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Marriage is absolutely nothing, it's just a word. Being married has no special power and is just an idea, so if the ideas ends up sounding stupid, the marriage will fail.

Knowing yourself: You have to know if you actually want to be married of will you suddenly switch goals and realize you would rather be doing something else.

Like: For people to like each other, they need the same general hobbies, cultural ideas, and so on in order to be "best friends" because if you aren't best friends with your wife you will grow to dislike each other.

People who are young are highly unlikely to be in control of their own minds to understand long term values and understand friendship. So, getting married is not smart.

Talking about "marriage" in generally shows a HIGH LEVEL of stupidity because it means the person believes "marriage" is some transformative experience but once you get married you will be the same people.

In order to have a successful marriage you have to know who you are and so does the woman. You also have to LIKE EACH OTHER in an enduring way or it will fail.

I think regular marriages are crazy, let alone this.
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>implying that people are permanent and unchanging
bruh any relationship is going to sublate you a bit dawg. trouble is this is bad news for "well matched" partners too because that status can and does change. Know who you are is idealist slop homes. You are you and you are really quite simple not some irreducible puzzle but a matrix of neurons


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Blackpill:People Don't Change


People do change.
But never for the better


The divorce rate fucks people so hard it doesn’t even matter.


>"Why does Ongezellig have to fail but fucking Hazbin Hotel succeeds!? Or Digital Circus?!"
hardest truest line


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Next time a Finn starts bragging about how they 'won' the Winter War ask how giving up 11% of your country's landmass to your attacker constitutes a victory. The seething is hilarious.

It's even more hilarious when you mention the billions -adjusted for inflation- they needed to pay to the USSR after WW2 for reparations.
I dislike Russia as much as anybody else.

I just dislike the Finns even more. I've never met one that wasn't completely insufferable.

My ideal world involves every Finn and Russian killing each other.

I get it, the Finns have low standards for what the word victory means. No need to sell me on why they're such a shitty country!


>Russia is the HIV capital of Europe, and third globally after two African countries.
>Gay sex is the second leading cause of HIV spread.
>over 30% of Russians don’t have access to a toilet in their home.
>20-25% don’t even have plumbing and water.
>suicide rate is astronomically higher for similar age groups compared to other countries nearby.


f*Nns are just being prepared for round 3 in the special oekonomy operation (european theater) so there should be no surprise about the waves of saber rattling.

>My ideal world involves every Finn and Russian killing each other.

Based. Identoids are walking corpses by design anyway.


>Identoids are walking corpses by design anyway.
good ol' boys


finns and slavs are needed for the Natural-Breeding-Cloning-and-Birthing program. no more brother wars


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One second you're carrying your dying abuse towards childhood, the next vanishing into darkness. Oh well, drowning/freezing to death is probably better than just waited for your heart to give out.

examine the idea that even if you get what you want it won't make you happy. A truly brutal concept. Like at the end of the day no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you slave away, no matter how hard you practice or care or try it doesn't matter. There's a good chance you won't get what you want, and even if you did you would still be unhappy.


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World is a fuck
die Faggot.

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for someone who wants to get a gf?


People tend to hang out with and date in their own income range, and poor people still manage to get together, but I imagine you have more options if you aren't actually broke.

I know a guy who is currently behind on rent, isn't tall and still gets laid regularly. He just hits on anything that moves tbqh.


so none?


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I remember when my woman offered ME coffee and even offered to pay for it as a broke college student. Learn to vet women before you settle.

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Fellow home cooks, I figured we could use a thread for showing off our own creations and exchanging tips. Recipes and instructions are welcome but not required.


I tried to make this thread on >>>/hobby/19704 before, but as far as I'm concerned there should be more meals posted, it's almost like leftychan doesn't eat!


I made stuffed porta Bella mushrooms the other day. I'll repost it.l when I make them again. I made the stuffing from scratch. It was kind of just on the fly and not very stuffing like.
Maybe you guys can give me advice about making stuffing in the future.


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Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
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>Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
Stealing physical books is wrong because trees are a scarce resource and the store owner sacrificed his own capital and labor to purchase that inventory.

There is no such thing as "intellectual property" though. Download as many PDFs as you want. Electrons are not a scarce resource and cannot be meaningfully "owned" by anyone.

>burning the factory down
And when the pinketons start cracking skulls you run to daddy government for muh rights again.

>Theft is justified under the current economic order.

It's easy to support theft when you have nothing to lose. It's as hypocritical as a man who supports rape or white upper class toffs who live in gated communities and support mass immigration.

>Then, almost all at once, people got tired of it and agreed kids need to have a less stressful life,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Nobody is forcing you to be a worker you can quit anytime you want.
This. People will promote work as being a mandate for society but when it comes to your rights and the current economic order, they do a complete 180.


tbh most adults especially nowadays only care about their consumer power.
They whine about "adulting", treating work as a curse of living.
But they have no problem with drinking themselves to death or pigging out on fine dining.

People treat adulthood as a punishment because theyve been dumbed down by Victorian propaganda.


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>Is robbing bookstores morally right or wrong?
Generally inefficient and therefore 👻>morally👻 👻>wrong👻


>People will promote work as being a mandate for society
If you live on a desert island with no other people around do think you don't need to do work to keep yourself alive? The difference in society is that we exploit division of labor so instead of waiting 6 months for your food to grow you can do a few hours at minimum wage and eat for the whole week. Not to mention that in our socialist country you can refuse to work all together and live off the taxes that workers are forced to pay.

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Do you have anything in your will requesting to clear your machines/delete your browser history? What about accounts connected to auto-pay on porn sites? Hard drives filled with your hentai? Do you have someone you want to inherit your collection, and shared, or just have it all nuked like it didn't even exist?
I'm not sure how I'd feel if my family and friends found out I liked stuff like Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san, or artists like Maidoll, Radical Dream/Rindou and Murahachirou.
I do possess some porn that I have the last copy of, and want to upload it all somewhere so it isn't lost forever. Though, lots of porn from the 90s and 2000s became lost media. I assume some of my favorites may have the same fate.


i dint think tht far ahed


Do what your heart tells you to do


>Hard drives filled with your hentai?
Why are your harddrives not encrypted.

>What about accounts connected to auto-pay on porn sites?

Why are you paying for porn.

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How would a stateless, classless and moneyless society benefit incels? The 2 most popular copes are porn and prostitutes, but in a society where one doesn't need money, what's the incentive for women to make porn or become prostitutes? They can obtain all the sex they want for free anyway, and they're certainly not going to show themselves off to incels. So how would incels cope under socialism or communism?
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>They went to STEM.
And what if I told you theoretical physics is just as useless as gender studies.

You are not a victim of "capitalism" you got scammed by the university racket and the socialist government policies that keep it alive.


>"socialism" is when colleges lend out loans

Yea ok bud


>"socialism" is when colleges lend out loans
Socialism is when then government uses tax money to guarantee those loans. Nobody is lending out $100,000 of their own money to 18 year olds so they can get a gender studies degree. Like everything the government does it is a scam to redirect taxes into private hands (not yours though).


ypure still relying on right wing strawmen. Most of those 18yos sremt getti g loams to grt gender studies degree.

Theyre goin into STEM.


>Theyre goin into STEM.
>And what if I told you theoretical physics is just as useless as gender studies.

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Tolerance weakens countries as it creates a lack of unity and productivity.

I especially hate the idea of going to a part of a city where no one speaks English. People can't work together, if there's an emergency people couldn't help very well and so on. The more isolated pockets we have in a country the less it's the same country anymore.
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It may be best to wait out the polarity of emotions before proceeding.


That other anon was right.
I think "multiculturalism" as a slur is just projection of your social neglect




typical imageboard user reaction upon differing opinions


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