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The irl soyjak poked the bear and got chomped. Simple as.


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>the victim's activist gf, who witnessed the murder, refused to identify the race of the perp to police
The absolute state of NYC gentrifiers man.

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London fashion week is lit




what's it cost though? level iv costs like mid 200 more if you want certified. snazzy soft is only like level iii I believe so it won't look as good or it won't be that tough.


leftists don't care about fashion. mods






im thinkin weer back

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>car ownership has gone up since 2006
>Insta-worthy road trips and endless selfies
>meanwhile: the reality of owning a car in America
Never-ending parking scavenger hunts in city jungles to the absurd insurance bills, it's like a bad reality show. Never mind even rental cars!

Anybody got experience in remote rural regions?

Discuss personal transportation vs public transportation.


Your chart kinda sucks, is it supposed to be a percentage of 30k? Or is the vehicle itself 30k and then you pay more for fuel, but then wtf does 28% fuel mean!?

There's also parking which can be expensive. Cars suck, if I had a lot more money I would probably have one for weekends but thankfully I live in a bigger city and i have ways to get around to about 90% of events that I want to and I have to rent a car once every few months or ride-share.


Cars are for fags and women
>Muh, convenience and comfort


cars are for chads and revolutionaries
>sorry I can't start the protracted peoples war, my mum won't give me a lift


You're thinking of tanks. I either want a tank or good public transport.

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>Can't we all just get along, man?

I though capitalism was the root of genocidal wars. But by all realistic accounts, the world is actually much more peaceful than in the past.

How are we to understanding this contradiction in leftist thought?
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>Fee fees hurt


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Kek he actually said the line


real leftists are obsessed with race war cuckolding


Real leftists repeat that mantra 'dats rayciss' ad naseuem


built for BNC (Big Neanderthal Cock)

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How do you change your behavior?




Epic >:^)

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Hot take: you can't call yourself a revolutionary Marxist if you're fat and out of shape
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Do yourself a favor and alleviate your Dunning Kruger syndrome by Googling 'serratus anterior'


How about no you corporate shill. Throwing science words around doesn't change the fact that those men are malnourished not fit and you had a meltdown because somebody pointed it out and now you can't unsee it.


Have another hotdog, Jeff


>doesn't know what fitness looks like without male-troonism aka steroids abuse


Who the fuck do you think will build communal system of production planning so we won't have to employ tsaroid/bourg bueracracy-management, politically empowering these shits in the process once again which will lead us to guess what? Dig the damn cable trench!

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Interesting article on how the (((USA))) is using rap and identity politics to undermine the Cuban government


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feodalism is ba
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>caring about spelling on the internet


thats exactly how it is in some languages


Let's be real. Lots of 20th century Jews desired something akin to the Holocaust in order to justify to creation of their settler state

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Anarcho-tyranny's silver lining
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Idk, some newfag libertarian just showed up. I'm more of a futurist/vitalist.

Newfag seems to think the solution is just to go back in time when capitalism was ok. I'm not under any delusion that that's possible, and instead postulate that capitalism has already been outmoded by a managerial-technocracy. The solution, I'd suppose, is simple a better form of managerial-technocracy that closer approximates what you fags call socialism (minus the dysgenic woo woo social justice nonsense).


so you think seeing extremely poor people isn't dysgnic ?


Does this make sense to anyone?


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Seems like a chud thread. Very soy, very chud.


Pasquale is waiting for you to service his girldick

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