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Europeans and Asians, and even Canadians will never understand how absolutely christcucked America is EVEN TODAY. EVEN NOW, the average american, according to polls is more religious than the average IRANIAN. yes, you heard me right. The average burger is more religious than an average citizen of a theocratic republic, and the literal only thing stopping it from having been a theocracy long ago was that secularism was built right into the constitution and a bunch of civil rights/free speech litigation by atheists in the late 20th century.

Europeans see american hollywood movies and TV and new york and LA and just assume thats all of America when in reality that’s just a little bit of it. Outside the major cities, it starts getting deliverance-y. In small town, “real” America 90% of the population is dominated by conservative christian white boomers who are still living like its the early Bush era, if not even earlier like the 80s. Lil Nas X’s satan video or w/e may seem trite and noncontroversial to jaded urbanites who listened to Marilyn Manson in the 90s, but to “real” America, this shit is still controversial. These are the people who take their kids to church to be screamed at by some crazy preacher doing fox news rants about how the ‘left is demonic’ and shit.

Today, it is fashionable to shit on new atheism as just “a bunch of white guys shitting on muslims” and shilling for imperialism which granted, it did sort of become. But that doesn’t detract from the earlier positive movements. It would be as reductive to characterize new atheism as “white guys crapping on muslims” as it would be to characterize second wave feminism as “just a bunch of bored middle class white women”. Yes, there is a grain of truth to that, but its only in the hindsight of the world that created, that we can even be in a position to make that argument. Same for new atheism, its only because now we dwell in a borderline post christian America, that we can say that.

Imagine some alternative universe where “Ch.uds” are like 80% of young male population and everyone else is apolitical except 1-2 isolated chomsky style libs that no one really pays attention to anyway. Well that actually existed and it was called the Bush era(‘01-’06/7 mainly), complete with abstinence based sex education, guys with pencil thin beards making vaguely christian doucherock, and mandatory patriotism about the troops doing imperialist invasions of Iraq.

New atheism needPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Once you go down the occultism rabbit hole you will start seeing patterns and occult symbolism everywhere.
From freemason art to pagan references in movies and tv shows.
Our politika clearly have a obscure luceferian pagan worship.


Nosferatu is a famous and wildly influential horror film and the makers were literally inspired by occultism (they wanted to make the first 'occult film')


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>Why do leftists ignore occult symbolism in media
Because this is fucking retarded.

For starters, the occult isn't just a big lump of booga booga scary Satan, it's a fairly broad category which includes esotericism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, branches of Christian mysticism, some neo-paganism and syncretism, etc. Undertones of it have persisted in folk religion for a very long time (probably before it was called "occult") because it is very broad and many mainstream religious traditions have mingled with it at some point. Lucifer himself is sometimes an ambiguous figure in Gnosticism and Christian mysticism, where he is considered both an enlightener (the story of the Garden of Eden literally is one where Lucifer tricks humankind into the secret divine knowledge of good and evil) and a corrupting force.

The spookier side of the occult is also pretty, and good dumb fun for theater kids for a while. If you really want evidence of the evil of the ruling elites, you shouldn't have to look for Masonic imagery on album covers or whatever. It isn't hidden. Whether the evil is paired with "Christian" mass media or "occult" imagery, you only have to look to how the state treats real people in the real world to understand it is Satanic. We are run by geriatric rapists, murderers, and tyrants, and I don't need to play Led Zeppelin backwards to understand that.


Most mass hyseria over occult symbolism in pop culture is absurd

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can people here give me some websites & free software or pirated software to convert words into audio reading so that I can make any book into a audiobook? preferably software that specialize in books.



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Praise the Sun!


but they're two different material conditions…

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pro-NEETing and anti-work memes. Infographics are also welcome.
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I hate the idea of wage labor not the worker. Wagie hate thread sounds like you are anti-worker.


School is way worse than work.
Crappy food, no freedom, not allowed to use cell phone, bulkying ,etc.

>But you dont have to pay bills

Neither do prisoners.


ermmm this is le reactionary or something


probably because neets aren't proles. or something.


no wagies, no wage labor

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what is the point of doing anything anymore? Why even better yourself as a person if the final destination is getting blown up by a grenade falling on your head from a Russian drone or Muhammad firing a RPG at you.
How fucked are we? What do we do?
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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>How fucked are we?
Completely. We are @ an infinitely WORSE condition as a political power than any left movement since 1917, & it just getting worse. & no you fucking morons, the fact that every single retard is bashing cuckitalism doesn't tell anything @ all, the elites would just throw 0.00001% of their profits into social budget & all these "critics" will instantly join the 2nd Freikorps in defence of socialist nation states against insane idealistic utopian commie radicals with their kike fairytales about one humankind with public ownership of the present universe.
>What do we do?
Actually realise your existential interests, for a start.
There's nobody who will do this for you & they know it & they made everything from the ground up to be this way worldwide. You're living in 1848-2 basically, maybe even earlier.




I think that researching this stuff is worthwhile whether or not you've already got the means to do anything more than researching it. You can't plan a counterattack, but you can at least get an idea of what an attack on you would look like.

For your question, though… I'd first recommend that you reach out to everyone you can. If you can do so, try to set up support networks.

In your city, you should look for local organizations' pages, and you should attend events. This won't open a door immediately, but it's liable to get you closer. You should continue to reach out to people as you do this.




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All women are normies.
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The fuck are you on, man? All living creatures want comfort. I mean, there are some wackos out there who fuck themselves with cacti or chop off their balls on camera and shove needles through their eyelids or whatever, but for the most part if it's alive it wants to be full, sheltered, warm, and safe.



But theyre moralists.
Moralists do not like seeing others being happy.


>women want something besides what i want
>wtf how could they!!!!


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Women get more rights and sympathy than children


Great chemistry between Krystal and Saagar in this episode.

Do you think she let him watch her pegging Kyle?


I don't get it


Do you think Krystal Ball let her co-host, Saagar Enjeti, watch her peg her boyfriend Kyle Kulinski in the ass prior to this segment, and the experience lifted Saagar's mood and made him more enthusiastic than he normally is during the filming of this episode of Breaking Points?

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 No.138676[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread was on .org when it split from bunkerchan, and it seemed to help. Lots of people just check and see nothing they want to respond to, well you have to respond to this (it says so in the subject field) so you will always make at least one post when you visit.
Consider it the random thread of /b/, the most random of all spork wielding penguins of doom
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Entertain God and your ass will follow


>the site is slow but the staff said they're aiming for higher quality posts!
>the posts:


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Save this 4 r9k uyghur faggot


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 No.154432[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>fellow blacks and browns welcomed
>NOT a wignat thread
>NOT a /pol/ thread
>pro cattle-breeding whites
>pro bleaching latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro germanification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>pro skandi-ification of latin america, africa, and MENA
>manosphere friendly
>robot friendly
>special-need friendly
>autist of any collor welcome
if everybody just fucks people with rare phenotypes like white skin or red hair then the gene pool will include more of those recessive genes in it. Sure everybody says recessive genes never show up if you have brown kids but who cares? The genes are still present and will eventually show up again, next time probably with more genetic variation in the DNA sequences to make them less recessive or sum.
112 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I am having oreos for breakfast tomorrow and there's literally nothing you can do about it.


glowies probably only come here for laughs.
They probably would put childblock on their WiFi services to prevent their children from becoming as pathetic as them.


That guy is wasting his genetics on an ugly ass gook instead of a High Tier Becky or Stacy. Over for his son.


>all of this race-cringed faggotry is unironically being drawn by & 4 actual shitskins with inherent inferiority fetish.
I fucking h8 uyghurs.

Yeah it's so bad 4 him bro, good 4 u 2 intervene on his part.

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