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*blocks your path*
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Well they're Japanese and both were born in 1986. So their parents grew up in the post-war era. Epigenetics. Post-war Japan was inspired by Soviet economic five-year plans. That is why Japan had an economic boom post-war. So that's not from clear-cut capitalism/neo-feudalism.


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>Post-war Japan was inspired by Soviet economic five-year plans.
Haha Wut?




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Anarqueers btfo

Bakunin? More like, Back-Urning!

How's that pro-state of yours doing?


What are the political implications of kike haters to always turn out as (usually) massive homos? Were they turned down beforehand? Or is homonationalism too strong of an internalised repression feeling?


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lol tranarcho fascism is as old as time


>search up 'ss division galicia'
>made up predominantly of volunteers with a Ukrainian ethnic background from the area of Galicia, later also with some Slovaks


makhno strikes back 1943


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>step 1: join a nutsoy volunteer ss unit to fight for the independent Ukraine
>step 3: put down slovak rebellion against the fascist tiso & occupy the liberated territories
>step 5: get relocated to yugoslavia to put down the commie tito & unsuccessfully occupy their territories
>step 4: genocide jews & polish population for being jewish & polish
>step 6: get protection by your polish osadnik occupiers so you would not be transferred back into the ussr
>step 9: celebrate the fall of soviet regime as the independent ukraine rapidly becomes the best source of hotties (direct quote) to the free & democratic west

>something something not natural
As a wise man once said, "even if I'd fuck yo pregnant momma's ass while she blows off ye dog while its sharting down your masterbating daddy cuck's mouth it would still be completely natural just 'cause it can exist in the present real world ya tard wanka".

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Everyone, I made an educational Breadtube essay video about the Infrared-Leftypol split. Hope to hear your feedback.
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ginjeet is a faggot worse than haz


Fuck u uygha, he was a real uygha (RIP), his Youtube channel (RIP) was like a mini-Library of Alexandria. He uploaded based/interesting videos like semi-obscure Eastern European orchestra music and his based OC memes. Your post is bullshit!


how's your hairline progressing jeet you fucking faggot


Unruly ill-informed ice-monkey, I am not Ginjeet. Sometimes I wish my OC was as great as his was. Furthermore, many great contributors to Communism have had receding hairlines or baldness such as Lenin and Mao.


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tfw its real

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Do you simp for petit-bourgeois e-thots with onlyfans like that one mod on .ogre?
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>Shit like this can only exist in a society where the male virginity rate is
totally unrelated to the ability of making orders on getting the wished kind of media content specifically targeted @ certain desires.

The vast majority of the onlyfarce userbase ain't virgins, it's either personality fetishists or buyers, looking for their new rich-looking toy to play with (& getting pissed off to no end if the wanted toy dares to disobey their wants & wishes).
Literal virtual strip-bar (as a human-selling board) @ your fingertips. Buy $omeone'$ life activity on our platform, plea$e.


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>totally unrelated to the ability of making orders on getting the wished kind of media content specifically targeted @ certain desires.


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>Do you simp
no && stopped reading


was it nice?


Male virginity is pathologised.

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 No.149365[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Leftypol.org welcome thread

Since orgfags (pic related) are coming over in droves, let's welcome them.

<Hey guys. Leave your baggage, cat ears, and dilators at the door!
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Why do you both have exactly the same posting style and mannerisms?


I don't reddit space and I'm phone posting


and you're also a zionist apparently lol


That first article is bio-essentialist and un-scientific.


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>soyence is when I reject materialism and embrace biological idealism

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 No.138171[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ass thread. Nothing degenerate like furry.
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How did they know she's Antifa?


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Someone probably recognised her while looking at the cam site she was on and decided to record it.
She was in the news a lot.

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>tfw no lesbian daughter to spend nights out with while you both try to hook up with women
why even live???
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you're a bitch. let me just say you're a bitch. if you aren't willing to build up your own shit church is going to take all your followers. genius of soviet pioneers was that they enabled young men and women to socialize and learn practical skills while keeping them from doing retarded shit that the cia wanted. what happened when the union was dismantled? child prostitutes and rampant drugs


Define doimg retarded things.

Im very leery of any organization thats aimed at institionalising childhood.
Childhood is far too morally obsessed over.


I just told you child prostitution and drug use for one


By child prostitution you mean actual children being exloited not mere autonomous young adults doing mutual coital business for some quick cash?

And by drug use you mean actual drugs like booze and meth and PCP?


yes on both counts it's well documented but I feel like we draw the line in different places

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Have we started the fire?
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The fire needs to be started.


It was always burning, since the world's been turning




We will end it.


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I remember my teacher in middle school in the year 2002 telling me it was already ogre and this was the chinese century. That woman was really ahead of the curve.


Wasn't it already apparent by then that China was rising?


She wasnt ahead of the curve. It was already happening.
China produces most of Americas products

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why do white women fuck dogs
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I lurk a dogfucker forum and a lot of the OC vids produced by female members were from nonwhite woman albeit.




>I lurk a dogfucker forum


>my dog come out as trans


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