread.
The institute of "marriage" is pure class cuckery, any fuckup with 1.5 braincells knows this. Polyam all the way or fuck off back into the cunt of a whore who dropped you off earlier that morning.

>fae/faer transmasc butch lesbian
idpol, none of this is communist.

This guy
gets it.
>t. an actual spawn of generations of rabid fascistry


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>Polyam all the way or fuck off back into the cunt of a whore who dropped you off earlier that morning.
Sloppy Secondz psychos




>Why don't communists spread their genes by finding a loving communist wife, and impregnating her
Because women don't have reproductive sex with men who don't know anything about money. That would be condemning herself and her children to a life of poverty and suffering. And if you did understand money then you wouldn't be a leftist anymore.


This. Find an apolitical woman from a conservative family that way you make sure her core values are in the right place. Ideally working class. Then you introduce her to communism as an strictly political ideology keep her away from libshittery at all costs. You'd be surprised how much she will relate to it.

I already started project commiewaifu wish me luck bros


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Do conservative women make for the best GFs? They tend to be the most sexually active and are more servile than liberal women in my experience


>conservative girls are wasy.
>you: still no bitches




Every leftist i know, comes from a right wing family, and some rightist i know comes from a socialist family. I think leftists should BREED, but i don't think this will have a huge influence.


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>Why don't communists spread their genes


political views aren't genetic. they're a result of material conditions


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<“It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political and moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs and roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans? Facts ignore ideology”

Richard Dawkins

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